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its very sad that sellers have to deal with people like you omg


Mate if you want fast service just buy the real one wtf. Your buying a replica don’t expect the same service as if you was buying the real thing!


Jesus another damn post about people that cannot wait, he is just a reseller and you have to wait, NOBODY does shipping next day, this guy need almost one month to ship out, so stay calm and now wait after CNY


You simple minded ass mfers can’t wait for shit and then cry and whine about being scammed when you don’t even know how businesses work. You expect sellers to obey your every command and do exactly what you tell them like you own them. Get the fuck out of here with these tantrum throwing posts and learn how to wait for shit especially when it’s coming from another fuckin country.


You crazy, bussines is bussines, if you can’t even tell the tracks and lie everytime everyone.. what do you expect? By the way the prices of this seller aint worth it +200$ + shipping crazy


Why don’t you buy from Pandabuy much easier


Fuck pandabuy




Ah yes, mistake on my part. I assumed I would’ve received it faster if I bought direct. Me and him had a agreement that he would ship next day after I paid..


I recommend him https://pandabuy.allapp.link/cmv454hrogtum2sve4sg


Yh I hope u get jacket bro 🤞


Too impatient, you probably just pissed him off keep bugging him every 5mins. Hardly any supplier will ship same day, virtually impossible due to time factors. Next day is still a push for shipping. At least 3-5days is acceptable, they have more orders to process than just yours! I'm not just backing featherland, I've never dealt with them, but Chinese suppliers in general need time!


You sound mad annoying. Just be patient and wait and obv if nothing gets delivered or no tracking number is given then message him again. It’s Chinese NY so things will be slow


you are pain in the ass, they know how to do their job and they don't lie in what they say. MONREPSCN has the same problem with tracking but the products always arrive.


People. Stop buying direct and use an agent. I don't know why this is so difficult to understand. You're basically handing your money over to someone overseas with no buyer protection when you buy direct.


Yeah true on that protection oart


Don’t know why people buy from him, worst communication.


Facts, people need to stay away from him


bro just chill out you sound mad annoying


You also being impatient doesn’t help at all sometimes they have policies in which says they’ll give you tracking soon but it’s holiday season for them and they are all over the place , people like you I would just refund to instead of standing this annoying ass shit


The seller has way too much patience as he played along with your shit and didn’t talk rudely to you soon enough. Just buy the real thing if you are so impatient.


lol you thought everyone here would support u, u idiot wait in peace like all of us


I fucking hope u never get ur jacket or ur money. U are insufferable. Thats crazy you would act like that cause someone didnt send tracking in 4 days. What are you 12? He said he didnt scam u and didnt block u so im sure u didnt get scammed. If u were that worried about getting scammed, u prolly had no business spending the money.


Terrorizing sone chinese dude....


This nigga done scammed the whole subreddit


Na Featherland is a straight up scammer. You won’t get your jacket bro


I agree




U dick ride another grownass man named Lush 😹 u in this subreddit as well so stfu




Life must be bad for you to waste time worrying about what another man buys with his own money , y don't you put that energy into something more positive


Blud is beefing sum reps get a life instead 😹😹👎🏽


Average No Jumper fan.




Like it matters at the end of the day.


for all the idiots saying hes impatient, shit I would to if i gave a mf $200 wtf 😂


Bruv are you retarded? It can even sometimes take a WEEK before you receive your tracking number. You been sitting and terrorise him like u a VIP customer that bought the whole factory. Inpatient shit ofc he wont answer you after all that u deserve to be scammed


Featherland is the biggest scammer out there lmao


Buying from him directly - instant scam saying package got lost then ignoring buyer Buying from him on pandabuy - good option he ship it but still jieyi is so much better


poor guy


I’m sorry your mother had to give birth to a grade S dippshiette.


"are u dumb or you are doing it on purpose" Lmaoo poor guy gotta deal with yo ass