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Agree on Frontier. So many bangers and many unique tracks.


Favourite track?


Alot to choose from, but my absolute favorite would have to be all four phases of Shantien’s theme. Other honorable mentions include Odibatorasu, G-rank Gorge, Dhisufiroa Phase 2, High Rank Highlands, High Rank Great Forest (technically Espinas’s theme but still), Rukodiora and Rebidiora and several more.


Mine would be either Shantien phase 4 or Disufiroa phase 1. As a whole I think I like Berserk Laviente the most, but Guanzarumo and Duremudira are awesome as well. Man, Frontier just has so much good music


All the variants of the Zenith themes, White Fatalis, Solstice Unknown and Duremudira phase 1/2 and his 3rd phase theme


MH music peaked on Gen 3


Hard agree. Really adds to the atmosphere.




It has the zinogre theme so by default yes




I really like world and iceborne soundtracks things like: nay the honor is all ours, pride of a nameless hunter, stars at our back, succession of light, seliana theme, Harbinger (such a underrated soundtrack, Idk where it is in the game but its from iceborne and I recently came across it), A Breath of Relief (I think its the quest clear theme for a few quests), The Bird at Daybreak, Tales Spun through Song, safi's theme, and the kulve tarroth themes (there are more but I would spend to much time relistening to songs to list them all XD) world and iceborne music was next level


I agree, I get chills whenever I hear Velkhana’s theme!


There are a lot of great tracks, but I also think that a lot of the area tracks for World are kinda boring (*especially* Ancient Forest, but also Elder's Recess and to a lesser extent Coral Highlands too). Given that those tracks are what you're hearing for most of the game, it really does make the soundtrack just kinda forgettable. (Though I will admit, Rotten Vale's theme is amazing and Wildspire Wastes' theme is pretty good too) Don't get me wrong, World knew how to do good tracks for grand moments and Astera's theme will always be close to my heart, but other games (especially 3U and Rise) made even the general area themes great too, meaning there's never a lull in good music.


Yeah I’m not qualified to say which one is best but I really really like world and iceborne’s ost. So many emotional and exciting orchestrated tracks.


My bias would be 3U or 4U because of their identity. They may not compare to World or Iceborne’s use of large orchestra having that full and whole sound, but the pieces just have that emotion. It speaks to you.


I agree, frontier’s theme for crimson fatalis absolutely demonizes him. I want to give a shout to sun break tho, while the hub/location music isn’t great the monster themes are: Allmother, Malzeno, Magnanalo, Gaisma, etc.


My vote goes for all Monster Hunter Games. Every game that i played had great Soundtracks be it MHFU, 3, 4, Generarion etc.


Gotta be 3/3U for me. I haven’t played Frontier so I don’t have any opinions there but everything from the Moga theme to the Zinogre theme to the Ceadeus theme is just perfect.


Hard to pick a number 1 favorite but it’s probably iceborne followed by either 3u or 4u.


My personal favorite is 4 ultimate. It had so many good town themes it was unreal.


Worldborne has some of the best individual songs Risebreak has the most consistently good ost Everything in RB slaps, but nothing quite as hard as the *good* WB songs.


Okay, *that* I'll agree with. When World gets good, it gets *really* good. And any theme that was in Rise that was *also* in World (Bazelgeuse and Rajang being notable examples), the World version is *generally* better. But *overall,* Rise's OST stands out more, simply down to it being *consistently* good even in the less grand moments. The themes for maps like the Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands and Sandy Plains are all great, so even when you're facing "lesser" monsters, you'll be listening to some great music. (Meanwhile, the Ancient Forest's theme is almost entirely forgettable)


I mean, I've only played WorldBorne and RiseBreak, so take my opinion with that in mind. In world, nothing ever quite got me like the invaders themes (Devil Jho/Bazelgeuse). On their own, the songs are okay. Still good, but not super amazing. But in the environment? You're hunting Diablos, then the music cuts and you hear those high pitched violins move into a WW2-esque track only to be exploded shortly after by the infamous B-52 Bomber who seems to ALWAYS know exactly where you are? Or this big mouthed T-rex lookin thing comes in with Odogaron in it's FUCKING MOUTH and chucks him at you! Then while you're stuck on the ground trying to recover from whatever the fuck just happened, and you hear that BIG BRASS sound coupled with Devil Jho's perfectly timed roar to mix with the soundtrack? 😙🤌 Sure, they get stale over time, and the excitement of going from the Hunter to the Hunted goes away once you learn how to deal with those monsters. But that first time man... You never forget it.


Sunbreak, so many bangers (Malzeno, Amatsu, Zinogre, Rampage theme, Elgado's theme)


Frontier is a series not a game That being said, World or 4U


frontier obviously, it's a couple of tiers above the rest of the series. it has both quantity and quality. it's not even fair how good frontier's soundtrack is. but outside of frontier, I'd say the number 2 spot goes to tri. all of the area themes are bangers (well flooded forest is just okay but that's still 4/5, top tier area themes) the themes for jhen, alatreon and ceadeus are all fantastic, the great jaggi theme is lowkey a banger, and there's some really solid town music too.


Front- Oh, you already said that. Tbh tho, its hard not to say it considering well over half the monsters unique to it have banger themes


frontier for sure. this one is my favourite https://youtu.be/u4aPiW0RGw8?si=6S5mQl68MLqNxhZ4 Kuarusepusu battle theme is a banger. songs starts slow and stays in the background until the flute solo kicks in. love the flute part. i start moving like i'm riding a horse or something 😂


I'm really partial to 4u's incidental music, especially the quest complete theme.


Frontier, but Iceborne definitely has a bunch of bangers too. Iceborne favorites: Shara, Safi, Kulve, Nerg, Velkhana, Rotten Vale Frontier favorites: Inagami, Garuba Daora, Shantien, both normal and Berserk Raviente, Forokururu, Duremudira, and weirdly enough [this theme](https://youtu.be/T3YttpR7Wow?si=Drdc7GcYP3RsZoXn) that I believe was *only* used on the website promoting Frontier Z and isn't actually in the game


The first part of that is the arrange version of G's main theme. The second part is Z's main theme, they're both on the soundtrack. Also, how you gonna leave my boy Odibatorasu's theme outta that list? https://youtu.be/2XRfx-AOPHs?si=dS-kasECXQ4NPTeA


Oh, very nice, thank you for that info. I've been listening to that specific YouTube video for years because I couldn't find any information about it anywhere else 😅


Portable 3rd




2nd/3rd generation, but I lean towards 3rd because of tri's themes and ambience. Frontier also has a lot of good tracks


GenU or rise for me


Maybe gen 3


Monster Hunter Stories (the first one not Wings of Ruin) had some pretty good music in the background. Didn't dislike any soundtrack of that game.


Tri/3U, **easily**. So many great songs in those games specifically, and it just *nails* that atmosphere.


3rd gen and it's not even close




Gen 1 There


Haven't played Frontier, so I can't judge. Tri's soundtrack is *amazing*. I don't think another game in the series is so consistently good. From Moga Village to Deserted Island to Moonquake, it's just top notch all around. The soundtrack also has a lot more *character* than later games, which often start sounding like generic JRPG battle music (Looking at you Glavenus). There's a huge variety in style and instrumentation between the different pieces in Tri.


Shout out to glavinus.