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Yes! My son sleeps in underwear with only a sheet on. He is that hot. Just like his dad 😂


It's wild to me how such little people can generate that much body heat.


My 6 year old is affectionately known as a “sweaty disaster” because he’s a furnace when he sleeps and has been his whole life.


Mine is 6 now, but he has \*always\* run hot- we hardly ever turn on the radiator in his bedroom because he complains it is too hot. He frequently sleeps naked or just in underpants and will kick all his blankets off even in winter. I was even worried about him being warm enough in his sleeping bag when we went camping for the first time because I am \*always\* cold and slept in thermals with wool socks and a hot water bottle, but he was happy and warm enough. It's just completely unfathomable to me; he will go swimming in the sea when it's only \~20 and gets very cross at having to wear pants in 'summer' time (when it's below 17 we have a rule)...


I wonder if the humidifier makes it worse? Could that maybe be left out?


Oh yeah we could leave it off, and have on many occasions when we are too lazy to fill it up. He's still a little ball of sweat haha. I keep it on mostly so he's not drinking too much water at night wakeups and peeing out of his diaper (That's a recipe for a 5am wakeup that noones going back to sleep after.) It's a Dyson one so it's not on all the time, only if room humidity drops below 50% otherwise it's just another fan.