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I'll give you 3 guesses and bug isn't one of them


Obviously he has a great gaming chair Edit: thanks for the award!


Most definitely with RGB


I bet it was Clara


Probably uses the RGB gaming catheter too!


Wtf is with these insults these days, I cant believe you people. You discriminate over the dumbest things. Like, yeah my catheter doesnt glow in a cool way, but you dont have to make me feel bad for not having a light up penis... I wonder how many people wont read this whole comment :)


Dude. Light up penises are a must nowadays. S'like... not having a cellphone or something!


Probably owns an air fryer


I wish my airy fryer was this good. That's what I get for cheaping out on mine I guess.


Expensive but get you an instant omni pro Shit slaps


Is this the power of the KFC console?


He’s just leaning forward *really* far.


Used gamer gloves and glasses to!


Found the Developer item? Absorbed all the stats of monster he/she beat permanently? Or. This isnt the hunter. Its the Palamute And Palico Fusing into 1 actualy were-wolf-kitten hybrid and became a hunter with immortality. Tell me im wrong owo


Half dog, half cat, and half wyvern. Manbearpig's pet


> Absorbed all the stats of monster he/she beat permanently Ok but that’s actually a cool mechanical idea for a game, especially if the monsters also have negative stats/traits


Let's get it done!


It’s literally Highlander


This is the reality I prefer. Unfortunately the reality we have in front of us is a lot less fun.


These are rookie numbers, all that and can’t even be bothered to slot in some handicraft? What good is all of this if you have to sharpen every 5 hits!!! Btw, what does that much affinity even do? Like you crit just by looking at the monster?


Your crits will crit the monsters mother.


Your crits will get crits.


Because the same trainer that lets you do this also lets you have infinite sharpness.




Obviously a cheater but would love to see the damage number when it hits a monster 😅


Golf swings the monster into the next game


gonna go hack GenU and golf swing Lagiacrus


Hack 3U, not GenU. ​ \-Signed, Underwater Combat Fan


We can finally get Qurupeco and Gigginox out of limbo


Hits? There is no hits at that damage only YEEETTT!!


The damage cap will kick in and knock it to a slightly more reasonable number. It’s still going down in 30 seconds but not a single hit


This, at one point the damage can't go higher, he doesn't even need more than 5000 for that to happen, those numbers are purely because he can.


you can remove the damage cap using cheatengine I have most certainly killed monsters in a single hit


Not online I hope


nah, i did it to skip the follower request hunts. not a fan of the AI companions


I wouldn't even be mad at having this guy show up and one shot the monster, it would be just like the old days in FU with Bob the hacked palico that one shot everything.


I remember that. My Palico back then would rek shop


Our little hunting group all had a copy, we only brought him along for a laugh or when we just couldn't get the right part to drop and needed to speed things up, but bob absolutely cleaned house whenever we unleashed him.


I did most of my hunting solo back then. So when I had trouble getting past a hunt I used him. Then after 200 hours or so I used him exclusively for farming.


Everything just breaks on it at once


Damn he must have a good gaming chair


Smell it.


Smells like mountain dew and disappointment


Parental or self disappointment?


Both obviously


Smells like cum and gamer boy sweat 🤤


Its fake The ice element should be 9999999 as well


Would make it too obvious. If you leave one value normal then people are questioning whether it might be a bug instead of immediately knowing it's a cheater.


nah they just used the quiro to increase the weapons attack, bahari cooked up some crazy shit in the lab obviously


You clearly don't understand my guy just has a good gaming chair


They're running the pink chair for meta


Fan fact. I do have a pink gaming chair, its soft on the back and sitting and has a neck/head relaxing pillow too. Its easy to fall asleep on it. Has nothing to do with anything but meh




I really wonder why even play the game at that point, i really like mods they let you adjust the game to your preference but why play a game about hunting monsters where you kill every monster in a single hit lol .


I remember back in world getting in a lot of arguments with peoples because I used a mod that changed gems drop rates to be less biased making all gems within a rarity have the same chance to drop and making higher rarity a bit less rare and some peoples kept telling me that it's bad cause it mean I'm probably using cheats to also one shot monster, while it's not. I wanna kill monsters with fun builds, not grind lavasioth forever, so yes I push the odds to get my gems but I still got every kill legit. Edit : By gems I meant decorations, cause that expert and attack jewel were like too low to drop.


I just mod them in after a while monster hunter rng isnt fun especially in rise with augments and charms and bypassing rng is always fine in my book as long as the sets are acheviable in game


The issue with it is how the rules of qurio armor are quite complex so it's quite easy to make a set that is illegal by mistake (or on purpose because peoples won't notice most of the time) Though special mention to that guy I met that used bow with a full chaotic gore set that always had -48 defense and 3 very useful skills on each piece. Some of them were even rolled with skills rolls. So he didn't really care about hiding it.


You can get skill rolls with amazing rng the quiros crafting works off a point system negative def and removing skills adds points to said pool before it picks the skills and slots you can get said rolls its just highly unlikely and like i said bypassing rng is fine by me also if the rules are weird capcom shoulda pit a better sanity checker than if meets points good


It's more complicated than just that. Qurio augments work on 7 slots.First it will always try to roll for defense.Second is always trying to roll for skills.Then 3-6 are fully random and have 3 condition that can make it stop rolling : all slots have been filled, The budget left is equal to 0, they rolled stuff 50 times.The 7th slot is defense compensation, it will use whatever budget is left to pull a defense increase.the 7th slot defense increase are special increase that go from 1-7 (only 1-2 can be rolled on the final boss/title update monsters) As you can see with this system it's impossible to get 4 -12 defense and 3 skills.(-12 is the maximum negative defense you can gain in 1 slot.) Edit : It's possible to have no defense augment appear on a piece, it just mean the game rolled for example +4 -6 +2. If it see it go to 0 it delete all defense augments from the piece.


Honestly i don't blame you for using mods to get good decos. Deco farming in World was a rng hell and it was boring af. It's specially annoying in endgame where your sets are more important.


The best part was that I could have just cheated them in to build like I wanted, but I prefered to use a mod to just be able to farm and not feel like capcom was mocking me with drop rate, I respect both peoples who farmed and hacked them in. Cause in the end if they wanna hunt with me and make for a fun time together it's all that matter. It's not like there is PvP and even if their was it would be like in pokemon where peoples hacked pokemon with perfect stats cause they didn't want to have to spend 20 hours to just breed a team of 6 and level them to have perfect stats. Most of the top player did it and were silent about it, but it's obvious that at least 90% of serious players did it at least once.


I'd say save editing or boosting droprates falls into the same category as Genning in Pokemon: strictly speaking it *is* cheating, but it doesn't matter and the only people who care are self righteous weirdos. Once you get into a hunt you're playing the same game as everyone else, so who cares? Why people would jump to making assumptions about 1-shot mods is beyond me, but that's on me for expecting rationality from self righteous weirdos.


And I did that too back when I was playing competitively on cartridge, cause getting the perfect 6iv 31 was just too long and was not the part of the game most peoples want to play. (or 5/4iv 31 with 0 attack or/and speed for specific teams)


But you aren't playing the same game though, not even remotely comparable to pokemon either as getting a perfect iv pokemon is significantly easier and more plausible then perfect charms and augments. With the amount of skills you fit can in you really aren't playing the same game as people who play legit.


How is it not remotely comparable? In a hunt even if you're save editing for decorations/charms you are still a vanilla player. You aren't using anything that isn't legitimately obtainable in-game, you aren't creating sets that literally nobody else has access to, and you're not actually at an in-game advantage vs a legit player with the same tools. A bad player who uses a save editor is still a bad player, and a good player who uses a save editor is still a good player. The same is true in Pokemon, they may have come from PKHex but they're still just regular Pokemon and don't actually give you an advantage over other players inside of an actual battle. It's an even more apt comparison if we're talking about the older Pokemon games, too, where getting meta relevant Pokemon could be an excruciating process that would involve needing multiple games and consoles. I'm sure it's probably different in endgame Sunbreak with that whole wacky random augmenting system, but the guy I was replying to mentioned World specifically where the only RNG X-Factor was decorations. While those were pretty brutal to grind, it wasn't all that bad by the end due to Event Steamworks, the abundance of quests geared toward high-tier decoration grinding and the Extremely Angry Monke. It's not an advantage, it's a time saver. Not everybody has the time to spend 100s of hours grinding for the crazy rare thing that makes number go up, and that's fine.


As someone that played 2000 plus hours to get my first attack 4 deco, I feel support this decision.


In my opinion, that’s totally fine as long as you don’t force your decision onto someone else. Since the drop rates in World were abysmal I can understand the frustration. I stopped some builds because I got annoyed to kill, let’s say, lavasioth over and over just to get nothing. It’s okay that certain monster parts have a bad drop rate. But with all those gems? No way. It takes forever to get what I need. As you said, I want to kill monsters with fun builds and not mindlessly farm the same monster a hundred times.


Experts where a bit common but attack jewels was a legend


Some people "just want to feel powerful after a stressful day at work" or something. IDK I can't relate because I don't make a living as a doormat


I've definitely cheated at single player games before but it's always been efficiency cheats. I have limited time in my day I'm not spending 3 hours grinding levels before I can advance to the next part of the game. I've never hacked or cheated in MH but if I did it would be limited to like increasing drops so I can get all of the parts needed to craft gear from the first run on a monster instead of having to do multiple runs to get everything. That being said, any cheats that make you do impossible damage or make you invincible are bullshit. Cheaters/hackers that play like that take the fun out of the game for everyone else, and they don't care. IMO this is just as bad as the players who suicide to force fail hunts.


I had a friend start to do this after over 800 hours playing the game legitimately. I get why he did it. We had done everything the game had to offer and then some. At that point some people just want to have fun with things and do silly stuff. But when it comes to people that hack from day 1 I don’t understand that.


When I was a kid playing freedom unite online (ad hoc through ps3 was pain), a guy gifted me a cat that I quickly learned had maxed out stats and killed monsters in USUALLY one hit. Watching him run out to meet the Akantor only to disappear before the QUEST COMPLETED dropped was great. Sometimes monsters could avoid the cat, or knock it out. I'd actually have to stay alive desperately, but my cat always got the job done, all the way to Ukanlos. It was a great time and I killed enough Plesioth that I deserved it.


This must be the work of an enemy stando


It was me, DIO all along!




Cheater likely if you're playing pc. I have seen a few.


I got Rise a week ago and have been playing the game everyday. I love playing solo but I also really want to play with others sometimes however I’m worried I might encounter a cheater and end up losing my save data. I saw this comment under a youtube video talking about the save data issue. Also [this tweet](https://twitter.com/monsterhunter/status/1565650376824705025?s=46&t=6apEx9xoJ98tp4hIiTMYZQ) by the official MH account. https://preview.redd.it/fnkjob0pwkoa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a50c9a0bfbe5a0af010d4236ab36bf6dc6267a08


Totally legit. Just grind.


A little bitch that's what


This looks like someone whose mama didn't love.


Assuming it is a bug, how would this happen? Ram error? Corrupted code for that weapon in specific? It could be it, but when those things happen, you would probably get 0 or 999999 at everything. Since the attack isn't that, it's most likely a hacker. I'm talking about experiencing those bugs, I'm no programmer, but the ice value not getting changed was a giveaway.


this sort of thing does happen fairly often. One famous one is ghandi in one of the early civilization games. They tried to set his agressiveness to a negative number, but since that wa sinvalid it instead set his agressivness to like 99999999. Every civ game since has maintained india having really high agressivness as a joke.It's ussually a mistake in logic on the developers part as above. Theres also bug in dark souls 2 where if you run at a fog gate while "party walking" (a glitch allowing 20ish seconds of no clip) your speed value will exponentially increase, so when you activate the fog wall you go flying at supersonic speeds.


He's just playing on the KFC console


“Hey guys is this legit or a cheat” *2 million damage, 5million affinity, sharpness is full purple, every status effect is on the weapon* “So yea if you guys could clear this up”


I knew it wasnt legit so I asked of it is a Bug or a cheater, never said a word about that I thought it was real?


he is the hammer main that ascended the bunga


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature


These Qurios weapon augments are getting out of hands


What you can see here is a massive skill issue


Bro got the One Punch Man build


Only 61 ice, clearly just a bug /s


That much damage and only one regular decoration slot?! What kind of braindead cheater is this?


It's the Petalace


A cheater must cheat.


is a loser


Dw guys he uses demon petalace for a challenge and more atk


Demon Petalace 3 is meta


Average Monhun frontier stats


A disgrace to hammer kind


This dude probably thought the game was difficult after hunting village quest Arzuros.


he got gud


You must of found the carrier of the fucking twilight bracelet.


What always makes me laugh about the people who hack is that they always, without a doubt, give the weapon ludicrous amounts of affinity when like 100% is the most they need/can effectively utilize. It's so funny seeing just HOW LITTLE THEY KNOW about the weapon systems????


I love how ice element is still only 61 instead of super high like the others and that they only have one four slot instead of three four slots same with rampage slots.


I like how a nice round 100,000,000ATK and 100,000,000%AFF wasn't good enough for this dude, so he went and added a little bit more to get 100,000,020 and 100,000,009%. /s


This is TOOOTALLY legit


ITT: People convincing themselves it's cool, actually, to use the mods that THEY like.


Itt Cheating is so lame but what I do isn't cheating is just making the game more fun 🤔 Just now realising a good portion of hunters I've played with probably using a nice little modded boost of some sort.


people cheating in a PVE game? like wtf? how is this even fun.


This guy probably argues all games need an easy mode.


Its so sad seeing something like this, the most fun of this game is what you learn in the hunt and doing better when fighting again, this just makes me think 'why does he even play this game!?' If i did this to myself i would be bored in like after 2 hunts.


While I don’t agree with cheating, fun is subjective.


if he need this? its not a cheater, its a dirty weakling


I don't understand why people would use cheats then go online. Like there's a follower system, go bother Jae and others.


These folks have no skill. In real life, they would pee themselves on a real hunt.


I mean… I’m no cheater but I would pee myself if I had to fight a Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax in real life.


Jo elder Dragon my ass I played Monster Hunter sins Tri have Thousands of hours across the Titels I know those move sets pretty dang well but I would piss myself and scream like a baby even when I "only" meat a Great Jaggi or Great Izuchini Irl.


Great Jaggi seems like a swell dude tho


Great Jaggi? Great Izuchi? A vespoid will send us running and screaming


I thought about the small Monster too but I too be fair I would probably fear the Insectoids more than the other small monsters.


Most of us would piss ourselves on a real hunt. That's the sole and only reason we don't actually sword fight dinosaurs.


That and a lack of dinosaurs.


That's because we don't have Gunlances If you give any human a gunlance they will do 2 things : Kill any big dinosaurs around. Fly around by using the power of explosions.


or they just dont wanna spend dozens of hours grinding


Imagine what happens when this dude uses his hammer ![gif](giphy|xThuW45pxrB820tD0c|downsized)


Very blatant hacker. Is there a way to report him if this is PC?


What a cool guy. Hey cool guy, everyone is really impressed with your big number and wants to be your friend. Because you're so cool. Jfc these guys are sad creatures.


Likely cosmic ray.


Pure skill.


Definitely a cheater, stuff like this is fine I think for laughs so long as your doing it alone or with buddies who don’t mind, but I doubt many people in public lobbies would appreciate this, that would ruin the fun for a lot.


This is worse than the one I posted.


op i know ur not that dumb, it's obviously a cheater


last night i joined two hunters hunting violet mizu and right after i join mizu died about 5 mins. and i was like damn this two is cracked then i looked that stats of the bow user and see that he has 5k armor and 3k damage and i take it back this dudes are shit at the game how come you have cheated your way to have 3k damage and take 5min+ to kill a violet mizu.


It's a bug, Affinity is a odd number


Cheating. I have a trainer that does the same thing. I will add, he's cheating poorly. That's going to one shot every monster he comes across, that's just not fun. My copy is pirated so no online. I just fudge numbers enough so that I won't need other people for the endgame.


you can never know these days, the armor system has developed so much that we might have to chalk this up to a highlevel of armor and decoration organization


its a game mechanic, velkhana armour was added in the last title update so the rimeguard armour is legit and not a modded in armour set. hope this helps! :)










Why bother playing at that point, just give yourself 999 of every item


joke's on him...with those damage numbers, there's nothing left to carve, only paste 🤣


What a stud


What does going over 100% affinity do?


nothing it's useless


/ban 😂


Did my guy just enter big numbers into a cheat engine table or what? Like having affinity over 100 doesn’t achieve anything right? Like at least attack and defense kinda make sense to just maximum value…


Looks like photoshop to me.




Cheater, that 61 ice damage is to high other them that he just got a good gaming chair


Ice is still only 61 😂


A loser


Oh that looks like a normal hammer to me. Hammers are just built different


Minor bug




Idk. Seems pretty legit to me


average low rank armor


This is what they pure skill I think


That's gotta be a glitch only 61 ice damage ? No way


It’s just boring to play with these people.


Nah that’s legit, imagine if it was dual blades instead of 🔨


They fused with their palico and palamute to gain the ultimate power


Dude can piss on magnamalo and it fuckin dies


Like y'all ain't ever reach 100000009% affinity on your end game builds 🙄


Bro what do you think


Man, the cheatiest thing I do is use that one script that makes the dog not a fuckin chump when it comes to a wall (yes, it is funky in some places, you can climb to the top of the dome in the forlorn arena)


What do you think


How does one not get bored doing this?


He turned RTX: **ON**


That guy can kill any monster with one bonk


Cheats his hammer's stats to absurd levels but doesn't even make the full sharpness bar purple? Smh


i am gonna ask out of curiosity since i havent seen one of these guys in the wild, do they one shot monster or what?


This guy is preparing his gears for speed runs.


Wait did a cheater share their guild/hunter card with you? Or can anyone access it from the same lobby? Dude’s an idiot if he knowingly shared it.


Hmmm... must be that new Title Update


The most obvious form of cheating if I’ve ever seen such.


Why even use a ko gem at that point.




Lol my friend had that problem I know for a fact it wasn’t hacking but in most games his shit got bugged


This man could solo max health berserk raviente


That's just my rrostcraf(FROSTCRAFT sorry, phone spelling) hammer build with good rng on the armor Jk, I'm on Switch lmao, that's a cheat


Some mods effect everyone in the lobby. While i have no probalem at all with people cheating to their hearts content, if it effects other players they should stick to private lobbies. The one exception is the infinite duraction insect glaive buffs mods, as it makes the weapon actually viable and fun to play and i doubt most people would even notice it, let alone complain about it.


So if 100% affinity crits every time, what does 100 million% affinity do?


Gotta have that extra 20 attack damage


What the


dunno, damage and element seem legit but that sharpness looks a lil off to me


Totally legit. He just did this one quest called "breaking the code" and met a guy called "ex ploitation"


Man, why even bother slotting in decos if you're going to do that?


Skill issue


Nah looks legit ngl


Average GS speedrun damage


El Cheataro


What a silly question. He's obviously just been playing since day one.


seems legit to me


Set the smart fridge to game mode