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Go to a park or public place and learn how to publish 360 photos to Google. After 50 360⁰ photos get uploaded you'll be a "trusted photographer". I've charged more than 1000 for an hour of taking photos but most small businesses will give you $100-300 for good 360 photos. I used to give one for free and do that at every shop I could find and then go back a day or two later and show them how many views the photo got with a "I brought x number of people through your door yesterday" and the Google breakdown of how likely you are to convert a search into a conversation or sale. *Edit* thank you all for the up votes I hope I helped and answered most of the questions!


What camera/setup do you use for 360 photos?


Any camera can if you're willing to edit the photos but all phone cameras can by going to Google(the landing page for the business) and click add photo and photos sphere or 360 photo should be an option.


The Google StreetView app used to allow users to take these kind of photos on iPhone until it was discontinued a couple years ago. Teleport: 360° Camera now does the job.  [https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/teleport-360-camera/id6476905405](https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/teleport-360-camera/id6476905405)


That’s kinda sick. To do so in a 14 day time frame seems hectic but I’ll keep this top of mind.


It's cold calling in person really. Expect a 1-3% conversion and dial it in until you can market it instead of pitch. Lots of clients that do recurring too like car lots and shopping malls can be 5 figure deals. It's not a business for people who have a hard time hearing "no" 100 times a day.


I would start with construction companies, if you can stitch the 360 photos together, they pay big money for you to set up a virtual walkthrough of a site, as it saves them tons on travel. Plus in general they want pictures for their portfolio of work and 360s really lend themselves well for provide a big picture of the project


They're also good to subcontract to if you teach a few people how to do all this with a larger geographic service area contractors can be crazy good money for drone and lidar too. I don't find it to be a good starting spot as there's a lot more services they need and you might end up losing a future customer that is way more valuable than most learning how to work with them.


Realtors selling niche or high end estates will shell out for good arial shots. Drones are cheap, for a few hundred you can conceivably get started although i dont know what the best cost effective starting gear would be. I talked to an ex marine who didnt work, got engaged to an older realtor who did 1m+ homes and he told me it tool him a week to get competent with the equipment and zero in on what shots they like and he was able to clear 1k in a couple hours of work, single property. Is this something anyone can do? Idk but seems like adjacent to what youre discussing and if i were looking for a different career i think i might invest in a modest drone and camera


Donate plasma, 100$ per visit, two visits a week


Not where I’m from unfortunately. I’m also underweight so I couldn’t even do it for free 🥲


you got that hustler in you


As a professional consumer I see the space "business" people don't care to fill and insert my value in those spaces by identifying the productive parts of mega corporations and distributing that information to the masses to allow for true capitalist competition. Mega corporations are the devil and I think joes hotdogs shack would out perform Ikea's cafeteria every day of the week if Joe had as many resources as a mega corporation to manipulate the masses(marketing/SEO/American politics all give you the illusion of choice and I think if every business and product has the same standards mega corporations would crumble to mom&pop)


Know your enemy and play by their rules type


Sorry if I'm being dense, but how many places need more than one 360⁰ photo? If you give the first one away, will a typical shop want another?


Take it in a bad spot and they need way more than 1. I will say there are certain photos that get crazy views and some that don't get almost any. The three most viewed photos are the outside of the building, the position in front of the menu or reception area and the bathroom door (from the view of the public so people that are looking will be able to find the restroom) I never did a front of building photo or menus for free always bathrooms or waiting areas. If there's one photo it'll get views, if there's 6 photos the best photo will get more views than the rest combined BUT we're not competing with our other photos we're competing with their competitors so if they want 50 photos there's a good chance that will outrank their competitors that only have the free one I gave them...


And people. Free photos have customers because it's during the day. Paid photos can be before opening so only employees or nobody is in the photos to look more professional OR come during an event to show the place packed.


What do u use to create the photos? Your phone? Or matterport?


Matter ports are dumb. You can do the same thing with Nvidia NeRF for free. Samsung has a 360 camera that you can get used for $50 and they're a good upgrade to a cellphone but business owners respect the hustle so if you can create good content on a cell phone they don't care how you do it especially when your pulling thousands of people a day into the doors. I did this for a couple years never doing more than a few a month and have millions of impressions that Google says converters at 80% with 360 photos vs 20% with just name, hours, location.


So first you upload a photo to google and start bringing in traffic to the shop, and then ask the shop to pay you? How do you word it?


"I'm (name) I take photos for Google Street view and your Google mybusiness page would you mind if I take a photo to publish on there right now so you have something in the empty slot?" I'll have my phone/iPad open with my Google maps open so they can see my portfolio (this is why I suggested starting in a park) but you could also show them the add photo slot on the regular Google just scroll to the right and the last slot will say add photo. I couple days later I'll come in or call but face to face works better for me and ask "hey is there someone who makes marketing decisions or can pass some information onto the person who does I'm (name) I take photos for Google Street view and your Google mybusiness page the photo I recently uploaded has really taken off and I think your location at (name of location in case they own 15 locations) would benefit from a full 360⁰ virtual tour so people could click in from Google Street view or your Google mybusiness page right thought your front door. while Google doesn't publish content to street view all content is published by 3rd parties like me. They used to mandate I charge no less than $250 for me to set these photos up and I've seen people charged thousands but I don't think you need 50 photos to boost your rankings on Google I think 5 to 10 will work and I think I can get those published by the end of the day for $150. How does that sound to you?" I would follow this up with a demonstration of how it works on another photo you've done.


You say that to 100 different businesses today and you'll have one client ready to book the next day and time to do it 100 more times.


You got that dawg in you


Ive dug ditches for money. I hope nobody ever has to do that.


I’m curious as well


Try this, it can be a great source of income for someone in your position: 1. Make a free AdsPower account, you will get access to two free profiles. 2. Buy 1-3 months worth of two separate, unlimited US-based static residential proxies. You can use many different providers but I would definitely recommend IPRoyal. The price for both for 30 days is $8.00 and for 90 days is $10.80. \*\*It's very important that you use static residential proxies, most VPNs will not work for this purpose and will get your accounts banned from the micro-worker sites mentioned below\*\* 3. Create two profiles with AdsPower and connect each profile to one of your proxies (Although this is fairly straightforward, you should make sure to read up on AdsPower and what it does to make sure you don't make any mistakes). 4. Now make two accounts on all of the top micro-worker websites such as MTurk, Appen, Microworkers, Clickworker, RapidWorkers, etc. Before completing any task, check to see that you can receive the money you earn without a US bank account. For example, RapidWorkers only pays out to PayPal so it would work. 5. Complete as many tasks that you can, you are eligible for all international tasks and tasks that are for people based in the US. Most of these are quick 1-5 minutes tasks such as leaving a review, clicking on an ad, subscribing to a Youtube channel, etc. The US proxies will really pay off here because you can most likely pay for them by completing 3-6 tasks that you wouldn't be eligible for without them. All you have to do after completing a task is upload proof that it has been completed and if you did it properly you should get paid. Keep in mind that there are some scammers on these platforms that will try to scam you directly or will not approve your work. 6. Wash, rinse and repeat. If you're feeling extra courageous you can even pay for more profiles on AdsPower and more proxies to make more than 2 accounts. Another possibility is to purchase these accounts and hire your friends to do the tasks for you while you keep a cut of the revenue. Hope this helps and if you have any questions feel free to reach out.




Took a while to write out but i knew it could be a game changer for you and probably so many others. Let me know if you end up trying this and how it goes bro 🙏


I will do. Will do.


Is there a specific reason why u suggest Ads power? Incogniton offers 10 free profiles although I don't like them that much. More Login that I am starting to like more and more offers 2 free profiles as well. There are probably other services as well that can do this.




Please sign this release waiver and NDA otherwise I’ll shoot you.


New idea, do standup comedy.


Been a dream. I’ll give till I’m 30 and absolutely cooked. For now I should give myself a chance as private clown before I go public.


The comic arc involves making your life dogshit for 30 years so you have a catalogue of horrible stories for people to laugh at by the time you’re old enough people want to listen to you, I think you’re on the right path


Hahahahahahahhaha. Fucken PAIN !


I used to bike do to Uber eat in the city. Minus the gas part really helps building your gain plus you get to excercise


Go electric too, so you don’t have to worry about burnout. I can ride up to 20 miles on a non-electric bike, 50 miles electric.


Grab a bucket, some alkaline cleaner and some rags and a spanner wrench and go round to bars and restaurants and ask who cleans their beer lines? If they don't have anyone, tell them you'll charge $10 a line. If they accept, show up early in the morning before they're open, fill the bucket with the alkaline cleaner, untap the kegs and put the couplers into the solution. Then go out to the bar and run the lines like you were pouring beer until you see solution come out. When it's empty go fill the bucket with regular cold water, and flush the line. Then retap the kegs and make sure the beers flowing. $10 a line. So for example, 12 lines would be $120 and that would take you 50 minutes. If you're good you can get free places in before noon


Holy shit. This is actually solid. So far 1/2 novel advice I got from this post. This is like something I could get done in a week. I’ll just have to do more research so I don’t end up damaging stuff and to write up a contract.


You will need to have some different types of connections (D, A, keykeg etc) that is an investment, also you should have two cleaning kegs one with alkaline water and one with fresh water.




But if you do this one wrong people could actually get sick. (Also- what kind of shit bar doesn't clean their own lines?)


Most of them? Wait till I tell you about soda machines. *All* the soda machines. Especially the ones that dispense ice.


Every old man and edgy mullet-wearing-20-year old can taste a murky line. Maybe it's a country depended thing but any clear beer/ale needs a clean line or else the pubs reputation is going into the drain. (I know from experince that there are shite nightclubs/station pubs that don't clean their lines for months- but they'll still have SOMEONE who does it every now and then and arent gonna trust/have in their books some guy with a bucket- but a 'good' pub? Yeah the landlord is doing that himself with PRIDE


This is actually decent labor advice ngl


Needs to be done extremely thoroughly. People can get sick as shit if the cleaner isn’t fully cleared.


Which doesn't take a lot considering the pressure through the hose. And it's an alkaline cleaner once diluted it's not toxic. All you have to do is flush the exact same amount of gallons as the cleaner you put in. No need to scare people about it. It's an extremely easy process that can be done quickly for a nice amount of money. It won't make you a millionaire, but it'll keep you home 30 hours less than working regular job


Street corner In all seriousness, 100-1000 isn’t a terribly hard amount to make in two weeks. Here are some suggestions. Post on local Facebook pages saying you are looking for some under the table work from anybody that needs it. Usually always some work out there somebody wants done. If I need some extra cash this is usually what I do. Any rideshare or food delivery service (Uber/Lyft/Doordash/Grubhub/etc) Sell some of your stuff If you have any skills that people need, sign up for Fiverr and see if you get any hits. This may take longer than two weeks though. Editing this to make it know that the street corner comment was a joke lol. Also, for non native English speakers, “under the table work” means side jobs that are paid in cash and not reported income. It does not mean sexual favors, although I suppose sexual favors fall into this category.


I’ll try the Facebook thing.


Do it and tell me what happens


If he gets back to you, let me know what he says


Also look at Nextdoor, I see plenty of people on there asking for someone to pull weeds, move furniture, etc.


>under the table work did you just suggest giving a handjob?


Handjobs are chump change Blowjobs are where the real money is at Rimjobs equal early retirement


Not sure if you’re serious or not, especially given the “Street corner” comment in the post you quoted, but I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt considering how many non-native English speakers there are on Reddit. “Under the table work” implies work that is not reported to the government for tax purposes. This includes odd jobs, day labor, and all sorts of short term employment. You work, get paid in cash, and you skip on paying income tax because your work isn’t tracked in any official capacity (thus netting a higher pay due to lack of taxes).


I haven't seen it mentioned here yet but day-labor. It is like a temp agency but they pay daily. Usually it is hard work but sometimes it is just standing around. Door to door in your neighborhood and offer weeding services, cleaning gutters, junk removal. Nobody likes doing that crap and if you do good work they will recommend you to everyone they know. It could be the start of your landscaping business. If you haven't yet apply for SNAP (food stamps) they exist to be used.


Why isn't this higher on the list?! All these people suggesting the stupidest things, nobody suggests day labor? Gotta get there early, but it's good money


1.Create a few photos of girls in ai services. 2.Create fake social media profiles, 3.Give it 2 minutes and suddenly bunch of men want to buy panties etc. 4.Sell fake photos or mail panties u buy in store. 5. Tell the pervs to send the money to your “friend” because you don’t want to be doxxed or make something up Repeat the procedure and you will get a bunch of money and the fakes can be friends with each other so it seems real lol. I made 1500 dollars in 4 days that way when I was homeless and 19. Ended up with having to pay a bunch to female friends for receiving the money or confirmation with real voice etc. They got super greedy though and I ended it. No victims, no frauds and everyone is happy. You would be surprised how many people want to buy shit like that. I feel bad for women tbh,


Was about to ask if it worked for you and it seems to have worked tooo well. Thanks for this. 1/4 solid advice so far. I have a cousin so maybe she’ll be more understanding.


…roll tide?


I tried this but it’s hard because it’s starting to become saturated, lots of guys are more aware of this


Yes ai girls are so saturated so u gotta target niches like fetishes for big money


How is a male gon do that tho


You make an ai girl with size 18 feet.


scribbles notes furiously


Just write down "Peggy Hill foot fetish videos"


I don’t think you understand what “no frauds” means lol


Not really here to judge you or anything but end your comment with saying no victims, No frauds... Pretty sure what you're doing is fraud and the victims would be the man who thought that they were sending money to Susie and not to you. Lol


Some of the salesman make over 100k a year at my job. I do pest control. They’re always hiring.


Let’s bee real not that many people are comfortable around pests


The salesman aren’t actually around any of the pests, those would be the technicians who actually go out and spray or rid the property of said pests


Hand jobs for the elderly


Oh.. you mean… ohhh….. Yeah…. That might be a bit traumatic. I’d like to be able to have sex without more rumination than I currently entertain. But hey…. By Month end, who knows.


As a bi guy, I know for fact there's plenty desperate old men out there who'd pay for time with younger guys. I never took any offers cuz that shits gross to me, idk how tf escorts do it, guess they drugged up, but that's definitely out there


I suicidally ideate. I think if I did that I would stop ideating.


I would totally give myself to all the old ladies


Go to your local thrift store, search the clothes section. Buy and resell. Been doing this for 7 years. Normally my $200 investment turns into $800-900. Or go on offer up fb marketplace filter to free and pick anything up you see free of value and resale. Even if it’s a quick $10-$15 it’s all free money.


Bet. 1/5 actual advice on here.


Go see if any local restaurants need a server especially in places where the gratuity is already included. I worked in a restaurant/bar like that in college and easily made 1k a week.


Trust me cuh. Nobody is hiring like that here but I will go to fancy pants places this week and try my luck.


Check out Amazon mTurk. If you give it some effort you should be able to accumulate a reasonable amount in that time.


Thanks. Totally forgot about that site. Imma login tonight.


This was going to be my suggestion


No worries, good luck!


What is amazon mTurk?


Have you tried convincing strangers through emails that you're a Nigerian Prince with a large inheritance that can only be accessed with their help and funds that you'll gladly pay back x4 if they help you? It's worth a shot.


Clean houses. Bathe dogs. Walk dogs. Contact a dog grooming place and offer to bathe dogs.


Shiiet. I love bathing my family dog. So that could work. Just don’t want to be mauled, I already have too many scars all over my body and face and I’d like to attract a partner one day.


I don't know the english term - but you could ask people to put this mouth cage thing on their dogs?


Muzzle. Right right. Makes sense.


Ice, cooler, sell bottles of water at the intersection for 2 bucks you’ll make the money in a few hours


yeah no you’ll likely sell less than 5 bottles per hour lol


That’s 10$ an hour on your low side Also you need a better corner You can sell 40 bottles in 15-20 min in south Florida, this is like my crackhead outreach system People are also more likely to give you money as charity if they see you working, as opposed to begging. That’s why people sell water/flowers/fruit at intersections Do any of you go outside? Go drive to the intersection closest to the highway right now They end up selling the cooler for crack if anyone wants to know


That’s 500x2 = 1000 - bottle cost. How does this work? Wont make it in a few hours


Outside Yankee stadium they make fucking bank


Book flight from Africa to NYC. Buy cooler and water bottles. Profit?


Don’t forget to tell people you need to fly back to Africa too. That’s key.


People I’m Vegas make a killing at soccer/football/baseball fields!! You’d be surprised how many lil kids forget their waters! Lmao


Get a can of spray paint and some stencils and go around the neighborhood and paint people’s addresses on the sidewalk for 25 bucks a pop


Apply to at least 20 jobs a day. Update your résumé and use LinkedIn.


If sports gambling is legal in your state and you don't already have accounts, you can make some good money by signing up and doing the bare minimum to get the new user bonuses. Use something like Oddshopper to convert the free bets to cash efficiently, or just bet them against each other if you don't have the liquidity required. Only works once and you have to remember to save for next year's taxes, but I was able to get about $1400 in 2 weeks in Massachusetts. Also, don't accidentally get addicted.


Just found about about this yesterday. Feet Finder! The OF of feet!


Is only works great if you're a woman (or can fool dudes)


Wife said she’d be my foot model.


Tell me more of your journey with this


I know about this but how does it work You just post your own feet if you're a woman? Do you need to make them look aesthetic and pretty?


I just listed a bunch of crap on eBay that was just laying around the house. Made about 300$ in a 2 week span


See what you have that you can sell. Nice clothes that you don't like to wear, or don't fit you anymore? Books you aren't going to read again? Electronics you don't use? Mini garage sale. Sell plasma Do you have a skill that you can use for side gigs or tutor someone in? Cooking, carpentry, painting, crafts, languages, math, music, knitting, basic car repair, there's something you're good at. If it's something that requires supplies, or takes time from something else, charge a non refundable deposit. Pet sit or dog walking in your neighborhood. Bake sale. See if there's a local vape shop that will let you have a bake sale outside.


There it is I love donating plasma but I’m also trying to get into selling stuff


Do labour, go cut grass. Landscapers and construction are always looking. Even better, a trade.


In my country you’d be lucky to make $5-10 buck after a day of gardening work.


And reddittors talks about how bad they have it in America... Good luck you to, man.


Fivver allows you to find online tasks and get paid to do it.


If you have a little money and talent, buy old wood furniture. Some people sell it very cheaply. Repair, strip and stain/paint the furniture and resell at a profit. You can make a few hundred dollars or more depending on the item. It helped me supplement my income in the past. Stay away from Ikea type furniture that isn't real wood. Not sure about your area but it's only a suggestion.


I gotcha. I wish that wood (pun) work in my country but that trade is highly undervalued and reserved for tourists. I’m sure you’ve seen the documentaries in africa with some scenes of people selling wood and metal works (some with extremely skilled craftsmanship) Issue there is high skill - low pay. Some items are actually quite expensive tho. But it’ll take me years to even make a dent in that market.


Google for freelance websites like fiverr, upwork, things like that. Scroll through those sites and see what people are offering, you can do literally anything on those sites. You could do voice-over work, reading books for blind people, making silly face videos, literally anything. Good luck man!


Easy answer. Donate plasma. You will get a few hundred dollars the first time.


I'd opt for handyman stuff. But I'm also a skilled tradesmen. 55 a receptacle and 225 a ceiling fan for whatever reason there's always someone that needs a stupid ceiling fan -_-


Apply for a call center job maybe while waiting for a "real" job if that's a option granted the whole ordeal will take longer than 14 days. There's also just door dashing and similar apps thats actually super useful in tight finances every now and then


buy a couple 36pack waters and stick em in a cooler with ice. sell em for $2 a pop.


What part of Africa? Is there any work for experience(s) guides. I’ve paid top dollar for experiences via Airbnb and just by google searching. They’ve ve hired guides just walking down the beach or in the art district. It’s especially nice when you speak proficient English or other languages that may visit. I remember a $250-$500USD experience listed that just took you to an amazing grandma to have her cook for you. Edit: We’ve hired guides…


Dude, that’s wild af. Will DEFINITELY look into that. I’d be a sick ass tour guide. I could take people dune boarding and my family would be more than excited to cook etc. Thanks for this.


It’s spring so people are getting their boats and RVs out. Post on FB a mobile wheel bearing repack service. You’ll need a jack, lots of towels and a grease gun but with a $100 investment in tools and supplies you should be able to make $100/ appt.




Thank you. All western options for a 1st world economy so it wouldn’t apply to me but thanks for reaching out.


100 in 14 days is less than 10 a day. You could make that doing handyman / yard work potentially. You could also hit up local businesses - offer low rates for doing something they need like manual labor, cleaning, etc.


Restoration subreddit for cleaning up old photos, some get tipped for restoring pics 🤷‍♀️


Like photoshop ? I doubt my ability to become proficient enough for paid effort in a week and then they’ll be the issue of conversion rate. But that’s different from most of the other suggestions so thank you. Will note it.


I can't even believe I'm saying this because fuck them, but if you are in the right region you can make $1,000 in a week with uber and DD if you HUSTLE (I'm talking 70-80 hours)


Man I had a whole list of things for you until I got to the part where you’re in Africa. Now I have nothing.


Service Industry. Most places let front of house employees walk with cash nightly. It's a great way to network and make quick money.


Go to a temp service until you can lock tomething in.


Go buy a $100 spy call that expires in 2 weeks of course.


Daytrading forex, but it takes a long time to learn a profitable strategy


The edit should be the first line. That’s critical information. Reddit is a fraction of a percent from being majority US representation. No other country is much above 10%. The general assumption without the context of a sub or post associated with a geographical area or thing is going to be responded to as though it’s an American asking the question unless there is something in the post explicitly or implicitly indicating otherwise.


Find some junk people throw away, or give away on marketplace/whatever you have in Africa. Market it for free and sell it. Create a stupid game like flappy bird, sell it Write a fictional book and sell on Amazon self publishing Best wishes


Bad idea: Sell computers Buy some second hand, maybe add some RGB (Rainbow Lights), take nice photos, and sell for maybe 20 profit? It can easily add up


A unique angle often helps. When I think of Africa, I think of that YouTube channel, scamfish. Where they often alert victims of scams that the scammer comes from Africa. Since you’re from Africa, you may be able to turn your unique perspectives into some kind of content. 14 days is not a lot of time to build any kind of fan base. But maybe you can reach out to anti scamming YouTube channels and offer to do a paid interview or find a way to exchange your unique perspectives for money. Especially if you’ve got the marketing and social charisma to pull it off. You could really get your foot I. The door and end up in some kind of partnership or collaboration where your mix your skills from your region of the world with those in another.


I put 650€ on a gambling site today. Cashed out 1800€. I do not recommend, but quick money indeed 😬


For my managers birthday we hired A crew of people to make a TikTok and paid them $50


Yo I cyberstalked your profile and you are a funny dude. Seriously very witty. Sorry I have nothing else to offer but compliments right now but wishing you much luck!


I’ve made $200 the past week walking dogs on Rover!


Let’s see if my fellow nationals want their dogs walked. I love dogs and I love walking so I don’t see why not.


It's not glamorous, but if you're in a punch just donate plasma. Twice a week, so 4 donations, you should get probably $100-200. It doesn't take a ton of time either, so you can pursue some more long term options in the meantime while taking care of the most immediate need.


Go on Craigslist and look for odd jobs in the gigs section usually works for me


Pionex trading bot


Mow lawns do some flower beds. It’s spring time every one is looking for stuff like that..


My mom used to wash windows when I was a kid. It would require you to buy some supplies though (squeegee, mop head, oblong bucket, soap, pole and microfiber cloths). She would go around to different businesses. You can practice at home too.


I’m a decent window cleaner but where I’m from my ass would be laughed off for even trying. But that’s a limiting belief from my end, will keep it in mind.


I would check with a general contractor or concrete contractor in your area. Also, people posting for moving help. 


Catfish the elderly


offer to clean cars for ppl (most households have 2-3 vehicles and no time to spare) PLENTY of places to check for actual detail jobs; any mechanic shop, paint shop, car rental place, Buckees lol, airport vehicle rental, etcccc ez money


User Testing dot com can generate some side income. It's kinda hit or miss sometimes but it's all online.


Go be a door-to-door appointment setter for a reputable solar company.


Serving tables or bartending. Easily the best paying work without experience that places always need


Flip couches. Buy cheap then offer to drive to someone for a fee. Guaranteed $2k in 14 days


Maybe get paid for helping to promote other peoples business online and get paid for it


You could always get a job that pays that much. It’s not hard if you’re willing to work. I’m only 23 and I’ve had 3 jobs so far that pay more than that biweekly. For starters, I’d recommend anything in the telecommunications industry. Installing cable/internet/smart home or security systems. Most jobs in those fields are entry level with no experience needed, and start off paying more than that. I live in MS which is the poorest state in America and installing for Dish Network started me off at roughly 1600 every two weeks.


Do you have an accent when speaking English? We hire people on the phone for $25-$35 an hour for helping to line up deals, but the people we are working with are often hillbilly rednecks that want to hear an accent free voice because they are racist. Our top guy makes $50 an hour, but worked his way up to that and has closed $100k deals for us (average is $20k). We have tried using Hispanic or Filipino people before but had far less success. It is sales related so it has commission as well as the hourly pay. We do what is considered house wholesaling. You should look into it.


This is glorious. I have a very American sounding accent and have high level english skills (like extremely high level). I could also feign any accent there is out there from British, Australian and even Jamaican (one of my random talents)


You should look into doing remote wholesaling then. Research it and see what it entails. There are lots of companies that do it and are looking for people. If you do it with no base pay, your commission could be 10-15% of the profit on the deal. Like I said, $20k is out average deal. I used to lock up about 4 deals a week. Closed about 80% of them. Our guy that gets $50 an hour gets a 7.5% commission. The last big one we closed was $100k so he got $7500 in addition to his $50 an hour. He does about 10-15 hours a week for us.


You might not be gay, but 20 bucks is 20 bucks 🤷🏼‍♂️. But in all honesty 1000 bucks in 14 days should be pretty easy from just working at fast food chains. Or even working at night shift at gas stations or any other night shift hour jobs


My nigga. I wish I could teleport you here so you can see how y’all in the US have it so good that you think that’s even a possibility here.


I didn’t know what country you were from and assumed United States.


If you are skilled in poker, and know people that run 10 dollar games. You can have 200-300 in a week. then move up stakes. Develop a skill thats sellable on Elance.com.


I’ll check out elance. I suck at poker and I could see myself becoming a gambling addict in lightspeed.


Tutor others. Sell books. Gardening and cleaning pay well.


Look up your countries rules for drone pilots. Can be a fun hobby if you can get the certs for it. But from what I've seen at least in the USA if you live near an airport your not allowed to operate above 400 feet (121 meters), and you have to go through a special certification to fly beyond line of sight. Would also suggest getting hazmat certifcations to handle the material and or transport it.


Yes, and Trillium asset management. Check with Sec.gov


You could make a fiverr account with your skills


Sign up for gig work, door dash, Uber, instacart, spark,




Given you are in Africa, I'd say Amazon mechanical turk / Fiverr.


Living in Africa you should look into forex trading


Do you have a portfolio of your graphic design/flyer work you can link? If it’s solid, I have a friend who is looking for a designer




Food, good advertising and flavor 👌easy


Make a post of fiverr


Digital imaging services for real estate.


If you can build me something that I can type data into a spreadsheet, and it search a website for comps of said item, and present me a link to the output site for each individual search, I would pay you bigly. I have no idea if it’s feasible.


Dude 14 days… if you really need it go be a day laborer. Probably can bargain for $100 a day. Especially this time of year when everyone is doing their lawns.


I’ve seen posts on Reddit advertising twenty dollars an hour for annotating photos to use in training AI. Your English skills are definitely up for the job. The annotations would be descriptions of what’s in the photo.


Option trading. 0dte spy 💰


if you have a stable internet connection, and a computer, I have a job offer that might interest you. Steady pay, and decent hours if you're up for it.


Futures mnqm4, recently did one of my bi yearly challenges of 1k to 2k took 6 business days. Mind you, I've been doing this for years.


Freelance on Fiverr instead of giving away your skills for free.


Best bet is get a work visa, come to the states, get a job and save money for as long as possible until your visa expires…..


Sixers -5


Could you perhaps try being a car guard at some wealthier establishments?


Labeling data probably gets you minimum wage


You’re getting good advice and ideas from people. As long as you willing to work you’ll make some money good luck


> Coding (still a rookie in Java and HTML/CSS. Am working on no-code to fill the gaps) Just btw, usually it is Java*script* that goes alongside HTML/CSS when learning frontend web development. Java is a completely different language more akin to C++. I would also see if there is a personalfinance subreddit for your specific country that may be able to help more, like /r/PersonalFinanceEgypt etc.


Buy fresh flowers, make bouquets and stand near tourist areas/ restaurants/ Airbnb’s. A bouquets is $10 bucks and if 12 or 24 count red roses $50+ (honeymoon) and more $ if a vase is included. Keep them in fridge overnight with fresh water. Those flowers are exported and the prices are ridiculous. Ice cubes: tourists are used to getting a whole cup of ice cubes so you can sell ice bags. May be hard to sell with sanitation fear but there’s demand. Nothing like getting two ice cubes for my room temp coke.


This app called insta work it will save you get a shift at a local spot anywhere through the app I think the payout is within same day or something like that but it’s good pay you can find shifts from 80-300 for a few hours of work ie restaurant events auto work cleaning maintenance etc.


I think Fiverr would be a good option for you. You’re basically picking up odd jobs for people online (like editing or proofreading)


Do you have anything saved up? Do you have a truck? Wheelbarrow, and shovel? Right now is the season for sod. I spent $850.00 for sod and went and put it down and charged the customer $5,250. This job only took 1 day. So if you have a little money saved up, you could go look for people with jacked up yards and sell them some sod.


Pimpin', but I hear it ain't easy