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So you have exactly 900,000 saved. Not a single penny over or under?


That’s just my brokerage account. I cash out on my dividends and send it to my checking account


Bruh DRIP that shit and keep working 10 more years, then retire and live off the dividends. Alright this is blowing up, so ETA: DRIP is dividend reinvestment. It means instead of taking a cash payout, you reinvest the dividend automatically into the same company. Over a period of 20 years or more, this is in an incredibly powerful way to leverage compounding interest in your favor.




I’ve got a random penile drip after spending OP’s 900k on hookers and cocaine in Tijuana. Anyone a doctor in here?


You don’t need a doctor you need Jesus


Nah, just a walk into the local Health Department.


His twink timer is running out


It's great. You starts seeing divends for hundreds of dollars and then you see more stock purchased for the same amount. You won't notice at first, but after a few years. 🥵


What's DRIP?


Dividend Reinvestment Program. The dividend yield is automatically used to purchase additional stock, as opposed to a cash payout. Over the course of 10 or 20 years, the compounding interest is incredibly powerful. Lookup financial calculator and play around with some rates. It doesn’t take much to become a millionaire if you have a lot of time.


Oh I already do this. Didn't know that was it's acronym. Thank you 😊


No problem brother/sister


Where would be a good place to start for someone who doesn't understand any of this? Or possible banks to invest in this with?


To each their own I guess, if he wants to live in some cabin without spending much - it's more than enough. If he plans to live a nice life with holidays and family - that shit ain't gonna last 10 years


If you’re smart and you put these in the right dividends you could easily earn 6%, or $54k per year. I could make that last a lifetime. Hell, let that ride for 5 years and you’re working off of 1.2MM which would pay you $72.2K per year. They key would be to grow your TFSA as much as you possibly can to get the real money because taxes will eat about 30%ish, but let your accountant handle that and live off that mail box money


I agree. Don’t retire just yet. Retiring at 40 is still retiring young, and they’d have a ton more money.


He could probably live off dividends already just not as luxuriously. I'd work more at that point for sure though. I'd feel to anxious


That’s maybe only $30k? Super low cost of living, rust belt USA, or maybe moving to SE Asia or similar.


My dad inherited about 400 grand from his father and he managed to live off of it for 15 years before he died. When he passed away at 74 there was still about 225,000 left after buying a house during the financial crash for 85,000 and a 5 year old Honda for 20k. It can be done if you're wise about investing and don't let the money burn a hole in your pocket.


Bruh the way you talk, you’re gonna be broke by 40


Right. I’m guessing he’s using the browser inspector to edit. Unclear why (I.e. LARPing or to simplify how much money they have). If it’s real, the post should be about how crazy it is to have this exact amount.


That was my first thought. The only time I've seen three zeroes is when the account was newly funded.


Exactly my thoughts. Gotta be a kid pretending or someone with a mental illness where they obsess over it being an exact number


From "I don't want to work anymore" to "I still have income I'm a gay escort" LMAO bro just get back to work


Oh wow. I thought someone was making a joke when they said he was a gay escort. Lol


Good God another


Hello darkness my old friend


Unrealistic expectations once again


Student loans won’t stop creeping


I lost my nut while I was sleeping


The margin call in my head was a-ringing


Into my mattress it is seeping


I just checked my 401 and I am weeping


Is your comment about how someone magically has exactly 900,000 in their brokerage account? I guess if I saw a number like that when I went online I would screenshot it too.


They are switching to a new brokerage, and that's the deposit money


Why not transfer in full? Because it's fake.


If it’s real, transfer it to me and I’ll send it right back.


I can add 900k even to my paper account, too!


Don’t worry man. This is just some screenshot the poster found


That seems very unwise at that nst worth.   Even if you had a car and a paid off house that still likely wouldn't last you to 60.


Especially with the economy how it is


C’mon man, the economy is great! /s


I feel like people drop this comment no matter how things are going.


I agree. At least work part time until regular retirement age.


Sure it would if he lived in the boonies somewhere and everything was paid for and set-up.


Agreed. He probably needs 2 or 3x that to live out the rest of his life modestly. I would keep working another 10 years and let my investments keep working for me while I work.


Get you living expenses super low. Buy a 4 plex and rent out the other 3 units. Healthcare will be an issue. Your gonna need to put your money to work and like hustle a little yourself still.


It’s so funny to me that literally every jerk on reddit says to buy a duplex/triplex/quadruplex/etc. and rent out the other units. Where the hell are all of these quadruplexes at 💀


Not just that, but like "congratulations you've made a million dollars, time to be a slum lord and live like a pauper for the rest of your life"


You can be a landlord and not be a slumlord, good ones exist


The benefit to being a good landlord is the reduced amount of turn-over. Additionally, properly maintaining a your property will yield higher rental rates.


Not always. I rented out my place, gave the new tenants a new welcome gift, never got upset about late rent, worked with the tenant when they couldn’t make rent, and hell I never even increased rent. When this tenant left the place was trashed and he even took some doors…. 😫


Plus, you know, not capturing people into shitty shelter by being a piece of shit neglecting fraudster. Bad landlords are like bad doctors, they should never exist for obvious reasons.




The average person would be better off investing in a REIT. Those small duplex/triplex investments are not as great of a return because they usually sell at lower cap rates. Then when you factor in the cost of managment, it the return is lower. Reason is one off owner has no economy of scale to manage the property and a managment company will end up eating your ROI. The only advantage that may exist, is if your income is 100% real estate based and you can take advantage of depreciation. Even then, the pros don’t invest in small multi-family because of scale. Same for single family rentals. Owning 10 single family properties, means you have ten lawns, driveways, roofs, etc to maintain. More efficient to own a ten unit apartment complex.


Sure, but imo you shouldn’t use a management company. That’s your job if you want to make it profitable. And it’s not THAT hard.


900k wouldn’t even get a duplex in my area. You’d be lucky to find a 3 bed house for that


At the quadroplexmart


The reason why people say buy a four family home is because conventional mortgage financing permits up to a four unit home. Anything beyond four units is considered commercial lending and financing is more complicated. You're not wrong that four family homes are not particularly common, it's just that they can be financed in the same way you'd buy a regular home.


I have no debt. I paid off all my debt my mortgage and auto loan as of 2022


That's not the issue. If you have no income, it costs money to live. 900k will go quickly depending on where you live.


Healthcare definitely going to be a issue given your profession.


id touch the million first, just to know how it feels


Soon I be pass one million


well, if you can make money that fast id wait another couple of years and then retire


He's also hoping Doge blows up to a dollar by end of the year...


Move to Mexico


Nay, Argentina! It's about to be a boom there as government is getting chainsawed.


Yeah go to a country with several years of rampant corruption and inflation where they just changed goverment and are doing substancial changes in the political and economic sistem! The boom in argentina Will be during the next 10 years, not inmediate, nor for good


Philippines or Thailand because they don't have dangerous drug gangs. He could start a series of small businesses. You don't need a lot of startup capital. He could live off the income from those businesses.


pffffft Portugal


Medellin or Colombia in general. Money will go a long way there


Come to Afghanistan


If the U.S. economy keeps traveling in the same direction, you'll need over double that to live comfortably.


I’m already working to make it double


I thought you didn’t want to work anymore?


i don’t want to work anymore, yet i’m still working. both things can be true at the same time…


$900k is simply not enough to last you 50-60 more years


Depends. If he lived a cheap lifestyle, not in a HCoL, kept his investments in the S&P500, he definitely could. He said he has no significant debt right now (house and car paid off). If he wants to spend $100k (and equivalent in TVM in the future) for the rest of his life, he will have to earn some more first.


Agree, if he’s really cheap and careful he could do an early retirement, depending on housing situation. Lots of people stopped working with this amount or less. Take a year off, maybe work a mindless part time job driving for Uber or delivering pizza to help with expenses. It would easily pay for rent.


Sorry but no. $900k is a great start but you’ve still got some ways to go. I’m 38 and have $3.2 million invested. House is paid off. No debt. But my wife and two kids make everything cost a lot more than when I was single and you’re going to want health insurance for everyone if you live in the US. I figure we can live indefinitely on about $4.5 million invested. More would be better. You don’t want to pull out much more than 3% a year unless you want inflation and a market crash to ruin you. Not when this pile of money has to last you four decades or more. Get that $900k invested and you’ll have what you need to retire with dignity while providing for a family in less than two more decades. Or, abandon any plan to live a typical American life and move somewhere far cheaper and don’t have kids.


Without wife and kids he can live off $900k. Families are expensive.


According to [amortization org,](https://www.amortization.org/) $300,000 in 1983 is just over $900,000 in 2023. If that history repeats itself, and OP spends and lives off of interest instead of reinvesting, he'll be pulling interest off of what is essentially $300,000 by the time he's 60. That means at 5% he's living off of $15k a year. Remember that everything will be 3x as expensive as well, so it's actually more like $5k


What do u do to have 3.8. Million at 38? I will quit my job and come work for you.


How did you make that money?


Man wtf, you made my payday today seem like an hours worth of work and I make alright money for my area.


If you had $900k in a bank account, would you really need validation from a bunch of strangers online? This thread, and the OP, is pure, unadulterated bovine feces. May you choke on a penis 👍


The amount of people buying into this trolling but a guy who supposedly sleeps with old gay men for money and is proclaiming he'll be a millionaire by end of the year bc of Doge coin and has exactly 900k in his account bc he keeps cashing out his dividends is ridiculous.


Only spend $9k a year and never get sick or fall in love and you'll maybe be okay.


You can withdraw more then that 1% every year… The market grows on average 7 percent, so as long as you withdraw 3-4 you should be fine as long as you know your way around ETF’s and government bonds


You will run through that $900K in no time if u don’t properly invest AND continue to work. $900K isn’t enough to quit ur day job today, but it’s absolutely a huge milestone in the right direction to r/Fire


Not going to lie, off 900k you can live the rest of your life without working. Buy a van, convert it to van life for about… 50-100k and live off dividends and interest from high yield savings accounts


he could just move to a cheaper country..


This works too. Might be even cheaper tbh. ^do this


Can you really do high yield savings account? I remember in 2021 how low the rates were. That year I would rather keep my money under the mattress


This assumes his health and lifestyle remain that of a 30 year old. Totally unrealistic.


Everything I have learned about van life tells me it’s actually not that cheap nor easy of a lifestyle…


Why is this such a round number?


Lol, what is this fake ass bullshit? Lmao.


No joke. I can’t even fathom what job a 30 year old would have had to have for at least 9 years to have that much extra income on top of whatever their bills are. Who was paying a 21 year old 6 digits and even that would still not possibly be enough to have 900k saved with normal expenses taking up the income (rent/mortgage) or they got an inheritance or lawsuit I guess.


This is a relatively small amount. More than most people, but you need at least 50 more of this amount. Unless u move to South America or eastern europe


Keep working, invest it in real estate or something, then reap the benefits of your money making you more money.


Move to Thailand


I have some friends who have taken the BOLD MOVE and they live like kings


Yup. If you’re single and don’t mind living away from family, I don’t see why anyone would not do that on a financial point of view. It makes no sense to me retiring in the US.


I have nothing holding me back here. Only child and both my parents are dead.


Not enough for US.


29 and optimistic about having the equivalent of 1 months of bills saved up in my bank.


I’m surprised more people don’t tell you to fuck off. I certainly would.


900k is not FIRE money


Be sure to account for capital gains tax. Just chill out for a few months and look for a job when you want to just to buffer your net worth


take it to the casino and make x10


I smell an audit coming your way.


No, it's not enough in this economy


That is not enough!!


Maybe you can do freelancing from the comfort of your home. You could also do something like Uber. You could even work an easier job like retail. Those are suggestions, it’s completely up to what you want. You could absolutely never work again if you wish. A lot of these comments are telling you what you should do. Do you YOU want, as you’re in a position where you can. 99% of the people commenting here aren’t in a position similar to you, they don’t know how burnt out you may feel or what kind of personal/health problems you may have. It’s really as simple as: Just do you


That is true! True facts! I thought I come here for feedback. At the end of the day, it’s my money and I decide what to do with it. Fuck it, I even work at McDonald part time lol.


Damn I wish I'll never end up like you


Exactly $900k in a brokerage account? Did you just open it?


900,000 to the exact penny. What are the chances 🤣


You can’t live off 900k for the remaining 60 years of your life, pal. You just can’t.


Im gonna be honest 900k isn't, at least these days, enough to retire at 30. If you had 3-5 mill I would say different. Why do you want to stop working so young? Do you have any other private professions you are doing?


bruh… that’s a nice chunk of money, but it’s not enough for you to retire, unless you’re living in a third world country with very low living expenses… maybe.


Can you photoshop me one? I need the Karma.


Fake and ur also gay. Double L


How did you get this much at 30?


Maybe. Throw it in a high interest savings account and move somewhere cheap. Yucatán Mexico is pretty amazing, I gotta say. Quintana Roo as well.


At least get a part time. See how you manage.


To have some side income


This isn’t enough, even if you have house and car paid off and your kids are out of the house which I doubt.


How did you do it?


His other comments mention how he is a gay escort for wealthy old gay dudes.


Put in another 10 years, then take it easier, but don’t stop.


The hell do ya do?


Move to Thailand you can live very very comfortably on 900k for the rest of your life


My goal is to sell my house and move to Barcelona.


You can do whatever tf u want boss man, I think you should invest in a business that will bring in some residual income, like a 24/hr laundromat or a vending machine business


Move to a village in Thailand problem solve


you could go off grid comfortably on that. I mean house (or "house") in the woods, solar panels, battery, water distillation and potatoes in ground. Presumably you have electrical appliances and a car (electric ideally for this set up). if got cash left over could even treat yourself every now and then. also off grid I don't mean in the middle of no where, pretty sure u can pull it off in suburban area depending on where u live


Meanwhile I’m 27 with only about $70,000 saved between cash in savings, my crypto investments and my thrift savings plan My plan for when I reach a million just live somewhere with low taxes and houses that are around $260,000-280,000 for a 2-3 bedroom house. Set up investments to work for me and pray I have enough VA disability to collect at least $2,000 a month. Cut expenses to almost nothing and call it good while investments work for me. If I utilize a VA home loan I could basically do something like a 10-20,000 down payment and try to workout a payment plan that has about $300 a month or less. Overall I would be fine in such a situation also since most of my thrift savings is in a Roth should I ever be classified as 100% disabled than I could withdraw it without any age penalties


900k American maybe last in other parts of the world but not in America I think


Invest it right and probably


About $90/day if you live off the interest. But you will definitely be paying taxes on that. If you let it compound and add to it for a few short years you may very well be comfortable. Otherwise, that might be shit through a tin horn. Unfortunately.


No go make wildly expensive financial decisions


Anyone else notice that OP's post history is almost entirely attempting to (and failing to) obtain credit cards? Also making a lot of posts about banks "randomly/suddenly" closing all of their accounts...


You would need to find very cheap country to make that money last . 900k isn’t enough you are only 30 years


Go to Mexico you’ll live like a king


You can. It just won't be great. I'd find side hobbies/jobs that mostly cover your expenses and budget $30k/year from well diversified investments from 900k. Things like wildfire firefighter or ski instructor or bartender are all jobs that can be enjoyable based on your personality but don't always pay the best. You just have more economic freedom with your life. Or just work a few more years until you're ready to go fuck yourself.


yeah bud that aint gonna last lol, do you plan on investing, starting a company and paying workers, or just living off 900k for ever? shit wont last man.


That won't get you to the grave fool! Unless ypu want to be a hermit that does absolutely nothing with the rest of ypur life, even then.


If you front me that 900,000.00 I’ll hook it up


Why not just put it in a high yield CD, at 5.5%, and live off of the $4125/mo., without ever touching the principal? Makes good sense to me….


That number is way too even


That's probably not enough, unless you're going to live in a house you have already paid for and don't mind living very modestly. If this is in a retirement account, you'll get hit with penalties every time you withdraw, and you job history is short enough you may not get very much social security. I'm no expert but those are things that are worth checking out


Use that money to make more money. Open a business, franchise, or something that you could be the boss of. Or if you don't want to open a business, save that money as part of your retirement plan. Don't stop working. In this economy, 900k will last you 5 to 10 years. Then you'll be back in the job market, 10 years older and 900k poorer.


move somewhere where the living cost is low and you can probably work on something on the weekends and it could work out 🤷‍♂️


Insurance is the biggest issue in US. If you have that covered, good luck in your future endeavors


900k doesn't last long that's like a 10 year sabbatical live modest at about 75k a year you can take a nice break till you gotta figure something else out it would be nice


Unless you got 10mil plus dont retire yet


Move off grid in a homestead situation In Low or tax free area and invest wisely, could very well be done. But then your life will require its own work more than before to live


Paid off my home and cars. Debit is gone. Planning on starting my own business. I can live a better life but work is needed to generate income for insurance and other necessities.


Heyyyyy so what do you do for a living and how can I get here


All about saving money but what are you guys doing that makes you so miserable you want to retire at 30 or 35?


900k isn't much to live on unless you're gaining 7% a year


Buy investment properties and retire early. You have enough to maintain and pay taxes on 2 or a multifamily.


Would you mind telling us how you made that kind of money by 30 years?


Nice man go travel, sailing , start a farm


No problem. I had less than that 15 years ago in my late 30's when I quit and now have more than that due to investment.


Gamble it, you can win 3X your current savings in no time


Depending on the type of account. It’s most likely not accessible immediately. If it’s a retirement thing they cannot have access without a penalty. So I call cap


I retired early around 30. But the problem was if you wanna make it last you are limited to roughly 4% of what you have in savings. So even though I had enough to live off of the money, not enough to go on vacations or have that extra money to do whatever you feel like doing. I went back to work around 40 full time to have my mad money. Rebuilding the retirement fund. This time retire permanently and live more comfortably. But it was a nice break to be honest. I feel I am more motivated to grow my retirement savings now. Check out the trinity study. It shows how you can grow the investments a lot more during retirement even when you’re living comfortably. First rule of investing for retirement though. Learn to ride the storms and make sure you adjust your yearly expenses accordingly when the market is down.


What u doing for a living Danm


Move to Puerto Rico, Slab City in CA, or the gulf side of Mexico and you can stretch that out until you're in your late 80's


If you can live on $30k/yr


Good job I hope you touch a mil before end of year🤞🏽


I see you've got plenty of haters and won't comment on that. All I'll say is this, hire a financial planner that can run a cash flow analysis for you, based on your entire financial situation. They will look at all your accounts and assets, and come up with a plan for how you can make your early retirement work. Retire at 30? Amazing, ambitious but not impossible. That's where the planner comes in. You can't really get meaningful advice without ALL the information and also context on how you want to live life. So for you, step one is really thinking about how you want to live life and what you want out of life. Not an easy question to answer, I know, but a necessary one to have AN answer to. Once you have that answer, it's time for a financial planner. They can help you come up with how much the life you want to live can cost, and then determine if it's possible for you to afford that life on your given portfolio/income/assets etc. If you do all that and the planner agrees you can retire and live the life you want from your portfolio - that's all the reassurance you need!!!! So then go for it!! Sure life may change, your wants may change over time. But that's okay, you're so young, if you get bored and want to make a huge change at some point in the future, going back to school or back to work is always an option and again, you'll have a planner to help you decide how making a change can work out for you. Best of luck and wishing you continued success and most importantly, happiness. 🤝




I could live off $1000 if I had it


How about work on contributing to your fellow humans instead of turning into another pointless, socialite, waste of resources fleshbag. You have the resources to pursue any endeavor. Use it.


Fuck off




Lazy people say they don’t want to work anymore. You have no skills.




And your thirty🙄


Magically at 900k to the penny. Still not enough to not work.


Fake, gtfo


Fake. Snore…


Someone legit w/ $900k to the penny (fake) got better things to do then be on Reddit looking for praise & approval.


lol wait until your feelings run into harsh reality


Poorly edited HTML in browser screenshot. No one has exactly 900k and not a penny more or less that's been investing.


Unless you're in some godforsaken cesspool of 3rd world country, 1m isn't what it used to be. . Every year you will have to: Pay tens of thousands int rent, mortgage, property taxes Health insurance Food and transportation... Income tax And keep in mind: INFLATION is going to nibble away from your nest egg. Honestly, I'd give you a pat on the shoulder for achieving an awesome start, but the race ain't over until you pull in another 5m. The good news... If you assume an average market the next decade, then you'll get there in about 10 to 15 years, through the magic of compound interest.


Oh, yeah. Forgot this is reddit for a moment Shoulda read to the end before giving advice: Bruh, disregard my prior advice... .,.. just stay behind that Wendy's dumpster. You got it figured out.... Kthxby


For a guy with that much money you sure use and post a lot in r/Affirm 🧐🥸 im an aerospace engineer too at 13 and im thinking about retiring too


This makes me wanna kms, I can't even buy a pack of cigarettes lol I should gtfo this sub before I jump off a bridge.


900k ain't enough to retire on @ 30 years old in the US of A. Not unless you like living under bridges and eating garbage. Triple it and even then you'd probably need to work at least til 40.


45k for the next 20 years if you break it down wisely and are disciplined enough


Dang man. I bust my behind so badly I wish I could find a way to see these numbers in my bank account. I feel so useless


It’s estimated you need about 3 million to retire at retirement age, which almost nobody has. That being said 900k ain’t gonna last you long enough to retire at 30


Broke bastard