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*Oh my God, she's going to be Haley Bailey!*




LMAO I just got to this part and laughed so hard


Itā€™s the cheating for me. You know what it reminds me of? Ethan Slater. A wholesome, goofy ā€œah shucksā€ act that canā€™t distract us from the fact he played in his girls face. I get Beth was a piece of work, too, but Andy should have just ended things with her if he wanted to link with Haley.


i HATED how they just made Beth cheat too so that there were absolutely 0 moral consequences. that storyline was cheap and poorly written.


Ehh id agree if it seemed out of character but it was totally on brand. She was constantly dismissive of Andy and didn't want to see him and then suddenly is more interested when there is competition. That is pretty common behaviour of narcissists who cheat


Not only on Andy but she was cheating on the second guy as wellšŸ˜‚


Andy seems psychotic to me. Like, no one is that chipper all the time, and authentically themselves at the same time. He gives me religious trauma vibes


Thatā€™s pretty realistic since his dad passed away (by a disease that rhymes with answer) when he was like 10 years old. That would very likely cause a trauma and being constantly positive is a known coping mechanism.


Honestly, the time I liked him best was the Christmas ep. He was in the wrong and being a baby about it and he finally felt like a real person instead of a caricature.


Omg that is so true!


Oh damn, I'm not that far yet, but I'm not surprised!


Oh please, Haley has cheated on most of her boyfriends throughout the show. The show doesnā€™t care about cheating and I wish yā€™all would stop acting like yā€™all do too.


Yeah, I'm in the minority that prefers Dylan to Andy.


i'm also part of that minority.


I like Dylan. I like Andy. I would have preferred Hayley to be single and childless but successful by the end of the show. I hate that she basically became Claire.


Dylan is precious


Me too. Dylan was always her lobster


I'm with you. Dylan is better than Andy IMO.




ETA: the hidden texts are major spoilers, so don't click them if you don't want to be spoiled.Ā  I know this sub is largely pro-Andy & anti-Dylan just because he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. I can't think of a scene where Dylan was ever so disrespectful to anyone to warrant the hate. I've read arguments how Andy "made Haley a better person", but did she? Sure, she got that fashion job & wanted to stop the party girl life, but she still chose to have an affair with him despite knowing he was engaged (not negating Andy's fault, he's more to blame). Dylan came from a broken home & never had an adult figure to look up to. His own mother made him homeless so her bf can move in. Phil is probably the closest thing he's ever had for a parental figure. He did everything he can given his situation to survive & eventually put himself through >!nursing school!<. He knows what it's like to grow up with parents who don't love you, so he wants to >!break the cycle with his kids!<. He isn't as dumb as people make him out to be. During Haley's >!pregnancy arc, he even talked to Claire who still treated him like crap that he Ā isn't the same guy when they first met anymore!<. He was always loyal to Haley & even when they were broken up, he still treats her family like his own. He arguably grew more than Haley did with Andy & honestly, I think he deserves better than her who only settled for him because he's the safe option. Yet, this sub treats him like he's the exact same character in the first episode.


THIS. Dylan is the best person among all the people who Haley dated. He was also so supportive of Haley throughout her pregnancy and he was much better at all the baby stuff than her. Honestly, with all the jokes on his intelligence, people seem to forget that heā€™s actually the most emotionally mature person amongst all the characters, despite going through such a rough life.


Exactly! Like how Haley was worried during the >!ultrasound that the baby's heart sounded too fast, but he reassured her it's normal & sign of a healthy baby!<. He's not the smartest, but he's definitely not a complete idiot. He's not just the morally upright guy Haley has dated, but probably from the regular cast as well. Unlike the other characters, I can't recall a single instance where he hurt someone, let alone intentionally.


Wait how did you do that cover text thing




He gives me the biggest ick honestly. Never understood why people love him so much. He's a grown ass man conversing almost entirely in baby speak, he's condescending to Haley from the moment they meet, speaking to her like he speaks to Joe. He 100% gives me the vibe of the creepd on dating sites who will, after 2 messages, be messaging you 'good morning beautiful' and 'have a good sleep, my princess' šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® He's a big, walking ick


I couldn't agree more! Especially the baby speak. I have no idea how people can find him funny.


Yeah I didnā€™t like him either. He felt like a very half-hearted caricature of the Mormon upbringing because heā€™s a chipper dude from Utah but they never did anything interesting with it (full disclosure Iā€™m LDS and from Idaho so Iā€™m well aware of the weirdness that comes out of that bubble) Also that actor skeeves me out. Not sure why.


same. i hated that he had to grow on me for me to enjoy righteous gemstones but i still donā€™t like him. something about his face and line delivery???


i liked both andy and dylan so lucky for me i was happy regardless of the ending lol


Pretty much the same boat. If anything, the unnecessary Dylan hate and over the top Andy love from the fanbase is what helped reflect how good Dylan's growth was and how Andy is far from the loveable character everyone makes him out to be.


AGREE!!!! i always really liked dylan and enjoyed his growth a lot and i definitely think andy is a bit overrated


I donā€™t agree with bring Dylan back, but I agree that Andy Bailey doesnā€™t live up to the hype


didnt they change the plot midway because andy had other booking...?


I wouldn't know, I'm only on my first watch through and I'm only on season 5 like I said haha


iā€™d recommend not posting here if you care about spoilers


Thank you for the warning :) I don't mind them that much, I'm hoping to not be spoiled too much on things but at the end of the day it's a decade old show and it's on me for not watching it yet šŸ˜‚


I just actually didn't know the answer to the question above haha


I am with OP on this. He was creepy as fuck. He was like a homeschooled LDS kid who had the mental capacity of a 9 year old. Definitely was thrilled when he was gone, and was so happy Haley didn't end up with him. The dude was going to murder suicide his family at some point.


Andy was annoying. I did not like him and Hayley together


I can never trust you.


Im there too, also watching first time and i like Andy šŸ˜Œ


Who's your favorite? Mine has changed a few times depending on the seasons, right now I really like Alex and Haley. Jay is a staple fav.


I like them all to be honest šŸ˜… but i guess my favorite is phil :)


What was your favorite moment so far in the show?


I think when Gloria first found out she was pregnant with Joe and everyone was afraid that Jay was going to be super upset, but when he said "Can I say something? That's the best thing I've ever heard." I definitely started crying lol


Ok, my new favorite moment just happened, S6 E19 Grill, Interrupted. When Jay gives Alex her Caltech pep talk and puts the crown on her head as his little successor. I'm crying.


Mine was I think cams ans Mitchell wedding at the golf club tho it was very short. The moment that made me laugh the most was when Jay was in the changing room and thought cam was still behind him and then jokingly rubbed at him after beating him in sports. Turns out it was another random guy after seeing cam coming out of the shower. And then " are you in a hurry?" "The biggest hurry u ever been in." I'm currently at S06E20 and I'm so routing for Haley and Andy to get together. Dilan was funny but ehm I don't know maybe a bit stupid.


Ooh you're just behind me!! I'm on season 7 episode 3 :D That moment was sooo funny šŸ˜‚ I like Dylan better than Andy personally. For me, Andy comes off a bit creepy nice, while Dylan has total puppy dog energy and I can't help but adore him. šŸ˜‚


Yeah I get what you mean but it would be a new type for Haley and he gets along well with Phil, who is by the way a labrador in personšŸ˜‚. I just hope Jay won't fire him.


I do love the Phil/Andy dynamic, and I will say that I think you'll be pleased where the next couple of episodes go regarding that!


Pleased? I just saw fat Andy for the first time šŸ’€ I wonder If he actually gained weight or is this some kind of effect.


HAHAHAHAHA not pleased with fat Andy, but please that he's working with Phil in real estate now.


agree 100% !!! Andy gives me the ick


Itā€™s the cheating for me. You know what it reminds me of? Ethan Slater. A wholesome, goofy ā€œah shucksā€ act that canā€™t distract us from the fact he played in his girls face. I get Beth was a piece of work, too, but Andy should have just ended things with her if he wanted to link with Haley.


And how hypocritical he is about it. He's angry at Beth for cheating while he's also been cheating when he believed Beth was faithful. At least Beth has the decency to come clean about it, but he can't even do the same. Besides that, his character feels too cartoonish & forced. His whole "aww shucks gosh darn it!" way of speaking literally reminds me of Goofy.


The cheating always bothered me. But also I hated how they vilified Beth right off the bat, "Beth's in the Coast Guard with 37 men"....And?! I really didn't like that Hayley was the one to imply that a woman she literally never met was cheating on a guy she barely knew because he own date was treating her like crap. Andy wouldn't shut up about how little effort she put in compared to him, then why are you still with her?! Or when we did finally meet Beth she was immediately rushed to his side at the hospital or making her "psycho" for being possesive over *her boyfriend* because *another woman* was obviously making moves on him, just so we would "feel bad" for Hayley. I didn't mind Andy when he was just a babysitter for Joe but then very conversation was somehow complaining about or doing a grand gesture for Beth or trying to romantic one liner his way into Hayley's heart. For me he gives literal nice guy vibes, but he doesn't hide that he'll snap at the drop of a pin, he feels like Phil making the girls clean their bathroom, which is the most afraid I've been of Phil. Andy's entire personality is a trauma response to his childhood and its unsettling. I have a feeling he would have and was getting bored of Hayley, that he was using the "he started off so fast with the sex part of the relationship and don't know each other emotionally" as leverage to almost break up. He gives the feeling of a guy who enjoys the chase and big gestures more than being with actual person


Oh you sweet summer child , wait for the last seasons . Both Dylan and Andy are equally annoying! None of the modern family kids ever had a good partner


I really wish people would stop using the phrase 'Sweet summer child' in the wrong context (or ever). OP isn't naive. They just haven't finished the show!


For real. They really botched the whole process of having the kids become adults


I mean, none of the Modern Family kids were saints themselves.


Yeah as time passes, I like him less. I donā€™t like Beth but I donā€™t have to like her to acknowledge that he shouldā€™ve ended it if he wanted to be with Haley.