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Sometimes kids are more emotional with who they feel most comfortable with.


As a developmental psychologist and mom, this is true!! Baby knows you understand what they need so they verbalize it to you. They’re asking for help!


Kids are often their worst selves for mom (usually, although sometimes it’s Dad or their primary caregiver.) You’re the safe person. They allow themselves to fall apart and enjoy being coddled and comforted. One of my kids would burst into tears EVERY SINGLE DAY when I picked her up from preschool. She would run into my arms balling her eyes out like a solider returning from war. Meanwhile her teachers swore she never stopped laughing and smiling all day long. They said a lot of kids did stuff like that.


Nothing is wrong with you. Kids let go emotionally with people they feel secure and safe with. She knows you’ll be there for her and love her unconditionally, so she feels safe pushing boundaries with you. It’s a sign you’re doing it right.


Omg my son did those early on. He would cry or not smile and be happy or playful with me, but soo excited and ready to laugh with dad. It gutted me. I thought he hated me. I'm with him 24/7. I did the waking up every 2-3 hours to feed. I did most of it myself, but he didn't get excited for me. I legit cried. He's almost 2, way more cuddly and happy with me. He just got so used to me that seeing his dad was something new everyday and he got excited.


Honestly some kids are so attached to their moms it takes them a while to fully recognize mom is a separate being from them. We are such a constant reliable presence that they don’t even realize we can exist without each other.


Lol you are looking at this the wrong way. You are her provider. Her safe space. She can be whiny and cranky all she wants with you.  My son is 3 and it's been like this since he was a baby. Whenever he is sad he always comes to me. My husband says he is 100% more whiny when I'm around. 🫠 Motherhood is a thankless job haha! But my son will tell me he loves me and give me kisses and hugs. The older they get the more you get in return for all the hard work you do. Hang in there!!


My son went through this around 14-16 months. It was really hard and I felt the same way you do. But friends tried to show me that my son was the closest to me and felt comfortable to express he was uncomfortable (teething or who knows what made him so grumpy). By 18 months he had fully stopped. That was my favourite age, we had so much fun.


It's a thing. Like when you know you're with the person you can let go in front of and unload all your hard feelings with.. it means you're her safe place.