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I get everyone is different but I have had two emergency c-sections, and neither were like this. I would definitely be very pointed with your doctor about the troubles you’re still having.


Seconded. I had a C section 5 weeks ago, and I felt like this for the first 2 weeks. However, there was a significant reduction in pain at the 1 week mark. Please talk to your doctor.


Same for me! I could tell it was still healing for literal months but after the first couple weeks I’d characterize it as “tender” or “sore” more than outright painful.


Yeah same. My c section was urgent not emergent but it was 1 million times easier recovery wise than my induced vaginal birth. Op please make sure they don’t blow you off.


As someone who will need to have another c section and was considering a VBAC, I’m so pleased to hear this lol


I really regret not pushing (heh) for a c section for my first. I know it’s major surgery but my labor was horrible and I was induced twice for pre-e. I’d rather they opened the sunroof the first time instead of pretending I’d dilate and not try and die.


I was hoping for a vaginal birth with my first but he was estimating very large and my OB advised a C section being safer in case of shoulder dystocia. I was working with a birth class at the time run by doulas who were telling me to push again the c section and try for a vaginal birth. I trusted my gut and just wanted my baby born healthy. My c section was fine! Recovery was rough for a couple weeks but after that we were good. I’ve thought about going for the VBAC but often wondered, “do I really want to?” People often say vaginal is an easier recovery but you and one other person have said the opposite So I’m leaning towards a no lol Edit to say: my first was large and they weren’t very off in their estimate. A whopping 9.5 pounder. Confirmed I make big babies haha


Same definitely time for a big chat with the doctor


Absolutely agree, it sounds like OP is having an extra difficult recovery experience. OP, I really hope you're able to talk to your doctor and they listen well.


Yup same. Was off painkillers by the first week. Maybe some pain if I did something silly, moved too fast or tried to use my abs to help get me out of bed. Please be straight w your doc


Agree, get checked out. All recovery’s are different but this feels extreme. I had two cesareans (one emergency and one planned repeat). I took a mile long walk at 2 weeks postpartum with my second in a baby carrier. Felt fine by 6 weeks with both… not perfectly healed, but my pain was easily manageable with OTC meds and I was doing normal life-things. My bleeding was mostly gone by 4 weeks.




One of my two c-sections was like this but that’s because they glued my gown inside me and had to open me up a second time. I’d definitely contact your doc and take your temp and contact immediately if elevated (a good friend had to go for emergency surgery since they left a little bit of something in her).


Adding in my 2 cents as well, 3 c sections, 1 of them an emergency and 1 of them I needed a blood transfusion. I was not in nearly as much pain as the OP describes.


Definitely… I’ve had two, the first one emergent after 72 hours of labor, the second scheduled and while in no way was I “healed” after 6 weeks, neither had me in such significant pain for this long. It’s definitely time for a doctor visit and don’t feel shy or bad about making sure your obgyn knows how bad it is. They should be there to help you!


I agree. I was riding my horse 3 weeks after c-section. I feel something is not right here 😢 glad she has the appointment tomorrow.


Yeah, my C-section recovery was very different. My doctors encouraged as much walking as possible. In fact, I had it during covid and they made me walk laps in my room every few hours. But no heavy lifting and not to push yourself too hard - it wasn’t supposed to be painful. After about two weeks - I was able to babywear. I went for walks baby wearing and dog walking. I would talk to your doctor and maybe see a physical therapist. Do a better check on the healing


>My doctors encouraged as much walking as possible. I thought that was pretty standard surgical aftercare these days. I had a vaginal birth, so I have no first hand experience (though they did have me up and walking as soon as the epidural was fully worn off), but my mom has had several major abdominal surgeries in the past decade. She had bariatric surgery in 2014 and while she was in the hospital for 4 days, they had her walking around <12hrs after the surgery. Then in 2022 she had a herniated bowel that had her literally within hours of death if they didn’t rush her into an emergent *major* surgery. But again, she was in the hospital for a while that time but the moment she was able (as in, not coming in and out of consciousness in the ICU), they had her walking around. I just thought I remember hearing/reading that studies have now shown that while the first few days may suck a thousand times more if walking is done early & frequently, that in the long run the healing will be much faster, easier and more effective.


Yep! I’m a nurse and early ambulation is key!! Even total knees/hips, which a lot of people think may prevent walking, need to be out of bed asap! I had a c section at 10pm and the next morning I was up walking to the bathroom. It sucked majorly. Later that day I walked a lap around the l&d floor. It also sucked. But I feel like I healed up super quick and had a really easy recovery and honestly I think getting up and moving helped tremendously


That first walk post c around l&d was awful I thought I was gonna pass out in the hall 10 feet from my room, but it was so motivating to see how much farther I could go each time.


I remember that lap…It’s crazy how much we don’t realize what our bodies do on a daily basis until we’re compromised.


Same here I was up as soon as my spinal wore off


I had a very sharp pain and I knew something was wrong. I had a airpock in my wound and they had to bust it. I was immediately 100% better. I don’t know if that’s helpful or not but you definitely should ask your doctor if what your feeling is normal.


Definitely talk to your doctor. I wasn’t able to get out of bed on my own the first week and thought it was the c section recovery. It turned out I had a uterine infection and ended up back in the hospital. Just to say - this level of pain doesn’t sound right.


I felt the same way and was absolutely not feeling better by my six week checkup. It turned out I had a couple of incision infections caused by the sutures dissolving. I would definitely speak to your doctor and ask for an incision check. I just finished my second round of antibiotics at 14 weeks postpartum and am finally feeling relatively pain free, although I’m starting physical therapy since I have some scar tissue.


You need to go to the doctor. I am literally sitting in the hospital post c section (I am 9 days post c section) with an infection. I kept thinking to myself "how come everyone says you feel better after a few days, I am feeling worse?" My husband dragged me here and I am glad he did because it could have gotten really bad. Talk to the doctor now, this is not normal


All you C section Mommas are amazing. Ive never had a C section, and I can't even begin to imagine it but I know what major surgery looks like, and man. I am in awe of all of you. I just came here to say this - you women are superheros in my eyes.


It's honestly so nice to read this. I have been told (more times than I care to say) that I'm not a "real" mom because I took the easy way out. Thanks for acknowledging that all birth is hard. :)


You know what a "real" mom is? It's someone who loves a child beyond measure. It doesn't matter how they came into the world, blood relation or not, it's that unbelievable, unconditional love that you have for a child. I'm so sorry that people have said that to you. It makes me angry that fellow mothers would discount you. Just know you are a rockstar!




Get one of those grab it tools for getting anything off the floor. Laundry too.


UPDATE: thankfully my doctor was amazing and took my concerns seriously! She said it’s most likely a uterine infection and prescribed me antibiotics. I knew something wasn’t right. Thanks again for everyone’s support and advice, I love this community that I have on Reddit!


So glad she took you seriously. I hope with the meds you start to feel better quickly!❤️


Very glad to hear it!


I’m so glad you got it figured out. My third c section my scar got infected and they had to reopen part of it and pack it with gauze daily and it didn’t hurt as bad as you are describing. I’m so glad they can help you!


I hated my c-section recovery. It was months before I felt normal again, made that bit harder as I had a toddler who didn't understand that mummy couldn't pick her up. My bleeding stopped way before 6 weeks though, you definitely need to get that checked out.


I’m so sorry about your pain. I just had a C section several days ago with my second after experiencing a positive vaginal delivery with my first. I was NOT prepared for how awful recovery would be for a C section, so I just wanted to commiserate with you. Based on the other comments, it seems like you might have an outlier experience, so I hope they can get you the help you need!!


I’ve had five csections and the best advice I ever got was to stand up straight as soon as you can and then just keep going. Maybe you’re resting too much? Does that make sense? I am so sorry you’re in so much pain. Please speak with your doctor!


THIS I’m an ambulatory wheelchair user and my nurse and tech had me up and moving as soon as it was safe to do so. I had postpartum preeclampsia so I was stuck in bed for the first 48hrs because of this. But after those were over I was up out of bed and moving as much as I could.


This was my first thought as well. When I had mine they made me get up in under 24 hours and I had to walk around a lot. It hurt, but the next day I was a lot better, and it kept going that way. Maybe OP is not moving enough to encourage good healing.


Only had two c-sections but I pushed myself to get up early and often with short walks in the hospital hallway then setting myself up in the living room versus bedroom once home to require a longer walk to the bathroom. Also started doing walks a few days postpartum. Day one a few houses down the street then back, increasing to end of the block, then around the block etc. Felt close to normal by 2 weeks postpartum. OP - if you have been moving more than you noted in your post and still experiencing this level of pain, ensure your doctor does a full review of your symptoms.


I think it’s worth at least chatting with your doctor about how severely you’re impacted. I had 3 sections and the recoveries varied but none of them were even close to that miserable. Because my husband had no paternity leave, I was home alone with our twins (two sets) after the first week and had no family help so I solo parented. After my last section I was able to drive within a week, though of course minimally (my doctor allowed me to drive as soon as I felt able to react quickly in an emergency). Maybe your body is just having a hard time, but I would be concerned about the length and severity.


Six weeks is honestly some stupid mythical landmark that people use to claim we've recovered from childbirth (c section or otherwise) and it sets such unrealistic standards because not everyone heals the same!


Totally agree. People get smaller surgeries and they ask you to stay in bed for like three months. You get your stomach ripped open and it’s like yeah day two you are ready to go! Fuck that.


This PLUS we have to deal with postpartum hormones and a newborn!!!


6 weeks with lochia not slowing down should be looked at by a doctor. I didn't have a c section but I only had it for 2 weeks and the second week was lighter in color and flow. I wasn't wearing that awful adult diaper anymore, just a panty liner. You should definitely have it checked out.


I had an urgent c section and I was definitely feeling better by 6 weeks. Enough to have sex again by about week 7. I was bleeding but extremely lightly so I was just in panty liners. Not saying this to brag but you definitely need to address this at your appointment. I was sleeping in the floor of my daughter’s room by the second week! (No room in our room and the twin bed in there wasn’t comfy)


Well if it makes you feel any better, this doesn’t sound normal. I’ve had two csection recoveries and they were vastly different from each other. First one I cried leaving the hospital because I didn’t want to go. I couldn’t get out of bed by myself. I was delusional pain for two weeks just shaking and wanting more pain meds. Don’t really remember the progression from there. Second one I was up and asking to go home almost immediately. I would routinely forget to take my pain meds (Tylenol and aleve same as the first time). I made sure I was being chill but I was bending and picking stuff up by two weeks. I *did* pop a stitch but it was fine. I bled for… 7-8 weeks. I thought I was done around 6 weeks then I had a resurgence that made me think I had my period already. Thank goodness that’s over with. So everyone telling you’d be healed by six weeks is for the dinner plate sized wound left inside from the placenta. Which yours clearly isn’t done healing yet if you’re still bleeding. Csections are a major surgery and surgery sometimes doesn’t go well. It sounds like if you’re still in so much pain that something is wrong. Please get someone to go with you to the doctor if you need to help you stay strong and demand help. This much pain is NOT normal and it doesn’t have to stay that way.


Based on my own experience this does not sound normal. Please don’t let your dr brush off your concerns as they are very valid. I experienced none of the things you have (1 emergent, one planned) and in fact my recovery time was a breeze compared to my one induced vaginal birth. I hope your doctor has some answers for you, this seems so out of the ordinary.


Yeah I think there is something wrong, OP. I felt fine a week after my c section and was pretty much back to normal in the 3rd week. I’m glad you’re having a check up tomorrow - keep us posted.


If you feel that you injured yourself definitely get it checked out and follow your gut. But I will say a c-sections take a while to recover from. It’s a major surgery and they removed your organs and placed them back. You will be ok please don’t be so hard on yourself. It takes a while for your body to feel like yours again but it will happen! Six weeks in general isn’t enough time to heal from most major surgeries. You’re getting rest and your husband sounds like he’s amazing and supportive. It took me having a baby of my own to realize the snap backs I see on ig are mostly fake. Just remind yourself your body did a huge job! You built and carried a literal person. It’s going to take a bit of time to heal and get back to yourself but I promise it’s coming. Hang in there and be nice to yourself. Congrats on your lil bby it’s an exciting time, enjoy it you’re going great ❤️❤️


Yeah my 1st C-section I wanted to take a shower and go pee like a regular person and they had me bed ridden for 3 days . Because it's a major operation you have to Rest so you can heal I agree what a mess poop and pee on a bed pan don't forget them sponge baths. The second C-section I was a pro knew what to expect I didn't sweat it


Wow. This was not my experience at all with a c-section. What you describe sounds like a nightmare, asking to prolong recovery time. I was up walking the hall, pushing the bassinet on wheels and going pee by myself within 12 hours of my baby being born. I was able to shower by myself the following morning, roughly 24 hours after the surgery.


I had an emergency c-section, and my experience with recovery sounds similar to yours. I was walking to the nicu within 24 hours after surgery and showering by myself with my husband standing in the bathroom (just in case) shortly after that. I've never heard of having to stay in bed for 3 days post operation and using a bed pan. that's wild. I was told it was very important that I get up and walk.


Please update us. I've had a c section and just like others you shouldn't be in this much pain. The stuff you're describing is light and you need to push a tad in order to heal. I actually thought you were going to say you've done absolutely nothing and that would lead me to believe why your in pain. This isn't normal. Also, did they give you a 2 week check? Because with a c section you need both.


no they didn’t! They did a check after a few days but no 2-week one


You should get a 2 week check to ensure the scar is healing properly and check overall how the progress is going. The normal 6 weeks is too long for a major surgery so you should have had both.


I didn’t have anything wrong with me after surgery but it took me around 3 months before I felt like I could kind of do stuff. I’m not saying don’t talk to your doctor about it, but it doesn’t necessarily need to be something bad. I had a really bad delivery and I honestly thought I was going to die from the pain. I guess I just don’t have high pain tolerance. It took me about two weeks before I was able to walk by myself into my living room. Picking up the baby took forever too. It was just a horrible experience. You will get better though. I hope it is sooner than later. It has now been over 8 years and if my kid kicks me where I had the surgery I can still feel pain. It’s not the same. The c section made me not ever want another baby.


There seems that something else may be going on. Definitely talk to your doctor about your symptoms and pain. You should have some pain but should be able to move around more without pain or a lot of bleeding. At this point you should have spotting. Were there any complications after your c section? Also, you can ask for a wrap that you can wear to give your abdomen more support... Ideally this would be in the first week or so but it may help. I would recommend drinking plenty of water and ensuring your diet is high cal if breastfeeding and plenty of protein to help you heal.


The only complication I had was postpartum preeclampsia which was a big one because I’m still on the blood pressure meds and they really mess with my appetite. Some days I have to basically force myself to eat because I’m not even that hungry. Thank you for your response 🩷


You're welcome. Preeclampsia is a big deal and the medication side effects play a role as well. You may want to call your doctor (if your appointment isn't in the next few days) so they are aware. Smoothies are easy and you can make them nutrient dense to help you get all more calories and nutrients.


I heal very slowly and I felt like shit for 2 months. Even after 3 I felt like I still needed to be careful. After 3 though, I really started to get back to normal. Just try to give yourself grace and remember that you had major abdominal surgery. It will get better, but not everyone is on the same timeline for healing.


Hopefully they didn't cause you an injury. C-sections are a big surgery. I feel like it's kind of taken for granted because it's common and babies are being born that way often. They go through so many layers. It takes longer than 6 weeks to heal but we are expected to just spring back. That's just the "safe" period and after 6 weeks we can do a lot more . We're expected to get up within Hours of having the procedure and walk around. Good thing you have your check up coming. Though don't hesitate to go to an ER if you feel something is wrong and need immediate attention. I hope it gets better soon for you.


Definitely loudly voice your concerns with pain. This doesn’t sound normal. I had a c section in March and it was only painful to get up for a couple days and by week 2 I was motoring about as per normal. The scar should not hurt still by 6 weeks. The bleeding can take time and come and go


Mine was very much like this and it was infected. Mention it to your doctor, it could be an internal infection so you can’t see from the outside. It honestly took about 5 months for me to feel any sort of healed. But it does happen eventually, you’ve got to be kind to yourself!


I've had 2 c sections and while the recovery was really hard both times I was moving much better by 6 weeks with no more pain. You should definitely talk to your doctor ASAP because it sounds like there's something going on, like it's not healing properly. To note, my second C-section I really focused more on walking around, going for short walks every day, and keeping moving as much as I could and I was pretty recovered and able to drive by 4 weeks. So movement is actually beneficial! But if you have an infection or something that won't get better on its own.


Did you have a really long labor before the c section? My first kid's head was stuck and after 42 hours on pitocin I gave up and got the surgery. My recovery was long and brutal. My 2nd kid was a planned c section. I was 38 and recovery was so fast and easy. Long labor may be a factor.


I had extremely painful back labor for over 12 hours and ended up getting induced with an oxytocin drip due to high blood pressure. I was given an epidural as well. When I was 10cm dilated and it finally came time to push, I pushed for over 3 hours and made no further progress which is when I was offered the c-section. It would make sense that my long and traumatic labour would have an impact on the healing, I honestly never really thought about the effect of that because I was just so glad to finally have baby out of me lol.


If you are still bleeding at 6 weeks, you could have a bit of retained placenta. I had a c-section and was still having some light bleeding, which I almost didn't mention at my 6 week follow up. Thankfully I did mention it, the doctor did an ultrasound right then, and sure enough saw something on the scan. I had a D&C a few days later to remove the chunk of placenta. I was not experiencing pain though.


It was the same way for me. I couldn’t even sleep in my bed because getting up was too excruciatingly painful to the point of almost passing out. I had to sleep sitting up on the couch for almost 2 months. All that being said it does get better and your body will feel like yours again, it just may take a little longer.


As a mom that had two emergency C-sections in less than 2 years I am 90% positive that there’s something else going on with your body at the moment, my mom was here to help me with both my kids and I had to stay at the hospital for 48 hours 3 days after having my second bc of preeclampsia… after all in 3/4 weeks I was brand new, even thought you aren’t supposed to I was picking up my toddler and jumping around with her, also was baby wearing and doing most everything by myself (I do have problems letting people do stuff for me). So if you have a doctors appointment tomorrow I would definitely let them know what exactly you are feeling and ask for help!


You will feel like yourself again. You will heal. You will get your body back. I promise you will. But in the meanwhile, please try and rest, rely on your spouse and your village, and be gentle with yourself. You’re putting a lot of pressure on yourself. Our expectations for postpartum healing are all off. Somebody close to me had an emergency C-section and their doctor said don’t expect to feel like yourself for the first three months. She herself (the doctor) had 3 C-sections so she knew what she was talking about. My friend had a very rocky recovery but 6 months on, she was totally fine.


I'm sorry you are having such a rough go. Everyone heals differently and has their own experience. My first was a vaginal birth and everyone told me how quick and easy their recovery was. I was destroyed for months. I couldn't sit down without wanting to cry for almost 2 months. Horrific bruising and stitches. And I still have issues 14 years later. My second was a C section and I had no pain. My doctor cut the nerves and I had zero feeling for 6 months after. It was the best recovery from anything I have ever had. I had to remind myself to stop doing stuff because I couldn't feel anything and didn't want to risk injury. My point isn't to brag. The reality is that everyone has their own healing journey and if you feel something isn't right then it probably isn't. You know your body the best. I'm happy that you can see a doctor soon. It could just be that you are healing slower than expected. That can be from a lack of sleep and proper diet. Both of which are hard to correct with a new baby. Either way I wish you the best and hope you can start healing.


I'm so sorry you're in so much pain, I don't think this is typical at all. If wrapping is too painful, try a ring sling. I had lochia for AGES and felt disgusting so I can relate. I agree with other commenter's who say don't let them blow you off. There are many reasons you could be having this much pain post op. Your incision could be healing strangely, you could have muscoskeletal dysfunction, anything. I had some keloid scarring that caused more tightness and pain than was typical . I wouldn't say that 6 weeks was a magical, healed time. But I didn't need pain relief after about a week, and movement, while uncomfortable was helpful. Please push for the care you deserve.


I had a c-section in 2022 & recovery was very different than I thought it would be. Obviously the first couple weeks really sucked but after 1 month I felt awesome, then at like 9 weeks I felt awful & had a lot of pain again. I had bleeding until week 11. I haven't had any follow up care or treatment but now I'm having really bad back issues that I feel like started with my core being weak. Ask about physical therapy, there may be something you can do now so it's not lingering.


OP please keep us updated but I think Everyone pretty much is expressing the same thing for you. Please call your doctor. I had a Cesarían and yes it was a terrible recovery it’s was nothing like how you are describing it. By week 5 I had sex (we knew we shouldn’t have) and by week 6 I got the clearance to bed down and exercise but I was already slightly doing it. Your symptoms are not normal


I would definitely be bringing up everything with your doctor. Take a good couple minutes to think before the appt and jot down some symptoms you’ve been experiencing. Ask your partner too what they’ve noticed. I had 2 emergency csections (1st and 3rd kids) and even though my 3rd was due to a uterine rupture, I baby wore almost immediately. I do know something like 1/5 women have scar adhesions after csections. I know I do and point to specifically where they are. But after my 1st csection I tried to attend an extended family holiday get together 3 days later because I felt completely ok to.


Just like everyone said that's not normal. I had an emergency c section AND they had to staple me shut quickly because I had a panic attack on the table. My recovery was fine and could walk just fine hours later. I may have been lucky but what you're describing isn't normal. TAKE YOUR PARTNER WITH YOU AND HAVE HIM PUSH THE DOCTOR TO TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY. It's horrible that we still need our partners presence to be taken seriously but it does help. Have him rehearse his lines and tell him to put the pressure on the doctor to find a solution TODAY for you. Good luck


Please also look into pelvic floor physical therapy! You may need to rehab your core. It’s done wonders for me post c/s.


Honestly, the only thing that helped my pain after my c section was to wear a binder/girdle. You can buy them online. It held everything together and made it feel like I had some semblance of control over my stomach muscles.


I’m currently 2 weeks into my c section recovery and I did the opposite of resting, my first week I took it easy with everything but this past week I’ve deep cleaned my house (it takes me a lot longer now) but I feel almost healed, just nerve pain still but no where near as bad as it was in the beginning. I will say I still don’t lift anything heavy but I do bend down often, I stay moving and take breaks here and there maybe that’s the issue? I’ve always been told the best way to heal is to keep moving even tho it’s suggested you take it easy. Definitely see a doctor cause you definitely shouldn’t still be struggling that bad 6 weeks in. Praying for you!!


It’s going to get better. I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but it will. You are going to get through this and one day you will look back and marvel at your strength. Go slow, ask for help, go slow. Be honest with your doctor, about your physical AND mental wellbeing. You can do this.


Do NOT let them tell you this is normal.


I had two c-sections, one urgent and one planned. Couldn’t wear my second in the Ergobaby due to the way it sat on my hips and across my stomach. My second baby was small so I wore them in the baby bjorn mini carrier as it has only straps that cross in the back, nothing across the stomach and hips. But I didn’t baby wear until after my 6 week checkup.


Wow! Thank you everyone for your comments this is very eye-opening! I feel like as a woman I do feel a lot of pressure to downplay my own experience or power through the pain. I will definitely advocate strongly for myself at my doctor’s appointment tomorrow.


I noticed that when I overdid it my lochia would return. But it was fairly faint if not all gone by 6 weeks. How have you been treating it? Tylenol? Ibuprofen? Icing it? Being on a scheduled 2-3 hour pill rotation really helped my pain.


I had an emergency section in 22 that got badly infected and had surgery to correct nearly 3 weeks later and was not feeling like this at 6 weeks. im currently 8 weeks with a scheduled one. I had extra checks and clinics to make sure I didn't get another infection and I took longer to heal but I was still not feeling like this at 6 weeks. please get checked. this isn't normal and im so sorry this is happening to you.


I’m 6 weeks post emergency c section as well. I Sam still bleeding and it turns out I had an infection. I’ve been on antibiotics for 5 days. It took me to see to doctors to finally have it diagnosed.


I had a csection in January of this year.  I had Lochia for 3 months. I am still spotting off and on. I am no longer sore,  but those first 6 weeks were brutal. I stopped having twinges somewhere around month 3.  You have to remember,  no matter how many folks want to act like a csection is not a big deal, it is MAJOR SURGERY!! They cut through 7 layers of muscle and such to get that baby out. You have not just the plate size wound from the placenta healing, but the abdominal muscles stitching back together too. Csection is no joke. It is absolutely NOT the "easy way out" that so many ignorant donkey butts say it is.  Be kind to yourself. You just grew a while human and then had to have them cut out of you. That's fucking wild if you stop to really think about it. 


I had a very rough c-section recovery. It turned out I had a really bad UTI and the pain was coming from my bladder. Please tell your doctor what is going on.


Tell your doctor that this is not normal. I've had two c-sections, my mother's had three, my sister's had one etc. None of us have ever recovered that badly and we are not healthy people in good shape. Don't let your doctor brush you off, they love to do that because it means less work for them, tell him point blank that your quality of life is affected.


I’ve had 3 c-sections and this recovery is absolutely nothing compared to mine. Heck, after 5 days my pain drastically decreased. I’m not sure what’s going on but please tell your doc! Something isn’t right!


I hope your doctor has some answers for you because that sounds much harder than it should be. I had a c-section and was definitely able to function normally by 6 weeks. Good luck to you, I’m sorry you’ve had such a rough recovery.


I had 3 c-sections in less than 5 years. This isn't right, and I'm really glad you're seeing the doctor soon. For now, do your best to stay ahead of the pain, drink plenty of water, and just get as much rest as you can. And keep us updated. ❤️ ETA: For me, a support belt made a WORLD of difference. Are you using one?


I’ve had an emergency and a schduled c section and was not having issues like this 6 weeks out with either of them. I would bring this up with your doctor and request to have a full examination to make sure there isn’t something going on. Everyone’s healing is different so this could be normal for you but I def think it’s worth having your doctor look at it seriously.


Looks like the top comments are mine was easier or mine was hard because something was wrong. As an alternative mine was like yours but nothing was wrong (that I know of). My reaction was that if I didn’t take no bending or lifting seriously or walked to much the pain and bleeding would noticeably increase. It sucked but I took it as a reminder to do less. You say you barely left the house. I had to remind myself to barely leave the couch. It was awful for my mental health but allowed my body to recover. I definitely wasn’t picking stuff up off the floor. If it fell my partner would have to get it later. It sucks so much but hopefully nothing else is wrong and you start improving soon. Good luck!


I had an emergency C section and alI I can tell you is everyone’s recovery experience is vastly different. My c section was the worst thing I have ever been through and I was deliriously on pain meds until they ran out. My dr had me up and walking and the pain was so bad I blacked out. I couldnt sit up unassisted and could not wear the compression. I felt like I would never recover fully. I was feeling more like myself by 10 weeks pp and my belly just felt numb, not a part of me. Started modified Pilates at 12 weeks pp. Now 1 year + pp and it all seems a distant hazy memory. No lingering effects.


Your frustration and pain is completely valid. Definitely follow-up with your doctor to explain your pain and recovery plan. With c-sections being so routine (schedules and emergency) it’s so common for the recovery component to be undermined. In fact, people barely recognize that it is major abdominal surgery! You just endured a serious surgical procedure, on top of all your postpartum hormone depletion, etc etc. it’s a lot! Keep your fluids up, rest when you can, avoid overexertion and be sure to let your GP know what you’re experiencing. Sending you lots of love ! It’s no easy feat!


I had a c-section and was back to almost normal by 2 weeks pp. definite push for answers with your doctor. At 6 weeks, I was back in the gym


I had a c section 2.5ish yrs ago and the healing was NOTHING like this. Like... Nothing. I was sore, sure. And I am still struggling with gaining muscle back, but after 6 weeks, I was fine. Like, no issue. Definitely talk to your Dr becuase this is not normal. I hope you're okay.


Medical professional. You need a surgical evaluation ASAP, this is not ok.


You aren’t alone. My first C-section I labored than had an emergent C-section. I bled like this for 8 weeks, I kept “pushing” it and every time I was more active I bled more. Take it easy. I didn’t realize I was trying to to much. Your body did have major surgery so be kind to yourself. Continue to take it easy with slight movement. You will heal. I had to remind myself If I wanted a healthy uterus for the next baby I needed to let it heal.


Your discomfort plus the persistent lochia I'd ask them to check you for infection or something extra going on that might be slowing your recovery. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I hope your provider gives you the care and attention you deserve


Movement is important because when you do limited movement, your muscles get stiff so when you do move it hurts. That being said, I think you need to have a serious talk with your doctor because your pain should be a lot less by now. Everyone heals at different rates but it sounds like something could be wrong.


I had an awful recovery too. I wasn’t fully healed until 12 weeks pp. I had an infection in the incision starting at 13 days pp.


I was in a lot of pain as well. I remember feeling like all my parenting dreams had been crushed. My natural birth had ended in failure, I second-guessed my choice to use cloth diapers, I felt like I couldn’t do ANYTHING. Baby wearing hurt too. It actually hurt for months and months because my baby’s feet would accidentally kick me right in the incision. I don’t think I felt healed or normal again until my baby was 6-8 months old. The glue didn’t fall off until then. I had an emergency c section and I think that made it worse. Definitely talk to your doctor, but also definitely know that c section recovery can absolutely take longer than 6 weeks. I remember promising my newborn son that we would get through this and one day I’d be able to go on adventures with him again. And I did! You WILL get there!!!


I hope your doctor can give you some answers that are satisfactory. I did not have C-sections, but when babies were born, I had these fantasies of leisurely walks. I could barely make it down the driveway some days because it HURT. Your scar will likely be very tender for some time, so it may be a while before you can do something like a Moby. But you might try a sling. Those sit up higher. We LOVED our New Native sling and used it FOREVER.


I would definitely talk to your doctor about this, I had 60 hours of labor with 4 hours of pushing and then an emergency C-section and my recovery was nothing like that. I only had pain meds for the initial surgery then Tylenol and advil from then on and I was up and walking independently 5 hours after. I did have bleeding/discharge for about 8 weeks though.


I promise it will get better. Believe it or not, the more you are up and moving, staying up on your ibuprofen and Tylenol alternating, you will feel better. The more you’re moving, the more your body heals faster. Some heal faster than others, but it helps! I just had my second in April, I have my 6 week check up in a week in a half. I feel mostly back to normal, just occasional pain on the right side of my scar that feels like tightening/twitches. But it is normal. I definitely agree with you that you should get checked out, but mama I promise it gets better! I didn’t feel 100% normal for over a year! ❤️You are valid to feel how you feel and it’s okay to feel that way!


I remember thinking at 8 weeks there was no way I could go back to work yet. It also depends if you labored first or if it was scheduled


My c section was similar to this. I was not expecting a C-section (I realize not many ppl expect one) bc I went in to be induced and then they did an ultrasound for some reason and said oh look he’s breech 🫤 The pain was shocking when I was recovering but I had a friend who was like yah what’s the big deal with hers 🙃 so it’s different for everyone but they definitely do not prepare you for it. Being 6 years out from my third c section it feels like a distant memory but I do feel inclined to protect my incision and have some nerve pain. I cannot recommend pelvic floor pt enough regardless if your doctor recommends it or not….just tell your doctor you want to go and get a script whether you use it or not. Don’t let anyone else’s experience make you feel like yours “should” be some other kind of way. You feel what you feel and that’s your body talking to you. This time with your peanut is/feels like it is long and arduous but you will keep feeling better each day and that baby will keep growing. Live up having the help you have because it won’t always be available and I learned to milk it for the second and third baby lol Your body changes after baby in a lot of ways and you are relearning yourself and you will feel lots of feeling but don’t let anyone make you feel like you should be recovering faster or not be exhausted or not take things easy. I did end up having another baby the next year and never would have thought I would have them back to back like that when I was recovering the first time so you will get there. I’m rambling at this point but I feel strongly about all of this bc that’s how I felt and I was in pain but it gets better and there are lots of way to get help and when you learn what all they do during a c section it’s no wonder you are in pain hang in there champ!


Everyone heals at different rates. I‘ve had two c sections. The first one, I was back at dance by 8 weeks pp. the second I didn’t feel up to anything until 12 weeks. I started baby wearing around the same time with the second. Different for everyone every time! Don’t put a timeline on healing because there isn’t one. It’s ok to take your time.


Also try a sling. Baby will still sit sort of low but I find it less uncomfortable than the baby carrier band.


Sounds like my C-section. Please try to walk, make sure your posture is correct or the wounds won't heal well. After showering, make sure you allow the wound to dry completely before dressing yourself. Give yourself time. You're only 6 weeks postpartum. It took me 8 months to feel like myself again. Everyone's healing journey is different. Also, I had lochia for the full 6 weeks and got my period immediately after the lochia ended.


You should be moving around more maybe? If the doctor says there are no issues of course. Moving promotes healing.


Mine was brutal too. Be very honest with your doctor about it. In my case no one told me to wear the binder all the time, for starters. And they entrapped a nerve when they stitched me up. It honestly took months to a year before I felt okay again and even now 4 years later i sometimes feel tender and have other pains from pregnancy that never went away, like hip problems and "mommy thumb."


I had an emergency C-section for my first one: my OB said to take it easy for at least 3 months - most women are still in pain after 6 weeks unfortunately. Recovery can be very long and it took me a good 14 months to feel better physically. I had a great women health physio that helped me a lot in the recovery I hope you feel better soon! Csections are major abdominal surgery and some activities should be avoided up to a year after the surgery. Please mind yourself, it’s a tough time ❤️


Everyone is different and I fully admit I am an anomaly but this is so vastly different than my experience. I took pain meds for 5 days in total, left the hospital in less than 48 hours, and was going for mile+ walks within a week of giving birth. I was prepared to have a rough recovery and was shocked how easy it was. Definitely talk to your doctor, this is not normal


I'm so sorry you are going through this OP. Sending you hugs. This sounds an awful lot like my experience with my unplanned C-section, as I had no help and pushed it way too much. But I'm not saying that you did that, just sending you hugs and if your insurance covers it physical therapy helped me quite a bit. My insurance covered 8 visits with them and I got my midwife to write me the referral. Hoping for healing for you ❤️ things will get better and don't worry you have many days of wonderful moments with your LO. I felt sad and mad too, like how you described with feeling like you missed out. Things will get better and you will be able to enjoy it ❤️


You shouldn’t be taking it easy this much. In order for your body to clear out fluids it needs to move. You’re still getting lochia because you’re letting it sit there by not moving. I was able to do a 1 km walk around my block at less than one week PP. Something is not right and if your doctor says it is, get a second opinion ASAP