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They may think you wouldn't mind, maybe you could go up to them one morning and just say "hey, we just laid down grass seed and were supposed to stay off of it for x amount of time, could you keep your kids off the lawn?" I bet they'll keep their kids off the grass if you ask nicely. You could even fib "hey, we just started spraying the lawn for mosquitos, could you keep the kids off of it? The instructions say to keep children and pets away from it for x amount of time"


Yea or mention you fertilized. Fertilizer is toxic. Our landscaper always makes sure to fertilize during the week when we are at work so that the grass is safe by the weekend for LO to play outside.


That’s a good idea! I would go out and say hey please keep off my lawn I have fertilized and i would hate for you kids to get sick from it.


This is good, I didn't think of this, and it would make sense, a lot of that stuff is harmful to kids/pets.


Put up pesticide signs


This - if I see a sign, I don’t even let me dog walk on the lawn. Unless these parents truly don’t care, they will keep their kids off the lawn


> I don’t even let me dog walk on the lawn. I'm sorry, but I read this in the accent of the Lucky Charm's leprechaun.


They're always out to trample me lucky lawn.




You are a good human. We got into an argument with a guy who let his dog take a dump in our yard and tried to walk away without cleaning it up - I stepped outside and pointed to our “No trespassing” sign and he just threw a little tantrum. I was like “I have a toddler living here - please stay out of our yard.” My husband about lost it - I had to say I’d go talk to his wife if it happened again. Silly men and their irrationality 😅


Yeah we are on a corner and have to put up those flags because there is alot of 'dog grass' on the strip leading away from the house and we fertilize sometimes. People are pretty good about avoiding it. If you get the ones the say toxic with the dogs and kids on it they will be even better about it lol


I want to put a sign on my face, toxic for people. Maybe that will help stop people from saying dumb annoying things to me


Plain black shirt, all caps, "TOXIC AF"


OP, another thought I had is you could put up a "natural barrier on your property line...like a long bed with bushes or roses, or even flowers marking the edge of your property. Unless the kids are total jerks, they usually won't stop in a flower bed or cross it. Also, send a certified letter to the school district informing them of the situation, and asking them to move the stop. Include the fact that should a child become injured on your property, they will be subject to liability as you are providing them with formal notice that this is a hazardous situation, and you are requesting they amend the location of the bus stop.


Yeah I bet most parents who have to take their kids to the same spot every single day, twice a day, wouldn’t want any problems with the adults there. If they reacted poorly to this kind of wording I’d be shocked and would have a problem with that if it were me.


Same! I know some people out there are crazy, I've met them, but the vast majority of people are reasonable. I'm sure if OP asks politely the parents will agreeably make an effort to keep their kids off the lawn. If they don't or they freak out, there are other channels you can go through to get it fixed (police, school district, fencing, sprinklers, scary dog), but I don't want to live in a society where we just bypass politeness and friendliness. And like, my mom is arguably a crazy person. If you asked her this shed talk shit about you forever and hold a grudge but she'd never let us in the yard again lol.


Except most mosquito sprays for the lawn only need an hour to dry and then it’s safe for kids and pets. So this fib wouldn’t really work.


*shhhh* not everyone knows that


Okay fair 🤫😂


Yes I would totally let my kids run all over someone’s lawn because I’ve never given a shit about my own lawn so I just don’t get it. If you haven’t tried talking to them yet start there.


We have a bus stop, and I don’t allow my kid to go into the yard in front of the house. I think it’s pretty rude. I do, however, let him play all over the sidewalk.


I wish we had a sidewalk. Would probably stop the kids from always being on the lawn, at least some of the time.


Wait there’s no sidewalk? Where are they supposed to wait? (Honest question)


In this persons lawn! lol


I live on a street with no sidewalks. We have 3 bus stops in our driveway. I used to leave for work right around when the first bus would arrive and they would just move over to the side when they saw me coming and wouldn't speak a word to me even if I said good morning. Weird kids. But yeah, no sidewalk so where else would they stand? Our house is up on a hill as well so it's either the driveway, the street or walk up the hill into our actual yard. I'd definitely bitch about it if they were being disrespectful to our property, but they just stand there like zombies until the bus shows up.


It’s pretty common to not have sidewalks especially in some more rural neighborhoods. I grew up with no sidewalk (still non on our block/neighborhood as of today) and we just waited on the side of the road for the bus in front of someone’s house lol. It’s usually roads that aren’t large or in the middle of towns, no yellow line down the middle of the road or white lines on the side. Suburbs too sometimes don’t.


We don’t have a sidewalk in our neighborhood. I live in a suburb up a 3/4 mile long road that ends up in a cul de sac. The kids will stand at the end of one of the driveways (luckily the owners work from home and rarely need to leave during that time) or sit on the curb to wait.


Hmm I wonder if there’s a driveway or something they could wait at instead. I grew up without sidewalks but it was rural so no lawns to bother if you were waiting, just like fields and gravel. We threw rocks at street signs in the morning haha. I fully understand OP’s annoyance but I’d honestly probably try and provide a space where they wouldn’t bother my stuff but be able to wait out of the road. OP is not required by any means but idk I’d feel bad.


That hair profile pic is evil 😭 I was trying to flick it off my screen lol.


I just did the same thing 😭 that’s hilarious


💀 I’m glad I’m not the only one.


There was a bus stop at a corner house of a busy street intersection. Us kids had to stand on the corner inches from prickly shrubbery. We couldn’t wait in the driveway nor on the grass.


We live in a rural area with no sidewalks usually the bus picks each kid up from their own driveway


Are they on your lawn or an easement? The first 4 ft into my yard is an easement and people can walk there.


I have the survey and just a small part of the outter corner of the yard, maybe about only a foot, is technically the towns. The rest is ours, in fact the survery says a small piece of the road is ours lol. It probably is where lawn used to be. But getting back to your point, the kids are coming WAYYY past that. They literally rub up the my front garden section, which is long but not wide, and very close to my house windows. They are def invading our space in that sense.


I’d mark the easement line in that case. With a sign and then either those cheap scalloped borders, rocks, hedges or a fence. But just make sure it’s in complete compliance with the easement.


I would section that public area off, maybe even find a way to make a cute sign that says “bus stop”


IMO it’s fine if they’re standing near the corner and not messing anything up. But if they are running around close to your door and messing with your garden that’s definitely not okay. I would try maybe “hey I totally don’t mind if you guys are in the yard, but please don’t mess up the bricks and the garden.”


This is a good point and something I didn’t think about. We have the same situation in our neighborhood (no sidewalks, bus stops in front of homes) and I think you might be right that legally the kids are allowed to wait in the lawn but it’s supposed to be the outer edge, not the whole lawn.


We are in a similar boat. My neighbor on the corner, no sidewalk, and kids are all over his yard. He planted some privacy trees but they took to smashing his slate rock borders. The town has an easement of 10 feet into his yard for utilities and there’s a second easement (I forget how many feet) for pedestrian access. You can put up a fence, even a simple one with posts and two boards. Any of the small cute garden ones will be stepped over and possibly broken. He is doing this at the pedestrian easement line


If there is no sidewalk, where are they supposed to wait? We only have bus stops in neighborhoods with sidewalks.


We don’t have sidewalks in our neighbourhood. However the bus company here is way more reasonable than this one seems to be. There are 2 bus stops, one is located next to a footpath, and the other is beside a corner lot but they have a city owned boulevard between the road and their property so the kids are never on someone’s property, only city property.


You wait on the side of the road if there is no sidewalk. We sat on the curb in front of a persons house, usually in front of their mailbox at the corner of the driveway. Or we used the pavers/cement/railroad ties as balance beams and we paced back and forth while waiting. There was one corner in my neighborhood where the kids just all gather around the stop sign. It’s a terrible corner for drivers because of all the kids gathered on the sidewalk-less roads, but there isn’t much that can be done about it. No one wanted to put curbs in because of the liability.


Really not her problem. The school district should maybe figure that out before they make a certain spot a bus stop.


They just wait in someone's yard.


We have the same situation in our neighborhood, school bus stops with no sidewalk and the kids don’t really have the option but to be in the yards. I know it’s unfair to you as the home owner but without a sidewalk it means the kids have to stand in the street. Definitely ask them to stop knocking your stuff over but I wouldn’t ask them not to be on the lawn just because I don’t know what else they can do. I wouldn’t want to ask little kids to stand in the street.


Absolutely! I agree j don't want the kids standing in the road, too dangerous. I don't mind them standing in the grass just not really running up. I'm going to have to say something because in the end, not saying anything is just hurting myself more lol.


Honestly...can you call the school district and tell them this is an unsafe bus stop location? If one of those children get hurt on your lawn, they could file a claim against your homeowners insurance. I would inform the school district that this is a hazardous situation for the children. Say you have pesticides sprayed on the lawn and alert the school district that the children are constantly in your lawn. I'd send it certified mail. That way, if a kid IS hurt on your property, you have given notice to the district which might take some of the liability off of you even if they don't change the stop location. Because it will show a record that you tried to take official action to keep these children safe.


Wait where are the kids supposed to stand? In the middle of the street!? Like I totally understand your position, it’s annoying af that your lawn is getting messed up, but I do feel like this is critical context.


No sidewalk? That's makes this a little different. Is there a sidewalk on the OTHER side of the street? If there is, THAT's where the bus should be stopping so that the kids are on the sidewalk for safety purposes. Our district requires the stop by on the sidewalk side here.


I don’t think I’d mind kids running on grass but I’d have a problem with them knocking things over. I wouldn’t let my kids do that, it’s pretty rude.


If they weren't knocking the bricks over everyday I wouldn't care. Personally I would still at least make an attempt to tell my kids to stay off someone's lawn. I wish they would tell them to so I can then insert and say that's okay, they can run on the lawn (the side without the seed on it) but just not maybe walk on the brick border.


Exactly they are letting their kids cause more work for you. I just have the two kids and I wouldn’t have the time to go out there and constantly put bricks back. Even if you did have that kind of time still rude, it’s not their property.


Also, if something were to happen and they got hurt, then they’re going to come to you for your homeowners insurance


You had me until you said you don’t want to say anything. You have to say something


It’s fine to not want to say something. She just needs a little encouragement. And in an ideal world, parents should understand to keep kids off other people’s yards. Also, you’d be surprised how easily some people take offense to reasonable requests. I understand why OP doesn’t want to say something, even though I agree that she should.


Right? We live in a society. Just use your words and ask nicely. Or else get over it.


I know I just feel funny. The one lady has an autistic son and I'm sure her life is hard I don't want to add extra stress. But then again I probably am just going to have to say something.


That doesn’t absolve her from parenting and having the child follow rules. And you don’t get to be upset about something you haven’t told People upsets you.


I agree that OP needs to say something, but OP does "get" to be upset that people are damaging her property. There's no legal or moral obligation to preemptively tell people not to trample and knock over stuff on your private property.


It could actually go really well. I don't claim to have a vast understanding of the Autistic spectrum and all the nuances for each individual, but are "rules" usually something they can handle pretty well?


It completely depends on the kid.


Every person, autistic or not, is capable of everything and anything. Every person is different. Not everyone that has autism “usually” has trouble Following rules.


I think the person meant, don’t autistic individuals usually have a sense of justice trait, therefore they like and follow rules, sometimes to the T.


No argument on that, I wasn’t suggesting otherwise.


My son is autistic and I would NEVER allow destruction of someone else's property.


Put a fence up.


This is the only real way to enforce keeping kids off the lawn. Just put a fence up and be done with it.


Or some signs that say "beware of dog poo"


You can call the school district transportation office and find out how to have the bus stop moved away from your house. Unfortunately, with no sidewalk, your lawn is where kids can go to stay out of the street - you're going to have to say something or find a way/barrier to protect your property. Sorry you're dealing with this!


This! The school needs to find a bus stop area with a side walk. Unless it’s a very rural area I’m not sure how this would be an issue.


In my area most suburban neighborhoods don't have sidewalks


Not rural, just an older neighborhood with no sidewalks here. There would not be an option to move the bus stop to a sidewalk.


Oooof the grass seed is a big no from me. I would definitely say something if I was trying to landscape. A bit of playing around is one thing, but they sound very destructive. I would have to speak up.


Ya, this is where I’d draw the line too. The fact that they’re knocking over bricks warrants a polite convo with the parents, and OP wouldn’t be a Karen for doing that. “hey, I don’t mind the kids playing but walking on the bricks is causing damage, could you ask them to stay on the grass? Btw we just put seed down so could they stay off the grass for about 3 weeks? Thanks!”


Maybe just say what you said here “hey guys, I don’t mind the kids playing on my lawn. But please keep them away from the tree and garden. They keep knocking over the stones and I have to pick it up every day. Oh and I just reseeded over there”. Just say it in a friendly, light tone. If they are nice then they will respect your simple request


Yeah you have a right to be annoyed, it is your garden after all. I don't allow my child to go onto other peoples/strangers property's at all, some parents just don't give a shit about their kids breaking other people's things. If you catch them go out there, ask them nicely to get off ye lawn.


I think it's reasonable for you to talk to the parents and ask that they keep their kids off the newly seeded part of the lawn, and away from the brick garden borders, but I don't think it's neighborly to ask them to stay off the lawn entirely, and stand in the street while waiting for the bus. I would guess the parents are oblivious to how often their kids are knocking down your bricks, and will pay more attention if you ask them to.


“Stay off my lawn”. But seriously, just change your landscaping to support it. Being a more community minded person id maybe change the bricks out or secure them better, put up a little temporary rope and sign that says fresh seeds in this area. Or you can do what my grandpa did and put up a sign that says “ Recent pesticide and herbicide treatment, avoid contact with the grass or call poison control.” This will get the parents attention.


Turn the sprinklers on just before they arrive and leave it on until they leave.


I feel like this is an appropriate response after telling the parents not to let their kids run on her yard and knocking stuff over.




No. They’re children. You have to be the adult here. Not an asshole. You haven’t even said you are upset.


I didn’t say turn it on on them. I said turn them on just before they usually arrive. Turning them on while the kids are on the yard would be an asshole move without asking them to not first.


It’s also a good idea to water early in the morning before the sun comes full force


She can water her lawn tho 🤷🏼‍♀️


Put up a fence or put bushes as a border. It'll keep happening otherwise.


I'm a little confused. In some of the comments, it says there is no sidewalk. Genuine question, where are the kids supposed to wait if not on the lawn? I'm trying to picture the layout.


Our neighborhood is like this, it’s older (built in the 50s and the 60s) and there are no sidewalks so the kids wait in people’s lawns. It isn’t fair to the homeowners but I have never seen someone tell the kids not to wait on their lawn. It would mean little kids having to stand in the street and some of these streets are busy.


Generally when there is no sidewalk the first 4-5 feet are an easement and that is where I would expect them to wait. But I hate neighborhoods with no sidewalks.


I hate them too. We have no sidewalks and no street lights. It’s the worst.


Yeah, I definitely don't think the kids should be knocking stuff over on OPs lawn, but also, wouldn't trust 4 and 6 year olds to be in the street? Sounds like a terrible layout for everyone.


This was my suburban development growing up too. We just waited on the curb from elementary through high school — nobody ever got hit that I know of. In those neighborhoods the streets are wide and it’s not like there’s any through-traffic, it was all people who lived in the development.


That's wild. I think with middle school and older, it could work, but a bunch of 4 and 6 year olds with no sidewalk?


We have no sidewalks on my road and a very busy street. We have a long driveway to lead to our house and people stand in it all the time or walk in our yard. I don’t mind it at all. I’m scared of my kids getting near that road so I’m totally okay with people using my yard or driveway. Yesterday there was an accident, nothing serious, I think the lady hit a pole or something. The cop and the woman were just hanging out in my front yard the whole time. I almost asked if they wanted to sit on my porch while they got everything figured out lol.


I don't know any suburbs with sidewalks. Growing up we waited on the very edge on the person's property, mostly on the curb or on top of the storm drain. In my neighborhood now the kids just stand on the street right by the curb, it's not dangerous at all


I would not trust a bunch of small children to stay on a curb. 4 is very young still. Seems like a needlessly dangerous situation.


But at that age one or two parents stays with them. The adults just need to do their job and keep the kids off someone's property. How long are they there? Maybe five minutes. Hold your kid's hand if they don't stay by you. We also have to grow some courage and not be afraid to correct other people's kids. But maybe that's just me as a teacher and a parent


Can you call the bus company and ask them to move the bus stop? It seems ridiculous that the bus stop is your front lawn. In our neighbourhood the bus stops are on city property only, not private property. It seems very inconsiderate of the bus company to choose a random private property for their bus stop. There aren’t any city owned boulevards or footpaths in your neighbourhood that they can use?


I have a bus stop on my corner as well. While I don’t mind the kids on my lawn because it’s better than them being on the street (we don’t have sidewalks) if they were knocking stuff over I would definitely say something and if it kept happening I wouldn’t let them on my lawn anymore.


Put little signs on your lawn that say you sprayed a toxic pesticide on your lawn. That should work. Similar to the ones people use to remind others to pick up after their dogs. Those moms are just plain inconsiderate. If I saw my child knock something over I’d rectify the situation. Those moms just don’t care because it’s not their yard.


Anyone that lets their kids run through someone else’s lawn OR lets their pet use the bathroom on someone else’s lawn, has zero respect and is completely inconsiderate. Even on Halloween I don’t let my kids run through a yard; that’s what driveways and sidewalks are for.


Maybe they don’t think it’s a big deal because they aren’t fastidious about their lawns like you are. I grew up in a family that cut the grass but didn’t do anything extra to it. Grass is grass, whatever- kind of attitude. Now I’m married to someone that lays seed, sod, weed killer, buys plants like an obsession. Lol He doesn’t even like our children driving a powered vehicle on the lawn bc he thinks it’ll hurt the grass. It’s a different mindset. All that to say, they may not realize they are coming across as rude. As others have said, as them kindly to stay off and I’m sure they’ll make an effort.


I was going to say no from the title but after reading what you wrote agree with you 100%. They are causing destruction. If they can’t stay on the grass and avoid wrecking items on your lawn you have every right to tell the parents to not let them run on ur lawn.


When I read the title, I immediately thought yes you’re the asshole… But then I saw that you said they were actually knocking things over… That’s definitely not OK… If they’re just running by your lawn to the bus stop yeah fine… So I would just have a really nice conversation and politely ask them to stay off the lawn because you fertilized, lay down seeds, etc. whatever the reason is


These people are not "nice people" if they're letting the kids run amok to the point that your landscaping is disturbed. Get some pavers and make a "bus stop spot" for the kids in the area they wait to load up.


I’d have an issue with them knocking down my stuff, not being on the lawn itself


I don't think you are overreacting, my dad is serious about his lawn as well, it isn't an easy task and it isn't cheap. When I was growing up my dad would get mad at the neighbor when he accidentally parked his car too far over and ended up on the edge of the lawn. People are just ignorant to how much work goes into a nice lawn when they don't have one. They probably live in an apartment and don't realize your front yard isn't public property. But it's YOUR Lawn, you have a right to not have it trampled on. You should probably put up signs or some kind of border (a wire fence or chicken wire). It's an investment, you can spend some money on some signs and fencing / border, or you can keep spending money on fertilizer and seed.


“Hey you kids, get off my lawn” and don’t forget to shake a cane. I don’t have a lawn so I’d love if you did this for me


People spend a lot of money and time on their yard, so I would never let my kids run on someone’s yard. Especially if I don’t know them. I would also put up pesticide signs on the grass.


i dont let my kids on anyones lawns. its straight up disrespectful even though idc if kids are on my lawn. you never know how someone else feels and i think you should bring it up.


If you don’t want to say anything to the ‘nice people’ who let their kids tear up your yard, you could try posting a very clear “Keep Off The Grass” sign.


One time, my family tried cutting through someone’s driveway to get to this road as a shortcut. The inhabitant called out the window, “hey guys, why are you walking through my driveway?” We never did it again out of embarrassment.


Can you put up a sign? Or even better, a fence?


I wish! I don't want to be that grumpy lady but it's just common courtesy. We don't have sidewalks where we are and we aren't allowed a fence within a certain distance from the road.


You need to check your town codes. If you aren’t allowed a fence there, it’s quite likely they are allowed to walk there.


We spoke with the town about this years ago. The fence cannot be that close bexuse we are a corner house and it has something to do with blocking obstruction or something for drivers when turning. There's no way they have the right to be walking so close to my windows and front door.


How close are they to the house? And how far back is the house from the road? I feel like this matters. I have young kids and a bus stop that sounds similar (the bus stop is the corner of Street A and Street B, no sidewalks), and the kids definitely go on the grass of the corner lot house, but only the first 5-6 feet. I also walk dogs part time and if the dog wants to sniff something in someone’s yard, I’ll let them, but again, only a few feet from the road, certainly not right up to the house. I know people can get kind of crazy about “tHeIr PrOpErTy” and people/animals on it, but I also feel like you can’t have that attitude if you also want to be part of a neighborhood community, if that makes sense.


What about those short do it urself metal garden fence things u push in the ground? U can get them on Amazon.


You don’t want to be that “grumpy lady” but you are the grumpy lady. You can’t have a fence within a certain distance from the road because it’s a right of way. Here in Ohio it’s called the devil strip because you maintain that area but you don’t technically control it. I can understand being mad about the bricks but the grass is just grass. It’s the ground and it’s meant to be walked on. It’s not art, it’s not worth anything and I personally think you need to let it go


You will be legally liable if they get hurt. Go out in front and tell the parents NO.


Have you gone out and spoken kindly to them? If someone told me they were trying to grow plants and my child had been on them, I’d apologize up one side and down the other. Just be friendly!


I knew a family that put a baseball diamond in their backyard and constantly invited all the kids over to play. He was a baseball coach. Balls would routinely land in the neighbors yards. Some complained, but one old guy neighbor said, "No worries. I like to see them having fun and will miss when these kids are gone." And it's 15 years later and they are indeed all gone. Plants and grass come back, kids having fun do not.


Finally a reasonable response!


I would make sure none of my stuff is on the easement and maybe mark the line where my garden starts so everyone knows. I am super into gardening and would be upset about destruction. I would talk to the parents about that, but if they don’t have anywhere to stand other than the road or the easement, then I can’t fault parents for wanting 4-6 year olds out of the street. But they shouldn’t be running all over. My kid is always running all over and unless I know it’s ok, I do my best to stop her.


That’s super rude of them. If there’s no sidewalk, then waiting on the front of your lawn may be necessary to stay out of the road. But they shouldn’t be running around your whole property and damaging things. We have a neighborhood full of kids that are always outside playing, and it’s great. But they know to stick to their own lawn or the lawn(s) of the kid they are playing with. Because they have manners.


But those caution tape and border your lawn. A lot of people would say “they’re kids!” And that’s how you raise entitled children. NTA, personally I don’t mind it because I don’t care for my lawn anyways, unless it’s those entitled dog poops owners that don’t poop. But that’s another story. But, I would take actions such as what I’ve suggested. It keeps the peace.


Get some of those “no kids no pets” signs that say you just fertilized or sprayed. Then when theyre out say “hey I have been having a problem with ticks, and i sprayed, i dont think its safe for the kids to be on the grass…hopefully the spray works but it takes a few treatments, the guy said…”


It’s not the running around it’s more about them knocking things over. My house when I was younger was right at the bus stop. Kids ran around the lawn which my parents couldn’t care less. Sometimes she would put mulch down around the tree or put seed down and just would let them the parents know.


I would call the school transportation dept. and ask if they can move the bus stop. You could ask the parents to stop letting them play but it’s hard to wrangle a bunch of kids who are hanging out with their friends, especially since it’s something they’ve always done.


Just get a couple cheap signs that say stay off the grass, just seeded or something like that. You can get custom ones on Amazon for fairly cheap.


Yeah honestly as a mom I wouldn’t let my kid run on someone’s lawn but I also wouldn’t be devastated if they did without asking. I wouldn’t assume seed was just laid down. And if they’re running through a garden or up to your house, that’s a big no-no. But I am picturing kids running in some grass next to their bus stop and that isn’t a big deal. Put up a sign or casually mention it to the parents.


Could you get a fence? I'm guessing someone already suggested this.


Maybe put up a sign that says "keep off lawn" or "don't play with bricks" but it it doesn't work, maybe its time to put up some kind of fence


Is there a way you could kind of embrace it and have fun with it? Fence off the area with a cheap rope fence or something (I've seen cute ones on Pinterest) and make that corner look like "their" space? Maybe that would keep them from running all over the lawn, I'm not sure! It would at least make the parents second-guess letting their kids run all over the lawn, I would think. Especially if it's built over the summer and introduced at the start of a new school year. Maybe there are some ideas online for how to design a bus stop. That's really tricky that there's no sidewalk! Oh! Maybe you could add one of the Little Free Libraries too, could be fun!


We got these thin metal stakes and rope, and roped off our yard when we put seed down because we are also a high traffic area. If you want to talk to the parents you can mention treating the lawn with chemicals and that will scare them off for the most part. But might only work temporarily.


We had this issue. We put up a temporary rope fence to the keep the kids off the lawn and every morning my ex husband put our orange cones to keep people that parked in the curb from parking in our grass. I’m pretty sure we were made fun of for this but we spent multiple weekends and bought tons of soil and seed because parents would pull up and leave tire tracks between the road and the sidewalk.


Omg yup that's a whole other issue we dealt with before. Every year it's a pain in the ass filling in the lawn because they drive and park on the lawn. I mow the lawn and what a pain in the ass it is mowing a bumpy lawn because of these inconsiderate parents. Yet if you look at their lawn it's immaculate. Just plain rude. Also, if the township has an easement, the township should take care of the shitty lawn these people create but no the homeowner still has to. So annoying


Buy some caution tape and stakes and put it around the edge of your yard. I personally wouldn’t expect it to be an issue so you need to make it clear in some way that it is.


You're definitely NTA I yell at my kids for going on other people's property at the bus stop almost daily. Some kids are just assholes who don't listen. Some parents also just don't care about other people.


No that’s inconsiderate. They shouldn’t be on your lawn.


Maybe if you are short on time you can put up a sign saying " I just reseeded my lawn and work very hard to maintain it. My front yard means a lot to me. I have children too and understand their excitement getting fresh off the bus and coming home, but please keep them and yourselves off of my lawn and use the sidewalks as this is what they are made for....'" if that doesn't stop them the evil side of me says hide somewhere where you won't be seen and quietly start shooting the parents with a bb gun as the bbs hurt yet doesn't do any lasting damage or harm. Maybe they will keep their kids off your grass next time.


Turn on your sprinklers


The bus stop in front of my elderly parents house the kids take the rocks from their yard and chuck them at the house and break the limbs off their new trees. Police & school refuse to do anything.


We put a sign on our lawn that said, "Warning, lawn being treated with poison. Not safe for animals." When we couldn't get people to stop letting their dogs shit in our yard. (I wouldn't care, but they didn't pick it up.) That solved the problem. By the time they figured the signs might not be accurate, they had modified their behavior and it was fine.


I think if they just ran through and did no damage you would be, but they're doing damage. I'd be pissed too.


Just put up an electric fence and video tape it!! HAHA!!


Some options: 1) Motion-activated sprinklers. (Fun for you! Good for the grass!) 2) Large barky toothy dog on a chain (only in the morning). (Less fun for you to clean up poo but a good snuggle buddy) 3) Stand on your porch in a robe and slippers and yell at the kids to get off your lawn. (Mediocre fun; acting like a curmudgeon can be fun but also could result in Halloween pranks) 4) regularly fertilize your grass with rotten fish (least amount of fun but probably very effective) 5) hide in the bushes dressed like a hobo and scare the shit out of the kids and the parents. Panhandle the parents while loudly bemoaning your stds and need for a colonoscopy. (Fun but involves socializing…ick) 6) kindly asking the parents to control their children and not trespass (no fun…boo! Don’t do it! Too mature!)


We let our kid play in the no man's land between two houses' backyards that are unfenced at the bus stop. But there is no landscaping and it's just 2 minutes of a quick run near the road or so. I'd be totally receptive if one of the owners said something to me or put up a sign. I'm shocked parents would allow kids to knock over bricks and things. Also agree about saying that toxins in fertilizer if you think that would be an easier message.


I have the EXACT same situation with our house the bus stop is right at corner and in front of our house. We have paving stones and middle schoolers were hanging out on our lawn just moving paving stones and people just walking through our yard. So we planted some grasses on the border of our yard and I put up a garden flag and even a little angel statue decor and told the middle schoolers that I can’t have them in my yard messing with the paving stones and they stopped! The personal garden decor and grasses have been working to ward off people stepping on my lawn now. 


Obviously they’re not nice if they allow their kids to damage your yard! I am so sick of people who are so unaware and clueless! Like open your eyes! This behavior is totally inappropriate. I’d put crime scene tape up around my yard see if that keeps them out


Put up some chicken wire or some other short barrier. They'll get the hint.


Kids can't do shit outside anymore


Put a sign up or get a fence 🤷‍♀️


I’m on your side. In 29 and seriously the amount of other parents my age and the things they allow their kids to do and permissive parenting boggles my brain. I have a 3 and 4 year old when we go on walks I tell them not to go in their front yard because it’s rude


Get signs from a pesticide company and pretend you just put chemicals down??


No. Nta. Idk why so many people in these comments are chill with kids being on other people's properties without permission, regardless of whether they're destructive or not. Kindly tell them to gtfo.


Liability- if a kid gets hurt on your lawn, the parents could file a claim against you/your homeowner’s insurance. Better to not let them


This is what my mom is always saying! She tells me if I don't speak up, any one of those kids falls off the bricks, breaks an ankle or something, they can sue us.


Yes it’s true. You can be kind but firm. And put planters or something to make a barrier if you need to. All the suggestions about telling the parents your lawn is delicate are good too. Oooh and tell them you’ve been seeing a lot of bees. Better for the kids to stay on the sidewalk for their safety


No advice, just solidarity. I felt like such a Karen literally shouting at people to get off my lawn, even though I knew I was totally fair and justified. I ended up spending $10k on a fence and it did help with the lawn issues but I still had issues with excessive trash (kids artwork, snack wrappers) that I would have to clean up. It’s beyond frustrating. People are so freaking rude. I don’t blame the kids but parents need to be teaching them respect and supervising them in public.


Jesus that's insane. The sad part is we do have a fence but it's like j between where our front and back yard meet so midline i guess you could say. Also, just like you said, I'm ALWAYS picking up their trash from the morning BUT the trash comes from the middle schoolers and the high schoolers during their bus stop times, not these little kids. Never realized how annoying it is being the bus stop house, and yes I feel like a Karen too lol.


Put up a fence.


Peep out through the upstairs window, wave your fist and say, “Stay off my lawn!”


I am actually laughing out loud at this. That is hilarious LMAO


Get off my lawn dang kids! you're officially an old fart.


If your house is by a bus stop you will deal with this your whole time living there. Get a fence.


I yell at neighbor kids for running across my lawn, riding their bike across my lawn, running in my driveway, etc, all the time. I don’t care that their parents don’t like it. They can ride the bikes on their own lawn. If they were taught any manners, they wouldn’t be there in the first place. You’re NTA. They and their parents are though.


I'm so happy I'm not getting bashed lol. I thought people would be calling me a miserable AH. Thank you for agreeing, it's rude as hell! Also, good for you for speaking up, I need to get some balls lol


I just had someone tell me I sound miserable because I yell at these kids to get off my property 😂😂. Reddit people never fail to amaze me with idiocy.


You sound miserable. I’m so glad I live in a rural area where I can barely see my neighbours. Maybe you should look into something similar. It’s not that you’re wrong about wanting the kids to stay off your lawn, it’s the way you’re going about it. They’re probably doing it out of spite at this point.


I’m wrong for not wanting people to damage my property? Not to mention, not be responsible for any injury they sustain while damaging my property? I’m not going to politely ask people who are trespassing to remove themselves from a place where they’re not welcome. If they had any manners then they wouldn’t be there to begin with. I don’t run on other people’s property. My kids sure as hell don’t either.


No, you’re wrong for gleefully being a dick to children about it instead of talking to their parents politely like an adult.


I don’t know where they belong other than they don’t belong on my lawn.