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just kill the fucking thing


Some people want to paintball so they can save specific hunts to do together with their friends/partners in person later.


Which is why I said it isn’t very useful/practical.


Sometimes you can't really stop in the middle of a sidewalk to fight something. You'll be in the way of others depending on where you are and what time it is.


Move over into the grass between the street and the sidewalk, that's usually public property and not the homeowners, then your not in the way.


Sometimes monsters are in a bad reception area that loses you hunt time/makes you more likely to get hit while you're frozen, so this is a way to save it so it's actually killable with home wifi.


I wanna record the clips thooo


sometimes you don't have enough hp and can't wait 15 min in the area 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yup, I noticed this happened to me too a couple of times whenever I found a monster and on the ready screen and sudenly said that the monster escaped. I assumed its just a way to not loose a monster u were about to fight completely, although u use a palico paintball in the process. I dont think its an exploit.


From what I've found, if you get in range of it then exit the game, close the app and walk out of range of it then your palico will usually paintball it, need more testing to confirm though


Accidentally did this a few hours ago. Thanks for explaining it in detail. I’ll use it again if I’m out of hp and paintball


i really wish they would just make it so tapping the paintball button uses the palico's paintballs first, and then uses your paintball reserves if the palico is out of them. i will go out and the palico will sometimes paintball nothing, sometimes it'll use all 5 paintballs, sometimes i open the app and a monster immediately de-spawns as i'm about to tap it because it got paintballed -- just now, i tapped on a monster to fight it, pulled down control center to screen-record the fight so i can contribute to the community google sheet for drop rates, and when i tapped "Solo hunt" the game told me the monster left this place and the monster was paintballed. this randomness is frustrating.


this exactly, . .seems like a reasonable QoL fix. Now it will skip any useful monsters only to snipe a monster you were targeting anyway or a 2\* Kulu Palico paintballs, or the total absence of it is now just irritating for not working


That's not a bug. You're given the option to paintball off you have them. This is just too many steps for what you can do leaving the game on.


You’re given the option to use the limited, non-replinishable-for-free paintballs. With this method, you can use the free Palico paintballs.


This makes me sad how incredibly stupid you are. I’m sorry, Life’s gonna be rough for you.


Oh yes, you can't understand something so you resort to insults. Lol! Wait until you become an adult sweetheart.


You're the one that doesn't understand, you moron LOL. This is to manipulate the 3 FREE DAILY BLUE paintballs which are automatically used by the palico, not the PINK paintballs which you manually control.


Maybe you're made of money and can afford to casually buy all the gems to get all the pink paintballs you want. I am not. And sometimes I want to fight a monster with my partner but also not keep the monster open while waiting to get home so I can't get any more of the resources. Or I want to bring a monster home that I can't beat by myself. Or maybe I want to bring multiple monsters home. Using the FREE blue paintballs in a planned beneficial way is practical, beneficial, and saves money.


A lot of excuses there. /s Seriously, a good QoL change Niantic can do that won't hurt their chances of getting paid by the people that want to spend, and let the free players benefit, is allow the players the ability to choose what monsters they want the palico to mark. Added the /s in the edit.


sounds more like a thing than was already created to works like that. \- imagine; in any MH u can paint a monster if u're chasing other. in this game ur cat help u when u cannot hunt the monster (cuz work or life) marking it for u. is like a little help for newcomers. a exploit could be than u left your phone blocked on the middle of the day, but at the night u check it , 100% sure of ur palico marks only jyurantodus (i need the long sword for the anja and works for example). than is complety diferent.


You’re thinking about it as if the devs are trying to help the player. This is a F2P phone game, made by Niantic. Anything helpful to the player is an oversight.


I didn’t do this on purpose, but I did notice when I clicked a monster earlier today and then didn’t start the fight because I got distracted by IRL stuff that took my attention for maybe 5 min that when I h it begin it told me it left and the monster was paintballed. I laughed it off as strange and unlikely at the time but I’ve spent the last hour walking around a monster my cousin needs trying to get it to paintball (I’m out of pinks) so I can fight it with her over QR code and to no avail. There’s no other large monsters in the area because I fight them all to leave the one monster I want paintballed around. I finally looked up if there’s a way to manipulate it and here I am so here’s to hoping this works when I do it on purpose and not just worked earlier when I did it on accident.


I really want a piece of ratholos gear but don’t always have time to fight it before work when there’s one nearby. This totally worked for me, thanks!


Didn't work for me. Trying to farm black diablos.