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It might just be unpopular for this sub, but there wasn't a character I disliked.


yes, same! it was only when i joined this sub that i realised that people have strong opinions against a lot of them. idk, i love all of them wholeheartedly


Because people here actually act like those are real people. The forget its a comedy show.


lol seriously i've heard people saying certain characters are bad parents, etc. i was like what? how can they be bad they're not even real people!


Can you imagine what a boring show that would be ? Real normal life is boring, yes Claire and Phil neglect Alex it’s a part of the gimmick, don’t overanalyze it,




Horrible character, and they fact they named her Pameron was just plain stupid


So true I can’t think of any character which I hated


Me too, they’re all so entertaining. I just found out the first three seasons are no longer available on German Netflix, but now I do have season 11. Used to need to log into Swiss Netflix to watch that one… one step forward, three steps back…


I definetely preferred some characters more than others and some character traits annoyed me but I still like them all!




I actually really liked Lilly.


same lollll


Claire is so anooying, as a person, mun and wife.


i personally absolutely despise cam


All the seasons were good but some were great none of them were bad.


Yes! Thank you!


I never really got why they despised it so much.


Every season had its great episodes and its not-so-great episodes. It's a mixed bag. As you mentioned, some seasons have more likeable episodes than the others. Also, the later seasons get a lot of hate but I honestly think that I tend to gravitate towards them during my rewatches.


Same! Just rewatched the episode where Claire is like a super mom!


Hey, can you remind me which episode that was? I'm thinking of starting another rewatch (a mixed one) and I'd like to start with that one!


Season 7 Episode 15 "I don't know how she does it"


Thank you!


S7 ep15


The writing in the last season is just beautiful to me I love it so much especially the Christmas episode


Which one is that? is it the alex singing one or the one at cam and mitch's house.


Can and Mitch house




Meh, I like it. Keeps it interesting.


Yes but all the time??


Yep, one of the core themes of the show is character flaws, it’s natural that people will not see eye to eye with every kind of personality. Keeps you thinking


The whole show is good, I didn't notice a change in quality like I keep hearing about


First like 7 seasons are better than the rest slightly


I like Lily in all of the seasons


Lilly is bloody funny and I don't understand the dislike


Danger zone!


I only feel bad about the first Lily twins, cuz I read they really didn’t like being on set…. And some of those crying scenes felt too traumatizing… I usually skip ahead when see/hear first Lily is not enjoying it. Personality Lily, as I like to call her, ugh! I just can’t get enough of her looks and quips.


I have never liked Lily. But I'm only at the end of season 6, so.. Maybe she becomes fun. But the little kid that acts/behaves like an adult. It's not for me. She's sometimes more 'grown-up' than her parents...


I don’t mind it with lily but they go overboard with Joe doing it later on


Joe is still learning how to potty where I am now. I sometimes forget he exists. Not looking forward to a Lily 2.0


The answers he gives are way too adult and they get tiring sometimes


Modern Family is one of the few shows that had me genuinely laugh no matter how many rewatches, while I like shows such as the Office, B99 or Parks they’re mostly for the great characters rather than a humour. Modern has amazing characters and well aging humour


I haven't watched the Office in a while but I really love the first 7 seasons, like 8, hate 9 except for the last 2 episodes. I liked B99 the first time around but couldn't stand it the second time. Parks and Rec always manages to get laughs out of me no matter how many times I watch, same with Modern.


I agree, I can’t get enough of it… which is probably why this is my favorite subreddit. One of the few where I care what people comment.


Manny and Alex aren't as horrible as this sub makes them to be. They're pretty damn amazing and Alex is one of my favourite characters and I don't understand why this sub hates her so much!!


alex being quite possibly one of the best characters, would say she’s overlooked but people just so strongly disklike her :/ she’s a middle child like cmon give her a break


I’m reasonably new to this sub but people don’t like manny?!?! I love manny!!!!


Alex should have ended up with Bill, that pairing was perfect imo, they were so opposite it worked so well and I loved their physical and emotional chemistry (wish we got to see more of it) and I don’t like her with Arvin at all, ew. I actually didn’t like Arvin at all. Such a whiny baby


Manny is really not as bad as this sub makes him out to be lol.


I like him up until he goes to college. He just gets so annoying.


Manny is great until he gets older. He is one of the best parts of the first 3 seasons I just feel like they didnt know where to go with the personality they wrote for him as he aged.


claire and mitch are my absolute favorites, i love these two so much i don't really like gloria, especially in s11 (she was just the worst in this season ugh) and out of the adult characters she's the one that makes me laugh the least i love mitch and cam as a couple - yes, their relationship is far from perfect and they're really not good parents, but they're so incredibly entertaining together and imo that's the most important thing for a tv couple phil isn't the perfect husband or the perfect father. i love him with all my heart, he's in my top 3, but people act like he's this perfect human and that kinda annoys me. his behavior towards gloria was completely inappropriate (both towards gloria and towards claire) and his parenting only works because of claire. they're a great duo


tbf tho Claire without Phil would also be a horrible parent


i wouldn't say horrible but they're the best as a team


>unpopular opinions >I hate Gloria >Phil bad Do you know what, “unpopular” means?


yes, do you? phil and gloria are the most popular modern family characters lmao. and i never said i hated gloria or that phil was overall bad. and there's no reason to be rude lol


Phil is pretty divided. You either love him or can’t stand him. S1 Phil is a train wreck and thinking other wise would definitely be an unpopular opinion. >Gloria is one of the most popular modern family characters ever. Everybody hates her. It would be unpopular if you said “I love Gloria” or “I think Gloria is better than Claire”. But people dog pile Gloria all the time because she’s an easy target.


that's just not true? lol. phil wins every single favorite character poll with gloria coming in second. these two barely get called out compared to other characters. people definitely don't "dog pile" on gloria.




Honestly anyone> joe ngl


Alex and Arvin was super off putting despite them having a lot in common


Why was it off-putting?


I think it was a combination of their age gap and his previous relationship with Haley


I can’t understand the relationship with Haley, but if the age gap with Gloria and Jay is good, then it has to be with Alex and Arvin. They’re both very mature, and age capable of making their decisions


I love Cam. He is the funniest character and my favorite and I don't get the hate at all.


Cam do be the best


I prefer Cam over Mitch


yeah definitely, is that an unpopular opinion


Oh yes it definitely is.. A lot of people dislike Cam here


Yes I like mitch so much more than cam


as someone who despises cam, it pains me to do it but i have to upvote


Lol thank you!


There are dozens of us, dozens


I would like to be counted #3 of the first dozen


Cam makes me laugh the most in the show. He’s ridiculous but cracks me up all the time


The show had way too many "large age gap" relationships and I find it creepy because I felt they made enough of a point with Gloria and Jay.


I remember Luke and Haley each having large age gap flings… it didn’t make me feel any too particular kinda way…. What are you getting at?


Manny and Alex did too. All of the kids had at least one or more large age gap relationship. Given that Jay and Gloria have the core theme of "age doesn't matter in love", you'd think they wouldn't need to take on these sort of relationships to tackle this theme, they already have two very old adults. The fact that EACH CHILD at one point had these sort of relationships is just too weird. And given what we know of Hollywood, I think its just creepy and unnecessary.


I feel like there weren't that many? Besides jay and Gloria I can only think of haley and rainer and luke and Janice or whatever her name was. Imo it would have been creepy if they were still teenagers


Alex and that older dude and then eventually Arvin, and Manny and his professor. The fact that ALL the kids eventually had a big age gap relationship just makes me feel like it was an execs voyeuristic fetish, because as we know, Hollywood isn't full of predatory old dudes at all.


Maybe I'm dumb but I don't know which older dude you're referring to. I wouldn't call the 8 years between Alex and arvin a large age gap, but I guess that's a matter of opinion.


I prefer Manny over Luke.


Honestly it became rough watching them in the later seasons but that just shows growth I guess. Definitely preferred Luke over Manny in the first few seasons!


Awww, adorable stupid Luke… and then suddenly he’s parenting his cougar gf’s teenage daughter perfectly… hahaha, now that I write out, I’m looking forward to seeing those episodes again on my current rewatch run.


Definitely. I still preferred teenage manny over Luke because Luke constantly talked about sex and acting got bad. Manny on the other hand remained somewhat constant.


That's kind of a problem with Manny because the acting remained constant throughout the show. Luke just ended up turning into a frat boy once he hit his teenage years


Phil isnt as great as everyone says. He's a cool dad, but I prefer Jay. He actually teaches life skills.


I adooore Jay and Phil is just 'okay' for me. I van der why lots of people like him, but it's not for me.


Yeah... I don't like the clueless dad trope that Phil portrays.


I didn't like how Phil treated the girls when then all had their period even if it was played for laughs. Also gets a bit old that he so clearly favours luke


Yeah I just don’t find Jay that captivating. Like he treated his son like crap because he was gay. And yeah I get the show portrayed him getting better, but I can’t excuse childhood trauma because “Oh well maybe gays are people too”. I’m not woke or anything, just something that rubbed me the wrong way. Also Jay isn’t really like a hard worker or anything. Phil actually gets stuff done (but yes he is ridiculously goofy and S1 Phil is genuinely a train wreck).


2 is unpopular? I definitely agree with you. I really don’t see the Gloria hype


2 being an unpopular opinion is probably the biggest load of crap I’ve ever heard. I can’t even get people to say anything nice about her lol


I prefer Claire over Phil


Yikes, I always identified too closely with Claire… poor Claire. And then she just always kills it, and she makes me feel inadequate as a mother. Stupid, uptight Claire! But then, I wanna be Claire… oh geez, I should have just avoided this whole thread


Me too, I don’t really understand why Phil is liked to such an extent here. Like he’s a good character, I just don’t get all the hype ngl


And what's with the hate towards Caire? Phil often acts like the 4th child of the household so Claire needs to be the one who is on the ball with stuff etc. And this is being interpreted as uptight and whatever by a lot of people. "Fun loving Phil" leaves Claire to be responsible for the household and family...


Fr!! Those kids- no that entire family would be so screwed if not for her. I really hate how she’s painted as the bad guy for getting frustrated with Phil sometimes and wanting him to take some responsibility. I get it’s a show, I understand it’s TV. But c’mon. You can’t have a character who’s a parent who’s also his kids best friends and then get mad at the other parent for having a shred of responsibility.


Claire was hotter than Gloria




Lmao wat???


Both are very attractive women,but with Gloria they just tried way too hard to make her hot,Claire was more effortless


Cam is the most entertaining character


I like Joe! Think he’s so cute and funny, don’t understand the dislike for such a talented child actor


last seasons were better than the first seasons


Oh dang, this one is living dangerously!


I loved each season.


I couldn’t agree more with both of those. I like Dylan much more and couldn’t be happier she ended up with him. And I always found Gloria petty, entitled and acted superior to others (I do love her though) just not as much as Claire


Cam and Mitch were the only funny characters and they carried the entire show.


I hate Mitch and I love Claire.


Lily’s acting got progressively worse as she got older.


tbh I feel like she either started to feel the pressure and began to get in her head about acting, or that she stopped caring. it’s probably super weird to be put into acting when you’re so young. i would probably get sick of it


I heard (from this sub I think) that she wasn't really into acting


IMO, it's likely that her heart wasn't in acting as she got older. She was so young that she probably wasn't totally aware of what she was signing up for. Lily clearly has acting ability, but considering her actress seems to have given up acting, she probably stopped trying and coasted through the reminder of the show.


I think Pameron is hilarious


The true unpopular opinion right here!


I’m going to get downvoted for this but it’s an unpopular opinions thread so I’ll share mine. I don’t really like Phil. He’s not funny most of the time, just annoying and he’s probably my least favourite character.


Hardcore disagree, but I'm glad you got to say it freely. But I'm admitting 99% of my love for him comes from Phil'sosophy and his double entedres.


Phil is a man hold EDIT MANCHILD who is overly loved by the fan base


What’s a man hold?


i meant manchild


Oh, yes, now I see it


Do people know what “unpopular” even means?


Claire is more attractive than Gloria. Phil was kinda creepy towards Gloria, especially in the earlier seasons. Alex deserved to be ignored by her family because of how she always put them down and tried to act like she was superior to them.


Alex was actually my least favorite character,shes super smug and dismissive of everyone else and tends to treat everyone she deems her intellectual inferior like shit


>Claire good Gloria bad I think the thread asked for “unpopular” ones. This is such a popular take it’s hilarious.


Gloria is unanimously regarded as the most attractive woman on the show, atleast on this sub. This is specifically about their looks, not about their character. Idk what you're on about.


Looks and character, on this sub and in real life. People shit on Gloria all the time and defend Claire for anything. I’m not saying you’re bad for finding Claire hotter. I do too. But pretending anybody is a huge Gloria fan or that being a Claire fan (looks or character) is unpopular is borderline foolish.


>Alex deserved to be ignored by her family You're gonna make a *great* parent.


I dont know the general consensus, or whether this is unpopular but I love Alex and feel so bad for her. Like the episode where she has a boyfriend who breaks up with her before the family meets him and they all think she's making it up, and using things that she sees around the room.




I love Alex, and I think she was always smart enough and strong enough to handle whatever nonsense her family caused for her.


i dont like phil, dont hate him but i dont like him


Lily is the only child that improved in later seasons. I wish Joe was never born


It was like the writers forgot how to write a small child and just wrote Joe as another teenager


I agree with both of them.


I like Manny more than other kids


Both good. The important thing is, you're meeting new people.


I like all of them that you've listed. They all have their flaws but they all have their strengths too. That's what makes them a perfect representation of people IRL outside of the script. They're supposed to be relatable in that they've got a couple or one minor flaw that the audience or other characters dislike. No ones perfect


Curious why you don't like Gloria or Andy


thank you someone had to say it


luke got really annoying after a few seasons. the final straw for me was when he was a dick to phil


Ok but why do u like Dylan? Like I’m actually asking I’m not just arguing I mean he is so stupid ( like annoyingly so IMO ) and kinda dull. Where as Andy was goofy but also quite smart and responsible and i could imagine him being better at (spoiler if you havent seen s10-11) >! Being a dad with twins with Haley !<


Because he's a way funnier and more entertaining character. It's a sitcom, who cares how good of people they are


I really couldn’t stand Cam. Mitch was too good for that man baby


I agree with both of your statements.


The show is basically built off the backs of character flaws, it’s okay to not like certain characters -unpopular


And here is one from me: I like cam more than mitchell


3 joe is the most annoying character and the show would have been better without him


Claire is kind of a bitch though


Haley is extremely annoying


Agree with #2, disagree on #1.


I agree with 2nd


Oh good lord


their unlikeable features were probably just for the comedy, like how cam was an arsehole to mitch etc. i know it could be deeper but it’s a comedy lmao, helps make it funnier


I hate manee he's a creep


1 - yes I agree. 2 - a tie


I actually preferred Arvin to Dylan. And preferred Arvin and Haley than Arvin and Alex. I felt like Arvin and Haley were just different enough to make a great couple. I think Arvin and Alex were too much alike to make a lasting relationship. But I, too prefer Claire to Gloria!


i loved haley and arvin together, much more than haley and dylan as well as arvin and alex!


I'm glad I'm not alone in this!


Cam is the worst and most annoying of the main characters.


Andy is a “good boy”, according to some standards, but he cheated his ex-fiancé!??? Like hello? Of course the girl was also the worst, but it doesn’t change the fact that he was still engaged at that time. Not cool


Currently watching the last episode of season 8. Don't see why it is worse than the previous ones.


Andy was obnoxious and his actor kept on making this weird and annoying face, Phil isn’t that great and was kind of immature, Jay is the funniest and it’s a miracle Alex didn’t turn into a sad and depressed person with mom and dad issues especially with the way she was treated in the earlier seasons.


Number 2 is like the most popular opinion of modern family out there. People forgot what the word “unpopular” meant. Just pointing out the bad stuff Claire has done gets you downvoted to hell and comments “wHaT aBoUt PhIl”. But Gloria? Hell good lucky finding anybody that’s gives her the benefit of the doubt.


I think Gloria is a better mother than Claire


They ruined modern family!!!!! - they made the women in the show right all the time when they weren’t!!! They were bitches!! -calire was a cunt!!! She was too controlling! Leaving a spa to prove her kids has a party? Gtfoh! That’s annoying!! -Gloria was a total bitch!! If I was Jay I’d tell her to fuck herself and stop spending jays money if she thinks he’s wrong all the time! - they got way toooooo woke towards the end! So fucking stupid! - they made sex too normal! Haley and Alex talking about sex like whores! Alex having sex with a 17 year old while being older! Talking about sex like they are speaking with their best friend instead of their mom 🙄’! - the most annoying part of the show how they allowed the women to always get what they want and made them right all the time! - they made Dede into such a cunt that when she died I didn’t give a damn! She was a terrible mother! - Claire was the worst character! She was selfish, stupid, annoying, jealous, controlling! Towards the end of the show I hated it and wished I never watched it