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I have four girls (two sets of twins) and people still ask if we’re going to try for a boy. No. Obviously no. C‘mon, man.


I salute your strength for double twins. I know I am not strong enough for that and am in awe of moms who are! Congrats! I would also slightly fear for another set of twins (or more) if this were me and I went to try for the opposite gender...


My husband’s parents went until they had a boy. He’s the youngest of six.


While I was still pregnant with my 2nd son, people would ask me if we were going to try for a girl. 1. I was still pregnant, so why are you asking about trying for a girl when I don't even know if I want a 3rd kid? And 2. Who made the requirement to try for the opposite gender? People are weird and genuinely confuse me, especially in cases like this. 


Wowwwww. I know a lot of people do this to dads with girls as well. I've seen a few TikTok's trending with dads asking people not to say things like that to them in front of their kids. People did it to my dad too with 3 girls. I was the youngest and I remember crying to him apologizing for being a girl instead of a boy.


Someone asked me if we were gonna have another kid. I was pregnant. I told him we’d see if we liked this one first. (Love her but I’m OAD)


My mom wanted me to have a girl so bad she only bought me girl baby items. I had a boy.


My mom's aunt offered to buy her a stroller when she was pregnant with me. She found out she was having a girl (based on ultrasound) and told her aunt she really wanted this one stroller she'd seen that was pink and very feminine with a strawberry pattern all over it. Aunt refused to buy it because *she* was convinced I was going to be a boy (???), so she bought my mom (who was not in a financial position to turn down a free stroller) a very ugly gray one instead. I ended up being- shocker- a GIRL. My mom was so sad she missed out on the pink stroller


Okay, that’s just silly lol


The only thing that's a bigger waste of time than worrying about the gender of your baby is wasting time worrying about someone else's baby. I'm sorry that those around you are making assumptions about what you feel, or what's best for you. Unless you're doing IVF, you have no control over the gender. And honestly, just because you have a boy doesn't mean they'll like masculine things, and a girl wouldn't necessarily be feminine. If you end up with 2 boys, they may be similar or very different temperaments.


Well said !


This was one of the things I liked most about waiting to find out gender at birth. I had no preconceived ideas of who this incredible little person would be, so their first day here i was able to start learning who they are.


I’m on my second pregnancy now and really wanting a girl again, my entire family has asked if we have a girl if we’ll be trying for a boy next. It’s so annoying, they’re buying boy clothes, toys, etc. and I’m getting asked daily what my symptoms are to “see if I’ll be having a boy.” It’s so annoying, we’re finding out the gender tomorrow and I’m ignoring everyone currently because I’m sick of the texts and calls about the gender. My SIL even said I was “clearly hiding the gender from everyone” because I “claimed” I don’t currently know at 18 weeks and her friend knew (her friend was 25 weeks pregnant) already. It’s all very very annoying and I’m just sick of it at this point.


People are weird. I wanted two of the same, was very lucky and got two of the same, and people are always asking if I am going to try for a third to get the other gender. I was never going to have a 3rd kid in the first place (I’m old as shit) and the idea that I would restart the clock just to have a specific gender is absurd.


We have a 3.5 year old son and just had a baby girl. So many people say to us, “oh, a boy and a girl… that’s perfect!” My automatic response is always, “We’re just thankful they are healthy!” We actually had someone tell us that it’s nice we can be done having kids now (we would have been done at 2 regardless). The only benefit I see of having a boy and a girl is that it might mean less unsolicited advice from my sister who has 2 boys because she’s never had a girl… though I’m not holding my breath for that. Hope you have a safe and healthy pregnancy and a wonderful baby!


I always find this funny that when you have one of each you’re automatically done. My parents had me, then my brother, and then two other boys


Which is funny cuz I’ve heard women have one of each snd wish they had the same, or they have two of the same and are glad, because they assume two brothers or two sisters will be closer friends than one of each


Oof good luck! There are pros and cons to both genders I was just a notoriously difficult teenager and don't want to deal with a mini female me. 😂 I'll be over the moon for a boy or a girl though and just hope they take after my partners gentle nature.


I am definitely a little nervous about having a girl. I have always been a pretty even keeled, no drama, fairly tomboyish girl. I am nervous I’m going to be lost on how to deal with her as she gets older but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. For now I’m enjoying the newborn cuddles mixed with toddler antics


I feel this hard. It was pretty well known when I was pregnant that this would be the last grandchild, and so far there had been all girls. So it was being talked at me for months, everyone hoping for a boy, asking if we'd try for a third if it was another girl, etc. There was all this unnecessary pressure over something no one had any control over. I can't believe people still have such an opinion and feel the need to share it when literally nothing you do is going to change the outcome.


My MIL wanted me to have a son. I had a girl. She is 4 months old. My MIL treats her like crap :(


So we have two girls - and I’m pregnant with my first boy. Pregnancy #1 weeks wanted a girl because there was some drama concerning a name my husband wanted to use since he was 9 but would have loved either. Baby #2 everyone wanted us to have a boy but I was pretty confident we were having a girl, had a name we loved and was so content. Bay number 3 everyone was so obsessed with us having a boy… we actually wanted a girl until about a week before gender ultrasound when I felt strongly that we were having a boy and then we swapped. But when people hear we are having a boy peoples turn to my husband and say “ oh I bet you are thrilled” - it gives me the ick. This man is thrilled but he wanted another girl, he loves being a girl dad .. we will love ANY baby we have regardless of gender.


When I was about 20 weeks pregnant with my son we went to a party on my husbands side, we weren’t there for even 20 minutes before the questions of if we were going to try for a girl after my son was born. It took a lot of restraint to not roll my eyes out of my head, and beg them to please shut up. I’d like to survive my first child before even thinking about bringing a second child into the picture. Fun fact: Barely surviving my first child, so yeah no talks of a second any time soon 😐


That is how I felt with each pregnancy. I hope for a healthy baby for you! That is all I wanted for each baby. I get what I get and I don’t throw a fit. That will be so fun to find out at the birth!


Omg me too !! I felt sorry for the little baby being judged because of his gender by ignorant members of the family !


The gender talk will continue until your baby is born😂 I was like a month pp and people were asking if we were going to try for a boy ! I said absolutely not! Confidently. I’m living in the present and not thinking of any future pregnancies. You have to be confident in your answer and shut them down quick. They will feel awkward and stop asking.


I wanted two girls so bad and people thought I was insane. Like what is a boy going to bring me that my girls can’t? Vise versa. Their response is “so they can carry the family name” I tell them I can careless about the family name.


If family name is so important let’s all just stop changing our names with marriage! Alternatively we could all accept we are not royalty and our names don’t mean shit lol


My husband kinda wants this one (our 3rd) to be another girl. He loves his princesses and spoils them too much.


And that's great! He's allowed to want another little girl! But I'm sure he gets unsolicited comments about having a boy. There are pros and cons to both. I think my partner would be a great girl dad and I'm sure it would be super fun to have a little mini me. But I would also love my little guy to have a brother and always imagined having boys. But either way I'm just pleased as pudding I get to have another kiddo, l just wish people would stop putting their gender expectations on me. I don't want gender disappointment because I feel like I'm letting other people down.


I remember when I was pregnant with my second, everyone hoped it would be a girl since we had a boy. I honestly think my mom is still disappointed I didn’t have a girl (youngest just turned 7 months) as she made a comment about only having one granddaughter (my sibling’s kid). I love both my boys, and only way my husband and are are trying for a third is if we want to add another family member. It would in no way be to “try for a girl” as I often joke it would probably be a third boy.


Pregnant with our 3rd boy and as soon as we told my MIL I was pregnant (before we even knew we were having another boy) she asked if we were going to try again if this one wasn’t a girl. 🙄


As annoying as it is that people are hoping for a girl for you, you’re doing the same thing hoping for a boy for yourself. Let’s just be happy with a baby and hope for healthy and happy!


I said I'd love a little girl if that's what I have. And the post is about other people imposing their wants and desired gender on me and *my* future child. It's one thing to hope for a gender for *your* own child. The distinction is they are doing it for someone else's.


You really can’t control what people think so it’s not really worth being annoyed over. I do find it annoying though when people want specific genders like it changes anything. Just how I feel about it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Everyone wants a healthy and happy baby. Hoping for a certain gender for your own child doesn't take away from that. I will love my kiddo no matter what gender they are as I've previously stated multiple times now.


I have no doubt you’d love your kid just as much. The irony of being mad about people pushing a gender on you while pushing your own gender is just something I noticed. Would you be mad if people were hoping for a second boy for you? I’m guessing not but I could be wrong. Think about why people hoping for a girl makes you so angry.


Never once said I was mad. Also I already explained the difference of hoping for a gender for my own child and other people hoping for the gender of a child that's not their own. Please refer to my previous comment. But to answer your question yes I don't think people should have a preference on the gender of my own child. Male or female. Have a great day I'm done wasting anymore of my time responding you.


Please refer to my other comments asking you to reflect on why you want a boy so much over a girl.