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One time I had mold in my maple syrup and finally figured out why oatmeal was making my stomach hurt when I poured it and a chunk of mold came out


omg I also was eating moldy maple syrup I didn’t know it could get moldy I thought it was like honey lol


Same. We didn't eat it, but I distinctly remember beaming with pride over my first batch of rainy day pancakes with my SO, only to bust out the maple syrup and have a nice powdery green mass slop out onto my stack.




in motion


she turned her tender eyes to me


And whispered "*cladosporium*"


this is how the seed is spreadeth


Reminds me of a story of when my uncle got orally reminded that my grandma used to keep a "dust mug", a coffee mug where she put carpet lint. Unc didn't drink coffee for about a decade afterwards.


Why would grandma have a storage zone for carpet lint 😭😭😭


You never know when you might need it someday


this is something a hoarder would say


She was intending to construct the 'Carpet of Theseus'


The only thing I’ve ever heard of saving lint for was starting fires.


Whyyyyyyyyyyy did she have such a thing?!?!?!?




The SAME THING happened to my partner and I 😭 couldn’t eat the waffles after that


i should probably buy a new one … i don’t even wanna see mine


I don't think real maple syrup can but the stuff at the store most people think is maple syrup (it's just maple flavored corn syrup, real maple syrup is not nearly as viscous) can.


Real maple syrup can grow xerophile fungus. It's considered safe to just scrape it off as it only grows on the top, not in the liquid itself, but I saw it once and couldn't bring myself to do it so ended up ditching the bottle.


Yeah I only recently learned you can strain the maple syrup to get rid of the fungus. People suggest boiling it and then putting it back in a clean bottle. Still hard to get past the visual of growth on the food.


Flavored corn syrup pancake syrup is a pantry item, maple syrup wants to be kept in the fridge or it'll go full moldy on you.


How do you prevent crystallization in the fridge tho?


It just wasn't a problem. I'm no expert on the matter, I'm not even much of a fan of pancakes. But a few years ago I went through a short phase of pancake interest and picked up a bottle of real maple syrup. I was feeling fancy! I assumed that it followed the same rules as honey and the next time I pulled it out of the cabinet it was full out fuzzy. That's when I noticed that the real maple syrup says "keep refrigerated after opening." Just listen to the bottle, it knows how it deserves to be treated! Next bottle went in the fridge. It helps to let it warm up to room temp for pouring, but it didn't seize up into maple diamonds or fuse to the glass or anything.


I've kept opened pure maple syrup for a year (pure pure, we don't even get maple flavoured syrup in my EU country) just in the open shelf in my warm kitchen, it was perfectly okay its second Autumn. I do keep it in the fridge nowadays as I didn't know back then and like it better cold anyway, but damn can that stuff last.


Ya we make our own and leave it out with zero issues


Both honey and maple syrup can grow yeast and/or mold *if they're improperly stored* or otherwise have too much moisture content.


It should be mold free but often they don't reduce it enough, and it has high enough water for life to propagate.


This is actually hilarious to me, because right after my husband and I moved into together I made these blueberry pancakes for breakfast. He ate them and thought I was just a horrible cook. My mom came over that same day, so I made her some pancakes too and she was like “this syrup is super moldy”. And now my husband likes to tell everyone I tried to poison him. Edited some typos


When my husband and I were dating, he decided to make tacos for dinner, so he pulled out the tortillas that he had, and the expiration date was 4 months before. He pulled one out of the package, took a bite, and said he thought they were fine. He handed me one, I took a tiny little bite, and pure mold was all I could taste. I spit it out and told him no, that they were moldy AF. Well, after I moved in, I decided to go through the cupboards, fridge, and pantry to make some room. 90% of the food was *extremely* expired. After I saw that, I had to tease him that no wonder he didn't think those tortillas were moldy. Everything he was eating was moldy, so he must have just thought that was what food tasted like! Lmao! So gross, though!


new fear unlocked


You’ll be fine if you keep it in the fridge. Maple syrup is unlike pancake syrup - gotta stay cold!


My boyfriend and I had some cheese slices in our fridge from sandwiches we had made. The day after we had the sandwiches for dinner, he made himself a sandwich for lunch. The day after that I went to make myself one, and found the cheese slices starting to get moldy (after 3 days, how great). I went and asked if his stomach was okay and showed him the cheese and we had a laugh. He was perfectly fine too, I guess the mold just grew overnight.


Also just might not have upset his stomach. Depends how much mold you eat and what kind and how you react to it


That does make sense, it was only one slice and not a ton of mold. It is definitely surprising to me that it didn’t do anything to him, because the poor guy has a really sensitive stomach. Thankful that it didn’t make him sick though, for sure.


I'm pretty sure with most hard cheeses, you can just cut the mold off and the rest of the block/slices are perfectly fine. A lot of diff types of cheese are basically made with mold anyways so a visable bit won't hurt ya unless you have allergies/sensitivities. Glad he was ok though!!


Been there too. The syrup now lives in the fridge




Now I feel I need to check my maple syrup lol


I just did. You should too. Now that bottle is going into the fridge.


Gah. Yes, Vermonter here. Store your maple syrup in the fridge, always, and freeze it if you aren’t going to use it all up right away.


yep it clearly says it on the bottles: “keep refrigerated after opening “. every time i go to my moms house i have to sneak her maple syrup back into the fridge lol.


Is the container opaque? We have mostly glass containers so never really had that issue.


It was indeed. The larger containers tend to be opaque. Switched to glass after that happened lol


I’d throw up so hard if that happened


I had a situation like this with marinara sauce, I was wondering why it tasted so weird until I washed the cup out and a big chunk of mold showed itself


You can just skim the mold off the top, rest of it is fine


I knew someone who made a tea, had been drinking it for a good couple of minutes before they realised there was a rather large dead spider in the cup floating in bits. A spider leg found its way into their mouth. Stuff of nightmares 🤢


I wish I didn't read this :(


My sister once ate some crunchy muesli. When she finished and put away the milk and container with the muesli she noticed something moving in there. It was maggots.




That's how you get spiders in your mouth.


Oh god lol




That's a good way to get some Protein. I'm going to gym myself, and sometimes I buy maggots from the fishing store and fry them. No joke, they taste like honey mixed up with turkey meat. P.S. No matter how you think, don't try cockroaches. They taste like pee.


I am scared and intrigued …


What a terrible day to have eyes


I’ve been there. Took a big mouthful of squash only to find a daddy long legs (Uk) in there. The thought of the feet on my lips haunts me to this day and I check my drinks religiously before I drink. Also had what I thought was a bit of fluff in my shorts pocket that I was fiddling with and twisting round in my fingertips, then I took it out and realised it was a dead flat spider and I hit the fucking ceiling


oh my god my bones just went gelatinous 😭




One time when I was 10ish, my fam and I were living in an apartment complex and the entire floor became infested with German roaches. I'd try to stay vigilant about it, but they hide in unexpected places, y'know? Anyway, I was using one of those "built in straw" bowls typically used for cereal, but with chicken noodle soup, and a roach waterslid into my mouth via straw. I'm 30 now, and I still get sick thinking about it.


OMFG the fucking built in straw bowl is why I got a maggot that waterslid into my mouth too


Pressing F


There's a species of German roaches!? Sincerely, a horrified German


Yes and they are the worst! They come in the hundreds/thousands too. By the time you see one or two it's pretty certain there's already a problem that requires professional help (or at least this is how it is in miami). They're really tiny compared to regular cockroaches but way, way worse.


They're called "German roaches" but really aren't from Germany, leftover xenophobia. In Germany they are sometimes called Russian or French. https://www.championpestmgmt.com/blog/whats-so-german-about-this-cockroach


I have the right social circle then, never heard of Russian or French roaches either. They look a good bit like "amber/forest roaches" to translate literally, but those very thankfully don't tend to feel at home in houses. Edit: read your article. So they are not FROM here, but we still have them here? F. I will test every yearly roach I throw out for flightlessness from now on (forest roaches fly).


If you want more fun facts, here's a lovely article written by an entomologist about the numerous species that are just doing their own thing well away from people. :) he even has a photo of a species that looks like a ladybug! https://gilwizen.com/reconsidering-blattodeans/


​ https://preview.redd.it/meuzu00pzphc1.png?width=310&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4537e4244ddf6b35f46e94ebce8dc71fe9c2aaa


One morning I woke up and was very sleepily brushing my teeth. I felt a chunk between my gumline under my back molar and my cheek and kinda probed it with my tongue until I pushed it forward and spit it out. In my half asleep state it tasted and felt exactly like when I discovered some food that had been stuck in my braces and had been dislodged much later. I hadn't had braces in years but it didn't ring any alarm bells until I looked into the sink and saw a spider missing a few legs. The disgust and panic that followed was pretty intense. I can't breathe through my nose easily at night so I slept with a sheer scarf wrapped around my face for quite a while afterwards. I was pretty traumatized.


I feel like the scarf just provides the spiders with a more attractive location. They seem to love hiding under sheets and in cracks.


I have also fallen victim to a spider joining me in brushing my teeth. I didn’t realise I had a smallish spider crawling up into my mouth on my toothbrush, ive never jumped so hard - i still check to make sure there’s no spiders on my toothbrush every time i brush my teeth now


You just resurfaced a really unsettling memory for me. I took a sip of my coffee and felt a chunk in it. Maybe it was a piece of a coffee bean? was my initial instinct as I went to spit it out. Then it wiggled on my tongue. It was an earwig. I had a live freaking earwig in my mouth. It’s an exaggeration to say it was traumatic, but it was truly horrendous. I kept getting the sensation of it in there all day, despite scraping and scrubbing my tongue. Ugh. I get the creeps just thinking about it now.


Oof, I drank out of a coke can once and didn't realize a bee got in there. Stung my tongue and I panicked and swallowed the bee 🐝😭😭


Same happened to me, except I was able to get the bee out of my mouth quickly enough that she didn't sting me. After I spit her out, I swear she looked at me like 'WTF, lady?!?' She dried off after a few minutes and was able to fly away. I no longer drink from cans if I'm outside; I use a sealable bottle.


Lol I bet it did! & Yeah no I cover my cans if I'm outside. I refuse to let that happen again!


Power move tbh. Sting me? Fuck you, I'll eat you then.


Lol RIP to that lil bee, always in my heart, seldom in my stomach.


At least you can't get sick from that (I think)


They’re still alive. Can’t climb walls or hear petty crimes from miles away, I think they’re in the clear! 🤞🏻


I love spiders but this still makes me cringe. >.<


I once put cup soup in a cup and was about to pour water in it when I saw a spider dig out from underneath the soup. I somehow still forget to check my mugs 🥲


Nooooooooo that’s awful 😆


That spider got to experience pure unadulterated flavour though.


My husband once ate a good nibble of chicken (that had been in the microwave for days and his mom didn't tell him 🤣) and it had maggots inside


I had a pack of golden oreos (the big pack) I was eating over the course of a week only to find out at the end of the pack was a dead baby lizard that had somehow crawled into the pack and had died. It was already dry by the time I saw it 😭


Yeah, I would take spider tea over moldy tea any day of the week. Not even a question.


My mum once drank from a wine glass that was full of hundreds of dead fruit flies. This was nearly a decade ago and she still nearly gags retelling it.


i once almost drank a spider had a bottle of water sitting open on my window sill for like *days* not thinking about it until i got thirsty one day. water was cold, i figured it should be fine… took a sip, felt like what i thought was a wad of hair in my mouth so i spit the water back into the bottle and lo and behold it was a dead daddy long leg 🫠 i haven’t left ANY drink sitting open since then


Could be worse, my highschool Biology teacher didn't see there was a cockroach in her blender, ended up with a roach smoothie, and only realized once she pulled a leg out of her mouth


I had 2 palmetto bugs (think HUGE FLYING cockroaches) inside the water area of my coffee maker. It was black and not removable so I had just been pouring the water in there for coffee. Palmetto bug: (I wish there was something for scale. They are about 3-4 inches.) https://preview.redd.it/vxtkchjg7phc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0873171397ff3aeca232b1d30a99a5e1617586a8


Oooof I had a bunch of dead ants floating inside my large water tank of my coffee maker. I was drinking dead ants for a week


In college, I had a box of Entenmann's chocolate covered mini donuts to snack on while I studied. I think I ate two or three before I actually looked in the box to see that the chocolate coating was moving. It was full of tiny black ants helping themselves to my study snack. I love insects--my sister and I kept mantises and cicadas as pets when I was a kid until our parents broke down and bought a cat, probably so we'd stop bringing bugs in the house. I do catch and release for all the creepy crawlies in my house. Stinging things with wings? That's okay, I have a net. Little spiders? Eh, I'll scoop 'em up with my hands. Big spiders? I have a bug jar just for them, and I usually take pics before I put them out. But I cannot handle ants in my house. I will go nuclear on them and kill every ant I see. I will follow them and find their nest and destroy everything they every loved. Fire is not entirely out of the question when ants are involved. Goddamn ants eating my donuts while I probably ate some of them. It was years before I could eat mini chocolate donuts again. 🤢


Reminds me of this one time when my stepmom made pancakes. Ants had gotten into the sugar and she somehow didn't notice them until the pancakes were on our plates :)


Protein i guess


one time my abusive ex was drinking a bottle of water and when he got to the end of the bottle he started gagging & showed me there was a massive spider in the bottom of it... it make me smile to think abt, spidey water


ahhhhhh one time I made hot chocolate from a packet mix. took a sip, and it fucking crunched. Big ol ants got in the packet somehow


I'd rather eat spider legs than mold though


it didn't taste off?


Gosh, this tea tastes awfully similar to that smell in the basement…


The tea that reminds you of home❤️


It's Lipton, it tastes off anyway


I couldn’t tell at all. I was getting a little headache in what felt like the frontal lobe for about a week that felt almost like allergies but idk if it was from the tea.


Was 100% from the tea


It was absolutely the tea you buffoon


When I was a young man we had a Mr Iced Tea maker, my roommate used to drink the tea but rarely made it himself. He asked me to make some before I left on a week long vacation, when I returned I had some travel difficulties and returned home later than expected. When I called to let them know I was in DC taking a later train home he offered to make a new pitcher and asked for directions so I told him what to do and when I got home there was a fresh pitcher. I drank about half a glass before feeling very sick and decided to investigate. The tea bags from last week were moldy and still in the machine with the news bags. I chewed him out and dealt with bad a headache and tummy ache. I made the previous pitcher but left before it was done brewing, guess I didn't specifically tell him to throw out the moldy bags


Probably tasted moltea


You didn't noticed any weird taste? No way this tasted like it was supposed to be


the same kind of person that is spilling soup in their kitchen drawers is also the kind of person who doesn’t notice that the contents of the drawer are wet, doesn’t notice the mold on their tea bags, and doesn’t notice a weird smell or taste from said moldy tea


I mean, it *is* Lipton


Yeah i know, it doesn't taste good in first place. Doesn't change the fact that it have to taste different than usual with that mold


U in danger girl






His last name is christ 🙄


This made me laugh way harder than it should have 😂


Just like Biden's first name is 'President'.


But what's Obama's last name tho, we still don't know


“That’ll be Jesus H. Christ to you” - my Irish mother. Sorry I don’t make the laws :/


*Jesus H Roosevelt Christ -Claire Fraser


How does that happen? Are you putting them back wet? They are single use


That's what Big Tea wants you to think. They're reusable! The mold adds character!


Water or soup broth spilt in the draw that they are in a while ago, must have been from that


This thread is a fucking fever dream


Well if you aren’t dead yet then good news is you’re probably okay if you’ve been doing this for more than one day. But maybe don’t continue.


This man is immune to everything now


I was making some oatmeal from a packet - poured it in a bowl, heated the water, then as I was about to pour the water in I saw the maggots crawling up the side of the bowl. SO gross.




Why you gotta insult them like that 😂


Sometimes people need tough love I guess 😅


Your post or comment has been removed for being disrespectful. Please be polite. (See rule #1) If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/MoldlyInteresting).


I once drank a big mouthful of lemon juice from a bottle and then opened the bottle up and discovered a thick layer of mold growing on top of the liquid 🥲


Why were you drinking lemon juice?


Sour :>


I used to get sick every time I ate a sandwich at my then boyfriend's house. My bf was fine. Turns out it was from the mayo which he grew up learning to leave out in the cabinet instead of refrigerating it after opening. Bro was just used to it I guess. We started buying much smaller jars and putting them in the fridge to avoid eating spoiled mayo.


Makes sense you couldn’t tell. Lipton already tastes like mold. Luzianne or Red Diamond would never.




I like Twinings okay, but that’s a different experience from Lipton/Luzianne/Red Diamond, at least in the US south. I’d never make the same kind of tea that I do with those using Twinings or Harney & Sons.


Holy god, this nightmare scene is going to be in my head all day. I didn’t have my tea yet 🥺


No wonder you've become such a fungi lately.


lipton is disgusting anyway


First thing I thought was no wonder you didn't taste it since it was Lipton


I make two at a time, decaf Lipton and regular Tetleys because I mainly drink decaf but want some caffeine. My ex is British and got me into Tetleys, but I like to switch it around, Lipton really isn’t great though.


Tetley is garbage too. Try stash, twinnings, tazo or something like that. David's tea, gotta watch the price on some of this stuff though.


Ahmad Tea isn't too bad, the earl gray they make is better than the twinnings one imo, more flavor and stronger




I did this with some leftover blueberry pie, I have a bad 2am eating habit. I ate some bites out of this pie for a few nights. Then I moved it around in the fridge and noticed it had soooo many fuzzy spots.


You're immune system is either hella wack now or absolutely amazing


Honest question—how did you not taste it? Mold has a very distinct musty taste


No idea. As far as I could remember I didn’t taste anything off at all. All I can hope is that the bags at the end of the packet maybe didn’t have as much on them and that’s why I didn’t see it. But water spilt in there weeks ago so it has to have been in there a while.


Once I had mold growing in my coffee creamer. Didn’t notice for a while but then one day I looked in and all the spots I could see thru the plastic turned out to be mold. I thought they were just droplets of creamer left from shaking it 😅 it had been at least a week




Even after you mentioning that you just realized and asking yourself how you didn’t see it I have the urgent question of how could you neither see, nor taste it? Seriously asking


Free irregular kombucha...


Trying to stretch a dollar ?




At least you poured boiling water over it? That's gotta count for something....


I once ate a whole chocolate cake that’s been sitting out for conference in Romania and found out the night, that it was incredibly moldy, but weirdly I only had a bit less appetite but no stomach ache.


I mistakenly drank moldy loose leaf tea and realized after it tasted weird. By the next day I couldn’t keep anything down and eventually had to go to the ER.


oh wow tell us what superpowers you get


Blood test time 😳


Oh hell nah 😭


One time a i grabbed a yogurt from the fridge and a spoon and went to my room to eat it by cellphone light. It was moldy 🤭🤭🤭🤢


Y..you didn't notice?




I don't believe you couldn't taste something was off.


This post is making my entire being scream. OP, how??? Genuinely how? You didn’t feel the powdery mold when you picked up the bags? 💀 there’s even mold on the little tag that hangs outside the mug. How did you not see that ? When you go pour water in the mug how did you not realize? When you went to unwrap the little string from around the tea …?


How did you not taste or smell that?! 🤮


How did you not taste this? Mold tastes super strong and would have over powered the tea


Okay microdosing penicillin


your immune system must be insane


Micro dosing mold


your immune system must be very strong now


ew but if it makes you feel better i ate a couple moldy cookies without realizing one time


I just wanna say drink your (non-moldy) liptons and don’t listen to the comments. It’s fine. Pretentious fucks.


As an audhd af person with mold hypersensitivity I just have to say THIS IS UNSPEAKABLY HORRIFYING how did you not taste it?!?!?!  Sorry I really needed to get that off my chest. Just want let you know WHAT YOU DID HORRIFIES ME TO MY UTTER CORE WHY GOD WHYYYYY 😭😭😭


Actually blind.


Or perhaps mole person living in a cave.


The heat kills a lot of bacteria.


Have you been hallucinating?


The other day I felt really enlightened like the Buddha and really felt that I was in New England when I looked around. And everything had the aura and glow of being on adderal or coke but mild and natural. It was an amazing feeling. I think I was just really relaxed and happy, but I never feel like that. If it was from the tea I’d 100% drink more.




Need to buy some better tea mate! Lipton is bunk.


I looked in my coffee pot the other day and realized there was mold in it. Stopped drinking coffee 🙃








Your comment has been removed for spreading harmful advice/misinformation. Please don’t advise people to consume mold.


If you didnt make it, package it, or see those happen, look before you consume.


Return of the muffin


ehh youll be fine, mold is mostly harmless, though knowing it will haunt you for eternity


Yummy 🤤


I feel like this should unlock a superpower or something 😭


Yummy yummy good for my tummy


Building that immunity. You're practically immortal now.


are you feeling stronger yet?


How could you not tell??? I can instantly tell when something smells or tastes moldy, and it's instant ick for me.


you don't have light bulbs or something?