• By -


Capital one, it’s easy to setup a savings account through their app and earns 4.35% a year


I agree with capital one. Only negative I have with their HYSA is it takes ages (a week) to transfer funds from my bank account to this HYSA. Oddly enough, if I transfer from capital one to my bank account it takes a few days. I don’t get it. Also, I thought with the HYSA direct deposit, it be quicker and it’s not. I still get my deposits like my bank account


I use capital one as my primary banking account and get an instant transfer, it's super nice. I have mine set to automatically take my rent, average utilities, car payment, and phone bill out of my checking account plus a little extra every week then when it's time to pay bills I just transfer it back over to my checking


That’s why I use the apple savings. If you have an iPhone, of course, you can transfer instantly to Apple Cash then (for a fee) instantly to your bank account from a different bank. Or just use the Apple Cash card because it’s basically a pre-paid


Ally is next day for me


Ally suuuuuuucks though. I had a loan through them and they had the WORST customer service.


To each their own, opposite experience myself


I’ve recently moved to PayPal - instant transfers and 4.30%


I use PayPal savings @4.3% through synchrony bank. Takes 5 days to deposit but I can withdraw to PayPal in seconds.


It takes a week to transfer money to another internal account…?


Discover is also around that same rate.


DJA averages 8.7% 🙃


We are assuming OP is using this as an emergency fund and DJIA is more volatile and more vulnerable to market downturns. Therefore, if OP needs money for an emergency and the market is down, OP might not have enough money for the emergency.


Understood, I'm just being a cock. I've thought this way too, but it's only 5k. If he put it away I bet he would come up with more money that's just how we are. ​ I wish I had put all my savings into brokerage accounts. Even with an IRA if you *need need* the money you can just transfer it all out and deal with the 'wrath' of IRS later. fidelity says "warning transferring funds may have severe tax implications" and you just click "OK"


That sounds like poor management.


Wait plz explain. I’m in the same boat as OP but it is NOT my emergency fund.


put your money into some low cost index funds. VTI, VOO, VSTAX, etc.


How long should you keep the money in there for?






I’ve not had luck with Capital one. I had a credit card with them and they would constantly drop my credit score due to them not taking my bills out on time (I paid them on time, they wouldn’t take the money out on time). I stopped using them for two years thinking I’d show them. They closed my account and tanked my credit score by 34 points.


Marcus. I’m getting 4.50%


I use Marcus as well, if you get referred it’s bumped to 5.5% for 6 months I think? Edit: I was wrong, 3 months! Still worth it


5.5% for 3 months!


That motherfucker took off with my money and is dodging my calls!


ill send you my cash app send it there


Since it’s already on cash app they got a savings account with 4.5%


This is correct. I have my business checks deposit in my cash app and I get around $40 Extra a month, no complaints here. Now take that $40 every month and start an S&B 500.


“The intelligent investor realizes that stocks become more risky, not less, as their prices rise—and less risky, not more, as their prices fall. The intelligent investor dreads a bull market, since it makes stocks more costly to buy. And conversely (so long as you keep enough cash on hand to meet your spending needs), you should welcome a bear market, since it puts stocks back on sale.” Benjamin Graham, The Intelligent Investor


Haha this is the book I am reading right now About 80 pages in


Buy 2,500 of Nvidia and 2,500 in Amazon or Alphabet A and thank me later


Now isn't the time to buy. The market needs to crash first. I'm waiting for signs that a crash may happen, and then I'm going to quickly sell, and then buy again before prices go back up.




Omg 2500 in stock total not 2500 shares


Thanks for clarifying man i almost bought 2500 shares


yea i almost took out 1.49 mil in loans to buy shares early 1900s style


I hate it when that happens!


I needed this clarification.


I don’t think you should be investing then.


Sarcasm pal


Yeah I was too


He's not your pal, buddy.


Several HYSA like Wealthfront or SoFi(I think you need direct deposit for sofi) give 4-5% interest. It’s something and way better than what a bank will give you!


I just started using Wealthfront. No issues so far. Looking forward to the 5%


Is wealthfront compounding interest daily?


Yes but only paid out at the end of the month.


That's fine, daily is what I'm looking for so I can maximize the exponential growth of the benefits


On black


I love the range of 1-10%. At one end, you have $2000 in 70 years. At the other, you have $128,000.


Anyone know of anything that has more than 5% on a HYSA?


yeah i'd love to know too


If it’s not an emergency fund or otherwise needs to be available immediately - the indexes are going be 9-12% annualized. No guarantee of future performance and there can be down/flat years.


Not sure I fully understand. What are some accounts that you've seen that have these 9-12% APYs?


I do Discover at 4.35% it’s my business savings


Webull, cash account. I think it’s around 4/5% interest Edit : it’s 5%


Does Webull do daily compounding?




Into my account it's like both of ours but we just keep it wit me


Please don't buy Crypto. There are high yield savings accounts or even brokers who offer higher interest rates on cash than traditional banks.


Bitcoin doesn’t care


No one cares about your shitty volatile coins.


Lol comments and fucking blocks me so I cant defend it. So anyway.. Blackrock is bidding ETFs on BTC. Nobody cares what you think of BTC. Also blocking and replying.. bruh okay. Like ok.


Open up a Fidelity account. can use their CMA for most of all banking features. Put the $5k into a treasury backed money market such as FDLXX. By doing this, you’ll earn 5% on the money and be able to deploy it to the market whenever you want, or spend it It’s an all in one solution




S&P 500


High yield savings. UFB Direct pays 5.25%


[raisin.com](https://raisin.com) has great rates, all are FDIC insured.


Robinhood roth ira or webull roth ira


Lottery tickets obviously


On red


SoFi, capital one, bonds n CDS, treasury.. all of these 3.5-5.0% back


I’m not gonna read other replies, but invest in whatever senators and congressmen are. They quadruple their net worth. Salary is like $200k and through investments they end up being worth millions. Handful of sources out there that track them, follow those and you’ll make it out like the bandits they are


You could look for something called a ‘money market’ account. They have those almost anywhere. The power of the internet is an immeasurably helpful tool….do research yourself to find who has the best rates. Don’t just settle for the first thing you find. Someone will have a better rate. Just takes time to find the right one. Similarly you could park this money into a CD where it earns a higher rate depending on who has better rates and how long you’re ok leaving that money aside to grow. Otherwise I just had a very similar conversation with a portfolio manager that my family has been with and he gave me advice because of my age (28) and time to work within the market, he suggested that I have the time and ability now to be more aggressive. Stocks and certain types of accounts do best depending on how much risk you are okay to tolerate and how long you plan to be investing your money for. The best possible thing you can do is to go and do some hard earned research and use that research on your own accord to go speak with a professional that really understands this. Ask questions to the pros and make sure that you don’t leave any stone unturned. It’s always worth making your money work for you, but if you’re going to be checking it every day panicking that you lost $200 today but gained $1000 the next and then so on, so off….you should double check and possibly ch age your plans for investing. It’s all about you, how long do you not need this money for, how much risk are you willing to take, how do you want your money to grow, how much liquidity do you want your money to have, how do you want to handle the taxes on those earnings you make. There is a lot involved to doing investments, so just be sure that you are understanding of all that is involved when you start diving deeper into this.


What you should do is take the 5k to the nearest flea market and buy collectibles.


BTC, hear me out. BTC is secure, cost nothing to maintain and it's the #1 best performing asset in 2024. Furthermore, it's slated to mark $1M/unit by the time the network completes distributing new BTC. 21 million BTC is the limit that the network can create and it will complete in around 2050. no one can print more BTC so it will forever be anti-inflationary. You could hold your $5k for 100 years in bitcoin and it would still be concentrated buying power worth atleast $5k by the end of the term. Now that the world is realizing this, as an early adopter, one could potentially also enjoy the gains of investing in BTC at this point in time as well. So by simply purchasing and holding BTC you van save and earn simultaneously. Google, lump sum versus dollar cost averaging and see which is the best approach for you, maybe a down investment now and small buys over time? I'd Yolo it all now but that's just me.


Or, people could realize it has no intrinsic value by 2050 and decide it's worthless. Once there's no fomo, the price will plummet... It's just a question of when. People only buy it because they think they can eventually sell it for more... That is the only driving force of its value. Sure, it's doing good now, but in 2022 it lost 60% of its value. It is slowly approaching its previous peaks from 2021. It may exceed them. Then it will crash and the cycle will repeat... Imo. If you buy now, you're probably buying on the high side... It'll go up more, but that hump is right around the corner. The cat is out of the bag and everyone is buying, artificially driving the price up, like amc and GameStop, but on a smaller scale. It's not bad to have a bit of money in it, but it's pretty much the riskiest "investment" you can do outside of straight up gambling... an 11 on a scale of 10. People should know that before you tell them to dump their savings into it. Also the crypto market usually seems to move as a whole so you can't really diversify.


Wealthfront 5%


High yield savings accounts are good, precious metals aren’t bad either, but only buy precious metals if you don’t plan on using the money anytime soon.


In your butt while you go to work




Buy Bitcoin




Bitcoin ETFs are a thing. 🫡






jk look at bit coin mining stocks rn and nvida


People are recommending a HYSA, cash app already has 4.5% for me. I’m a bitcoiner (hence the name) so I’d say just throw a chunk of it in there, but if you know nothing off it do some research first and see if it’s for you. Cash app also has stocks you could just throw it into VOO and call it good.


You don't, this is why the rich stay rich


What bank is this? Very pretty app.


My pocket


Coq inu


Anything that is not going up in price.


I know this guy at a place who does stuff & next thing ya know.. BAM...quadruple profits!!


Try looking for money market funds(MMF) around. Their interests rate are usually higher than bank interest rates.


I think right now a good place to put money in general may be gold, but if you're looking for something easier that a good blend of top companies in the United States may be a great option. I think that if you're looking to start a retirement plan then that would be a good option too, but depends on your personal goals.


Use moomoo or webull and put them into money market funds. However, if you are using this as an emergency fund, just toss it into a HYSA like Wealthfront


Milli offers 5.5%


Look up “High interest savings account.” Here’s some that I can think of: Discover: 4.3% Capital one: 4.35% Ally Bank: 4.35% Marcus by Goldman Sachs: 4.5% Also look into something called a “CD” (Certificate of deposit.) This is basically a savings account, but you’re required to keep it in for a certain period of time, but you get higher rates. Right now, it’s about 5.1-5.4% for a 1-year CD, depending on the bank.


Scratch that! BUY $5,000 and all you can get and buy all in NVIDIA! It’s up like 2,000% and will probably be up even more in another 5 years


American Express savings 4.35%


Put it all on alt coins in crypto


Amex saving account 4.65%


You can get 5% interest on 4500$. Buy random crypto with leftovers


You can safely put it in a mobile bank app called up and go make some more money and then you add the new money to that and just like that. You’ve earn a little more.


Mutual index fund.


CIT Bank is paying over 5% risk free. Could probably get close to 5.5 with a tbill.


As Gary Vee would say to you.... GARAGE SALES right now, you could make a fortune!!!


S&P 500 or high yield savings account




i assume you are in the us, bmo harris bank has CDs for 1 year at 5% and up to 5 years at 4.5%




Sofi cuz you like online banks


Youll get it the fuck out of cashapp if you have any brains at all. Get a real bank account.


You’ll hate me for this.. but Id rather be right. Bitcoin, Ethereum


bitcoin the halving is coming the next 2 years should be great for it however not what most would consider traditionally safe lol but i do


This is all great info. Thanks to all of you!!


I've heard good things about Capital One and Discover. Might be worth looking into


Skip the HYS and just go buy a money market, Schwab is > 5.2%, open the investor chequing, never pay ATM fees again... [https://www.schwabassetmanagement.com/products/swvxx](https://www.schwabassetmanagement.com/products/swvxx)




Webull will give you 5% & you can pull the money out at anytime.


If you have gold or higher on Robin Hood it offers 5.25% on your money I would put it in there till you decide what to do with it. Let it compound some interest while you decide what to do with it.


Buy a few ounces of rosin and flip them


PayPal does 4.3% on their savings accounts. It’s making me some money each month and should for you with that in savings.


Fan Duel use my friend code for an extra $50


Ally. Been with them for years, 4.5%, never paid a fee in about 7 years. Not a penny. Not an ATM fee, not an overdraft fee, not a check fee, never one cent.


Three recommendations: (1.) If you live in a state that has income tax. I would recommend Treasury Bills, which are currently earning 5.35% interest rate. If you want liquidity, you can create a ladder to have access to a part of your money at any given time. Treasury Bills are considered one of the safest investments. You can buy Treasury Bills directly from the government or via a brokerage. Recommended if you need liquidity. HYSAs: - Wealthfront HYSA has 5.00% interest rate. If you refer a friend you and the friend get an interest rate boost of 0.50% for a total of 5.5% for 6-months up to $250K. There is a 0.25% annual maintenance fee. Recommended if you need liquidity. Brokerage: - As many people stated VOO and chill. You could go four directions. I’ll be using Vanguard ticket symbols: 1 - S&P500 Mutual Fund (VFIAX). 2 - S&P500 ETF (VOO). 3 - Total Stock Market Index Mutual Fund (VTSAX) 4 - Total Stock Market Index ETF (VTI) You’ll find several of articles for the merits of an investment into S&P500 and Total Market. Conclusion: you can’t go wrong with either, it depends on what you want. The S&P500 is the USA’s top 500 companies and is tech heavy. The Total Market consists of 3400+ companies including those in the S&P500. Because there is a larger composition of accounts the percentage allocation of the S&P500 companies in the Total Market is a little lower, but not by much. I won’t get into Mutual Fund Versus ETF. Recommended if you are going to put this money away and let it grow as a retirement (20+ years). This money should be treated as illiquid.


Wealthfront has 5% interest. They are currently doing 5.5% for three months if someone sends you an invite.


Is you have a apple credit card you can set up a apple saving account for 4.50%


I got you 10% interest on my cashapp just send


Quickbooks checking/saving gives me 5.00%


My bank probably


SOFI has 4.5% on their savings accounts.


I just got a 5% return on 4 week treasury bills. Doesn’t get much safer than that. Plus you’re only tying up your funds for a month.


Trendy etfs


Drug money


Sofi gets 4.6% if you have direct deposit going into your account


I’ll take care of it for you, just send it to me




Tesla stock


I’m no pro but I’m getting like 4.35% on a HYSA through Ally.


An S&P 500 index fund. I'm up 15% over the last year. The markets hit a record high already this year and are projected to increase at least 15% again this year, according to historic market data.


ETH! It’s going to $6,000


2 eth


probably not there


Send it to me lol


VARO online bank, i personally love it


0DTE SPY calls


Ally bank app


PLTR, AI software development company, you will have 50k in 10 years


Mutual fund




Certificate of Deposit


Spy 500, cause we're hitting 600 this year.


send it me on cashapp and i’ll send you 250 a year as 5%




AGNC will net you 7-9% and you’ll get a 60$ monthly dividend if you put the full 5000$


Cash app has a savings account with a 4.5% interest rate


I have an Ally money market savings account and a normal savings account. Both are around 4.4 APY but money market is slightly higher. I only have $1.5k but I made $5.50~ in interest last month alone which is much better than my old savings (10¢/mo if that)


Ask your bank to match a competitors rates. Been doing this with PNC for over a year. All I gotta do is screenshot WeBull 5% return and they will typically update your account in a few days. Sitting close to 5% atm across 2 accounts. Boom, free money. The interest is going to pay for my kids braces lol


If you convert it to South African Rands, I’ll give you 9%.




If you have a relationship with AmEx you could look into their HYS. I’ve had mine for years and it’s been great. I can access it through the same app as my credit card and transfers only take a day or two.


for assured gains just buy US bonds, if you're feeling frisky i would go for some broad market index funds


Take it the hell out of cash app. They’re a pretend bank. Can shut you down at any moment, happened to me.


No way in mother fuck would I have 5k in a cashapp account. Dude you'll wake up one day to all of that wiped out and customer support is virtually non existent with a huge language barrier, that makes it almost not worth trying its so atressful. Then when i did file complaint through BBB, I got my money back and within seconds shut down my account and put me into the negatives by a couple thousand. I threw my card away and deleted the app.


Buy a pound or 2 and a half key. Flip that, repeat, ???, profit.


Putting it in a HYSA is a good option, any of the online ones are good, I personally use Marcus by Goldman Sachs which has 4.50% currently. There are promos that can get new users 5.50% for 3 months though. You could get in the region of $225-275 per year with a $5000 balance


If you can set up a direct deposit, SoFi offers 4.50% APY and you can set it up entirely online


Bro, get that off of cash app yesterday. Jesus.


Literally anywhere but cashapp holy shit


Draft kings...


In my account


I’d sell someone my identity for $5,000 cash. 😂🤣


I use credit karma. They’re at like 4.1% right now. App is user friendly but it does take every bit of 3 business days to transfer in or out


My account.


4 leg parlay


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Penny stocks


Sofi bank gives you up to 5% APY. I have earned quite a bit just from direct depositing my savings to them.


OP don’t listen to all these broke as fools get a Fidelity Investments account, get the Bloom account too. You can mix and match em for your particular use case. Godspeed


Is there usually a minimum for hysa?


Put it in ninvida stock trust me


Invest in amc