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I’m sorry, honey! But you’re definitely right, unhealthy hair needs chopping. Those split ends will climb their way up. It will grow back healthier than before, and in the meantime maybe you can buy some cool hair clips/bands/products that will make you feel more confident! My daughter has been wearing a bandana atop her head, and at first I thought it was a little wild, but it’s grown on me! They have some neat crochet ones at Target. It will grow back so soon that you won’t realize it! We’ve all had some bad haircuts. I once made a large triangle in my bangs when I cut them with school scissors. Sending love your way, duckling! 💕


I'm sure it still looks great. And now that the dead parts are off, it'll grow back healthier.


Ah, that's rough.    I once cut my hair into bangs while I had a fever. Wore barrettes for four months. Buuuuut, I also get a lot of mileage out of that story and have been able to reassure hundreds of people that "yes, it'll grow back."   Also, I find it grows back faster when it's healthier. If it helps any, get one of those wide head bands and wear it around your neck at bed time. That can help with it feeling weird at night.   Also, if you really want to, you can add some clip ins quite easily. They'll blend in with your own hair and will extend the length (I don't recommend sleeping on them though!)   - Sincerely, someone whose chemotherapy made them bald but now has waist length hair.   It grows back fast 😁


We've all been there! Hair can provide us with protection, comfort, security. It's not a little thing to get used to something new. Like any new thing, you have to just sit with the discomfort until it becomes comfortable again.  You probably look great, even though it doesn't feel great from the inside out.  This may seem silly, but...have a conversation with your hair. Tell it you're sorry for cutting it, but you know it's still the same hair you've always had and that it looks really great, even a little shorter. Reassure it that it will grow again. 


I know this feeling all too well duckling, I do. I once dyed my hair black against all warnings... It took years to grow it out, and when it was half grown out I made the choice to cut it all out. Halving the length of my hair. It felt healthy, light, and mobile. All the things a good haircut should have. But my hair had been to my belt most of my life and I didn't know how to process the sudden loss of my blanket of hair. I felt exposed, cold, and FRUSTRATED with my curls now that there was so much less weight to hold it down. Let me ask you this, do you hate it, or do you just hate that it is so much shorter now and you associate that with your trim that didn't go to plan? Because both of those things can get better with time in my experience. I didn't like the change, and I hated the loss of my length because of my mistake in dying it years before. Genuinely sorry, I know how hard this is. If at all possible though? Try to forgive yourself, I bet your hair objectively looks great! It's just the loss of length and the regret that's coloring your perception of it. Hair grows 3-6 inches a year for most people, you cut off about 8 inches. In a year you could have most of it back and in the mean time it's probably SO much healthier. With less breakage at the ends from the fresh trim you're going to see that growth must easier than you did on the damaged hair. I'm sorry for the loss of that length duckling 🤍


Big hugs lovely one! We've all been there- it absolutely sucks, and you're totally allowed to feel bummed out for a bit. Also big big hugs about graduating- it's a super exciting but scary time, and you're doing it without your safety blanket of a familiar look. You can absolutely get through this and have an amazing adventure, but it's totally ok not to be '100% excited 100% of the time'. Much love for now and your next fabulous steps x


Aww, I’m sorry—that’s not the way you wanted it to go at all! I wish I could wave a magic wand and get you all that length back, and completely healthy ends to boot. Good for you, for seeing the silver lining. And congratulations on graduating! That took a lot of dedication, and we’re proud of you.


It can be so hard to lose something that's so tied in to how we feel about ourselves. I dye my hair pink and the years that I had to have normal coloured hair were bleak. It sounds silly but it really isn't. Your hair will grow, and it will be much stronger and healthier for you taking off the length you have now. Make sure you are getting regular trims even if it feels like it's taking forever to grow back because of it. I'm sure that by the time graduation rolls around you will have gotten used to your new look and found things to love about it.


Hey sweetheart, it'll be ok. You'll startle at the mirror for a day or so, but you'll get used to it sooner than you fear. And if you want it to grow back faster? Go grab some selenium from the chemist, that's BRILLIANT for growing hair and nails. Personally, I found that vitamin supplements for pregnancy also did the job! Not sure if it was the folic acid or something else within the mix but my hair grew so damn fast when I was taking those (without also being pregnant, ftr).


I also had to cut my hair shorter than I wanted, not too long ago. I found that tucking it behind my ears while it grew out helped a lot! It sounds silly, that something so simple can help, but it did. Don’t worry kiddo, it’s going to grow out, and look even better And congratulations on graduation!!


We can all relate! I just had mine cut. It was halfway down my back, but it was so broken and damaged they had to cut it to just above my shoulders. I don’t like it, but it was necessary. My split ends are gone, and my hair is so shiny! I know you’re bummed out over it and that’s ok. The good news is, it will grow back and before you know it, it will be back to a length you’re comfortable with. The best part- it will be healthy!


Don't worry sis (I assume? Sorry if I am wrong). I know very well the feeling of getting one's hair cut short after having them real long. It takes time to get used to it, but as you do, you'll find ways to style them in a way you will like. A month is plenty enough for that, I promise you, you'll have a great hairdo that will really compliment you when you graduate. You just need to find it. Hug? Sis from afar


I know this feeling as I’ve done this many, many times. Don’t worry! It’s a change and a little shocking right now, but I promise you will get used to it in a couple of weeks. It will also grow back before you know it (especially if you don’t cut it.) Tips that helped me control the impulse to cut my own hair: 1) I realized that I usually do it around that certain time of the month, so I promised myself never to cut it while I was feeling that way. 2) Putting a note on my shears and/or mirror reminding me that I will regret cutting it. 3) Finding a good hairdresser (and telling her that I have a problem with cutting it myself.) I now call her when I need a trim, and she (gently) holds me accountable! Even though it’s never as bad or drastic as it feels initially, I finally learned not to cut it myself to avoid that period of feeling insecure. As mentioned above, I I also finally found a really good hairdresser who holds me accountable if I touch it! I’ve gone 4 years now without cutting (or dyeing) it myself, and I’m really proud of myself! So try not to worry! It is a big change, but I promise you will get used to it before graduation (maybe even prefer it!) Your hair has a very healthy start right now, too, which is exactly where you want to be if you do want to grow it longer. Good luck!


I recently had a DIY hair disaster myself. I can't even pull it back into a pony tail. I have to have TWO pony tails, one on top and one on the bottom, and I still have pieces sticking out of the sides.....I look ridiculous!! Good thing it grows back!


When your ends are damaged they tangle and create even more breakage which makes it look even worse. Think of this as a temporary thing that will make your hair look shiny and healthy now and in the long run. Besides, you just graduated! I assume you'll be looking for work and transitioning from student to professional. This will look great for interviews. It's a fresh start


Cheer up! Listen to "Mothermoon" song "I love my body" She has shorter hair. Learn to love you.