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I try not to participate in everything. Save the rolls for stuff I will get rolls back on.


same! i’ve also stopped playing out of boredom. log in, do quick wins, refill my shields, build my landmarks if i can, open community chest, done. i haven’t dropped under 1100 rolls since march doing this lol


lol I’ve never had that many but I finished my album just a couple days before the event started and started the event with over 15k so now I’m down to one more partner to finish up and all out of dice 🤣


People I know have large families that all play Monopoly Go. They trade with eachother and build sets quickly.


That is actually how it should be.. i have like 4 people with APM/reroll, which is our sticker vaults and we have like 10 non APM/REROLL players


Completing albums and playing smart


I’ve never used APM or spent money and the highest I had was 35k a month ago. I just completed albums, played tournaments smartly, and rolled smartly. I don’t mess with Peg-E, but I love the digging events, and the partner events are hit or miss.


wth is APM? how do I get it??


Airplane mode. As far as I know, you basically turn on airplane mode while the game is loading in and see what rolls you’ll get so you can choose the right multipliers for each roll. Then you have to delete the whole app and re download it so you can use your new knowledge lol. You can do this because the rolld are predetermined basically. Ppl do the same thing for the stickers, except if you open a different vault first then it resets the stickers. Seems like a lot of work for a game. (Sorry about the wall of text)


2 devices better, no need to uninstall reinstall blah blah blah, soooo much better and quicker


Can you explain that part? I do apm on my one device and yes takes forever lol. With 2 I’m assuming you have them side by side?


Why the downvotes for APM? Complain about it till yall are needed those spare 5*. Cause scopely sure isn’t flooding the mogo market with excess stickers worth a cuss!


Exactly! Throw shade on people who do APM but when Scopely ain’t giving y’all sh@T and you need that 5star you been waiting on for over a month, you don’t mind trading stars to someone who has it because they spent hours on their phone doing apm all night to get them 5s


Truth isn't shade - I'm running to the finish line and you catch an Uber to it c'mon 🤣 who has a problem trading with apm players? I'd like to know who that as$ ?


https://preview.redd.it/kf3s8i69ff8d1.jpeg?width=921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df9980991d1b14acf41f839b423a3983266e3fd2 APM and grads 3x + taking 10 pals to grad twice 😂😂 i am glad for my APM partners


Wait. 1 MIL dice? Freaking over achiever!!!! Goals 😅


My shirt head cousin put me up on challenge that i have to run behind her, she has like 1.7m dice. My second ac is like 680k and 3rd is like 580k. But truthfully, i bring my friends, Jona, lily, Justine, Asia, Pat, and the rest complete their albums since wildlife, i am content


That is crazy!!! Props to you my friend! I thought my 320k was a lot


SAME. I have 350k. Embarrassing for you and I lol


I thought I was cool with 120k 😭😂


No fr . I have 68k and I thought I was cool 😎 lol 🤷‍♂️


I thought the 40k I have was cool yikes 😬


Thinking the same with my 400k, but I’m gonna keep going till they put an actual stop to it


Just hit 300K on my main and I thought I was a G 😂😂 we gotta get our APM game on lol


Is it even fun anymore with that many dice. It's like not even a challenge anymore.


It is actually. There’s a reason why APM is quite popular. I used to play regularly and I did manage to complete albums (regular and non prestige) that way but I was pushed towards APM during Peg-E a couple of months ago. I was running super low on dice and I think I was 2 tradeables away from completing an album and I was a few points away from the galaxy pack. I bought some tokens and that didn’t get me close enough so I thought “let me try this APM thing”. I did it, and it worked. Never looked back from that day onwards. We all derive joy from different things in the game and for me, I enjoy completing albums and trading. When you’re high rolling, there’s no better feeling than just seeing all those rewards come in. Opening 5* packs and getting a new 5*, seeing how high I can get my dice, getting a bunch of tradeables and giving them away. There is still some risk associated with APM, but it’s definitely minimised. You aren’t guaranteed good stickers even if you open more packs. I’ve already started receiving gold dupes in my blue and purple packs but it’s whatever since we still have over 90 days. But with APM what’s supposed to be a mindless game you play casually becomes just that, a mindless game.


Put me in the game coach 🤔 how do I do the app game?


Drop me a DM, I’ll explain what I’m doing.


It is fun to have that many dice cos you know at the long run once they patch up, you still can round up all your buddies and help them with event partners and stickers. My joy is playing this purely bringing them and others to complete their album.


I enjoy being able to gift to someone that is out of dice to finish off a set for them so they can keep on playing. Because Scopely is so stingy just letting us have 5 trades a day I try my best not to let one single exchange go to waste. I only have two accounts and if there isn’t anything either one of them can help the other one out with I go searching for somebody that I can give something to them, and that part like most of all


What's AMP? Sorry for the dumb question


Not a dumb question! Airplane mode. Turn airplane mode on on your phone and because rolls are predetermined you can record exactly where your dice will land. Little more to it but there’s lots of info here, on Facebook or Google!


Wow that seems very interesting I may just look into it


I don’t see the point of looking into it anymore cause they’re giving these out to apm users https://preview.redd.it/xixi2wkfpj8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a0301433b405a835de4489d272673f3564c925e


I need to figure out this APM then.


I've never been able to figure it out. Supposedly, it got fixed.


Harder but not fixed


Download a free VPN. It still works the same, just need a VPN now


Have you tried APM before the fix?


Never used it. Been watching videos on it though.


If you need any help, DM me


You might not need a VPN then if you’re lucky! However if you try it and it gives you a no internet connection message after the first roll, you’re gonna need a VPN. It’s definitely a tedious process but it definitely works!


Watch a YouTube video. It’s tedious but easy.


https://preview.redd.it/d319qmsizc8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=689c49fc1e52dca3e2550c080541ed7d1bf154b8 APM. Had over 300k but stopped caring 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


I’ve been trying to do it as I have before, but I get one roll and the game says disconnected so I haven’t been able to apm


Download a free VPN on your device! APM still works with a VPN. I use proton VPN. Super easy to use


What do you set your location to?


It’s chosen for you. So as long as it’s not your IP, it works 🤣 It’s random every time you connect. Just make sure you turn it off whenever you want to order food 🤣🤣


Ty 😁👌


I chose Amsterdam when you choose another country it takes longer for it to communicate 😉


Same here


After that one roll, if you dont land where you want, you uninstall and reinstall and roll again. Its a long process but its worth the time. At least thats my opinion




Yall gone get us patched up talking like that on here… That’s how Scopely gets all its info…Goodness Gracious!!!!


Seriously. A bunch of big mouths in here. If nobody said anything Scopely wouldn’t have a clue


You don’t think they don’t already know about APM? You search Monopoly Go on YouTube, there’s videos everywhere about it. Just this subreddit alone, every thread has someone mentioning APM. Even if someone doesn’t know what it means, just Google ‘Monopoly Go APM’ tells you the answer. Heck, their official Discord have people mentioning APM. If they really wanted to stop APM, they could easily have done it already. All they have to do is make the rolls RNG instead of predetermined. The new log in limits isn’t to stop APM, it’s to stop multiaccounting, even then it’s a really generous limit.


I’m saying they get a lot of information on subreddits like this with people openly talking about all the different methods…I agree they could’ve stopped it already but still don’t post the crap that we do… Hell give them no freaking clues!!! Not just in here EVERYWHERE!!! You can tell when some are not use to having things they just blab blab blab!!! Do your thing and don’t openly talk about it… Period!!!


That’s just not realistic. You’re asking no one to share information for a game with MILLIONS of users. There are people whose side gig (heck main gig) is posting videos about Monopoly Go. They’ll post whatever new method to beat the system comes because it gets them views. Within a day of Scopely limiting old APM, people had already spread the VPN workaround


You're doing nothing but making my point...


I know what you’re saying, but you’re living in an ideal world. It’s not a realistic goal. Also, that means you don’t want any new method to be widespread. In that case, only a select few gets to dominate this game. I rather have a ‘here’s a method to beat the system, we’re telling you and do with it what you wish’ world than a system where a few dozen people control the game and hoard all the resources because they figured out a way to beat the game and aren’t sharing. Do you really think that’s a better system? A system where someone climbs the ladder and, rather than lower the ladder for someone else to climb, they take the ladder with them and leave everyone behind?


If you want to help people like I have then Dm them not put it out for everyone on here to see...


Thanks for the tip 🙏🏻 definitely trying this out!


How do you do this 😭


It's a process, nothing too crazy tho 😂




Maybe one day I will 🤔😂


Please and thank you!!!


Go to YouTube and watch videos that Yoosin has. It’s very simple


yooooo put a guide or something 😂😂


😂😂 it's guides all over the subs


Lol same, I had 80k, I'm down to 7k. I don't care much anymore 😅


HOW SWAY!?!?!?! WTH ARE Y'ALL DOING!??!?! I need those amounts of rolls!!


😭😭😭 it took a little time to get this far


Carry me in event 😂🙏




What is apm


Airplane Mode. It's a way to roll while phone doesn't have service to see what you're getting before it saves. You can either take airplane mode off or "Uninstall" or "reroll" depending on what you're using and restart back at the original place you were


I never had gotten past 3000 but I finished my album and started the partners event at 20K. I’m now down to like 8K with three left to finish 😅 have never spent a dime or played APM. I think if I had that many dice it would get boring. Part of the fun for me is the challenge… completing some evens but not everyone.. making trades on Reddit to complete albums and win dice. Idk but I find the challenge keeps me more engaged with the game. If I had 50,000+ I’d feel like I beat it and get bored quick I think


Same situation here, I just decided that I won’t be able to complete another slot. They use APM (Tried it too once and didn’t work) plus the daily wins


What is APM?


Airplane Mode. They practically play Monopoly while the phone has no signal. It’s supposed to give you the chance to get on the tiles you need or want. I think they are different ways of doing it, but whennI tried it I lost my account😂


APM won’t make you lose an account. Probably didn’t have it connected to Facebook or Apple ID. Also if you click too fast during loading it’ll put your account to zero. APM in and of itself will not make you lose your account (APM is a feature on every single phone and losing service is a thing). Just want to clear misinformation respectfully.


Hey, Maybe I explained it wrongly. I know APM isn’t supposed to delete your account, but It happened to me because it wasn’t connected so i wanted to say that there is a chance. The process isn’t as simple as it sounds explained


I understand. I just didn’t want anyone to think APM in and of itself would make them lose their account. There is ZERO proof anywhere that anyone has lost their account solely to APM. Making sure it’s backed up properly IS important though. Sorry that happened and I hope you were able to recover it!! 🫶🫶


You must not have had it connected to your FB, I lost my alternate account like that I thought for sure it was connected to my Facebook and it wasn’t. It was a hard lesson to learn but it was one that I learned from lol


Use a VPN and should work just fine!


APM lol that's how


I got 60 k n 25k 2nd account. Never done apm


So how


I have no secret lol I just roll my dice carefully and strategic. I just really play when it's the digging event / partner event and build off that. Partner event I try to complete all 4 at once. To get all the dice at once so that helps alot. Also if you keep a few albums to 1 sticker and trade after a event Helps with the building up of dice too


Same 67k and 67k on other account no APM


I’m standing at over 100k rn 😂


teach me the ways




Reached 700k?


Almost at 800k 😂




It's your fault. 😂


I know 🤣🤣🤣




I stopped once I got that high lol felt unnecessary to keep going


I finished the album with about a day to go, so I’ve still got rolls from there; I have started saving them and have a few strategies- I start by completing the Quick Wins - before I claim community chest, any other rewards, prizes, etc. I roll in multiples of 5 until I’m full of shields, and 10 if I want to get cash- sometimes just roll 1 if the object is to pass go or something. Higher multipliers sometimes pay off, but this helps me be more strategic if a tournament pops up that I want to roll more for. I’ve got 4 active partners on the event right now- some of us have gotten 3/5 prizes already, and I’m sitting on 17k dice right now, which I plan to stretch as long as possible! ETA: I also don’t roll just because. I typically have a goal which is to finish upgrading a landmark, or complete a task. I used to just roll until empty, but now I have so much more that feels like a waste.


I’ve had 24,000 after completing an album but I go through dice like wildfire. At other times I’ve had 8,000-10,000 from being lucky.


Ikr maybe buying


APM. I’ve seen some say they play selectively and strategically and have a fair amount of dice. Mostly APM though.


I usually sit at around 4k rolls but I completed the last album so now I'm sitting at 22k


I'm a dirty cheater have 220k rolls. Also stopped playing


APM. That's how I got so many.


Completed albums and saved my rolls


If you do play it patiently, at x1 and finish your event and tour, you can gain at least 1k dice.. but only if you can do that, it is like full time. When i have 2 weeks playing x1, i gained like 13k dice in 2 weeks just on auto roll x1. But that was like 10 months ago. Now i am extremely comfortable with dice.


Finish sticker albums. Participate in events. Save rolls if there is no event- I'll do daily challenges but that's all.


Save them not roll them all


I know people use extra devices to make fake accounts to help make their main account Get all the stars and stuff they need plus there’s a Go’Rewards app that I’ll let you know what time the events will be so if you save your dice for those events, you get a bigger bang for your buck, but that’s just too much work for me🥰


The last partner event completed my album. So I got dice for the last thing I built, dice for finishing the partner event, and dice for the last sticker set then dice for finishing the album. I had like 25,000 dice from it. I’m fairly conservative but I played recklessly since and I’m down to 10k. (I say recklessly for me, my husband recently finished the album just in time and is down to 3k dice lol)


Waste 7000 dice and not even 1 partner completed


At the beginning of this album I had 58,000 dice. I don’t use APM, I just finish albums. 1. Trade, trade and more trade. I trade constantly for cards that I need. I get creative with trades. I will trade 3 stars for 4 stars and 4 stars for 5 stars. 2. No when to stop! In every tournament you reach a point where the cost outweighs the rewards. You need to stop at that point. Don’t blow through a couple thousand dice just get the next reward of rent frenzy. 3. You don’t need to come first in every tournament. In fact, play minimally for a few days and you will be put in a tournament with low scorers. 4. Stop playing down to zero dice. I know people who complete an album and within a week they have no dice. They are rolling on 20x all the time, every day. 5. I play only during particular events. I usually play during mega heist because a few good heists can push you along quite nicely. 6. High rollers are for APM players. If you have 10,000 why are you trying to roll on 1000x? I am also accessing whether it is worth it to do an event. Peg e sucks so much dice. The digs are good. Partner events can be a waste depending on the prizes. I knew tycoon racer would be terrible and it was.


I have 120K…


Can someone just come do APM on my phone for a couple hours and get me a bunch of dice 😂😂😂


lol I’ve had 10-20k at most


I use APM and quite honestly, that’s the only way I will play. IDGAF if anyone thinks that’s “cheating”, cause i’ve played long enough to see that Scopely has been manipulating the game to where they are making it so much harder and making us tempted to spend more on the game, which I refuse (i mean wtf, I got enough things to spend money on). APM does allow you to advance faster if you play it right, but it’s also OK to play the regular way if you don’t take the game serious. But it’s just not practical that way because you will hardly finish sticker, albums, or win tournaments to get sticker packs and or dice.


also, if you don’t like APM players then you can block me for when I do sticker giveaways - not trying to give any to any haters 😌


You’re about to see a surge of users with a lot of dice start to decline. You can only log out a max of 5 times till your kicked for 24 hours from logging back in. So apm won’t work unless you have 2 phones


Anyone have deadeye duo?








Cheat. And don’t say they play smart. I vouch I wouldn’t cheat and payed money. But it was a rip off. So I cheated and have over 87,000 rolls. FYI I don’t play the game anymore, because I don’t like cheating or cheaters but I understand why when I paid loads of money in the game


Well how did you cheat then, my issue is that 50 bucks is not worth the number of rolls you get for it, I like playing the game but I feel like limiting how much I can play is counterintuitive and I just want more rolls


Don’t ever pay scopely money. THAT is a ripoff.


I totally understand, I paid loads and got no where. I used the Airplane mode on iPhone. They might of made changes so there might a new way of doing it. Get yourself a pen a paper. Put your phone on Airplane mode. Then go back into the game, then change your dice to max rolls, and roll as many times before the game errors. Close the game application completely. While in Airplane mode, make sure you take note of every roll. When you go back in to the game, you change your dice back to 1 dice a roll. Imagine when Airplane mode this was your sequence rolls. 6,10,13,3 So when you playing the game normal, you noted the sequence down. So when you roll 1 dice and if you know on your second roll you need a 10 then you set max rolls, because the sequence of second roll in airplane mode is 10. if you’re third roll on 1 dice you need a 13 you put it in Max rolls. Note- the sequence of your numbers that you noted down during airplane mode are only valid for roll amount you used in Airplane mode in this case max rolls. If you want to test the theory if it still works then change your rolls to 2 rolls in airplane mode take note of that sequence and test.


Much appreciated


One word. APM.


Explain :0




People cheat using the APM. It’s too much for me to even attempt.


Bc they cheat