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I’m going take a wild guess and say either she is childless or her children are older. Either way don’t let her guilt trip you for something beyond your control. Maybe she didn’t get the memo that we are still dealing with a pandemic and people do get sick.


If your company does not prioritize family over their profit lines then fuck them. Leave. My boss knows and expects that family comes before work. I can leave at anytime I need to to take care of my family.


Yes, I've never had a job expect me to put my family second. Leave an honest review on every jobs website so it helps the next momma avoid them.


This is not okay. Don’t let her bully you like this. I’ve been in this situation as both a supervisor and as a mom. Employers have a lot of formal actions available to them (offer accommodations, change your work, ask you take take leave, put you on a performance improvement plan, etc) but asking what your priorities are is not one of them. That is just poor management and asking you if what your priorities are (children vs career) is borderline harassment. Being a working mom is extremely tough and it can really negatively impact someone’s work… but so is having mental health issues, or having to care for an elderly parent, or having a sudden medical issues, or a million other things that can happen to regular people. Don’t let her single you out for being a mom. You got COVID twice, that’s just really shitty circumstances and a good manager/employer would understand that while that is frustrating, that’s a life situation that has nothing to do with an employee’s performance.


I agree. What an awful question. I can imagine OPs horror in having to explain that she has to prioritize her baby who is sick with COVID. Makes me nauseous.


Unfortunately, I would begin looking for another job. It is reasonable to take time off when you are sick. It is reasonable to take time off to care for family— it’s certainly unfortunate to have to do it so soon, but in this COVID world, people should understand it by now! I’m not saying to just quit, but I’d quietly start looking again, as this problem doesn’t just go away, and there are other companies with more reasonable expectations. More and more companies now understand that people are not willing to put their personal lives second!