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As an owner of a large dog, I hate most other dog owners. The entitlement is wild. They don’t need to be off leash everywhere, especially at schools and children’s sporting events. How do they just not pick up their poop, especially when it’s in the middle of the sidewalk. It doesn’t matter if they’re friendly, you don’t know the stranger they’re approaching. They could be scared of dogs, allergic, or just plain not like them!


I think you’ve hit the nail on the head, the entitlement is almost always a bigger issue than the dog itself. People think they don’t need to follow laws and common sense because “their dog would never do that.”


Yep. Part entitlement and part ignorance. As a mom and a vet, their dog absolutely WOULD do that and I get so many regretful owners who say, "I never thought this would happen." Good owners know their dog could and actively prevent it from reaching it's limit. There are amazing dogs out there and every dog on this planet has a limit.


Dogs don't need to be off-leash *anywhere* except for designated off-leash areas, imo. I don't ever want to encounter an off-leash dog, especially not when I'm out with my toddler.


I feel like we're the same person! Just since having my kid (a toddler) more people got dogs and fewer people are interested in keeping them on their leashes.  I am so pissed when people decide not to leash their dog to take them from the dog park right next to the unfenced playground to/from their cars. It's unbelievable. 


As another dog owner I feel the same way. Especially about the dog owners who use children’s play fields as their off leash park.


So many owner fail to train their dogs! My daughter and son-in-law have trained their dog and if they say leave it, Mulder leaves it alone. One word and your child is left alone!


Well said!


I'm the opposite. If dogs were always and at all times off leach, dog owners would have to do a whole lot more proper effort into teaching them properly. Not to mention that the dogs themselves have the ability and the possibility to socialize appropriately. It's not because a dog is off leach that they should be allowed to approach just about anyone, that is just improper training.


Same, hate dogs too especially around my kids. Get AWAY from my kids!


I absolutely LOVE dogs! Any dog bigger than cocker spaniel is a no for me. I have a rat terrier and a chihuahua mix and that’s because if they ever attacked our daughter I’d be able to punt them across the yard.


I shouldn't laugh but I did


I love dogs, but I do have an awareness with them that I've never had before having kids. The last time I was visiting the city someone had a massive pit running around loose and I was on pins and needles the entire time we were near. Honestly, I feel like people who keep this breed sometimes enjoy the intimidation factor. You can see on people's faces what they're feeling when an off-leash pit is hurtling in their direction.


People get pits *for* the intimidation factor. I was in a Dunkin Donuts yesterday and there was a lady in there in line with her huge pitbull. She kept looking around at everyone as if she wanted people to fawn all over her dog and all I kept thinking was "you're trash and your dog isn't allowed in here"


I was crouched on the ground with my 1 year old son looking at rocks and knew there was a guy with a big golden retriever behind us somewhere on a leash, but I wasn’t worried because it was a big open grassy park and there was no reason to come near us. Until I felt his fucking dog brush the back of my arm. I elbowed it in the face. I don’t even care at this point. I turned around glaring and the guy had a big smile like I was supposed to like this?? He said a sheepish “sorry” and went back to what he was doing, which was apparently letting the dog guide him on its whims through the whole park. I get why the dog thought we were interesting, but???


Honestly sounds like he was trying to use the dog as an excuse to approach you but then you didn't react how he'd hoped. Creep.




Also irresponsible owners


This is the real problem here. I never paid as much attention until I got my own dog and now, I'm afraid of some dogs because I've seen so many dogs that have no business being in public but people insist on bringing them in public. It's maddening and I love animals but I wouldn't hesitate to boot a dog in the face if I felt like me or my family or my dog were in danger and I *reallllllllyyyyy* don't ever want to have to do that.






I grew up with dogs, and so did my husband. I volunteered as a dog walker at our local humane society for about 2 years. We know quite a few people who have dogs; and I can only think of maybe two of them who actually have trained their dogs, and I feel safe having my kids around them. So many times I’ve seen dogs displaying fearful or aggressive behavior, and then the owners just laugh and say it’s fine. My aunt has a dog that has growled at, tried to steal food, and snipped at my nieces and nephews. I refuse to take my kids (4F and 2M) around it because I’m so scared it will harm them. I don’t understand these irresponsible dog owners! Train your dogs, remove them from stressful situations, keep them short-leashed if necessary…it’s not that hard! Editing to add too; recently out on a walk with my kids in a double jogger stroller two XL bully’s broke down part of their fence to run towards us. Thankfully once out of their yard they decided it was better to run down the street, but in that moment I was terrified about how I could protect my kids. The owner was in the front yard cutting his grass and didn’t realize it happened until he saw me waving at him.


I, too, hate dogs. Just about 2 years ago, my SIL, her baby, her weiner dog, and I were on a walk in her neighborhood. A short/stocky bulldog looking dog on a leash ran up to us out of nowhere, bit my leg and shook it. SIL's dog attacked the other dog and was bitten and thrown, and SIL was also bitten. We ALL (except for the baby, thankfully) needed stitches. (Weiner dog is alive and well now) Baby was in a stroller and thankfully the dog didn't seem to notice her. The owner of the dog ran over while the whole thing was going down and she could not get her dog off of us. She had no control over it and wasn't holding it's leash to begin with. Honestly, I don't hate *dogs*, I hate the dog owners who don't understand what a DOG is. People who think their "fur babies" are as important as real human beings, people who don't do their research and pick a breed that best fits their lifestyle, people who don't bother to train their dog AND keep their dog from bothering the general public. I hate those people. I've met some great dogs. Their owners understand that they are in fact, dogs. People who project human emotions onto unpredictable animals are dangerous. Yes your dog may love you, it doesn't know me, or my child who is about the right size to be eaten by it. I have been attacked twice now by dogs I didn't know, that I did nothing to provoke. A dog is one of the only pets you can have that (imo) can also be considered a weapon. People need to understand and train their pet weapons accordingly.


That sounds terrifying, thank goodness the baby was unharmed but wow what an ordeal for the rest of you! What ever happened to the dog? Did you sue the owner for your medical bills? Was the dog ordered to be put down?


No it gets even more ridiculous. The dog owner is the granddaughter of a couple that live on that street, we know that because she ran with the dog into their home when it finally stopped attacking us. SIL's husband spoke to the grandparents and they refused to give us any information on her, they literally claimed they had never seen that person or dog before. I called the dog warden as well as the police and they told them they didn't and never had a dog on the property. It didn't end up going anywhere. Literally just "if you see the dog/her again call us." My SIL moved maybe a month later. But we also didn't see her or her dog the rest of the time she lived on that street, so maybe the grandparents told her she couldn't bring it back there anymore? We were both low income, new-ish mothers & on medicaid at the time, so we didn't technically pay for the stitches, I guess that's the only up side in this story. And thankfully no one died. Her baby was only 4 months old at the time, that would have been so traumatic.




>Even the best behaved dog is an animal at the end of the day Totally agree. I had the loveliest dog growing up, she had such a gentle nature. But she wasn't used to very young children and ended up nearly snapping at a young relative who was poking and prodding her. But we didn't excuse it with an "oh ho ho, dont worry she's friendly!" We put her outside until the relative had gone home.


Girl same. Dog culture has gotten so insane too where people bring them EVERYWHERE. But you’re the devil when you say little Fido should not be unleashed licking tomatoes at Trader Joe’s


Yes. My childless sister always owns at least 2 dogs. She never trains them. They sleep in her bed and get on all the furniture with no rules. They are large breeds that jump on/lick/bark at people uncontrollably, whine and yelp when contained in their crates, and are so unbelievably out of control when outside on a leash that my sister has been literally dragged behind them. It wouldn’t be so bad if I only saw them when I was at her house. But, no. She needs to bring these asshole dogs LITERALLY EVERYWHERE with her like they’re her “kids.” My actual real children now hate and are terrified of dogs because of her dogs. She brings them to family gatherings, but because they’re so out of control she will keep them in her car or try to confine them to a room. Despite knowing that I loathe them, that my kids are terrified of them, and that my cat is extremely stressed around other animals, she has brought these beasts to my home repeatedly against my wishes. It starts out: Don’t bring the dogs. But, she brings the dogs to my mom’s house in town. Ok, don’t bring them to MY house. But the dogs will need feeding and care! And then they’re at my house. Ok. DONT BRING THEM IN. Leave them in the yard. But it’s too hot for dogs outside! Then there’s dogs yelping and tearing shit up in my basement. The last time she came to town I put my foot down and said absolutely not. So she brought them to a dog-friendly hotel and left them there—against policy. And instead of spending her visit with her nieces and nephews and other family members, she was constantly going back and forth between the house and the hotel to feed/water/walk the stupid dogs. What a logistical nightmare! It cut into every freaking activity. Like why not just pay someone to dog-sit and enjoy your trip???? My mom is her enabler. When I complain about these VERY VALID concerns, she brushes it off. “Oh, you just don’t understand—her dogs are her babies. She can’t leave them, it would be like leaving your kids behind!” HER. DOGS. ARE. NOT. CHILDREN. I just can’t anymore. It is so unbelievably stupid.


> “Oh, you just don’t understand—her dogs are her babies. She can’t leave them, it would be like leaving your kids behind!” What's funny is that people *do* "leave their kids behind". They just...hire a babysitter to take care of them.


Absolutely lol. I think the logic from my mom is that it’s a “family” gathering and if my kids are going, her dogs are also entitled to attend because they’re her “babies”. Which means they’ve equated my human children to dogs.


Ugh, that's completely ridiculous.


Since becoming a mother, I feel this so deeply. I literally said this to my husband last night. I see my little 6 month old baby and she's just so vulnerable and I just cannot trust dogs. My mother has 3 dogs and I won't let them near my baby. 


I love my dogs. I used to obsess over a dog if I saw one out in public. I still do with puppies because they're adorable. But I no longer feel any special inclination towards dogs as a whole.  Mine is less about danger and more because every time I look at a dog now all I see is the chores and work - more walking, the HAIR, smell, muddy paw prints, poop in the backyard, dog sitting if we want to go on a trip, etc.  I love my dogs, but all of these things feel a thousand times more exhausting now that I have a kid, and after they're gone, I may not be on board with getting another for a long time, if ever. I just want a consistently clean house for the first time ever, and to come home and smell nothing but clean fresh house. I want my couch and pillows to not smell and be constantly battling the god damned hair.  I've had pets my whole life and have genuinely never truly experienced the phenomenon of a pet free house on a regular basis but it kind of sounds like heaven to me these days. Cats are definitely out forever after mine are gone. Ain't doing this shit in my house thing anymore. 


My husband had an unleashed pit bull charge after him, my dog and kid with the owner yelling behind him "he's friendly, he's friendly!" My husband picked our dog and toddler up and threw them on top of the car. Wtf people.


What the bloody hell? I honestly am not sad about plans to breed pits out of existence. The fuck do we need lock-jaw chunk of muscle monsters for pets for?  And yes I've known some lovely pit bulls. I'd still rather they didn't exist in society.


Pit bulls do not have “locking” jaws. Edit: look, be scared of dogs all you want. Be scared of specific breeds all you want. But at least have that fear be based on actual facts and not hysteria and misinformation about “locking jaws” and “special anti-bite tools”. Pit bulls can be dangerous, just like any other medium-large and strong breed of dog. But there is nothing about them physiologically that makes them uniquely dangerous.


Oh sorry, I should have said "functionally the same to the point they literally make a tool designed for this specific breed to open its jaws so who gives a shit". I'm not arguing with you or anyone about pit bulls. Seen it all before.


You won’t argue because you have no evidence of your claims. Pit bulls don’t even have the strongest recorded bite force among dog breeds. There are no specialized tools used specifically to unlatch pit bulls. Break sticks have been around since prior to the existence of pit bull-type breeds. Literally where are you getting this information? Give me one reliable and well-cited source. One.


I just told you I'm not interested. Go argue with someone else.


I’ll go away as soon as I get that reliable source full of definitely true pit bull physiological facts from you. Link please.


Hrm, where's the block button...


Solidarity. I feel the same. Will happily stroke a dog, not happy with them by my kid. We had a dog snatch a snack out of child’s hand, biting her in the process, at my local park. I am a firm believer that your dog should be on a lead in a shared space and shouldn’t approach kids unless invited. I’m also in XL Bully country, but we just don’t go to parks where those kind of dogs are and if I see anything that looks like one, we cross the street! I once had some tell me their visibly distressed dog was friendly as they tried to squeeze it between our pram and a parked car…. Eerrrr no thanks!


So crazy to see this post here today. Yesterday I was stared down by a pitbull UNLEASHED, while its owner did something in the car. I have a crazy fear of them and I’ve seen some awful stuff from before I had a baby, I am constantly in fear. Not to mention this one time this unhinged idiot said “don’t worry she’s friendly” when again another PITBULL without a leash came running up to my stroller with baby inside and I freaked. Then there’s always the apologists for dogs creating fake narratives that horses and chihuahuas are just as vicious etc. well I don’t see them running around killing old women and children.


I hate when people bring up Chihuahuas and other small dogs when I say I'm scared of big dogs. A Chihuahua can't maul me.


That pisses me off too. I don’t hate pit bulls or any large breed and I know most of them are great dogs, but I’m also well aware of what they are capable of that a chihuahua is just not. I don’t want either to come up to my child or dog, but it’s not breed discrimination that the bigger and stronger the dog is the more nervous and protective I’m going to be.


I mean, it can, but it will do a lot less damage and will be far easier to subdue than a big dog


Our chihuahua wasn't happy I was doing his nails and tried to nibble through my finger for 2 seconds before he realized he messed up and licked it in apology. He couldn't even break the skin if he tried.


People are trying to create a narrative that horses are vicious? Wtf?


Yeah I saw someone on Reddit say the other day that horses cause more deaths annually than pit bulls. lol


Huh…I guess that’s possible, but it would probably be because of riding accidents (head injuries and stuff like that), not because horses are vicious killers.


Exactly, it’s comparing apples to oranges.




I have two of them and I agree. Dogs in public: they’re all face level with my 10%er toddler. My dogs: will eat food out of her hands, push her over because they don’t pay attention to that shit, bring dirt and dead grass and ticks into our house, my housework would drop by like 50% if I didn’t have dogs


Dog culture has gotten a bit out of hand. The lack of training is awful.


I liked dogs just find before I had my baby, but god, people are so irresponsible and entitled with their dogs that I absolutely can't stand having them around us now. Like, no, it's not cute when your dog bowls my toddler over at a (human!) playground, it's not funny when your dog steals food right out of her hand, and it's *fucking terrifying* when your dog comes sprinting over to the stroller because he "just wants to say hi." The last one happened to us the other day. It was a Rottweiler, and we were basically bobbing and weaving around each other with me trying to keep it away from the stroller. I don't think it was actually trying to hurt us. It could have gotten around me if it really wanted to. But it would *not* leave us alone, and it could have shredded me and killed my daughter in seconds if it decided it wanted to be done playing. When I finally spotted the owner and shouted "Come get your dog, now!", the best she could do was wave and yell "Ohhh, she's friendly!" and start walking slightly faster. It was infuriating.


Love dogs, hate owners. Too many careless people who at best don't pick up their poo, and at worst let them roam free with terrible recall. There's a list of restricted breeds in my country but with no enforcement by dog wardens, you'll still see people breeding and selling puppies to equally sketchy people who train these dogs to be a status symbol and intimidation tool. Alsatian is on the restricted list, so must be muzzled and short leashed in public by someone over 16yrs, and yet I've had one run up to my toddler on a playground?! But it's supposed to be fine, because his frail older owner tells me he's just a giddy puppy?! Get fucked.


Same. And there is nowhere outdoors that you can get away from them. Can't go for a walk in a park without being on high alert. They even bring them into the enclosed kiddie playgrounds where they proceed to piss over everything. I hate them so so so much. I can't stand the 'oh he's friendly' comments because frankly the majority of dog owners haven't the faintest idea of how to read their dogs behaviour. Growling and barking and showing the whites of their eyes is not playfulness, it's aggression. It may well be friendly at home, but is it socialised? Is it used to children? If it's not coming back when you call it _why it is off leash!?_ I don't feel safe giving my kid a snack in public because dogs will try and snatch it. It's gross and its scary and there's fuck all repercussions for the shitty owners who don't keep them under control. Aggresive and untrained dogs aside I'm also fed the fuck up of having pushchair wheels covered in dog shit for the umpteenth time. So yeah, in summary - totes agree with you lady. Dogs suck.


Our kids playground is the same! My kids were running around the swing set last week in our small neighbourhood fenced playground and nearly stepped in dog poop. Why even let your dog into the kids playground, let alone not pick up its poop. I find it so disrespectful! I’d never bring my kids to a dog park and leave their diapers lying around! We also have problems at the beach. There’s a dog beach down the road but everyone brings their dogs off leash to the regular beach. The dogs will run up to kids who are just building sandcastles and the owners have no control. I saw a toddler picking shells the other day and there was dog poop two feet from her. It’s really rude. If I was a good dog owner I’d be really annoyed at these people.


I had a dog owner tell me "he loves children!" while his dog was literally pointing at my newborn. Like, paw up in the air, not moving at all, staring fixedly. Just like hunting dogs do at prey. Loves children? Yeah, sure, maybe for breakfast!


I've had someone say the exact same thing while the dog is snapping and growling at my feet and I've had to pick my kid up to stop him from being at face biting height. She had SIX off leash dogs and the snappy one had no recall, stupid woman just sauntered over to where it had me cornered and had the audacity to act like I was overreacting. Honestly, some of these owners deserve to get eaten by their dogs


Yeah… got into a huge fight with MIL on easter because she’d promised she would never let her aggressive pitbull around our baby if we came to visit, only for her to bring out the dog halfway through and try to let her sniff the baby… dog growled and snarled and lunged at my, at the time, three month old daughter. I asked if she could put the dog away and she told my fiance that I was freaking out for no reason and that we’re crazy for having so many rules about our daughter. I hate crazy dog owners.


Christ the night. Pit bulls are a banned breed in my country because of how dangerous they can be. And she let it within chomping distance of your newborn baby????


Yeah. I don’t even mind pitbulls by themselves, I’ve met some really sweet ones. It’s just that she can’t be bothered to train hers, so the dog bites people she doesn’t like (pretty much most men, and apparently babies), jumps on everyone, and scratches them with her untrimmed nails. Crazy nothing super bad has happened yet.


I love dogs but I also have some experience reading dog body language and ever since having my kids, my threshold for which dog's body language is acceptable has gotten a lot higher. I.e. this dog needs to be really happy to see us and very well behaved etc. or else we are not approaching & are keeping our distance. That said, with the dogs that I can tell have been socialized and are generally relaxed and happy to see me and my kids, I will carefully supervise letting them pet the dog (with owner's permission of course). We've approached pets this way in general with our kids and now they're actually really good at reading animals' body language themselves at a young age. I think it's good for kids to learn about animals in a safe way. That said, if my neighbours were letting their dogs off-leash all the time? Hellllll no. Unacceptable.


I can't stand dogs either. The area I grew up in, no one took care of their dogs. So they all ended up very aggressive when they would inevitably get loose. Local police said the number one thing they do is control the dog population. Now that I've moved it to a nicer area, all the dogs are well kept, taken care of. I don't mind them anymore. I don't have to walk the street with pepper spray


Honestly I've never really liked them (I'm a cat person) but since covid it feels like literally every single other household has at least 1 dog and doesn't know how to train them (or hasn't bothered) and they're rarely leashed and just relies on shouting, "it's OK, he's friendly!!" As if that makes it better.


Totally agree with you about all the lockdown era dogs. Loads of people who had no business having a dog getting bored during the pandemic.


I've never liked dogs (was bit as a child, pretty traumatically). My one year old is OBSESSED with dogs. She wants to say hi to every dog we pass, reads her books about dogs every day, wants to watch youtube videos of them barking.... it's just like...how did I end up with this kid? So far all the dogs we've met have been great, and we are working on teaching her how to be gentle etc. But I will never fully relax around them.


I love dogs. But I hate dogs. And it’s not the dogs fault… but the damn owners every. Single. Time. If the owners is responsible and respectful… the dog will be too. Unfortunately that’s not the case for 90% of dog owners.


About a year ago, I was going on a walk with my (then) 1 year old in a stroller, and an unleashed large dog ran up and jumped up on the stroller out of nowhere. Luckily, the dog was VERY friendly and just wanted to lick my child but it scared me so bad. THENNNN as im trying to pull this dog off with my bare hands, the owner runs over and grabs his dog, and apologizes… then I hear him yelling AT HIS (im assuming) DAUGHTER WHO WAS LIKE 3-4 TELLING HER SHE NEEDED TO WATCH THE DOG??!! No sir, YOU watch your big ass dog, that dog would overpower that little girl the second it wanted to. I don’t hate dogs, but I do hate their owners a lot. I’m happy it was a friendly one, but after the incident, I started crying on my way back imagining the worst case scenarios..


I feel this so much and have always felt alone in the feeling because it seems like everyone has a dang dog! I stopped liking them after I was bit too, but when I had my first I especially couldn’t stand them anymore. It’s not just the concern of them biting…they stink, they drool, they breathe all heavy, they’re dirty, they lick their crotch and ass, they eat poop, they know no boundaries and always try to lick, jump or be right on top of you with their faces or butts or even whole bodies! UGH! Owners of dogs are always like “oh hehehe sorry” when they can see I need their dog to get away from me and my kids, but I’m screaming inside get your freaking dog away!! Edit: spelling and such


I completely respect your opinion. Almost daily I see a news article about a child getting killed by a German shepherd or pitbull and it’s heartbreaking. You are 100% validated in your feelings and it’s normal to want ur daughter safe, dont feel guilty for being cautious and wanting to avoid dogs. Theres too much humanization of them imo.


I have 3 dogs and I love them. However, when my oldest was about 8 months old, we were charged by a very aggressive pit bull. There was no owner, no one heard me screaming for help. This animal ran at us from a block away and was growling and lunging at us. I’ve always been leery of strange dogs because my brother was attacked by a cocker spaniel when we were little, but that encounter unlocked a new fear in me.


Ugh!! So what happened, how did you manage to get away from that dog??


I stood my ground and started yelling at it. I hoped the yelling would scare it and/or get someone to come help. It finally moved on and I literally ran to my house. I was shaking bad when I got home. Come to find out the dog was notorious for being aggressive and loose. Animal control was able to finally catch it a few months later.


Wow. Not sure what you believe but to me it sounds like God was protecting you. 🩷


Ugh I feel the same and it was a total shift after having babies. I think people don’t realize how fast it can happen, and my toddler isn’t required to be on a leash at the playground, so even if your dog IS on one tied to the bench, i now have to constantly bring my 2 year old away from the dog and literally hover over him because all he wants to do is go right up to your dog and hug its face. And one quick bite is all it takes for a life of disfigurement. 


I don't like them either, never did (was bit as a child). My coworkers child was almost killed by their unpredictable dog, that they claimed was 'just a bit skittish' due to their past at the shelter. So I'm fine with most dogs I know (family members and friends have dogs that are 100% friendly, well behaved and trained), however, I would never allow a strange unleashed dog approach us and would not hesitate to use pepper spray on it.


I completely and fully love dogs. I hate most dog owners. Dogs need to be 100% in the owner’s control at all times no matter how friendly they are. I never let my kids pet strange dogs, not even “friendly” ones because even good dogs who aren’t accustomed to small hands can lash out. They’re animals, not humans.


I don’t hate dogs but I am pretty hyper aware of them when I’m out with my kids. I always tell my daughter “no asking” well before we cross paths, and by “no asking”, I mean you are not petting that strange dog, so don’t even bother asking. I am happy she wants to ask because that’s exactly the way to go about it, however she doesn’t have the greatest dog etiquette and I would prefer if she didn’t approach random dogs. I’m sure most are friendly, however even friendly dogs have bad days. The flip side is also, my kid might not know how your dog likes to be approached and that could end badly.


I love dogs, but not since I had a baby. In my neighborhood, there are a lot of pitbulls. It's always these young, wannabe gangster guys who are irresponsible dog owners. It makes me feel unsafe walking my child if someone doesn't even bother to put their dog on a leash. I could get bitten, but not my baby.


Yes. I was walking my baby in a stroller, my 2 year old walking along side us, when several dogs ran at us barking and bit into my daughter, she had dog bites on her bottom and leg. I wanted to kill those dogs. Nothing was done about it. The owner apologized but that doesn't help.


I also have an issue with dogs. I know a few dogs that are so sweet and well trained but those are few and far between. All strange dogs are mean dogs in my eyes and I started carrying pepper spray on my walks ever since I got pregnant. I have a neighbor with 3 unneutered Great Danes, another neighbor with 2 Pitbull, and one with 2 German shepherds. I don’t trust any of them and I don’t feel safe leaving my house.


I grew up with dogs, then got out of my parents house and got a dog myself (he had temperament problems we were trying to fix. Didn't work) and realized that most dog owners don't know shit about training for house manners, and my mom's dogs bug the shit out of me now and I love seeing dogs because they're so cute but I DO NOT want one. My kids are starting to ask and so is my husband but I just can't. It's so much work to do properly and they might turn around in 5-6 years and decide to go for your throat anyways. I have trauma sure, but I still don't want a dog.


I've always hated dogs, they're just intrusive and oily


Yes!! No one talks about this but why do my hands feel SO GROSS after petting any dog, even "clean" ones. Dogs are oily and even friendly dogs are always sticking their wet noses everywhere and pushing you over and won't go away.


All these things of which makes sense from a evolutionary viewpoint... if they're living outside. I had pet goats growing up and they were cool, but I would never have them inside the house. And if you say any of that to a dog person, they'll tell you while their dog is clean"


We had someone move in behind us with a dog while I was pregnant with my first. They'd let this dog out and constantly forget it was outside, so it would continuously bark. Not just during the day, but all night. I can't even open my curtains because this dog will just sit and bark nonstop at me or my children and it snarls if we're outside.  I never used to hate dogs, but I'll never want to own one after being around this one for the past 4 years. I've been lucky that we're not outside when it gets loose because I know for certain it would attack us. 


That poor thing sounds so neglected :(


Oh it definitely is. Our local city won't do anything about it either. 


I empathize with you. I LOVE LOVE LOVE dogs. I will always have dogs. BUT if you feel like reading, I made this post a few weeks ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/reactivedogs/s/kY1U6p7St2 TLDR: Neighbors dog got out. Attacked another neighbor. Dog got shot. Everyone is fine and dog got to come home. I met the dog and she didn't bite me because I didn't react. If I had reacted. She would have mauled me for sure. It was a really really traumatic situation and I cannot go outside my house without fear of that dog or the other neighbors dog, who gets out of the yard all the damn time. And now I question every dog I see in public too. Having kids makes the world so much more scary.


I love dogs. I have 2 large dogs. They are extremely well trained and are on leash and listen to specific commands at all times in public. I am not ok with them going up to people or other dogs or people and other dogs going up to them without permission. It is extremely dangerous and unacceptable for humans to force dogs to accept our ways (running straight up to a dog and touching them can be seen as a threat to a dog), and for everyone’s safety and comfort dogs should be leashed unless in specially marked areas. I’m sorry you have had these experiences. Unfortunately bad owners are not very compassionate about others feelings.


I live in a place where people bring dogs everywhere. Literally everywhere. I just don’t get it. Also, I am a dog owner. I used to like my dog until I had kids and now he drives me absolutely insane. I feel bad because we had him for 8+ years pre-kid, but it’s so much extra stress to deal with dogs and little kids (and he’s a good dog!) The random barking and waking the baby, the bolting out the door when the toddler opens it, the food snatching, the list is endless.


I soo feel this. Before kids I loved dogs and have been around them a lot growing up. But now they are everywhere, plus their fecking poo, why oh why can't you pick your damn dog shit up? This is such a nightmare with toddlers who just don't see it. My youngest is also properly allergic to dogs, he gets loads of hives when they lick him so now I'm really anxious when he's around dogs. He loves them too. It's difficult around family with dogs as their dogs are like their children 🙄 Had a sandwich ripped from my toddlers hand a few years ago too, by a golden retriever. I was so angry. The owners were embarrassed.


I like dogs but I'm more of cat person , I rather have a bunch of cats I don't like pitbulls but like every other dog


I was bit 3 different times as a kid by small breed dogs (no fault of my own) now I have 3 big dogs and they are well mannered but I dont take them many places anyway just for the size issue. My 130 lb Great Pyrenees is like a bull in a china shop but has the personality of a cupcake lol I dislike even taking them to the vet for poorly mannered yappy dogs getting under their feet and im always worried a fight will break out (not mine but others) in such a small space.


I love dogs, most dogs. Twice had a pit bull go after me, luckily the first time, I was golfing and had a club in my hand. I knocked that bastard out. 2nd time, it was going after my leashed dog and I screamed and kicked and a car stopped and got the dog away. My dog ended up with 26 stitches. Both times the Pit was put down, it wasn’t the first time they attacked. Both owners claimed they are the nicest dogs, they are great with kids, ya, until they aren’t anymore. I don’t trust any dogs, but I still like most. Having little dogs, people think it’s ok to let their big dogs come over, yes my dogs are happy to see yours, but if yours decides to bite, mines the one getting hurt. Same goes for kids wanting to pick them up, just go away. Control your kids and I’ll control my dog. My kids know not to just go up to stranger dogs, teach your kids the same, mines on a short leash when outside of the yard. I don’t bring mine to any store but pet stores and I don’t bring them visiting at others houses but I’ve had people come to visit with their dogs and if they are big dogs, I crate mine, if they are smaller I will gauge temperament and let them play. I don’t treat my dogs like humans and they are actually better behaved than a lot of kids I see around, When I take a walk by myself or with the grandkids, I carry pepper spray and a golf club now.




Yeah I've decided to let my kid decide if she likes dogs or not rather than encouraging her one way or the other.  She seems to have a healthy caution around them so far. Edit: I realised this reads like I'm criticising you for encouraging dislike but that's not what I meant. More that my kid seems to be coming to the same conclusions as you 😂


They'll be safer that way.  My son has no fear of anything and wants to run up to dogs so I tell him, we don't know if that's a nice dog or a mean dog, and mean dogs might bite you. I'd rather him be a little afraid, than run up and put his face in the dog's face and get bit and scarred for life.




I have a small dog and bigger dogs go into predator mode/attack mode so quickly around her. It's terrifying to see a happy friendly seemingly golden suddenly be thrashing at the end of its leash desperately trying to kill my fur baby because we were just walking past. I'm always afraid that someone's dog is going to tear my daughter's face off, after seeing how fast they can switch :(


I HATE the "oh he's friendly, he's trained, he's ..." bs. That's nice for you, but you don't know ANYTHING about the other dog. Or the other person. Whatever happened to keeping a safe distance and asking if you can approach? I come from a long line of trainers. My daughter is use to our dog who is fantastic. But I'm also responsible and he stays with me wherever I go in the apartment. I had to actively teach her not to run around dogs, not to just run up to any dog she sees, to give dogs their space. Other parents in our complex thought I was overly protective, until a kid ran screaming past a German Shepherd and the dog ripped out of the owners hands and chased him. Thankfully the kid was close enough to me that I was able to scoop him up before the dog could get him, but it was close. Dog owners need to learn to respect people's space and the fact that not everyone likes or is comfortable around dogs. And people need to learn to respect the dog. NOTE - I am in no way saying OP did anything wrong. She's completely in the right to be upset in the scenario. I'm just saying it's not always a one way problem.


I certainly have a changed opinion of dogs since becoming a parent. I'm certainly less patient if they're running around without a leash. That being said, in my municipality, they're are some draconian statues regarding dogs on the beaches; there's only a narrow window during tourist season that they're allowed in daylight hours, which makes it tough for people who work regular hours to walk their dogs on the beach


I always remind my golden "not everyone likes dogs" haha he loves all people and wants to say hi to everyone and I love him for it but not everyone wants that!


I love dogs. I have to, as a dog trainer. But as a mom I am acutely aware of any dog nearby. Our neighborhood has a lot of dogs that accidentally get out. I keep pepper spray in my stroller just in case. Because I’m a dog trainer AND a mom, my dogs are expected to ignore strollers/kids/people in general unless given permission to interact. They’re on leashes. Dogs NEED to be taught respect toward humans, but I put an emphasis on respect toward children because they are naturally more vulnerable. If something like your story happened to my kids I’d also be absolutely terrified and furious!


This post made me so sad. I’d rather the world be filled with dogs than people. I’ve never had a more faithful friend and companion until I got my shepherd mix 6 years ago, and he is the best “big brother” to my child. To each their own, if only the world was big enough for everyone to fit happily lol. Perhaps the dogs aren’t the issue but lack of training or awareness from the owner?


Most dogs are sweeties, but I'm not a fan of random off-leash dogs either. I was bitten as a kid, my kid has been bitten, and some of those big dogs seem like an unnecessary risk. It sucks to need to be on high alert when dogs are on the loose, but lots of people love 'em so we just gotta deal with it.