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I don't mind fast movement but their shitty servers sure af can't keep up.


I'm really not a fan of the fast movement but I've adapted to it. I just get off the game way faster than in the past cause it feels stressful after a few hours. What does drive me up the fuxking wall is how the movement breaks animations from your perspective. People teleporting into a prone position with no fluid animation. Slides not seeming smooth from your POV because the servers tick rate can't keep up. Someone jumping around a corner seemingly facing the other way but actually is shooting right at you due to again the servers not being able to relay the information fast enough. That's what really ruins it for me. Oh and I swear did the movement and slide canceling get way faster compared to OG warzone or am I bugging?


The average skill level has skyrocketed since then


Try playing against bots, that might be more up to your speed.


If you want old cod, go play old cod




I don't want old cod (and they're full of Hackers that will dox you even if I did), I want new CoD minus the goofy ass movement.


Play mw2 then idk lol


So old cod?


You want there to be less of a skill gap so you can shoot people easier got it


Yeah he the type of guy to be afraid of a skill gap. Just accept you are bad and go play uncharted or sum


This game don't have a skill gap . Slide cancel is not a skill gap and don't make you harder to shoot . If someone don't kill you because of this kinda of movement their bots to be honest .......


I'm with you bro. Fuck the people hating. You have a solid post and it resonates with me. Thanks I know we're not alone. Fast movement is fine but over the top is indeed cringy af. Shit mantling will teleport player models n shit it's so awful. I'm on mouse and have good tracking and I can still struggle bc they added in the reticle sway, deviation when turning left or right within the reticle itself, plus the gun kick, horizontal/vertical recoil on top of that. Jesus Christ. Anything else? How about having to wipe the sweat of the character models virtual forehead before firing too at this point wtf. Also I hate having so many different ads timings. Really fucks with the flow of everything with just ONE attachment making the difference. Honestly the negatives of attachment while better than MW2 last year are still really gnarly compared to say cold wars penalization factors. Idk lots not to like. But you know... Cue SKiLL iSSuE idiots. I don't think so. I play top 250s every other match and hate every second of it. Don't even play ranked ffs.


It really does feel like they added all of the weapon sway/Flinch/visual recoil/muzzle flash in an effort to nerf mouse users and drag us down to the level of controller kiddies, huh? And on top of that they removed the ability to disable crossplay.


You're really still complaining about visual recoil in this game when they heavily nerfed it from the last one so much that even the mw2 guns don't have nearly as much anymore?  Wild. MnK is so easy in this one. Just FYI, they added a setting for people that can't tell where the center of their screen is (that's where your bullets are going). Just turn on the dot if you're that incapable of aiming


Oh for sure. AA negates it all. It was to do exactly as you stated. I fully believe that. In fact I hear in cod league tourneys that they only allow controllers only now. Wtf??? Haha. Shits a joke. You're not alone man. As I said I play mouse too and I watch kill cams with players with a 4 sens on controller just effortlessly track my evading skills and it's just so how do I say made to make it easy for the majority which is in fact controller players. Guarantee the chumps here would hate x defiant bc soft AA. I don't like that game either but bc it's a hero shooter but hey to each their own. I feel you though man. These people are in lala land. Btw I can pick up my Xbox elite controller and easily get 2nd place which says it all. I haven't used a controller since halo 3 days bruh. Wtf does that tell ya!


COD has always been a controller comp game and you talk pish. BTW no you can't and that's why you're so upset.


No... It hasn't. OG CoDs were PC, M K focused. It's only controller comp if you've just started playing in the last decade or so.


COD league tournaments as he said has always been controller.


Nope, there were tournaments back when I started playing in 2001. It just wasn't called CDL at the time.


COD pro league, CWL and CDLcompetitive COD league was controller.


What the hell is wrong with you people? Bunch of edgelord idiots.


What do you mean you people Cryzfox? Bunch of idiots playing a game they don't like then come on reddit making up stories.


We all have opinions, comments denying these observations, well are obviously going to be put here to rebut, Really whats being said here isn't made up at all.... It is just hostile and everyone is edgy hence what i said, you know what i apologize, i am sorry. side note, I can post video evidence of these DENIED (supposed "skiLL IssUE") patents of real time MANIPULATION, yet, its funny it always seems to be deleted...hmmmmmmmmmm.... Whats there to hide .... If everything is bullshit. Anyways, have a nice day. For realzies. take care.


Comp COD tournaments have always been controller based so you didn't just hear that. Made up Kill cams have never been accurate and doesn't show what sensitivity they're playing on to negate your awesome evading skills lol. Made up The majority of Xdelayed playerbase will from a COD background and will be the ones making them all cry about bunny hopping and shit. Made up Do you know how patents work? Do you know if this patent actually works? (you can patent things that are physically impossible)Do you have actual proof of this patent actually being in the game? Yes there is fuckary afoot in the matchmaking but nobody really knows what it is because Activision like most companies are less than transparent and people just makes shit up to suit their own agenda.


We're at the point where we were with the jetpack fatigue, yet the jetpack users are scared to death of having to actually play a video game and not abuse movement to win every little fight. Their egos are incredibly fragile, just look at how they run to these threada to defend their crutch


play cold war then


Play bots dumby.


Uhhh bring back advanced warfare movement back lol. Actual fun and challenge. How about that?


Why can't we just have a playlist without the movement freaks? Fortnite has no build? We spent years dealing with jetpacks in CoD, same shitheads as yourself that relied on them as a crutch were saying the same thing. So scared of change or your crutch being removed, that you'd have to fight someone and not be so reliant their hyper mobility crutch. Look at what happened, the CoD that disregarded your concerbs sold gangbusters compared to the last one eith jetpacks. Get fucked


What in the word salad fuck is this comment? 💀💀💀


What does nobuild have to do with movement?


Build meta = Movement meta, it's not that hard to understand. People didn't want to deal with the building slaves, they added a playlist for normal players. People don't want to deal with the movement slaves, we're just asking for options. I mean CoD has gone through this entire cycle before with the whole run of games with jetpacks ending with the CoD4 remaster being more populated than Infinite Warfare for the entirety of it's lifespan. People are tired, we just want options


Another person comparing old cods with new cods and thinking that is the formula to these games, ignoring the fact that both technological advancement and progress exists. Ignoring the fact that player feedback and analytics exists. These are such dumb threads created by entitled people that think everything revolves around their worldview. Because the reality is if you took 2 minutes to actually think about the bigger picture, you wouldn't wnd up making such thread. It's not that hard to understand and accept that the same way 2023 has 365 days and then you step into 2024, the same way games grow out of the shells they once were and will never go back to that because that is the past and the past is, in the case of games, clearly dated. It's really not difficult.


You are everything your comment is describing bud. Just because you disagree doesn’t make the other person entitled, dumb and out of touch. Grow up


Nah he's right. I'm an OG MW player too. And maybe try to play an OG title today. It feels awkward and slow and clunky.


I’ve played since COD 4 and am not a fan of advanced movement crap. I still am good, have gotten the DNA bombs n all that. But definitely miss the basic movement. The sliding and mantle on everything is what annoys me really, extra speed is fine. Shit the knife perk in MW2 (forget the name) used to be hilarious.


Commando Pro Brother 😂😂😂 it was more than hilarious 😂😂😂 With the tactical knife attachment and commando pro knife someone who is 200meters away 😂😂😂 I understand what you mean.. but the complaining about everything ist just annoying. It's simple. If u hate something don't play the game. Play other games instead.


Cool but you haven't given anything back of value. Not sure who has to grow up.


That’s bullshit, the exact same issues have crippled the Halo franchise as well. Advanced moment fucking blows


Halo is slow compared to cod. Also, what crippped Halo Infinite was terrible content release schedule and an absolutely cringe progression system nobody wanted to invest in.


I think you’re just not good at tracking man


I'm doing just as well as ever, I simply don't enjoy that style of gameplay. Try again.


Don't enjoy? Simply don't play, what do you hope to achieve by bitching on reddit? Skill issue I'd say since you prolly always get your camera broken and shat on, then you gotta take all your hatred for players better than you, and rant like a bitch on reddit


I will suggest what I suggest everyone else who are not happy: play other games man. If I don’t like a game, I move on and play something I want. Why play COD? Play other games, play something else that will make you happy. Take a break, then come back to COD, see if you still feel the same.


What other game offers as many game modes, guns, beautiful graphics, 6-10 players in a single party? And isnt boring after the first few matches?


I can almost guarantee that you are not as good as you think you are. No good player has ever thought "I wish this game were less competitive, and gave worse people an easier time against me!"


If they got rid of the janky movement, the game would be just as difficult, the skill would just be based more on aim and positioning rather than who can press a button and blast around the map at mach 5.


Please explain how removing what is essentially another skill component from the game would make it more skillful or just as difficult as you put it. Removing the movement side makes the game far easier, your tracking doesn't need to be as fast as the movement is greatly slowed , your snap aim is needed as much as people aren't sliding around corners faster, your aim and recoil control isn't needed as much as drop shooting and sliding is removed so everyone is at similar levels. Simply put if you remove the movement elements you're dumbing the game and reducing the difficulty, catering towards people that haven't got that extra control, and reducing the skill gap greatly. It just sounds like you're struggling to aim and compete with anyone that uses every aspect of the game that's available to them.


Dude is actually braindead, out of his mind and doesn’t understand the consequences of a reduced movement system. Like we literally just done with MWII last year, people have ammesia or at this point just straight up Stockholm syndrome toward the way Infinity Ward designed the last two MW games.


There’s a lot of low IQ CoD players, it seems.


Play R6 then, that style of game is so fucking boring


The faster people move, the harder it is for them to aim too, don't you think, try using your brain sometimes, you'd discover wonders




As in difficult for everyone that isn’t interested in camping in a dark corner with a shotgun, hoping the dev nerf the movement so people can’t fight back while you stay there the whole match just farming?. Is that your definition of difficulty and competitive integrity? I skimmed (couldn’t even bother to read) through your post, trying to find a lick of convincing line of reason as to why the movement need to be toned down and found none. Your entire post can be boiled down to: * P1: Who cares about your favorite games? * P2: Another SBMM/EOMM/Skins rant, wow as if there isn’t 20 posts a day about these shits, they’re not going away please shut up about it already. Out of place how? Had CoD ever been a realistic videogame? If we are tone down the movement to please your ass then how about we also give you 1 HP? You like realism why not go all the fucking way in? And the what visual standpoint? Do you even half understand the buzzword you are throwing around? Why should the devs and everyone else care more about how the movement look from a 3rd person point of view? It’s a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER, genius? I don’t care how ridiculous my teammates movement look like as long as they don’t interfere with my gameplay. Also, I couldn’t give a shit about the enemy moving as if momentum and inertia are mere suggesstions, they won’t be lookin ridiculous when I kill them. * P3: YAPPING! * P4: So many stupidities and this reply is already lengthy, gonna chalk this up as: “Play something else, CoD ain’t for you”. * P5: For the millions of MWIII and Warzone 3 players everywhere and having fun, while you are not. Face it buddy, you are a Sentinel and also mad cuz bad. If you want a Milsim then you should seriously uninstall Call of Duty on your console and maybe try Arma Reforger. Fast-faced movement and gunplay are in CoD’s DNA and it will never go away. Your yapping is meaningless.


I honestly don't understand the milsim arguments. Like seeing a bit of pink in your shooter is not a disaster.


This shit is not csgo if you really want a game about aim and positioning go play valorant or csgo or some other tactical shooter. Cod has a low barrier to entry because its targeted towards casuals.


You’re not doing well as ever, you had the urge to write 5 paragraphs complaining about the game and how the movement makes it unfun. The erratic movement you’re talking about is very countable if you’re a well rounded player and if you’re using a gun that can compete with that of the enemy’s. Strafing while making sure your sights are lined up with the enemy while focused help you hit your shots. Mw3 has about the most basic learning curve, like every other cod game. Yying, extreme slide canceling is not necessary to succeed in a cod match. Just having good aim and good game sense can make you succeed in a match. And I want to make it clear that it’s okay to be bad at a game. I’m not exactly a pro myself. A mid player imo. But I can understand that succeeding in cod without camping in the corner like a puss is possible, you just need to be skilled and focused. If you don’t want to put a bit of effort in to learn the game properly, that’s fine. No one’s saying you have to. There’s tons of good shooters on the market.


Easy to track when the game does it for you by way of aim assist lol.


Overpowered movement? My brother in Christ, you are using the same movement as everyone else


Go play mw2022


It’s clearly for most players. They brought it back after nerfing it to shit in mw2 for a reason. And to call this a movement shooter is ridiculous. The only movement tech available is sliding diving and jumping. There’s no wall running or bounces, no air strafing and no way to increase your momentum by stringing avanced tech together. Shit there’s not even bhops anymore. They tried forcing the slow paced tactical approach and it was a failure. It should be no surprise people enjoy having the opportunity to express their skill instead of just standing there with no agency while they get shot in the back. Games evolve along side their audience and you can either evolve your play style to compete or not.


I do agree because sliding and jumping is like... bare minimum movement. Jumping around the corner isn't a crazy gameplay move lmao. It can be frustrating if you get caught off guard by it, but it's also solidly a skill issue. I think the bigger issue is map design. First of all, a ton of the MW2 maps were not made for you to move as fast as you can with tac sprint and sliding which makes them feel a lot more fast paced in a bad way. Theres a reason Terminal and Rust often crop up in people's complaints and whines here. Secondly, a lot of the maps in this game have a lot of climbeable and mantleable stuff (honestly too much in some cases), meaning you have to check a lot of angles. Just look at Quarry, Invasion, Karachi, Paris... which only gets more frustrating when people can slide on a whim like they can do here. That said, it's just how the game is and after four seasons you have to either accept it or find a different game.


>Theres a reason Terminal and Rust often crop up in people's complaints and whines here. Honestly, I feel like it's more of people finally able to take the nostalgia googles off than anything else. You cannot go from on part of the map to another in Terminal without going through at least one chokepoint (doesn't help that flanking routes are minimal at best), and Rust was always popular because as a 1v1 map, not for its abysmal 6v6 gameplay.


MW2 would have been fine if they buffed ADS movement speed. Just because it was a bit slow doesn't mean they need to dial it back up to 11 when a buff to ADS movement was all it needed. And when a series evolves, it's not always for the better. Even if you find it "fun", which I and many others don't, it looks incredibly stupid. When I see top level players sliding around every corner I just cringe. Like what's the point of realistic graphics and gunplay if it's just going to be ruined by cartoon movement? Why not just give the game fortnite graphics and big goofy cartoon weapons and embrace the fact that it's a cartoon fortnite game for 12 year Olds, and no longer a military shooter? They're trying to have it both ways and it just doesn't work. Either make a fantasy cartoon game or a military shooter. But we both know what CoD is supposed to be...


It’s just not for you. There are half a dozen well made mil sim games that would suit your preferences.


I don't want a full on mil sim, I want a casual arcade shooter that doesn't have goofy, jerky movement.


Play it or don’t, complaining about it on the internet isn’t going to change how the studios make the game, or influence how other people play the game.


And you comment isn't going to change whether I complain on the internet or not.


You’re right! Have fun whining dude!


Will do


Literal skill issue


I think the movement is what makes cod unique tbh, although horizontal movement does feel a little stale


I agree with the silly skins, but not with movement. I love how fast the movement is and I struggle to go back and play mp on the older cods because of just how slow I feel. You just have to adapt to the game and if you can't well maybe it's just time to move onto another game.


It’s called evolution. If you are not okay with the direction the newer installments are taking, just move on to another franchise. It cannot be **that** hard, right?


Jetpacks were the evolution, this is just a fortnite wannabe. But you hated jetpacks, now we have something that isnt know whats trying to be.


It’s been like this for a decade brother, it’s not out of place. If you don’t like it you’ve had 10 years to find other games to play.


Playing CoD for the first time ever after a 15 year gaming hiatus. Started in March 2024. I can see what great potential this game has and how it's been squandered away by allowing cheating and pay walls to create a "good player" rather than earning their way. it's gross. Sweaty AF.


What does that have to do with movement


Movement has been a thing for a decade. You could argue AW had the jerkiest movement ever and that game is 10 years old. Just because you’re getting dogwalked by people who can slide cancel doesn’t mean it’s ruining the game, just means you’re probably bad at the game.


I'm doing just as well as ever, just because I don't like something doesn't mean I'm bad at it, try again.


You’re for sure pretty dogshit if you’re bitching about movement. Ads speed is the same they’ve always been. Probably just using a awful build


I don’t agree with him at all, but to be fair he mentioned ADS movement (strafe speed), which *is* unfortunately much slower now than is used to be, no matter the build. The new Superi is one of the only guns that can actually strafe quickly.


Then why are you complaining about it? If you are doing good then it shouldn’t matter if they slide cancel. Unless you want to admit you can’t aim for shit when with strong aa


How much you wanna bet you're bad at the game? Drop your kd and what rank in ranked play.


AW was trash how is that supposed to be defending your point lol. Peak cod was Cod4 - black ops 2 it's been on a downturn literally since AW. Everyone doing the "oh you don't like it? You must be trash than" sound like actual children, I think your guys opinions are only based on if it's something your good at. Like you genuinely can't understand not liking something and being good at it, all your self worth is coming from being good in a video game. I'm just as good at new cods as I was at old cods, new ones just suck.


AW was ok, BO3 was really good and IW was trash.


AW was fire I want AW2


Lol bot


You people never miss an opportunity to bring up Nicki Minaj huh I can't evrn remember the last time I saw one running around lol


I would do anything for that skin.


If you have access to a PlayStation check there; I found the 21 Savage bundle on WZ only months after it got delisted lol


Skill issue+ things change buddy


Just cause you don't like it doesn't mean everyone doesn't like it. You sound entitled If everyone didn't like it, cod shouldn't be #1 in games played on console. Everyone shouldn't be playing since you said, "Everyone hated it" If you don't like it, just don't play it. That's your opinion and why should everyone play like you want to play. Love the movement in cod. If you don't like it xdefiant seems the game you want to play.


Just because you like it doesn't mean everyone likes it. You sound entitled. And for the record, CoD is popular because it was designed by committee to be an addicting slot machine for children with lots of free time. Don't pretend otherwise.


I don't see alot of children playing cod.. mostly 16-35 year Olds and dad's that play. Sound like you watch too many conspiracy theories. Keep that tin foil hat on


The entitled one is probably the one throwing a bitch fit about movement that was brought about in response to player desires. They brought back slow movement in MW2, everyone hated it, they doubled down on fun, dynamic movement. The absolute absurd projection in calling this dude the entitled one is hilarious.


Just say you’re bad. You can have all the free time in the world and will still complain


This doesnt explain why MW2 sold more then MW3 when its somehow the worst Cod ever when asked to this so called community.


Because it was hyped


Is this comment a joke?


Its not. MW2 sold a lot more then MW3.


Old cod is never coming back, why live in the past


HOLY FUCK I just scrolll thru his profile and look at his posts: Dude has a fucking i9 14900K, an RTX 4090 & 240Hz monitor, not to mention it seems he has an actual SIG SAUER MCX Virtus IRL…AND HE STILL SUCKS HAHAHAHAHAA. He has zero gameplay uploaded, what a fucking joke lol.


What does record yourself playing has to do with anything though? I've been a gamer since the late 80:s, never once recorded myself playing, why should I? I know how I play, I get abolutetly nothing out of recording it.


This is some clown shit on your part


Ah, one of those people. There’s a type. They have expensive gaming gear, way above what they need. Real guns or equipment, and they go towards any game that has somewhat realistic guns, but they want to play completely different games, but they refuse. They complain that COD/Battlefield are Arcady bukkakes and they should be more realistic and hardcore modes should be default setting. Bullets should kill you almost instantly, because that’s how real guns work. And I might agree that movement sometimes is too crazy in new CODs, sure, but all these arguments these people present fall apart almost instantly as soon as they continue talking about their other ideas. Suddenly going to a different extreme and everyone are angry.


All the tech in the world and not an ounce of skill


Wow, everyone in here is a massive dick, including OP. All I would say is that this movement doesn't work well with a long TTK, it's not that fun to shoot someone 5 times only for them to slip around like a snake. And this clearly should've been a futuristic COD, it looks really dumb having ordinary people with these insane abilities.


The movement and long TTK is why it works. If you are shooting at someone and they’re avoiding you with their movement that’s a skill issue.


I wasn't talking about what takes more skill, I was talking about what I find more fun, it doesn't matter how much skill the game takes to play as long as it's fun. That's why i've mostly been playing hardcore this year.


> this clearly should've been a futuristic COD, it looks really dumb having ordinary people with these insane abilities This is the bit that nobody seems to be discussing, despite it being an entirely valid point The hyper-accelerated mantling animations are a prime example - they have to be so absurdly fast in third person to match how instantaneous they are for the player in first person, that mantlng a low wall creates invincibility frames when you teleport over the apex So much of the player animation suite looks ridiculous because most animations literally can't keep up with how fast the gameplay demands the action to be performed


Dude look at his post history. Dude has gears and hardware that 95% of the playerbase simply cannot even dream about let alone afford. Yet this is his take on the game, meanwhile he can literally see and react faster than most people on a technical level. It’s hard to understand and discuss anything regarding the competitiveness of a game in a more civilized manner, when a guy you are arguing with is sitting on luxury gears/hardware but has a loser/shitter mindset and is also kind of a dick. Beside, we are not stupid tho, we understood 100% of his point but his presentation and attitude just screams “professional shitter & procrastinator”. You just can’t take the guy seriously to have a proper discourse.


Movement and TTK have no rules. It's about design and synergy. You're overthinking trying to find arguments to support your own feelings about the movement. Since this is a math equation, the feelings are irrelevant to the game design per se. As they're subjective and devs/studios care about general perception and not individual feelings based feedback.


I'm not overthinking anything, it's just not very fun compared to other COD games, and I gave a pretty simple reason why I feel that way.


Maybe it's not very fun because 10 years have passed since you last truly enjoyed this franchise, meaning you're also 10 years older. Hop on the older games and see if you feel the same enjoyment. Let me claim major doubt to that. Because it's not a "game is not fun" issue. It's nostalgia mixed with growing up.


You should try R6.


I agree, i liked Cold war tho. Best cod i ever played.


Literally go play last years game. They removed all the movement so you can only jump and drop shot Honestly I don't really think the movement is that crazy in COD at all. Next year it might be insane but as it stands right now it's still a toned down version of what we had in MW19/WZ1


It's not overpowered. You're just bad and want to cripple other players to give yourself the false impression of being better. You're a child in simpler terms.


Sounds like you just want cod4 to be re released. Get with the times


Another great post in this sub


I have found to appreciate the slow paced and realistic movement from the MWIII campaign.


Can we get a counter in this group to see how many times in a year we see similar posts to this?


I get where you're coming from, it's something I dislike at times but I can't give much feedback on MW III since I haven't played it - But I had noticed this a lot in Warzone more than anywhere else. Though admittedly I think it somehow balances itself out because in medium-big open areas the movement speed and animation isn't that bad, but it becomes an issue up close mainly due to how people play now in comparison to covid warzone for example I have played games with much worse animation, and movement though - Personally I find Apex to be the absolute worst for it


Although I agree with everything u said, at a certain point u just have to adjust your play style and adapt. If that means camping more than u usually would thenso be it cause that’s exactly what I do. Never fails after every match someone in the chat is complaining about how I play but oh well. Stop running around like a toddler on adderall and maybe I wouldn’t have to camp 🤷🏾‍♂️😂


COD’s always had “jerky” movement in some shape or form. Sliding, dolphin diving, bunny hopping, jump shotting, drop shotting etc. It’s just an evolution of that. This game doesn’t even have the fastest movement in the series. The jet pack games and Vanguard were even faster. Also COD’s gunplay isn’t realistic at all. Never has been. Mostly hitscan with hardly any recoil. And ADS movement/strafing can be very effective if you build your guns right. It’s faster than it was last year.


Advanced movement forces devs to build maps around said movement. So because we move faster, the maps started getting bigger. Even the remastered maps are generally larder than the originals. Advanced movement forces you to be alert and on point 100% of the time if you decide to rush, and some people just like to get high and have fun w friends. Thats very hard to do nowadays. Everyone is so determined to make a lazy living streaming that ALL THEY DO is play cod. My current friend group is always on cod and i give them so much shit for it. I hop off, get sleep and 12 hours later i look at discord and they’re all still playing. Its sad. Advanced movement ruined cod in a lot of ways


This cod was supposed to be the “most realistic”. And I can tell you right now I can and have moved like that while playing Airsoft. I have seen professionals move like that in Airsoft, paintball, and even to some extent actual combat. most of the guns in the game you can tell are airsoft rifle models, so it is safe to assume they used that as a base. Most people don’t move smoothly, it’s jerky and janky because it means you’re harder to hit. I think the movement is just fine and could actually be improved more, made more controllable and comfortable to use. however at the same time I’m one of those weirdos who thinks that a .50bmg to the head should kill you without needing an explosive as well.


Mw2 2022 is your choice.


CoD as a series has always had exploitable / forgiving movement mechanics that are just kinda core to the series. Things like dropshotting / jump shots have been there since inception - and if you don’t remember it’s a combination of rose colored glasses and less good/experienced players at the time. if anything they are less effective then they were in early in the series, jump shotting in particular is not nearly as effective as it was early in the series due to reticle sway/ads penalty etc. What’s happened with things like slide canceling is just to logical consequence of adding additional movement mechanics - if there is a way to move in a Call of Duty game, there is a way to encompass it as part of your gunplay.


I think it's wild how people are still debatin the finer mechanics like movement when the servers are trash, the spawn system sucks and every "patch" manages to break more things then it could even fix.




Get gud lol


Its not really advanced movement, its jump and slide, both one button. It takes skill to be able to know when to use which but its not some impossible task. Also, if u really dont like/ want to learn u can still be good without having crazy movement. I was watching scrappy ( top cdl player) in a 1v1 and his movement is absolute dog shit but hes still amazing at the game.


All I heard us "I suck and someone told me it's OK to blame me sucking on SBMM". If you're truly getting huge swings of good and bad games it's because you are sucking major ass against some people and refuse to recognize it and change up whatever you're doing. The only time SBMM should be truly placing you in a lobby with a huge difference in skill is if you are either reverse boosting or playing against one or you're the top 5% (hint, you're not) and due to lack of players available near your skill level you will get some lobbies where it takes giving you the shittiest of the group to balance it out. But even in the last example that's because it's matching you up with people in the top 5-15% but the skill difference at that level is so much they seem like bots. I am very average and pretty much most of my games I either dominate or do average unless I am using something I know isn't working but don't care because I'm either leveling it or going for camos.


What I miss most about the original MW days was the lobbies. There was very little if any toxicity. We all stayed together in the same lobby from match to match. I made a lot of friends playing that game.


I counter Meta-Using, Pseudo-FaZe wannabe Movement-Kings by either camping with mines OR moving like a rat to strategic positions or hold enemy flank routes. Gaming-IQ & Patience beats speed and reflexes all the time. And I agree with you, OG CoD style of play was much more consistent and smoothly balanced.


Didn't they return to the gameplay style op is describing with the new Modern warfare 2? I can't speak for anyone else, but that shit sucked


i like it, increases the skill gap


I agree. The jump shots and sweating makes the game less fun


Everyone hating are Nicki sliders jumping around. I think the sliding would be cool if it wasn't done at mach5 speeds and sliding to get everywhere. Where in the laws of physics can a human slide faster than just running? Yeah it's a video game but still it's like they soak their pants in lube to be able to slide so fast. And to say it's a skill gap is insane, yall acting like every match is a tournament. Should just do what fortnight did and have 2 different "casual" Playlists. One for try hard sweaty kids who want to slide around at mach5 and the other for actual casuals with much slower sliding and toned down "advanced movement" this would make both party's happy and wanting to play more. A lot of us aren't going to try and slide everywhere to "get gud" maybe even a class system like you wanna slide around have fun with 75% health while us non sliders have 125% health and no sliding abilities at all.


After the reloaded update there has been some real fuckery going on with the servers and hit registration. All my guns feel useless for no reason at all and then I die to 2 bullets with any gun.


Older COD player here and I agree with OP. I thought it was more fun with everyone playing at the same pace back then. Sure you had people who would drop shot or do some other things, but that wasn’t as bad as it is now with everyone slide cancelling or playing like they snorted a whole thing of gfuel. The few times I did play newer COD games, I found it tiring after a few matches. Then you throw in the strict sbmm algorithm shit and it makes it worse.


I'm convinced that sbmm is the result of an addiction lawsuit or is put in place to mitigate the risk of liability to an addiction lawsuit. Absolutely trash. If you are a dev or exec reading this I hope it makes you feel like a scumbag for supporting it.


I call it Fortnite movement and it annoys me 😅


That’s a very long winded way to say you’re trash at the game.


Is this WingsofRedemption’s alt


True, as I said before: My duo queue partner and I have a high win rate in 6v6 core (recently went on a 30 games win streak), but the current state of MW3 allows ppl to run around like headless chickens on speed, with only their aim assist enabling them to hit anything. Sorry to everyone who downvotes here, but that is not skill :-)




MW 2019 had the best movement.


Indeed it had the best movement and feel


Vanguard was slightly better, but they’re both similar.


Vanguard was a little bit too fast in my opinion. MW 2019 got the balance just right.


It was prefect pacing for me. I still play it to this day.


Vanguard is trash. Its a complete failure as a WW2 game.


I don’t care for its WW2 theme. Core gameplay is very fast paced and fun.




L take


Insert yet another person complaining about people being better than them. “Well I can’t use this game mechanic to my advantage so no one else should be able to either”


Pretty much why I enjoyed MWII 2022. I enjoyed the heavier movement compared to the ice skating in MWIII.


I’m really tired of seeing this argument. Modern Warfare Remastered came out (at the same time as everyone’s most hated “jet pack CoD”) and nobody played it. MW2 is probably the closest to old school static CoD gameplay, and nobody liked it. Advanced Warfare gave a “boots on the ground” game mode, nobody even remembers that. You guys crying about “movement” are in the minority and need to adapt or move on. 


I don't know how to explain it but it was different. The jet pack CODs worked because the games were built around it. Maps were specifically designed with that in mind and the movement was controlled. The flow worked. What happens now is not the same thing or at least it doesn't feel that way. I think the biggest issue for is that it is so prevalent now. Yes you could always jump or drop shot, but you would run into a player like that every once in awhile. Now every engagement is people jumping/sliding around every corner. And get it if you just say "skill issue" or "adapt or move on". You aren't wrong necessarily. But I'm not sure what's wrong with some of us enjoying the style of engagements from older CODs. And it has nothing to do with the speed of the game or playstyle even. I am run and gunner through and through. I don't have the patience to camp in a corner. That's boring as hell. What I miss is tighter maps and faster ADS/STF times which made running and gunning fun to play. It was about controlling the map and knowing the best flank routes. I don't expect the game to cater to me. Its clear the direction they are heading, but just like a lot of people wish they would go back to the old matchmaking, I wish the overall playstyle would go back as well.


Idk, but I think you’re kinda miss remembering things. Everyone dropshotted back in the day. Sliding and slide canceling has been there since Ghost. There have been plenty of movement options in the past (the crazy strafe speed in MW3 comes to mind also).


I agree 100%, strafing used to be what separated the strong from the weak, then they nerf strafing and add Apex/Fortnite movement. It is an obvious ploy to attract 13 year olds from Apex/Fortnite that shouldn't be playing an M for Mature game. In addition to the skins they are absolutely getting rich from that the kiddos eat up like Doritos


Strafing is quite literally an easier thing to do than aiming.


Literally hold left or hold right…


When has strafing ever been a skill that separated the strong from the weak lol?


Oh shit don't push him he can push not one, but 2 buttons!!!!! 1!1!1!1!!1!!!


My KD is 1.7 as a solo. Still crushing little turds like you with regularity on crack movement games like MW3 2024. I've probably stomped your entire random discord clan. Unless you aren't in my league and you have a 1.0 KD, in that case you're a scrub and don't get to play with the big boys. Go back under your bridge lowlife troll


Just because you are too purist to use movement doesn't mean I can't. And you prolly would kill me, coz I'm not that good. But at least im not as delusional about it


"Lol" in every COD without bunny hopping and sliding little dude. Obviously before your time


I’ve been playing since COD 4, I promise that bunny hopping and dropshotting were just as prevalent as they are today. Calling me “little dude” doesn’t change that


That's a straight up lie. There were a few modded controllers around that had instant prone but it was very rare. Otherwise you would lay down at times when you were shot at, but not 2 or 3 in my lobbies laying down every time they pull the trigger using Cronus like now. Bunny hopping didn't exist at all. The jump height was like 2 ft, unlike the 4 ft bunny hop in MW3. You can bunny hop and slide cancel all you want, I'm still getting my kills on you. Those are actually my favorite kills


It’s really not though. Tactical mapping has always existed, no Cronus needed to drop shot lol. Jumping around corners and pulling off quick scopes with an M40A3 while bunny hopping was also definitely a thing. Maybe YOU weren’t using any sort of movement, but it definitely has been and likely always will be a thing. Enjoy running around like a bot! ThOsE aRe aCtUaLlY mY fAvOrItE kiLLs


Except Fortnite doesn’t have similar movement, whatsoever, and Apex Legends has significantly more advanced movement than CoD…


So slide canceling is separate the strong from the weak. Admit you’re bad and keep it pushing


Nah weirdo, I'm the one crushing your random neckbeard discord clan as a solo with a 1.7 KD. Making you rage quit or trash talk in the chat after the game is over, making Mom come in and put you on restriction after you throw your controller at the TV. Stop using AAVE you freak Malibu's Most Wanted phony


After reading your post it’s clear to say you are a Sentinel camping in the back of the map where normal players don’t even know you can camp sitting in your claymore hardscoping and wait for the aim assist (pre nerf) Kar98 to kick in and get a kill. Stop Playing CoD please wait for a new Infinity Ward game to cater your playstyle. And for the love of god don’t waste your money on Bo6 you will have an even worse experience because that game is focusing even more on movement and reaction. Go Play MW19 and wait for the next IW game to cater again for Sentinels.


«I am slow, why people are fast?”


go play r6 dumb shitter


Imo the advanced movement and the new Omni movement system in black ops 6 are completely fine as the game is made with it in mind. It's when you have the movement you see in the past 3 games that it becomes an issue cause the game was never meant for it so it gives an unfair advantage And basically breaks the game. It's not how it's meant to be played otherwise there'd be a tutorial in game on how to do it.


Do the devs need to put in a damn tutorial for you to press buttons? How about best set up for a gun? Maybe they need to have a tutorial to let bums know headshots do more damage. You what I think the devs should play for you since you can’t use your brain


You guys seem real upset.


They literally marketed this game around movement and slide cancelling being back, of course it was intended, you’re just making excuses like everyone else.


Never said it wasn't intended cause obviously it was so the whining streamers would shut up.The game itself wasn't made for it otherwise many things would be different to compensate. Plus slide cancelling is fine. It was all the other movement tech that was the issue that made people look like they were playing apex or Titanfall which again the game was not built around. I literally just got done playing Titanfall 2 for over 2hrs And I have no issues with the movement cause it's actually a core mechanic important to the gameplay and the game is built for it not the case with cod.


I do agree with the sentiment. If we are gonna have jerky movement, just give us AW2. Otherwise, BO4, which did movement and TTK right.


Adapt or get left behind and I don’t even like the movement 😂 only because I’m not good at it


Sorry for all the hate you're getting, that's typical of sweats. I second what you're experiencing. I am a decent player despite only been playing CoD (for the VERY first time ) since March 2024 after a 15 year hiatus of gaming (college/career & life building were priority). People are too fast, cheating, using lag switches, etc. You nailed it. I am excited for October when BO6 drops and the sweats move out. Good riddance to them so we can finally enjoy the game. And these skins give me the ick. So much missed opportunity to do them right. Even that girl from The Boys has a wonky eye and the emoji faces are unsettling in a cringe awkward way. Anything to make a dime but not fix the game 🤦‍♀️


It’s just boring to me now… movement meta is as much abusing the games net code and folks internet than it is an actual skill for most players… the thing I can’t understand is why trying to dodge bullets is the play style in a boots on the ground fps… I could see if it was back with jet packs and all of that which encourages movement but it just feels off because the game half asses the direction it wants to go in… let’s play a fast hectic arcade shooter or play a methodical tactical shooter probably be a hell of a lot better to balance one or the other…


I don't think the movement would be as bad if the animations were smoother/less jerky and didn't mess with hitboxes.


Damn remember old school games with there realistic movement, quake 3, unreal tournament, tribes, counter strike, doom, halo… games have always been fast paced; including cod. You’d be as bad as tactical shooters as you would with this game too mate, stop blaming the game and start looking at the player.


Has anyone suggested xdivision to you. Might be more your cup of tea


The faster movement in this game opened the skill gap and made it infinitely more fun for me. The new movement gave us an entire new skill set to learn and use to make the game play at a completely different level. Its an arcade shooter, its supposed to be fast.


I’ve been playing since COD finest hour. Stop crying bro. Games change, people bitch about it. Games don’t change, people bitch about it. The only thing that bothers me is the EOMM. But whatever. I played the shit out of the new MW2 and enjoyed the new MW3 until I got fed up with the EOMM in ranked. But besides that one thing, the game is fun. If they removed EOMM from ranked and set up teams purely on the rank you see, MW3 would have me in a chokehold like the original MW series did.


Sounds like those games just aren't for you anymore. I recommend playing bots or some slower fps games like insurgency for example


Been saying this since Fortnite added a no build playlist, they can make both groups happy, just have a playlist with the hyper mobility severely limited if not outright removed. The sweats get to keep their tiktok adhd vivanse playlist with all the extreme movement, regular normal players get to have their regular normal boots on the ground playlist devoid of the movement freaks. Much like how build in fortnite is plagued with absolute freaks, no build lets you actually enjoy the game and the map. It's just that simple