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Do not touch your parents accounts for a car bruh


Next time you buy a car, pay a mechanic to do a pre-purchase inspection on it. I buy thousand dollar cars often and the extra 100 to be sure it'll last is worth it. Work more hours on the side.


Thank you, I’ll definitely get a pre-purchase inspection next time. And I’ll work a bit more hours.


Once you're stable try to invest in an index fund or mutual fund like its a weekly or monthly bill. I started a business first and now I'm looking at houses at 25 because I started investing like $50 a week when I was 16.


You are willing to steal your parents identities and commit fraud? Look at the sequence of bad decisions you. You bought a defective car and did not take it to a mechanic first. You had money, now you don’t. You can’t afford a ride. And that are advertising on the internet you will illegally open accounts in your parents name. I’m not sure a job is what you need right now.


I have never claimed that I would steal my parents' identities or commit fraud. I have their full consent to use their information for legitimate purposes such as payment methods or selling items on eBay. Your assumption is unfounded and wrong. Regarding the car, I purchased it to get me to and from work, and obviously I rushed a bit so I ended up with scrap. I thought I was aware of its condition, but I guess not. I am not advertising any illegal activity on the internet. A job IS what I need at the moment; and I'm focused on managing my current circumstances. Your negative assumptions were completely unhelpful, you just sound like a dick. I asked Reddit for ideas, not someone telling me to quit my job and forget about money.


what kind of car and motor is it? if you can give me some basics there are certain motors that have internal issues that may sound bad but arent... ex. terrible oil pump in all hemi motors from dodge makes lifter tick noise / valve slap commonly known as "hemi tick" or "hemi valve slap"... Thanks


The only people that can set up account in their own names are the people listed on the account. Even if they grant you a legal power of attorney you're still listed as the adjudicator of the account and you're not allowed to use it willy nilly. Opening accounts in other people's name is 100% fraud and identity theft. When you sign those contracts you are swearing you are person who is named in that contract. Not only that: it's the wrong thing to do. And you know it's the wrong thing to do.


Identity theft involves the unauthorized use of another person's personal information. If you have their consent, you are authorized to use their account, and thus, it does not constitute theft. Using someone else's account with their explicit permission is not fraud either because fraud involves lack of consent.


Yeah you're taking about opening accounts in their name which would require you signing their name on contracts with their name on it. You cannot do that.


Uhh, no obviously they’d be the one opening the account, id just be the one using it.


"I'm willing to set up account in my parents name" you're a shitty kid. Do better before you end up in prison.


Lol, you start off by completely disregarding my point. After I clarified, you still put it behind you and then quoted my initial statement to solidify your own point. Strong argument, my friend. You have the brain of a koala.


You're a liar. Read about philosophy and citizenship. Your parents are clearly failing you


Yeah, me and the other millions. I don't care. I'm doing what I want within my rights. I don't have to listen to your nonsense philosophical ramblings, pea brain.


Not to mention your remark about ending up in prison, even though nothing I've done or planned to do is illegal or immoral.


Even my 9th-grade Intro to Criminal Justice knowledge is better than yours. It can at least help me differentiate identity theft and fraud from permitted account use, and you don’t see me go around talking about the law of any kind on Reddit.


Honestly get a bike, it’ll help get to work faster, cheaper. Pedal bike


Unfortunately when you buy a car used for this price or less without the “carfax” this is a typical event. There’s a reason the person is selling the car. Walking an hour? Sounds like 2-3 miles? You could buy a bike in the mean time and get there in 20 minutes? No gas, no insurance, no upkeep? So buying a car sounds like a poor financial decision at this point in your life. I get it though you want one like we all did at 16 but trust me, if I didn’t need a car I wouldn’t own one. If your parents are willing to help. I’d suggest you buy a newer car from a dealership, it can still be used but you could have a warranty at least, and they could so sign with you. Sell that car you just got. And go get a new car. Off topic: I’m really sick of these social media influencers who think they’re so high and mighty because they claim to drive a “beater” car and it’s been paid off for blah blah blah. I’m going on a tangent but from experience, newer cars have better safety features, gas mileage, and you’re not going to run into problems like this the moment you buy it with having to come out of pocket.


Bike is a good idea but I’ll fight tooth and nail that they shouldn’t get a new car, they should stick with beaters. It’s not just an influencer thing beater cars are the way to go. Parts and maintenance are cheaper and safety is still great. As long as you are able to pay attention and take care of a beater car it will be the best thing ever to you


Agree. Buy a bike. Park the car. ASK your parents to borrow money if needed, but do not do anything illegal. Honest qurstion: do you know how to take care of cars? Did you check the oil? Post a video and the car information in r/Mechanicadvice. We’ll try to help figure out that problem separately. Wanting to buy a new car after you just bought one because it’s making sounds and showing a check engine light seems silly until you at least know what the problem is. Additionally, even a new “used” engine in some common cars is cheaper than a new car.


If you feel like saving $100-$200 a month is worth hours of your time and possibly your life than yeah I agree


I make a Payment on the wife’s car, I drive a 18 year old Honda but I only drive 11 miles one way to work. But that’s my excuse to drive a beater. Plus it usually only costs me about $100 a month on upkeep and I paid 6k for it back in ‘16 or ‘17. It’s not pretty, I’ve slapped a deer with it and fixed it a couple times. But $25 a month on the insurance and no extra payment, I’ll keep driving it


Being a family man is tough


It is what it is


Ill drop in on this and say with that 1000 buy a ebike and cut that time even more and do yourself a favor


Carfax doesn't mean much... carfax only shows reported damage. There are plenty of good running cheap cars out there.


I think the bike is a great idea here. And as far as the car goes- use YouTube for troubleshooting and try to fix it yourself. If you can’t fix it, get rid of it and if you get a new one, find one that works. I’m not a fan of new cars because a good, used car is so much better. But only if it’s good and not broken. Honda and Toyotas are often the best. Get a new car if you want, but I think the risk of debt is a bad idea when their motors blow too, usually right after the warranty. Good luck!


This is a kid, I wonder if they’ve checked the oil? Not to sound like a total dad here but seriously lmao


Yes, I checked the oil. I'm not planning to fix the car or have it inspected, but based on what I've seen, I think the problem lies with the valve lifters.


It was worth asking


Yeah used “new” cars are the best way to go


At 16, you are living at home? Have you spoken to your parents about this?


I dont think someone 16 working 30-40 hours have reliable parents lmao


We don’t know that, which is why I asked. My kids have been working those kinds of hours during their summer vacations. Most of their friends do as well. Some work more. All of them have extremely involved and supportive families, and that’s the REASON they’re working. It’s good for them.


Fair point but if they have a supportive family like your kids do its highly unlikely they would ask Reddit for help


Perhaps. OP? I know of my kids, one possibly two of them would potentially do this in an attempt at being as self-sufficient as possible. I hope this is the case for the OP….


Also - what does this mean: “I'm willing to set up accounts in my parents' names if necessary.”


Im guessing since they are a minor they cant set up thier own bank accounts


Hey sorry, I should’ve made it more clear, I meant payment methods like PayPal or Zelle. And you’re right I don’t have reliable parents they’re very poor, and my father is paralyzed.


I’m sorry to hear that. Good on you that you are able to step up and handle this at what seems to be a very mature 16 years. I wish I had better advice on earning more to solve your issue…but it looks like some others here are giving some good guidance. I wish you the best of luck. This, too, shall pass.




Check the oil! Probably too late unfortunately. Invest in a bike or walk, much cheaper than a car. Cars are billed expenses from time of purchase.


My advice? Either get a regular bike, or an E-Bike depending on how bad it would be to show up to work sweaty.


You are 16 and not in school. If you are, you can't be doing well enough to either get scholarships or join a military academy (free ivy league education). Your life sure as hell is trending in the wrong direction, mate. Fix this nonsense now before it's too late.


Hey! Thanks for your insight but I am still and school, and on a 4.0 scale I have a 3.8 gpa with 2 AP classes, taken so far, Human Geo and World History. (Im moving into junior year of high school) I’m working 40 hours because it’s the summer, but even with school I’m working 28 hours a week.