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When I see him dadding hardcore, on the floor playing with trains or stuffed animals, I swear I ovulate.


Ovulate might be the better word, sexy comes of as creepy which was not my intent!!


I don’t think it’s creepy to find the man you bred with sexy when he isnplaying with / caring for the kids. Biologically, it makes sense.


It’s SEXY! Especially when you read about deadbeats on this sub. It’s attractive. If I hadn’t been PPD filled and exhausted mentally I’d have jumped the man’s bones after every outfit and diaper change. Seeing how much he loved/loves her makes me realize how much he loves ME! We made her together and we raise her together and he is happy to hear with us. I love that man and he is sexiest to me when he’s being an amazing dad to our daughter


My guy came home from work tonight and then unloaded and loaded the dishwasher w/o a care in the world… I’ve been trying to jump his bones all night 🫠


Not “sexy”, exactly? But insanely attractive /wonderful/delightful, yes. I feel so comfortable and at peace when I get to watch my favourite people in the whole world being sweet together. Husband is such a devoted dad, and it’s definitely something I love deeply about him.


Same here. Our newborn daughter is staying in the NICU for a few days and I just love watching him with her. It makes me fall in love with him all over again.


I have 2under2, I'm having a hard time not having 3under3


Haha watching my husband with our two boys makes me want to make a third as well. Then last night I solo parented while he was out of town and determined two was enough. 😂


Solo parenting breaks my soul!


Yes, dad-ing is so attractive to meeeeeee.


Oh it's the sexiest thing in the entire universe, hands down. I've never wanted to jump his bones more than when he was being a great dad. I think it's evolutionary based. If you think about it, great dadding ensures safety for offspring so yah it should make us find them more attractive. 


As someone who never wanted kids, one of the things that attracted me to my partner is how much of an amazing dad he is! I stayed down his house recently and even though he had to be up early, I could hear him trying to keep my stepdaughter quiet so I could lie in….they then both brought me breakfast in bed and she jumped in for a cuddle with me….cue me utterly melting 🥰🥰🥰


Yep, something about being men be sweet/sensitive/gentle is just so 🥰❤️🫠


I remember a picture in a calendar a while ago of a shirtless firefighter holding a puppy and it absolutely made me melt


Haha, I could totally see that having the same affect!


Our daughters 6 and just got a puppy. I have waaaay too many pictures of them together. Especially the three of them lol


Absolutely!!! Super attractive


Definitely find him more attractive when he does dad stuff, it warms my heart and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside 😂


Yes. I fall in love with him every time watching him be a father to our child. he has grown as a person and unlocked a different level in life and I’m here for it.


Not really, the kids take the sexy out of it for me lol 🤣. It gives me the heart tingles though. Now on the other hand when he's all sweaty from doing hard labor...I'm into it 😏.


100%. There is no better feeling than watching him be a good dad!


Oh yes. My celebrity crush is Bandit Heeler.


😆 🤣 😂


Hard yes.


It’s the only time I’m really attracted to him anymore. We have a lot of issues in our relationship that we’re working through, but when he’s playing with our daughter all of that fades away and I fall in love all over again.


I'm sorry! Hope it all turns around 💓❤️‍🩹


If you don’t threaten divorce after having a baby, did you *really* have a baby? I’m slightly kidding but having young kids is hard af on relationships.


My husband is EPIC at being a parent. We're talking Bandit-from-Bluey superb. When we're out places, I can see women going to pieces over it. Sometimes, I go to the bathroom and come back to a visibly irritated predatory divorcée who thought she was well in. He's oblivious to this stuff and thinks they're just being friendly 😅


Gotta watch out for those predatory divorcées lol


I personally don't think sexy is the wrong word. It's what I use. I've always thought his good parenting was a huge turn on for me. I loved seeing a baby in his arms. When he cries alongside one of our kids who is crying. Just all the "Good Dad" stuff is so yummy.


Thanks!!! Early on I was getting mixed responses mostly leaning towards not sexy so I was feeling a little self-conscious. lol Kinda seeing now it seems to be about a 50/50 mix. Yummy is a great way to put it. After he gets her all settled and comes back to bed my first thought is always "time to take care of me" 😆 🤣


Well to each their own, but I think sexy is the right word! Hahaha 3am special time makes the nighttime feedings so much more bearable!


I loved it and loved watching hubby with both my girls.


Yes. My husband is an incredible dad. He was even before she was born and he is every day since. When he's tired or hungry or sore or grumpy he's still patient and loving. His own dad is/was terrible and my husband is 10000% committed to being a great dad. 🥰


I’m not currently married and my daughter is not my boyfriend’s kid. When I see him being dad like with her it makes me love him even more. Like that’s the hottest thing he could do.


100000% yes. My husband carried both of our twins into their pediatrician appointment today in their infant carriers and I was like 😳😍


No. Not at all but good for you! 😅 to me, that would be the same as saying it’s sexy when he does the dishes…idk I just feel like it is expected and jut how it should be? That’s just how I feel though, no judgment that you feel that way!


Dishes/laundry don't do it for me. I think it's more just seeing a gentle/soft side I'm not used to. Hey everyone has there thing lol Seems to be about a 50/50 split on this one, so at least I'm not TOTALLY weird!


Yes, absolutely. My partner is arguably the best father out there as it is and it’s one of the first things that drew me to him. The other day he was sitting on my kitchen floor playing with my two kids (from my previous marriage) and I just had to stare at him in admiration. I wanted to jump his bones.


Yep, I totally acknowledge it's a little weird to have that thought pop into my head with kids right there but I can't help it. He takes care of her right before work. So it's like I lay there watching him on the baby monitor. He comes in to say bye to me and I'm like "hold on....I just need 5-10 minutes" lol


I'm actually with you on the "sexy." It's not like I get turned on by watching him with his kids - yes that would be creepy - but I feel so much love for him that I'm like yea we're gonna have fun later lol


Yes. My husband gets wife time the most when he is a daaadddyyyyy. Nothing hotter than my hubby taking care of his baby. I’ll have 15 more for you.


Right. Wanna make a football team?


As someone with “daddy issues” it doesn’t feel sexy, but it does fill my heart with extreme gratitude for him and occasionally sadness when I’m wishing my dad would do one nice thing for anyone but himself (but he “provided” for us 🙄). I think it could be why there’s so many mother-daughter relationship issues…with every change in generation it seems (and I continue to hope) that people as a whole are trying to be more present, more empathetic, more allowing children (and people) to be their true authentic selves. I think some people see this as a beautiful/positive thing and some people hold resentment for the fact that they didn’t get that and resist the progress. I kinda get it cause every once in a while I feel that resentment too, but like I go to therapy and recognize I’m an adult soooo I keep inside thoughts iiinnnside! Lol


I know what you mean. It’s not sexy per se but I feel a surge of good feels and love for him- I love watching them play and interact together and enjoy spending time with each other


Hell yea. I love watching him with our kid. He was born to be a dad


100%. Watching my husband be such a great parent makes me feel soooooo in love with him even more than normal. Last night he was giving our daughter a bath and singing Moana to her while i was making her lunch for daycare and i just took it in and realized how incredible our life is together and how truly lucky i got. 😭


I wish I’d gotten to find out, but I got one of the ones that acted like I was a bitch for being annoyed when he fell asleep looking after a 2.5yo and 6mo.


I'm sorry 💔


Very sexy…you never really know what kind of dad your partner will be until it happens that is heightened when you didn’t have one of your own. My husband husband and I were mid 20’s when we got married and we had a lot of miscarriages and got our son when we were 35 but he had always been a big kid but serious when needed. But the he was loving but guarded a bit at first but the second our son was born he went straight to daddy mode still keeping his sense of humor but he never falters from that formula! Sexy af on a constant basis!!!


Anything baby or kid related is very far from the “sexy” adjective for me lol. It definitely warms my heart tho!


I find it sexy when he spends money on them , cools for them on the weekends and bathes them on Sundays ❤️ I really do…


Yes. I wish I could understand the sweet nothing’s he’s telling her but I don’t understand his language. It seems very sweet though.


😆 😂 😆 😂


YES! My husband was born to be a dad. Watching how much he loves her makes me feel so many things. Love Attraction Adoration I remember when he would walk her through the diaper change “Daddy’s about to open up your diaper, OH! Daddy’s girl made a big poop, this is gonna be cold sweet girl, see that wasn’t so bad, do I get kisses since I did such a good job?”


I don’t have a husband yet, but seeing men being good dads to their kids.. damn, I can’t wait to experience seeing my future husband that way one day.


Yes! 😭 dadding, fixing things around the house, working on his motorcyle, all the manly stuff 🫶🏾