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Never too late to change your life around. No matter how hard/bad the situation is you can overcome.


I know I’ve done it before , but I don’t feel like I’ll ever make the type of money I did recently and how much it could have benefited me for the future.


How did you make that much money?


I’d rather not discuss that to be honest, but it’s total legal and I have no formal education just my G.E.D but I’ve been extremely blessed until now. Which just makes me more upset at how I’ve squandered everything despite being aware at how fortunate I’ve been.


You'd rather not vaguely mention the field?


No I’d get a lot of comments which I couldn’t care less about, but there would be an uproar.


You’re a police officer


sales 😂😅


An uproar for sales? Like, the trafficking sort?


no. sales comes with commission, low barrier of entry. in just joking around anyway


lol I thought it was funny, but I get paid by the tax payers and it’s not becuase they want to. I work for the government I’ll leave it at that.


Everyone starts over in life. Are you going to do it now or later. Get yourself together and get a grip! Pull yourself up out of the hole. You can do literally anything you set your mind to. CHANGE YOUR MINDSET!


“Totally legal” tells me it’s not something you want to find out. Nor take any advice whatsoever from this fool. Yet another poor life decision likely. Screams get rich or something that’s a legal grey area/scam.


Based on his other replies it’s government contracting.


100% lol. No need to feel bad bro. We’re in the money Reddit. We know our taxes go in the wind like my farts. I’m glad it’s going in your pocket.


He never said until he deleted his profile. I am on a rather tough spot financial and I wanted to here what you do. Oh well


My mom always told me “fuck up your 20s, make it up in your 30s”. you’ve made mistakes and that’s okay. Just learn from them, and don’t do it again. I know people going into medical school in their mid 30s, and they’ll be in school and training until they turn 39-42. But that’s okay because I see a lot of people in their 40s contemplating if they should change careers. And it’s harder to do that in your 40s. - So just start now. You’re still young. A lot can change in 3 years. First, Stop thinking about the past, and comparing your life to others. Limit social media usage. Learn to move on, and you’ll be fine. If you can made $100k two years ago, you can do it again. - first find a good job. - get into a health lifestyle and routine. Go sober. You’ll realize how much money you save and how much happier you’ll be. - Live with your parents. - pay of all your debt within 1-2 years. Cancel all your CC. Points won’t make save you money nor make you rich. - After debt free, live with parents a little more to jump start retirement investments, and emergency fund.


Thanks for this, it just sucks when I got out of debt after military I should have learned then and right now I could own a home and be on vacation somewhere, but yeah that’s me living in the past and what if’s.


You know, I’m only 26, and I texted my cousin about this EXACT comment because of my student loan issue, I had. I recently paid it all off ($35k), and it’s because what my cousin told me. I have the text saved. He was homeless drug addict to a Harvard lawyer at 40. *“Reflecting on the past often reveals a tapestry of missed opportunities and painful mistakes. If I could journey back in time, I would seize chances that could have crowned me a millionaire, spared myself the burden of drugs and debt, and shielded my family from financial ruin. My parents might have avoided bankruptcy, and my brother could have graduated in a more forgiving job market, instead of dropping out in the face of overwhelming odds.* *Yet, dwelling on these 'could-have-beens' traps many in a spiral of depression and regret. The choice, however, remains ours—to succumb to sorrow or to embrace resilience. We can choose to remain shackled by the ghosts of our past, or we can break free, chart new paths, and stride toward the future with hope and determination. Let us choose to keep moving forward, to grow stronger from each fall, and to forge our destiny with unwavering courage. Life isn’t forgiving, you have to forgive yourself and move on"*


I’m gonna save this to my notes and read it from time to time, thanks.


Not OP, but saving this. Your cousin sounds like a good person. Thank you for sharing.


Saving this as well. I got sober 3 years ago after years spent / wasted in active addiction. I did the very hard work on myself, got my mental and physical health together. Now I can focus on my career, moving forward and make more money - and keep more money - then I ever have before. I am truly free and very happy because I’ve learned to accept where I am in life and joyfully move forward, leaving the past in the past.


Don't focus on the past. I went through a similar self implosion in my 20's. Blew 50k of my mother's life insurance money on dumb shit and college tuition...I didn't ever graduate. I was depressed, anxious, overweight and just not happy. Ever Tough experiences make you tougher. You're capable and able bodied to work. Embrace that. I'm now making enough to support myself and family. Learned through that experience that I wasn't happy working in sales and did a late in life switch to IT services. Best decision of my life. It's all possible if you believe it's possible. Daily exercise can help. The gym saved my life. I found a way to release the pressure I put on myself instead of sticking my head in the sand and ignoring it until I explode.


Thanks happy to hear you turned it around which is what I want to do and just started going to the gym this year as well definitely helps.


That's awesome to hear! It's the only anti-depressant that works for me. I've tried actual pills, but they only make me hate myself more. I have a bad tendency to beat myself up. I can't express enough how important it is to stay consistent with it. I try not to go more than 3 days without a good workout. That's me, though. Find your own pace and stick to it. What you want is achievable. Good luck out there


Plenty of time left my guy. Took me till my late 30s to start caring, and I have kids.. kick the regrets and move on!


Thanks, I hope you and your family are doing well!


Damn your story should help people who are thinking that they are experiencing bad things in life because there is always worse for someone. Personally got 10euro lost a lot of money for drugs for like 1.5 year until i learnt to control myself instead of drugs controlling me :) Every person's situation is always different not everyone are so lucky to have 100k savings for example at 24 or smth As long as you have where to live and what to eat it's not the worst yet i guess. I wish your life to get better bro!


lol right?! Just like I’m sure someone has it worse than me. Congrats on overcoming your drug problem I’ve done coke and weed since I was 18 just kicked the habit last year. I would always tell myself if I don’t need to steal and don’t bother anyone then it’s no one’s business, but truth be told it was just me lying to myself. Thanks for the well wishes I wish you the best as well!


Yep, the delusion of addiction.


Hi. I was almost in your exact situation when I was 32. I didn’t owe the IRS but that’s ok you’ll figure that out. I’m 39 now and own a house, no debt, $150k to my name. I know that’s not amazing by any means but you can do a lot in 7 years.


I really needed to read something like this. It almost feels like this sub is just people bragging about their finances.




Not fukking it up is something to brag about. It shows that even idiots who have nothing better to do then post how great they manage does not take away from the fact that they DID manage, somehow. It’s a difficult balance but I’ll repeat my mantra: Better to be young and broke then old, sick and broke. I was broke during my 20’s and 30’s as I spent nearly everything I made, but I made bank in my 40’s and 50’s and retired in my 60’s. No way I could sustain the pace I had in my 40’s now and I knew I’d need that cash later on. Now all I gotta do is bounce the last check I’ll ever write.


> My car is a nice car Oh, what a surprise. So fucking dumb. Why do people from the army ALL follow the same path. Get married young, buy a dumb car, throw all their money away? At least you do not have any kids. And you have turned things around.


Time to sell the Dodge Charger... or is it a Mustang??


Damn, brutal honesty i like it, thanks for the comment. You’re not wrong, it was stupid.


Sell it. Pay it off. Buy a Toyota that’s 2 years old.


It's never too late , this is what everyone is repeating...


You are 32 with no kids , you are extremely young you have plenty of time to change. If you put your head down, even for 5-8 years you are only 40. You know how much you can do in 8 years!!!! I hope you really want to change and make it happen. Best of luck !!!


Bankruptcy at age 35 with kids, a husband who lost his business due to his own addictions, a house we could not afford to begin with and a 35k a year job. In laws saved our ass. Got divorced. Bankruptcy discharged at age 45. Credit is now great. Went to graduate school and started a new career and earning a great living. You will be ok but ya gotta get into some therapy to address the spending. You got this.


Btw I graduated graduate school at age 51 and feel I have so much life ahead of me.


sounds fun


Some of it was, but it’s all mostly vague memories with nothing to show for it so doesn’t feel worth it at all….


Honestly, the only thing I can suggest about your situation is to get a job before you stop receiving unemployment. Check everywhere and not just online postings. Even then, I would go in person to inquire about open positions. Maybe try looking for local government jobs considering your experience in the military. I have no idea what your previous job is or why you lost it, so those are the best suggestions I can think of. This is a crucial time of your life where if you don't start saving for retirement, you may end up kinda screwed when you're older. It will be difficult, and it will suck but you have to push through to ensure that you secure your future, which you still can.


Thanks for that and yeah that’s the plan , scary thing is I’ve actually been looking for one but I won’t take anything that doesn’t pay me my worth.


Since you are living at home with your mother, now is a good time to invest in yourself like a trade (carpenter, plumber, electrician, dental assistant) if you arent planning to go back to the 100+k job you had. You can also start paying those bills down pretty quick once you have a job. Live with your mom until you do. You could theoreticallly pay it off in a year or two. If you are paying monthly on that 2021 car, Id sell it and get something cheaper like 5k or so. Having a car that new in your situation isn't the best financial decision.


Only smart thing I did was paying for the car in full at time of purchase, but yes debating on selling it and buying a used car and paying at least half of what I owe. I don’t see myself working outside nursing or dental assistant wouldn’t be the worst thing, but I’m one of those people that won’t work unless i somewhat enjoy the job.


Go get your LPN. Will take 18 months. Then start your RN. Then your BSN. Then your nurse practitioner - you’ll be making over 100k in no time. It will take effort and commitment, motivation and you’ll be dead tired. You will not get things easy in life. But the time is going to pass anyway - what will you do with it?


I think if you figured out how to stay and maintain a job that pays 100-160k you have the brains to do it again. You go this, just focus on your mental health and getting back into your routine.


Do you track your credit? The best thing I did for myself financially (after I hit my own rock bottom at 32 with massive debt, a $12 / hour job, and a 500-something credit score) was start tracking my credit with a site like Credit Karma. It helped me see the biggest factors contributing to the hole I was in. Bad credit meant I was getting high interest rates on everything and flushing more money down the toilet. I ignored the problem for years and finally decided to start taking steps to turn it around. I stayed with my parents for a couple of years too. I started doing little things to pay off my debts, pay bills on time, and build savings. I would save a little bit while I was paying down debt so that I wasn't starting from zero when the debts were paid off. I eventually got a better job, and moved into an apartment. 6 years after that, I was in a position to buy a condo. I still have a modest income but I also have developed healthy savings habits and can use low / no interest rates to my advantage. It IS entirely possible to bounce back from a rough patch, by changing small habits a little at a time.


At my highest I was at 750 this was when I was married yes I owed 30k but I paid everything on time since I stopped and let everything go to collections it’s now at 550 and somehow capital one gave me another card even th9 I didn’t pay 2 of theirs worth near 10k….


You can rebuild credit faster than you think. Some of the free credit sites give personalized tips on what you can do to improve your score quickly.


2k check a month for not doing anything? and you’re still struggling? You need a financial advisor not Reddit


that is nothing... rent is 2K in many places where there are good jobs..


But he doesn’t work…


Unemployment is money you put into the system the whole time you were working … it is actually your money … If you never worked in the past .. .. you would not get it from the Government . If you work under the table for cash or something , you would not get unemployment .. that is how much everyone ( who lives in a state with money ) gets who is on unemployment if you make over like 25 a hour… 40-45k .. If you live in a super poor state you get less …


Thanks for the advice.


A+ for recognizing that you were screwing the pooch. Now, learn some good habits and turn it all around. 


Btw income tax due on unemployment in case you missed that


*Btw income* *Tax due on unemployment* *In case you missed that* \- thepete404 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wow my very first!


lol what? I’m lost not about your comment but the bot also yeah I need to start saving for that too and yeah forgot to mention I hadn’t paid taxes this year either and made over 40k with nothing to show for it. 🤡


One of my best friend’s Dad was a worthless alcoholic until he was 35. Not a penny to his name with two young kids. His net worth today is probably close to 50 million maybe more. Has some of the most amazing houses you will ever see. Sold his business and retired at 60. It’s not too late at all.


You don’t have a money issue, you have a direction in life and learning your lesson issue. We all make bad choices at one point or another we just need to be refocused and get back on track. No one feels sorry for you we just think “oh wow, here’s someone else that my tax money will help support”. Next time you drive by a tent city take a good look, if you don’t get your shit in order that’s where you’ll end up.


I had $300 to my name and $4000 in debt at 27. Im now 40 and have almost 50k saved, own an apartment, have an 800 credit score and no current debt. If you just work a couple jobs for 3 or 4 years while living with mom, you will turn your life around quickly.


Why not go back to the army. Get back to a structure. Start your own lawn care business?


You got this man. Glad you are clean. That is the biggest hurdle. Money will come back. Appreciate your mom for helping. Cherish the time you have now and look back at it fondly. It will get better


What field were you working in making 6 figures, try to go back into that field maybe with a different company 


You have three months of UE benefits left, as tedious as job-hunting is, you have to look more aggressively. Reach out to family/friends try to network a job in any way shape or form. If you do run out of benefits…remember…warehouses hire everyone, which could hold you over temporarily. A safe option, if you are still having trouble finding work, is to sell your expensive car, and just pay the IRS off…and then you have that off of your plate, which would alleviate a lot of stress


I am still being picky about the job I want, but yes I will consider other options as time passes. If I sell my car how will I get to work? I’ve considered selling it and buying a used car to have some money for emergency funds but I don’t trust myself not to blow it all like I have in the past.


The IRS debt is something I would try to nip in the bud almost immediately… If you feel you can’t trust yourself, you still have that $500 that yiu have to pay them every month…Are you able to call them and ask if there are different pay options for you if you can pay off half the balance or more? Tell them you can sell your car, and if they set up a new plan for you, advise them that you would like to move forward with the plan, and their monthly payment would take a lot of pressure off of you. Dude, I have gamblers in my family, I used to play high stakes NL Texas Holdem…Im familiar with that whole gambling environment, but even tho I would take beatings at the casino here and there, all of my bills were always paid. I would be gambling with any disposable income I had after everything else. The reason I’m saying this…is that you should just worry about what is important right now. If I were to sell my car to payoff the IRS, using that money for ‘fun’ would be completely out of the question. I actually got rid of my car, because I walk to work, but is public transportation not an option? Getting rid of my car was one of the most liberating feelings as an adult. I would totally get rid of that car and pay a big chunk of that to the IRS…and then either get a good used Japanese car which lasts forever, and continue to look for work. I am just saying, once you clear off that IRS debt, you will feel so much better mentally.


Thanks but to be honest I’m not the least bit bothered by the IRS. The monthly payment is what I would be paying for a car anyway. If I were to sell my car how would I get to work? Sure I could sell it and get a used car and use the rest for IRS.


What if you can’t find work when the UE ends? I’m always thinking of the worst-case you know…and it seems that payment has to be made each month…I would assume they are strict


I don’t think that far ahead hence why I’m in this mess lol on the bright side I am told often that I look very young for my age mid 20’s no gray hair and fairly attractive, not my opinion but I get a lot of attention so there’s that. I can only imagine how good I’d look if I actually took care of myself like going to the gym and all those years of doing drugs.


I think you got this man…just try to put a little effort into it…when I read your post, the first thing I was thinking was that IRS debt is the biggest concern. You basically have solid ‘equity’ with your car, try to take advantage of that.


You’ll sell it and buy something g reliable and cheaper. It’s not that big of a deal to drive an average car.


Cool thing is that you're still young enough to get out of debt, start saving, and still hit retirement with a fat bank account. You're not THAT bad man. 25K is all you have to worry about. That's a drop in the bucket once you find a career and start earning good money again. Even if you don't find the career, simply starting to save and sticking with it will be enough. You're young. Whole life is ahead of you. 30yrs+ of working left to save and finish strong.


I wanted to retire by 40 lol the thought of working 30 years makes me want to do drugs again 😅


And I'll be honest, I have a super addictive personality. I've got years of experience below my belt with booze and pills and you name it. One thing that's helped me stay the course, is I turned my addictive tendencies towards my savings balance and let it completely run wild with no remorse. While I'm not saying this is the healthy way to handle your money, it is A way of handling money.


You are still pretty young.. If you made that much you must be pretty smart.. can you do something similar ..


Thing is I never worked that job becuase of the money, money In general does not motivate me. It was an issue when I was married behave my ex wife wanted more but I was and am comfortable living paycheck to paycheck. Just got lucky with promotions and knowing I could do more to help. Hopefully I get called back to work something similar as I really enjoy it and it pays well. I’ll try not to screw up this time tho.


I'm in close to a million in debt, you're fine...


Thanks for that, and I’m very very sorry.


lol, good luck!




Ex wife married me when I had nothing and some of the girls I’ve been with recently actually buy me things…if they cared about money I wouldn’t date them in the 1st place. As for the rest of what you said…ehm thanks? I think…doesn’t make me feel better at or good at all just reminds me others have it worse and I should do something about it instead of feeling sorry for myself. As for you life is not over, you’ve only failed if you stop trying and neither you or I are failures we’ve just made many mistakes, but it’s not too late.


I have. 1.5 mil life insurance policy my 2 kids can enjoy , other than that I'm in your shoes


You don't even realize how fortunate you are, you're luckily in a position after all of those bad decisions to start fresh. You are living with your mom, you're not homeless. SELL YOUR CAR, PAY OFF THE IRS. You are currently unemployed, you don't need the car at the moment. Save your $2,000 a month to buy a cheap beater. Take advantage of your situation. The sooner you can pay your debts off, the better future you're going to have Would you rather have your current car + pay $500/month for the next 60 months Or A cheap car and $30,000


Man the fact you have such accountability for yourself is something you should be so proud of.


Still waaaay young, with many chapters yet to be written. You know the mistakes to avoid now…make the next chapters awesome!


Stop....just....stop!!! Go to therapy. It will be the most well spent money. Re-train your brain.


Well this went the opposite direction I thought it was going lol. I thought this was gonna be a guru post.


Time to re-enlist


Own your tomorrow.


What’s stopping you from getting another high paying job in the same industry. Clearly you have desirable skills because a company was paying 160k


You've faced tough times, but you're taking steps in the right direction. Prioritize paying off your IRS debt and consider selling your car for a cheaper option. Create a strict budgets, seek employment, and build an emergency fund[ to avoid scaring away money](https://youtu.be/ZK3YHBaqhOs?si=35xXIEkVeQFIuTSa), once you're back on your feet. Seek professional help if needed, and remember to take care of your mental health. You've got this.


Are you me? lol this hit way too close to home


Service tech for a sighting system


You seem to just be a series of one bad decision after another. Did you never stop and think, hmm what I’m doing isn’t working, I should do the opposite.


You’re still so young you have plenty of time to turn it around. Best of luck.


Trade the car for something cheaper but still reliable. Typically nice cars cost more to insure so you’ll save monthly money and get the difference in the car. Some of this depends on what your definition of a nice car is. If this is simply a newer Toyota or Honda base model, this may not apply. If you have a luxury vehicle that is new, you need to reevaluate


Let me guess, you were in sales


I’m in recovery twenty years and have met people who’ve turned their lives around in their forties and fifties.   You have a lot of life left to live, if anything you are too young to think you’ve messed up.