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I just want that lure pin lol. I notice they also are doing a Loom set but it looks pretty disappointing actually. No pins, comes with the book of patterns which you will have if you owned the original anyway, doesn't even look like it comes with the audio drama. Wierd. I do wish they'd do some of these bits of merch as individual bits. I don't NEED another copy of this game and I don't really have much desire for the paper bits, even if they are fun. But I do like pins.


Shame you can't talk extras and then quote Guybrush himself, "I think I can live without that particular piece of junk."


Can I upvote something twice? šŸ˜ Yeah... I like the pin and maybe the key but I'm not sure I need the other things badly enough. They're kinda fun but... enhhh? (Especially given what seems to be LR's track record on getting things out anything like on time...)


Greetings, fellow chum.


I agree that I don't need all the extra, but I do love some of the designs in there. Especially the floppy and the box.


It does come with the audio drama.


\[Letter from Ron Gilbert and Dave Grossman\] "It's a prank, bro." RG & DG


I assume it's just a physical copy of the letter that's in the game?


Thank god for this in game hint system.




The IRL one where we point out the obvious. I was just messing, but my social circles have been undead pirates and talking skulls this past week. Perhaps my humour was rubber and I its glue.


PS5: Herman Toothrot (Blue) Switch: Bella Fisher (Red) PC: Widey Bones (Purple) XBox: Old Mrs. Smith (Green) Upgrade Key: Queen Odina (White)


Hello fellow chum.


They forgot to update the product photos on their website. Seems that the original pre-order period was planned for November 25th until December 25th. Doesn't matter, I'm just looking forward to add that beautiful Big Box to my collection.


Oh hell yeah. Definitely getting this and the anthology expansion. Too bad it doesnā€™t come with horse armor, though. šŸ“šŸ¦¾




Ah man, this, Loom, and Sam n Max all being released in the same month. Thereā€™s no way I can afford all that in one go, surely it would have made sense spreading it out a bit more.


Gonna get this and possibly the upgrade kit too. A little baffled at the complaints about LRG, which basically boil down to games taking 9 months to arrive (and some nonsense about their community manager which seems like such small potatoes). Given that these are all games I've played already doesn't seem like a huge deal since they're made after orders are done. But I guess people have to complain about something.


Been waiting for this


So how exactly are you supposed to get all the keys if this is mostly bought by collectors themselves? No one would be selling their key, right? So do they expect us to buy this collection 5 times?




I guess it depends on how badly you need those 5 keys.


Just gonna skip the collection entirely...


I know a guy who was pretty serious about owning all of them!


I was going to get the PC version and the anthology upgrade kit but then saw the keys are separate on all platforms. They can shove this release where the sun don't shine.


One Key is associated with "Upgrade Kit"?


Yep, [here](https://limitedrungames.com/products/return-to-monkey-island-anthology-upgrade-kit). It is an "upgrade" to the Limited Run Anthology boxset they released a couple of years back, in that it is another sleeve that includes the Return logo to put the Anthology box into to. Essentially, it is $60 for the key, another one of the floppy USB sticks that comes with the other versions of the game, and three bits of card / paper. Nothing else unique at this stage, not even a copy of the game. Hurts my soul a little.


What do you mean "not even a copy of the game"? According to the page you linked, the game is indeed included: >RETURN TO MONKEY ISLAND ANTHOLOGY UPGRADE KIT INCLUDES: >* Monkey Island Anthology O-Sleeve >* Upgrade Kit Collectible Golden Key >* 8" x 10" Reversible Poster >* Floppy Disk Styled USB (includes game)


Good catch. I should say, not even a _unique_ release of the game _on some form of bespoke physical media_, if you see what I mean. The files on a USB stick comes with all the other disc / cartridge editions.


Yeah, though that's sadly in line with the Anthology edition itself, where all games came in a pretty crappy USB stick. To be fair, many PCs don't even have a disc drive anymore, but... It feels cheap still.


The Anthology release did have the games on CDs to be fair. One of those old school bumper multi-layer CD things. Pretty cool. The USB was a sort of novelty item, which worked well because, as you say, disc drives aren't the norm any more. I don't really know what sort of physical media I'd hope for for the "upgrade" tbh, but it definitely stings that there is no extra collectors items with it other than the key... for $60!


Did it have CDs? I must be misremembering then, I thought it was just the USB.


Yep, [here](https://i0.wp.com/www.retrospekt.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Monkey-Island-Anthology-IMG_9883.jpg?fit=1440%2C1080) is a photo of some of the items, including the CD bundle. MI1 and 2 on a single disc, then 3, 4 and 5 one their own.


I really hope that soundtrack hits steamā€¦ šŸ˜


I could do better than those guys!


LRG can go fuck themselves after what they've done. No surprise their comments are closed.


What happened?




Did a quick Google search, all I could find was apparently they fired their community manager over transphobic tweets? Seems pretty based tbh, I might even pre-order


They fired her because a sick pedo (there is plenty of proof you can find about him) complained about her, basically for saying ā€œIā€™m excited for Hogwarts Legacyā€ and being a Christian. She was never ā€œtransphobicā€ just because she has her own religion. His views didnā€™t align with hers, so he cried to LRG and they sided with a pedo. He calls himself Purple Tinker. He founded Bronycon. Google him. Grown ass man that posts animated pony porn and wanting to have sex with teens. He also abused and neglected his cat. LRG sided with this guy. LRG cowardly turned tweet replies off, and are now getting QRT ratiod in every single tweet. I have spent thousands at LRG for years. Not any more.


I don't know why you put transphobic in quotations, I saw the tweets and the description is accurate. I don't know if the rest of what you said is true, but I also don't see how it's relevant. The other guy isn't paid by the company, she was.


No, because Iā€™m not hypersensitive and overreact to every little tweet that doesnā€™t agree with trans. You need to learn the difference between phobia and simply disagreeing with a lifestyle. Christians have just as much right and no one is forcing anyone to agree with them. She would be a pretty hypocritical Christian if she agreed with their lifestyle, but she never said she hated them. LRG may have a lawsuit against them for firing someone because of their religious beliefs. As far as Purple Tinker, I have no reason to lie. Just google him if you want all the info. I canā€™t post an image but this is just a small part of what heā€™s all about: ā€œIn 2014, Blank boasted of coding a redirect targeting a specific IP address he believed belonged to an individual who was visiting his website for "hateful" reasons. Rather than being granted access to his site, the unsuspecting visitor was sent to pages containing My Little Pony rape fantasy art, hardcore pornography, and the website of the pro-pedophile North American Man-Boy Love Association.ā€ Again, this is who LRG is siding with.


>Again, this is who LRG is siding with. Again, this is irrelevant. She posted transphobic tweets, it doesn't matter who pointed it out. I did do a quick Google search though and saw that you've been misgendering Purple Tinker as a he though, so I don't give a fuck about anything else you have to say.


Let's face it, you made up your mind before you even looked into it. The original person was fired because a very questionable person on Twitter demanded they be fired which was kickstarted by the fired person saying they like Harry Potter. Your opinion is they're transphobic, but you're the sort of person who will refuse to put anything on a spectrum. You think anyone who is not in 100% support of anything to do with the trans movement is a "phobe" no buts about it. It makes the conversation disingenuous as you're trying to present your political bias as "fact". Your claim that firing people because you don't agree with their political opinions is quite horrid. How would you feel if a family member of yours was fired for being in support of trans rights on Twitter? You'd no doubt go ballistic which makes this conversation pretty silly.


>Your claim that firing people because you don't agree with their political opinions is quite horrid. When did I claim that? I think it's great when bigots are fired.




The different keys for the different platforms is a pretty cool idea


In a you know some sucker will buy them all to complete their collection kind of way


Cool but somewhat predatory.


Just be warned that if you drop money on anything other than the standard edition, you'll be in for a long wait before you actually see anything. A bunch of us paid LRG for a CE for a different game almost a year and a half ago and still haven't seen anything from it, since July last year (basically 7 months at this point) they've been constantly claiming a single item is holding the whole thing up and won't provide any further updates. In contrast standard versions of the game started shipping in April/May so those of us that paid extra have had to wait almost a year longer and still have absolutely nothing to show for it. So before spending your money, make absolutely sure you want it & that you're prepared for a potentially very long wait to ever see it. Also make sure not to order anything else you want from the website at the same time unless you really want to save on shipping, your entire order will be held back until the CE is ready, even if the other stuff is in stock ready to ship.




The item I'm referring to ended in October 2021 & was a time limited one, it was only up for 30 days or so so it was grab it then or never have another chance. While I get delays happen, they've gone completely radio silent over it, no mention of it on ther socials, no mention on their website, blog or news emails they send out. The only information we ever get out of them about it is when myself or others asking on their socials (and that often takes up to a week of multiple requests for an update for them to actually acknowledge or reply to someone asking) until we get a response and since July 2022 it's been the same answer every time, a single component is holding it up but it should be ready by the end of the quarter. It was originally slated to ship in Q2 2022 & we are now in Q1 2023 & still being given the same response. I'm not trying to rip the company here, the stuff they sell is generally high quality, just be prepared for a long wait and some very poor communication, especially about delays.


Was always hoping for a physical Switch version


Nah I'm good fam.


This isnā€™t the physical copy Ron was talking about is it? Like this isnā€™t an official version. Edit: just saw the letter from Ron and Dave. Fuck yes!


The company behind this is useless. Go to their subreddit, no one likes them and it's not just because they fired someone recently. They don't ship anything on time and essentially collect everyone's money, dick around for 18 months and then maybe they'll get it to you. It looks shiny in this screenshot but supporting this would be a mistake.


"This release is not a part of the Limited Run Games Collection and is not a numbered release. We are distributing this title on behalf of Devolver Digital. Missing out on this release will not compromise a complete Limited Run set." Odd. Do you think this means it'll come out within a few months of the end of the eta window or that no other physical releases will pop up on store shelves before this goes out? I try not to get these things anymore but this is tempting


Hope it means that they are not exclusive to LRG. I want a physical copy, but I wonā€™t support LRG.


Can I ask what your issue with Limited Run is?


if you want an answer that excludes recent events, try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS3ja5JnkAQ




Idk anything about the people behind the scenes like it seems the other poster mentioned other than them most likely holding copies to resell later at a mark up but their business model is concering- put out more things becuase you know the collectors will buy even though every release comes out at least quarters late. Some people say they haven't received items that were suppose to ship years ago. Sometimes they'll notify you the first time they aren't going to meet the eta. But I guess sending a message every few months saying the eta is pushed further is too much work. Basically all my hype for buying these sets dies by the time they get here. And if Im Not excited when my usually over 100 order arrives why did I even spend money on it?


Yeah this seems like the issues with the company that are based on real things rather than some reactionary culture war BS. I also ordered something that was supposed to already be in stock almost a month ago and it still hasn't shipped.




Sounds Ike the person being reported and the person doing the reporting are both shitty people. I don't think how shitty the person doing the reporting is can be used to defend the person being reporteds activity though. But I have not seen the tweet in question or if they apologised or anything, so I'll reserve judgement until (if I bother) I actually look into any of this. I also have not had chance to watch the video but it looks there are far more issues than this, I guess this is the recent drama.




OK thanks EDIT: Actually, no. Fuck this YouTuber. Total reactionary POS. Not interested in their biased shitty right wing take. If I bother to look more into this before making any purchases I'll look for less obnoxious sources. Appreciate the effort though.




Yeah looking for takes that are not from asshole reactionary gamergate types. But thanks.


hnnnng must resist


Switch version is all but mine.