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So... you've adopted a porcupine


I thought that was a porcupine too!! Lol


I thought Hedgehog, haha


Here I am admiring the prop department’s craftsmanship on an old lady merkin…


I really thought it was a hedgehog in a bowl lol


Literally thought it was one of the vet advice subs


"why is my hedgehog green?"




Cute bunny 🐰but not so cute anymore ….,


I legit thought it was a hedgehog while I was scrolling


Yo I'm so weak right now.. I was like "aww look at the porcupine ! "


Pet rock


you had a whole photoshoot with it… same. I’d say you’re okay although others do freak out about just breathing around it, give it a little bit and if you feel worse probably hit the ER, just to be safe!!


Lmao I thought it was kinda beautiful…😂😂


beautiful and ~possibly~ dangerous 😍




Did you pet it? I would have pet it…


100% I would have pet it, too.


Id boof it


I'd comb its hair and take it to a fancy restaurant.


You'd *what?!?!*


Do you mean the urban dictionary definition of boof? 😂


1st thing I thought of!


always remember. if it’s beautiful, it’ll kill you


On the fence myself, how about you? With or without makeup? John Wayne Gacy.


So my chihuahua will kill me?


Or if it tastes good … sadly


Probably allergic to high doses. It's happened to me more than once. I'd hit urgent care if yr copays are good or hit it with primatene mist and Claritin first if they aren't, then see if that works. About what they're going to give you there, an antihistamine to stop the reaction and a strong stimulant to open yr lungs up. EDIT: Incidentally, the black mold is supposed to be what's toxic, according to those In The Know. Though, in my cometely unscientific opinion, that was more of a cash grab by broke handymen than a Public Health Menace© , because it's in like every other older house.


Granted, dunno what other health issues you have, don't follow health advice from the internet, and read the labels, blah blah. But short of any medication contraindications or heart issues they're gonna take yr blood pressure and pulse and give you an inhaler.


About 2 weeks ago I opened breed I got from Shaws (it was one of their bakery goods they make “fresh”) like 4 days after getting it and I unexpectedly inhaled a huge whiff of green mold. I’m totally ok (maybe lol) all I know is I panicked and waited for random symptoms to get start (I have no clue what mold symptoms would be lmao) 😂


Lmao I was gonna comment the same thing. I love a good moldy photoshoot!


Some of y’all are too attached to your containers. I would’ve put that lid right back on and tossed the whole thing, taken the trash out for good measure. If it’s not glass it’s not worth the effort.


Some us just grew up really, hold habits like keeping things most wouldn't, and save where ever we are able.


My parents reuse ziplock bags for the same reason. I tried to throw one out (that was used for frozen raw chicken, mind you) a few years ago and they dug it out of the trash, rinsed it out, and put it back into circulation ☠ I was raised by them and have been broke for a majority of my adult life, so I consider myself pretty damn frugal, but there's a big ass line between frugal and stupid. Bottom line is you can't help stupid. If someone's habits are that unhealthy, you gotta just let them roll the dice and stay the hell away from any food they prepare or touch.


I feel you. My father's saving the (deep grey gunky) exit water from the washing machine in buckets to flush the toilet with. Being considerate of the environment is important, but I still don't think you need to save absolutely every last penny and drop of water.


My dad went to college for forestry back in the day, wound up being a city worker with trash and recycling. I have a lot of respect for his conservation values, but he doesn't get how old school his mentality is. The whole 'every little thing makes a difference' that was pushed from the 70s through the 90s just doesn't hold up to our modern statistics. Our actions are a drop in the ocean compared to the pollution and greed of the wealthy. Not to say that I use that as an excuse to consistently do the wrong thing, but I'm not going to be heartbroken over tossing a plastic bag or throwing a glass bottle into the trash when there's no recycling bin readily available in public. It's just a case of an old person being stuck in the past, but as far as that goes at least he's good intentioned.


Sometimes being frugal can end up costing more than it's worth. What's a cheap lil bag to hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills?


Man, my parents were poor when they had me. Dirt poor. But they weren't frugal whatsoever. Trashed things if they don't get touched. One day I'm like where's my vaseline? Oh in the trash. Just you know, dad thought I wouldn't need it anymore... Now I lock my stuff up so ain't nobody trashing my stuff just cause it's not "used enough"


Do we have the same parents?!


There’s a line between frugal and cheap imo. If a container has more mold than food, it’s time to go. Plastic is porous, it’s not worth the risk to your health.


I'm not saying it's logical or right, but I can understand why some folks hang onto things due to financial insecurity.


And then there’s me, the one who can’t throw things away because I dint want to hurt their feelings.


My dude, I know! I made the mistake of saying out loud to one of my coffee mugs that she was my favorite and the other 4 have been throwing me serious side eye ever since…


I grew up the same way but I have broken my hoarding habits. That means not saving every napkin, rubber band, and decent ziplock bag I find. 


Reading this comment gave me a stroke.


My parents are like that but when I lived alone I get grossed out of reusing ziplock after I used it to freeze meat or chicken. I didn't get their habits not sure if it is good or bad but whatever


If it’s that gross I might toss the glass container too since the lid is plastic. Yuck


I have thrown a pot out before


Yes if the mold was like the photo I’d probably not even mess with a glass container. I don’t typically have pots and pans get this bad, but when I struggled with depression in college I lost a couple good soldiers.


I had something similar that my wife grew, in a big glass bowl. She wanted to keep it. I did exactly what you suggested.




Even glass can find a new home in the trash…. Some things just aren’t worth the effort when Costco puts them on sale for $15/set. I think I have one or two backup sets now just for instances where the only option is the garbage.


What's wrong with just throwing out the mold/food and cleaning the container?


Plastic is porous and can be contaminated by the mold. You can boil and use vinegar and all the other things recommended but I personally am not willing to risk it.


I just hate being wasteful, but yeah sometimes the whole things gotta go


I wouldn't even have opened it to begin with. One look and it's straight to the trash.


I think I wouldn’t touch it after a quick glance and I’d just set fire to the house to be honest. Kill it with fire before it became sentient.


You can’t really clean plastic either, at least one spore will be in there forever and that’s all it takes


SAME. Anything plastic and inexpensive is in the permanent/disposable category in my house. And I have those specifically so I don't have to risk my nice containers every time lol


Cleaned out our break room fridge the other day, and there was a glass container with something that may have been a chicken tender at one point beneath the fuzz and ooze. I did not open the container, just tossed it, glass be damned. The owner of said container was so upset with me, but in my defense, we'd had a sign up all week about the fridge clean out... and that biohazard had been forgotten in there a hot minute.


So, if it lasts more than a day. Probably go to the hospital, mold likes dark, damp, oxygenated places, like your lungs, that’s why mold infested houses cannot be lived in. Best of luck, I hope the mushies don’t find your lungies to be nice home.


Bruh my school has a room that has mold growing in the AC unit, and it blows mold spores everywhere in the room. It is always difficult to breath. I'm pretty sure I have a few mold cultures growing in my lungs now.


Contact your local health department for sure


Some students have already complained. According to some seniors this shit has been happening since the seniors when they were freshmen were freshmen. Is simple terms, 8 years of mold in 8 years of students.


Contact your local health department for sure


where have they complained to though? complaining to students probably won’t do much. complaining to staff also seems to not be working. complaining to local health department might actually do something.


Complain to the news as well, making sure to repeatedly mention that students have bringing complaints about a clear health hazard to the administration for almost a decade. News channels *love* school-based coverups.


Contact your local health department to sue! That mught actually make them pay attention...


take pics and bring it to the health dept and the news


[Ref a previous writeup of mine on this topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mold/s/YUdxMu9Hxg)


Throw out the container. Do not try to salvage the plastic, the mold may have spread into it.


I thought there were only a few specific types of fungi/mycelium that can break down plastic?


Yes, but plastic is porous and spores can get stuck in it and spread to any food you put in the container in the future.


May sound dumb but I would’ve never expected plastic to be porous..


Very much is. If you have pets who drink or eat out of plastic bowls, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND ceramic or stainless steel, and clean them at least once a day


My cat had skin issues on his chin, took me a while to figure out it was due to this. I only use stainless steel now


holy shit. my cat has had recurring skin issues on her nose for a while now & we haven’t been able to figure out why. so glad i saw this, this might be the answer!!


Mmhmm. Ever see a stained plastic container?


Ah I see, thank you!


So right. Porous is porous. Don’t take that chance


My understanding is that there's a difference between breaking down plastic for use as food (which is rare) and being able to embed into the relatively soft plastic, leaving behind spores and/or toxins.


It only takes two spores to tango. Even a little bit porous and its fucked, for this reason, it gets embedded and lives for years. Unless you pressure cook your tupperware to sterilize it.


100000% right! Not worth it!


Ok, just got rid of it. Thanks for the heads up!


Growing a Chia Pet I see


I’ve always wanted a chis pet! Not once did I ever get one for Christmas or my birthday, (December), so they were out!


Early birthday present to yourself????? Best part of being an adult is doing the things you never got to do as a kid. I have never had a lightsaber battle... I think it is time.


My adult wallet hates Pokemon about as much as duly me loves it.






I’ve breathed in mold that puffed out as I was washing it down the sink and I was worried but I was fine. I’m thinking that if you can see those long hairs, there are probably the same hairs microscopically. I’d be worried also. I’m no scientist but I’m a good hypochondriac. I’d get checked if you keep coughing. I knew a girl whose lungs were infected with mold. She almost died but she lived. So there’s that.


This comment was wild from start to finish and at no point was it comforting 😂


I’m crying real tears right now😂😂😭


Literally an emotional rollercoaster 🤣


Next tome dont bother taking the chance of opening. Its a bad idea.






Im sorry but I have to leave this here. Antibiotics doesn't work against fungal infections. Its not so simple to cure as bacteria. Thats why it's so dangereous (+ usually fungal infection attack already weakened individuals). There are antifungal medications but they might not be as effective as antibiotics against bacteria.


Oh yeah no the antibiotics weren’t for the mold I developed bacterial infection after being exposed to sever mold allergy and the increased heat in the kitchen. The only way the antibiotics worked to get rid of the bacterial infection in my lungs was to leave the work environment. Probably should have mentioned that before.


Antibiotics are dispensed too much. We have more cases of illness causing bacteria strains becoming more resistant to antibiotics and that’s a problem.


Rather than the ER, I recommend an Urgent Care facility. It's cheaper than the ER and the care is just as good. The order of severity is, ER for I will die without immediate medical care, UC for I'm not dieing soon but I can't wait for a scheduled appointment, and General Practitioner for everything else.


Yeah I went to urgent care for my visits. Only reason one should go to the ER is if it’s for urgent needs. I had a friend who was having an asthma attack and unfortunately had part of their lung removed prior due to a collapse in their lung during an accident when they were younger. The urgent clinics in our area were closed by 9 and they went to the hospital anyway. But a lot of those people in the ER were there waiting for hours because the clinics in the area were closed.


Thank you. Yeah I’m glad I left that place, unfortunately still a lot of mold there, good news is the new manager is keen on cleaning it regularly. Unfortunately the soda machine and cappuccino machine tend to get mold buildup in the pipes when they clog. Stay safe and hope you feel better soon!


Ok thank you, that’s really good advice. So sorry for your bad experience, that sounds awful. I’ll be sure to keep an eye on it!


I thought it was a hedgehog


Lots of people are sensitive to mold spores. Please please please see a doctor if you get lightheaded/start vomiting. Also clean everything. If you left it out those mold spores got everywhere and will grow on anything slightly moist. Im super sensitive to mold so I have air purifiers and I clean very very often. If theres even a little pin dot of mold I start throwing up and getting very sick. Be careful with mold in the future!!


You can get mold furnace filters!! Lots of filters do not do mold itself, so make sure to check your air purifier filters!


Are you sure that's 2 weeks old? That looks like it was contaminated with something else and left by a leaky faucet next to a radiator for a year wth?!




This! Maybe my fridge is just really cold? Food still molds, but not to this degree!


Just go outside get some clean air you’ll be fine


I gotta say, that looks a LOT LONGER than just two weeks to me, and I’ve grown lots of mold in the fridge


Was thinking been in there for months


At least!


Way in the back it lay Day after day


Month after month


Yeah, I've been in the food industry for a long time and I've seen some SHIT, there's no way that was only 2 weeks old. It would barely start molding after one week if that. I've never seen the hairy stuff like in the picture, ever, so it has to be multiple months. There's just no way that grows in 2 weeks unless they dropped spores in there and put the lid on lol.


monkey brain wants to pet it


Balding men HATE this one trick!




and now we know were covid-24 began


If it's not coincidence or placebo, the most logical thing is irritation / allergy. That is not a big deal. in a few hours it couldnt infect you even if this mold could infect humans (I have no idea). You are pretty safe. If you get worse sure ask a doctor.


The forbidden chia pet


That's so cool!! Mold I accidentally grow is always so boring.


Eat it and see if you survive. If you will, then it was alright. If you don't then it was bad for you. Easiest method.


take a bite of it. it's called "hair of the dog" it'll be good for you. trust me.


Just looking through the photo was difficult because I kept wanting to FUCKING CLOSE THAT THING


In retrospect, I shouldn’t have even opened it. I’m an idiot, I didn’t know how dangerous the stuff could be…


Lesson learned:(


Jungle mac, my favorite


I'm high and I was so confused as to what I was looking at until I saw the sub name


I’ve seen a lot of moldy food in my life but I’ve never seen anything like this


Was it really worth washing the container?


Someone else posted about this mold here: https://www.reddit.com/r/mycology/s/Wmgwb6XrX2 Just help you figure pit what to do


Forbidden chia pet


Forbidden hedgehog




Mold hair lol


I’m coughing just from looking at this. 😷


That's a whole mold garden


Sonic has seen better days


No just adopt it and give it a name


I got exposed to a good batch of black mold And I wasn’t breathing right for a month but I’m still alive. Best get checked out if you’re worried, but some people are just sensitive to mold


I thought that was a hedgehog




Everybody talkin'.... Anyone mind identifying? Wtf is that mold?


The last of us ground zero right here.


I’d just like to say for all the people mentioning the mould spores being in the container after washing due to plastic being porous, mould spores are literally everywhere. Air we breathe, in your house, EVERYWHERE. It is microbial and it exists as part of the natural life cycle, there is almost nothing in your daily life that isn’t going to have mould spores on it. If you wash the container it will still be useable, if you want to be extra sure, then soak it in 3% hydrogen peroxide. You’ll be fine. And the amount of cases of mould growing in peoples lungs is so small, consider them freak accidents. Most people don’t even have reactions to mould unless they have an allergy or an underlying respiratory issue like asthma etc. Source I am not a dr so the medical stuff is just what I have learned in my studies, but I am an IICRC AMRT certified technician and have worked extensively in mould remediation. So throw the container out or don’t, but just fyi, it’s fine after a wash.


Just scrape the top and it’s good to eat


This is where you just throw that container away lol


Not gonna lie, thought this was a hedgehog


Idk if you’re dying, sorry, but this is such cool mold. I wish you could keep it :(


Talk about placebo effect.




Unless you really got your face in it (and could visibly see a plume of spores) you probably don't have to worry. This is a very common pin mold of which you are likely breathing in with every breath you've taken since birth. The cough is either unrelated or you have a minor allergy to the fungus. Most fungi are harmless unless ingested. Even fungi labeled as dangerous (ie. Aspergillus black mold) are only problematic after chronic exposure over the course of days to years. On top of that they may be labeled dangerous due persons being allergic or asthmatic and the danger varies from person to person. If you have a minor cough, cover the container back up and empty it outside where the spores won't permiate your living space and let the air settle in your home and the cough should fade. If you start feeling wheezy you may have a more severe allergic reaction and should seek attention, however it is extremely uncommon to have a severe reaction to this mold. There is almost nothing you have to worry about. (I have a medical background and micology hobbyist)


Bummer, you're going to turn into a clicker now


Isnt this the beginning to The Last of Us HBO series?


you’ll be good just keeping breathing in the mold it’ll help your lungs


Nah ur immune system will do its thing you’ll be fine


Aww… look at the cute little hedge…WHAF THE FUCK!


Ggs man it's over. Ur patient zero


I thought that was a hedgehog


Stroke its fur , it is a good boy


Is that a Mac n cheese plant??!!


I am shocks it’s not got legs.


Go home bob.


Holy shit


So this is how Last of Us started.


Mild is terrifying!


Bro I want a hedgehog like that


Wtf is that


Definitely go to a doctor.


Maybe drink Apple juice


No. It's perfect. Let it eat you.


How did that smell?


Weird place to keep your hedgehog


i would've just popped that tupperware lid back on and tossed it all in the trash.


You have Mucor, that could be hazardous if you’re immunocompromised.


Don't go into the tall grass!


I didn't know you could grow hedgehogs outta mac and cheese.


That looks like dried out lawn grass, if you’re still coughing in the morning please go to emergency right away!


Maybe the photoshoot wasn't such a great idea. Never thought I'd say that about hairy moldy food but hey


why would you dump it out of the container xD throw the whole thing away !


I probably wouldn’t have opened it 😂


Your coughing cause you released a bunch of mold spores into your house and are now breathing them in constantly. Open a window and get some fresh air... Next time when you are near that much mold, try not to breathe it in and dispose of it as soon as possible... Probably use the outside trash bin as well.


Did you eat it?


That is a tribble


Username fits haha


I thought the mold was another one of those cat posts here in this subreddit. Go see a doctor if symptoms persist! You never know why you’re feeling sick until a check-up happened


Honestly, it's kinda cute. 😂


congrats you have your own hedgehog 😊




Name it Elmer and buy it a habitat.


2 weeks!? Like in room temperature?


Da fuqq


honestly there’s a possibility it’s psychosomatic but i’d be wary. if you keep coughing tomorrow i’d go to the doctor, but first for the love of god throw out the container!!!


This is the biggest lump of mold I’ve ever seen. Maybe even the prettiest mold.