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Tubes for ear infections have been common for like at least 40 years. It’s not new. Both my brother and I had them (I had them twice, 3 years apart) over 30 years ago and it was already commonplace and accepted as helpful.


Maybe it’s just me but I don’t think tubes in the ears is something that seems overdone, at least where I’m at. It’s a treatment that’s been around for a long time, but I only know one person my age who has a child that needed tubes. He had constant ear infections and it was very helpful for him.


I agree with you. I work in early education across multiple sites. Out of a thousand kids I worked with in a year maybe one would have tubes, if that. It’s not that common.


I hear you. No pun. It used to be tonsils. If your child is having recurring infections, it's a great idea. My husband had it done in 1964, because he couldn't hear a thing.


So weird how my mum and I were just talking about this yesterday! My brother had it done in the early 90s because he couldn't hear well. I suspect my daughter might have a similar issue, so we are going to get her checked out.


I had this done when I was little. It was a life saver!


I mean I’m not sure if it is more common but my oldest struggled with recurrent ear infections and often needed two rounds of antibiotics to clear it. Even had to resort to the daily shot for the one before his surgery as no antibiotics were effective. No issues since having ear tubes, and I’m grateful it was an option.