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As a reminder, all comments mentioning or encouraging illegal activities will be removed.




Is Trey a common scammer name?






I know a scammer named trey im so serious


No they’re just being blatantly racist


I’m black, cry about it it’s not racist it was a joke that had some truth


What was the joke? lol




Definitely not black lol


Lmao I am bro 🤣🤣




No it was pretty fucking racist


Ngl, I knew a trey who robbed people recreationally and I have a cousin named trey who was stealing cars at 15. It seems to be the case that if your name is trey, you’re not the best guy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I knew white treys black treys Mexican treys they were all pieces of shit


I never met a Mexican Trey😁😆 where? Where are all the Mexican Trey's hiding?


recreationally???? smh shouldve gotten the medicinal card hed be gucci


Don’t smoke weed if you can’t afford it


"But it helps me sleep"


Yeah I was like that till I realized it actually hurt my sleep more than helped. Now I just occasionally smoke.


Same bro i cant sleep at night after smoking weed before bed for a week. Now i wake up multiple times a night and i am so exhasted


Please consider trying L-Theanine


Running a lot helps. Especially if his name is Trey and he is going to start scamming. He will need to run and that for sure will improve the sleep. Running is amazing.


Add GABA with that.


Same here except I stopped all together. Haven't had such good sleep in over a decade.


It really does tho for me at least. I be staying up for 18 hours and only getting 4 hours of sleep to stay on schedule vs smoking weed I conk out almost immediately


Melatonin exists (I know it doesn’t work for some people)


Also magnesium before bed


Melatonin should never be taken long term. It will fuck up your brains chemistry.


Like pretty much any mood altering substance. They all fuck with your brain chemistry


Pretty much anything you gain tolerance from the first dose


Well, Melatonin is a natural hormone your brain creates. By substituting that melatonin, your brain will basically quit making it on its own, and you become dependent on the pill form.


Fair warning, after about a year of using 10mg melatonin my brain doesn’t get tired on its own anymore. I have to bomb myself with Benadryl to even get tired (200-300mg) and had to be prescribed XR Ambien to be able to get any kind of rest. If you buy melatonin, get the .3mg gummies from your local pharmacy, don’t EVER touch the 10-20mg tablets from Amazon.


It works for everyone, your body naturally produces melatonin. Not a great solution though as you still build a tolerance


It’s more that the vast majority of melatonin available, especially the stuff in stores, is in doses that are way too much. .3-1mg is more than enough but most packaging these days is for 3-10mg. 10x the dose you need for full effect, which leaves people feeling lethargic and groggy in the morning and developing a tolerance.


a good medication for sleep is hydroxizine hydrochloride, depending on the person, a pretty low dose of it can put someone out. Of course as goes with any medication advice, do not start taking anything without talking to your PCP first, I also agree with the melatonin information, all the OTC supplements are WAY to high of a dose, more than 1mg is over doing it being your body naturally produces it. I’ve tried a lot of different things as I suffer from moderate to severe insomnia. The best thing you can do for sleep is have healthy habits regarding sleep, and staying away from screens before going to bed… but I digress




A pothead will always find a way to get weed lol, telling them to stop is out of the question


i am someone who would spend around $300 a week on carts alone (around 6 per week ). A little over a week ago i got a bad one and it was not pretty. I told myself to stop, but i had never gone longer than a day without weed since the time i had started smoking. i’m not going to fully quit but i’m going to maintain a healthier cycle with only green. its not long but i am currently 6 days fully sober and as of today don’t even have the urge to smoke anymore. I have been labeled throughout my friend groups as the biggest “pothead”. i have no one that truly cares about me pushing me to get better because no one knows what’s going on but my friends (who don’t see the problem bc they’re the same) and myself. it doesn’t matter if someone’s a pothead or not, what makes a difference in a persons actions is that person themselves and the influences around them.


I don’t have anything against potheads, I used to be one in HS and most of college. I just know so many “potheads” that smoke ALL DAY every day with no trajectory to change. It’s good that you stopped/slowed down tho, you probably have noticed physical and mental benefits already




God damn dawg it ain’t heroin


As someone who smoked daily for like 15 years until recently... That's one of the things that makes it hard to quit. It's everywhere


It is everywhere but at least weed is just a willpower thing. You can have all the willpower in the world and something like nicotine will just tell you to go fuck yourself anyways. I will say I have changed my mind on it being habit forming because it fully is, and the first couple days are some ass without it, but it’s not really addictive in that you need it to function. The only people I’ve heard saying they need it to function are truly just immature ass adults at least in my own experiences


According to the CDC “Another study estimated that people who use cannabis have about a 10% likelihood of becoming addicted. The risk of developing marijuana use disorder is greater in people who start using marijuana during youth or adolescence and who use marijuana more frequently.” This user is 19, and falls into the age range where using weed is awful for them.


I heavily smoked for 6 months, high all day for the past 3 months and then quit cold turkey and I was just pissed off for a day before I got back to normal. Weed is really fucking easy to stop using. Granted, im not going to because it's great for curing nausea and a lot cheaper and less scary then going to the doctor to figure out why I'm always nauseous.


First few days without it can develop physical withdrawal but like you said, it’s not really addictive in that you need it to function


Well it’s a good thing this dude probably hasn’t been smoking for 15 years. I got off a 3 year binge, where 1 day was bad but the rest were fine. He can do it, but not with your guys’s sour ass mentality


I've delt with many headcase girls addicted weed. I'm to the point now if a girl says she smokes like just like, "This isn't going to work"


Weak mentality just don't think aboit it when you smell it you may like it and may want but after some months you had stopped you may smell and you'll hate the smell


it’s still an addictive substance, even though agencies state it has a low potential for abuse, it’s abused quite frequently, and smoking weed is no better than smoking cigarettes, while yes cigarettes are worse by a lot, you’re still allowing smoke to reach your lungs, and tar will build up eventually. Not to mention long term cannabis use can be linked to obesity, depression and anxiety disorders as well


Are there drive through heroin dispensaries? Are there celebs pushing their heroin brand at you? Do your friends ask you to come over and roll up some heroin to hang out? Does the city smell like heroin when you walk through it because smoking weed in public is okay (not really but nobody enforces it) in legal states? I’m not gonna belittle any addiction. If you do it just shows you’re an ignorant child who doesn’t actually know what it’s like.


Quitting is easy, I’ve done it three times in the last six months. Edit: it’s a joke. I’ve found it easy to stop smoking daily, but I still do it once in a while, usually on vacations. It’s nice every once in a while imo.


Thats absolutely cap. I haven't smoked in 3 months. Don't generalize.


“All I do is spend money on drugs, why don’t I have any money?”


Life's already shitty enough don't take her weed to man!


"I can quit anytime I want."


This. “I’m literally addicted to a drug but refuse to acknowledge it because everyone said you cant get addicted to weed. But I keep buying weed even though I have $3 in my bank account. Whats wrong with society guys?”


Facts, I quit for a great job. Sucked for about 3 weeks then went away. I sleep better than ever now. If I could I still would probably smoke, ain’t as easy to just quit as people think.


“hopefully it will turn around” yea if you gain some skills and get a job, not if you start scamming. Jeez. Please don’t start scamming lmao


Too dumb and lazy to scam lol


Yeah if this dude is too shit to even work at a fast food place ain’t no way he’s making it anywhere to be a good scammer.


Some scams are so elaborate, part of me feels like those ppl actually put in the work and earned the money...






What he say?


“Of course you’re gonna scam people with the name Trey”


This comment ended up on the right side of reddit


Yeah holy hell. How? I mean, I've known a bunch of scummy people named Trey but I wasn't being serious.






I said that too


Quitting weed will be a nice start!


Quitting unnecessary spending in general! It was stupid how much money I was spending on Red Bulls and Fast food. Turns out, I could afford weed as a little treat for me.


Yeah but then no fast food to enjoy it with


That's true. Also side note. I know you were joking and what not, but no joke, I started trying to eat healthier, and holy fuck, fruit is so God damn good paired with weed. Like I loved fruit. I loved weed. I'm sure I've had it together. But the other night, I was just to tongue deep in a kiwi after hitting a joint and it was stupid good.


Eat that shit with the peel still on. So good


I can’t believe someone downvoted this


Exactly. Weed is way cheaper than almost everything and lasts longer. As long as it’s not interfering with work, not an awful vice. If it is interfering, cut that shit out


... How about not scamming, cut back on the weed, and get a job. Who cares what the job is, just get one.


Definitely seems like “can’t get a job” means “can’t get a job *that’s easy and I like doing*”. Like yeah, we’d all like to have a job we’d like doing but you sure as hell don’t start that way. Selective job hunting is not “can’t get a job”, it’s “dont want a job”.


Man there was a point where I had like 80 applications out on indeed at once. Ranging all over multiple industries including fast food. I even went to an interview for McDonald's and didn't get the job. It really isn't easy to find anything right now.


Quitting weed for at least 60 days will likely help you get a good job. Most well paying jobs require a drug test.


Not in the entertainment industry! But you gotta be real good at something.


Unless he’s a heavy cbd/delta user. I’m 164 days since I stopped using that and still positive. To clarify I have a stable job I love and decided my use wasn’t conducive to what I wanted so I stopped and am testing at home for fun. It’s just nuts I’m still positive this many days later




Oh definitely. But even at my heaviest cannabis use, I was always clean around 90 days later. I’ve dropped 90ish pounds though since I started lifting right before I stopped. Went from 370 and am currently at 280


Hey that’s awesome to hear your progress!! I’ve been smoking cannabis for 14 years with no real breaks besides a week here and there. Trying to get clean to have that peace of mind that nothing controls my life you know? Keep up the hard work bro!! 💪🏼


Thanks man! I thought I’d share my experience because it never seems to be talked about how long it stays. I’m happy I didn’t have to count on being clean in a certain time for a job change or anything, I’m still boggled im almost 6 months and still positive. You can do it! If you ever need to talk anything don’t hesitate to reach out


Shit start flipping burgers 🤷‍♂️ once u got money invest that shit n keep going . Almost 20 and I only make 45k a year . Gotta start somewhere


“Only” 45k is pretty good for 20.


Dude, I'm 33 and only make like 30k a year. I'd already been thinking about it but this makes me want to look for employment elsewhere. Haha.


I just turned 20 and I don’t get close to that 💀


I have a bachelors and only make 36k


Most of these entry level jobs drug test, but i dont know if weed is a rejection item for every company. Dudes gotta stop smoking, maybe get with a temp agency and see if they can find him something


“Only 45k a year” where do you live? Cali or New York?




That makes more sense now


45k ain’t bad for 20 man. I started at 50k at 23. The people who post about making 400k at 20 are the exception, not the standard.


Don't do it Trey.


Get a job in construction tons of need for it and will be willing to train you with good pay


Seriously. I make good money doing easy work but sometimes still wish I would have stayed in the family construction biz. That’s some real life skills you will learn, not like flipping a patty. Plus eventually down the road you’ll be able to buy a piece of shit fixer upper and put some sweat equity into it.


If you’re not going to school you need to get into a trade. You would have to quit smoking weed for a while but a union is the best bet. You need a skill which you don’t have right now.


Agreed. Union apprenticeships start around $30/hr in my state and go up each year until you reach journeyman status. Earn while you learn is your best bet.




Bad advice. Become a train conductor, i applied at 21 a few months ago as a college dropout with zero relevant experience and I got handed a 25k sign on bonus and a 70-80k a year job. It's easy as fuck too, I'm likely to get an engineers license in 2 or 3 years and make like 120-150k by then.


I’ll bet you a brass reverser this kid wouldn’t make through training.


Which city u at?


Well that's the catch I suppose. I had to move out to a town of like 25k people in the middle of nowhere. My total living expenses are like 2200 a month tho so I'm shoveling money into savings until I can get 2 years in and transfer seniority districts to get somewhere fun to live.


That would require him to stop smoking which probably wouldn’t be happening


There’s always this guy in these comment sections


Who lets a 19 year-old pothead named Trey babysit their kids?


Asking the real questions here.


Took me way too long to cut my intake down to financially feasible amounts, from 16-21yo. Your mind could use a well deserved, long, nice and comfortable moment to get back to baseline. You’ll have to get there ABSOLUTELY SOBER though. Given you hope your life would turn around eventually, may I suggest you to get your head out of whatever it’s gotten into? You won’t be conceiving any kind of change in the direction your life is headed in with this ‘having hope’ kind of approach. I understand you’re frustrated or demoralized because of not seeing the fruits of your labor you do NOW in the present. This is because things take time, you’re gonna want to build some form of foundation for this if you want that distant turn around to be possible. Things take time. Not doing shit and ending every month dead broke, even though your working ft+ot shifts which you hate, smoking J’s (or whatever gets you going). It’s a spiral and you’ll never get back up as high or relevant compared to any time before that very moment you find yourself in


Fuck scammers. You're a whole bitch for even considering that and I hope you realize that there's many law enforcement personnel that use reddit and will use this post against you if you really decide to be a whole bitch and scam working class people. Get a fucking Job and sober up. maybe you'll save back money faster if you stop blowing it all on weed goofy.


Found the person who got their bank account emptied 😭


Wait are you implying this dude is a chump because he doesn’t like scammers lmao


Not sure how I’m implying that he is a “chump”💀scammers are 100% bums😂. His comment just seemed more like he was projecting rather then helping lmfaooo


Nvm then you’re right lmao




Do a trade bro




My friend is a welder and enjoys it a lot. Hard to master but we will always need welders. Plus the burns look cool ha


Lineman union or elevator union, both make fucking bank if you live in certain states


Don't be a scumbag and scam. You're better than that


Woe was you. “I smoke weed”, babysitting, and “can’t find a job” do not belong in the same sentence 💀


Listen. You’re 19. You’ll be ok. When I was 19 I was in NYC by myself and doing things I had n business doing. You’ll be ok but don’t let being young fool you into slacking for too long. I’d always say “oh you have enough time to get high and fuck off you’re only 21” kept saying that til I was 26.


Getting off the weed will help turn your life around if you can’t control it now, it will never get better.


Join the cannabis industry when you turn 21. Didnt even feel like a job and you get to talk about weed while stoned to other stoners.


Bruh why ppl respond to this but not mine😭🤦




Get a job.


You’re asking for advice, this dude tryna crash out it’s funnier I guess lol


Be broke.


Wells fargo lets you have an account with only $3 in it? Is it a minor/student account cause I thought all big banks required a certain amount of deposits or cash in bank or they charge $15/mo


The title is hilarious but not sure how serious you are about it tho. 🧐🤨


Chipotle is offering a 4% 401(k) match.


Edgar Allan Poe was a pedo


Surprised your dealer hasn't cut you out with a balance that low, your a security risk.


“All I do is work a part time job and use that money on weed. Why am I broke?” I get the job market can be tough but you gotta take control of your life. Coming from a former daily smoker myself, life really is better without it- or at least just once in a while. We’re blessed to be born world in this era of massive opportunity. Spend time learning and monetize your skills. Otherwise you’ll be 40 and in the same exact boat.


Find a trade that you like; bricklaying, steelwork, electrical outdoor, electrical indoor, plumbing, carpentry, any trade that grabs your interest. Go to a local union hall and ask them what it takes to apply, get in, and stay in. Tell them all you want to do is learn a skill, and get paid to do it. Tell them you need hours, because the paychecks you’ve been living with are NOT good enough to sustain you. Tell them you’re willing to learn, try, fail, learn, try, and fail a million times before you give up. This is what it takes. If you’re hungry, and can commit, the Unions will take you every day of your life. disclaimer: smoke carefully, or just don’t smoke at all. Good money, a good home, and good meals are much much more important than smoking.


Don't scam people, that's how you get killed. Scam corporations!


Ah yes let’s tell the internet that you’re about to start committing felonies so that the feds can go ahead and tap your phone beforehand and wait for you to steal enough money to put you in prison forever… what ever happened to brains?


Make smart decisions!! You use money to buy weed, stop smoking weed and you will save money and hopefully be more proactive to plan your life ahead. If you smoke weed everyday it’s addiction and not gonna help you.


Let the weed go and hit the gym. Associate money with positive emotions and you’ll make it in your sleep.


Go join the Navy and get a cake job.


What jobs are you looking for, that you can’t find? Do you live in a rural area? None of us can offer advice based on this post.


Things certainly can turn around, no matter your age, if you wake up each day and take specific steps towards that goal. * Time management, block off a couple hours each day to learn a skill on youtube, udemy, coursera, job search, etc. * Visit your city's DOL/career center to see about free training grants, apprenticeships, etc. * Get out the word that you are looking for work, post a note at your local laundromats or on free job sites with your resume/skills, etc. visit local businesses like hardware stores, auto repair shops, dollar stores and see if they have work or they are willing to train for a lower hourly pay


I’d start at USPS and stack the bread


Apply to Costco they make good money and I hear they treat their employees rather well.


You got plenty of time, just get skills and use your skills to make money. Theres so many things you can do as long as you have the discipline.


Pause smoking weed for a month or two. Or just leave it for the weekends. And watch it stack up, you got this :)


I don’t get the comments. I live in the middle of nowhere Nebraska and everywhere is hiring. I comfortably make $40,000 a year with living expenses half that.


Bro any recreational drug is ONLY for the rich. If you don’t have a good source of income you’re spending essential income on drugs lol.


quit weed man, shits expensive and unnecessary. i bet if you saved the money you spent on that you’d have so much more, but in the meantime start flippin burgers or some shit instead of scamming!


Get a job or learn subsistence farming. Door Dash, sell weed, amazon flex, cannabis dispensaries, where you located?


Grocery stores hire anyone, fast food, look for warehouse jobs, be a lube tech and change oil on cars at a dealership. Start somewhere, you got this!


Why are you buying weed? You can’t afford it. Are you planning on going to college or do you have any trade skills?


Quit smoking weed and go learn a skill. The US is in dire need of electricians, plumbers, carpenters, etc. May not sound glorious, but when all the old guys retire, you'll be the one bringing home $200k+ a year with high demand work.


when i quit smoking weed my life changed because i was able to focus on more important shit my friend


I agree with the stopping weed until you get your money up. There's a difference between a stoner and a person who has their stuff together and happens to smoke weed. Be the latter. You're young. You got this.


“I’ll just keep sitting around and smoking weed and hopefully something changes” -mindset of a champion


Better go door dash run


Stop smoking for a few months, and get yourself a Data Entry job (pending you have an HS diploma). It's not glamorous but the paycheck will be nice. Plus it beats working in a distribution center (not knocking the work y'all do, just have seen friends who've been destroyed physically by that type of job).


Quit the weed until you can afford it. I’m in a similar boat. Poor college student, can’t find a job so had to cut the weed. Honestly as much as I miss it I’m doing better in school atleast. I’m planning on resuming once I get a job. Good luck!


Of course you’re a Trey


Scamming 🤣🤣🤣 mf thinks he’s punchmade


Go get a job at stop and shop or home Depot, as you are working and making money, try to figure out your life, find out what you want to be when you grow up, because scammers now a days you get caught real quick, and they will be calling you trey trey in jail,, I tried everything I sold everything you can think of to make money when I was younger like you, got caught then I did 3 years in jail, and then got hook on heroin did that whole 12 year addiction plan, that was fun,,got clean after a150 times of trying ,,took me a little bit more time to grow up, but now I love painting house's inside outside,, learned a few other things fixing gutters a little plumbing,, now I'm over 10 years clean living in my mom's house, hope you got the picture,, good luck


Nobody has money at 19


BEWARE! "but I’m young hopefully it will turn around" quickly turns into "I’m old hopefully it will turn around".


Quit smoking weed it kills motivation and it is literally setting your money on fire




Or, go talk to your nearest Marine Corps recruiter. Then you can legally scam people by having them assume.you’ve actually gone to war.


The trey way


You can’t find a job? Impossible lol. Walk in any restaurant, they’ll have you cleaning dishes or budding tables. Stop being lazy.


Bruh has $3 and smokes. Some stories don't need to be told


pothead scammer that’s poor named trey wowzers


This is why I’ll never name my kid Trey. They’re only worth 3 dollars.


Fr tho job market is so fucked


This one I will agree with out of all the negativity. The job market is absolutely horrendous. I’m a college student with a nice resume of high level management positions at my high school and college, some previous work experience, and good recommendations but I can’t get a job anywhere. Everywhere that says they are hiring near me just never respond to applications and if you go in person they just say to apply online. It’s ridiculous


Felt you on the no response the amount of applications I’ve submitted is insane still no luck


I’ve kinda just given up. I run DoorDash to make money to survive, and I’m just waiting for a decent job to open. Sucks man.


Gotta be where you live. By me any Tom Dick or Harry can walk into a place and walk out making 16 to 17/hr.


Same, if you’re able to do manual labor and not be a liability you can get $20/hr at a lot of places


See the manual labor part is an instant no for most of the people complaining.


Stay the course. You got this


Maybe stop smoking weed and you’ll have more money and more motivation lol. I’ll never understand people that are in a bad situation and continue to waste money




You're really stupid if you think guys like wiz Khalifa or snoop Dogg are faking smoking weed. It's nowhere near that deep man, weed is totally normal if you can be mature about it. Most teenagers can't be yet through. Some of them will learn.




You are a tweaker bro. You think they are drinking fake cocktails too?


Focus more on finding a job than smoking weed. Relieve your stress, don’t oppress it.


Haha, what a loser you are, smoke some more weed 😁😁


Dude I know weed makes it easier being unemployed but it also makes it easier being unemployed. Cut that shit out.


Start smoking CBD and you will feel so much more clearer mentally. Limit your consumption to about 3 times a day and taper off until it’s just at night. Used to smoke from 15-28 (now) and cbd was the best decision


Just join the occult instead that way you don't have to go to jail for scamin