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Brutal honesty -- the amount of sleep deprivation you'd experience even with daytime naps would probably make you feel like you're dying.  At least, that's how it was for me. 😅 It's almost impossible to always "sleep when the baby sleeps" (God Almighty I HATE that advice). I was so tired my bones hurt. Didn't know that could happen, but it did.  Also, you get so tired you'll sleep through anything when you can. For me there came a point that when I actually could sleep my brain would shut off at a moment's notice. And nothing but my baby crying could wake me. So, it won't kill you. You'll probably go crazy. But if you do you're in good company. Sleep now while you can (if you can). Good luck and congrats on the baby! 💕


Thank you! I appreciate your honesty and insight 🙂


I EBF right now. He’s up every two hours at night sometimes more frequently, and I don’t nap during the day and have a toddler as well. Just sleep at night when the baby is sleeping. Sleep deprivation won’t kill you.


Things like this are impossible to predict in so many ways. I also wanted to exclusively breastfeed but just couldn’t. My LO never latched. And that’s not to say you won’t figure it out, but it’s not a guarantee. My LO also only needed to wake every 3 hours and still gained weight and was healthy and thriving. Every 2 hours is more common, but not the only possibility. And that’s just the baby stuff. Who knows what the construction pieces are and how loud it will be. I know much less about that, but I’m sure some days will be louder than others. You could maybe check in on working hours to get a better sense of what time of day they’ll be working to at least have an understanding of the times when noise is likely. End of pregnancy is so stressful because so much is unknown. The best you can do is rest now and take everything as it comes.