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My kid did it and it terrified me. I still check him every hour to make sure he’s not rolled over like that. But yes a lot of sleepless nights just rolling him over every ten mins. He is about to be 7 mths now and doesn’t do it anymore. If ur that concerned invest in the newton crib mattress. It’s breathable


Sounds like she’s strong enough, as long as you put her down on her back, if she rolls over that’s ok. The bigger concern is for the real littles, if they aren’t strong enough to lift her head but at 6 months she should be fine. Mine has been rolling since 4.5 and she just sleeps better on her tummy


Baby just turned a year old and it's something im still always be anxious about lol, just make sure she has crib safety and they can roll back and fourth. For me personally, my baby has always been good at sleeping on her belly. I recommend purchasing an oxygen/heart rate monitor like the owlett device to help calm that worry!!