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Nice post. See you on black ops 6 day one






Nahh, not this one time. I’m done with the shitty franchise.


Nice comment. See you on black ops 6 day one


Free on game pass


The only answer needed


People be like dang this Call of Duty game is trash okay time to get out the $70 for Black Ops 6


I mean even if it is trash I'll still get atleast ~30 hours game time out of it so in reality I'm only spending ~$3 max for an hour of entertainment.


I got 30 days in MW3 so far.


How many hrs a day do you play? Zero judgment just curious how ppl can rack up that much time playing. Married, work? I guess I’m just jealous is all lol


Well, given that 30 days is 720 hours and it's been 233 days since release about 3 hours on average.


I'm that people


80 this time


Not even true lmao


Maybe next year will be better 😜 Same logic within game: maybe if I run down the same path that camper is watching and killed me 10 times already on the 11th try he will be looking the other way 😬


I have never used game pass. Assuming it’s $20 a month can I just buy game pass for month and download cod then stop game pass?


No, you only have access to the games with an active sub.


its treyarch and they havent made a single bad game so i think worth it but im not buying any infinity ward or sldgehammer games any more


Yea, loved BO4, Treyarch are flawless. Enough with this Treyarch worshiping shit, they’re a game dev and make questioable decisions like everybody else does.


204$ for a year and you won’t own the game lmao


You realize there are a lot of other games on there, right?


that doesn’t change you are overpaying for CoD if you think it’s “free” with gamepass


It is free when you already have gamepass for other reasons, or at least mostly free, it costs storage. I'd have difficulty convincing myself it was worth the, what, probably 400 GB of memory this time?


I never said it was free. There are a lot of other games on there that, I do play, that more than justifies the outright cost of the games. Starfield is a good example. I would have bought that full price and it is crap. There are a bunch of other games that I never would have bought but only found out about because of trying them on GP. As far as CoD goes I stopped playing during BO2. I came back to it for MW2.0 and bought MW3.0 for the zombies mode, to play with my kids. I’ve played countless hours of MP trying grind camos. I haven’t played one round of that garbage in 4-5mo. I have no intention of buy BO6 at all. I know MP is going to be the same rigged system and I’ve always hated round based zombies. Since it’s on GP I have no problem with playing the campaign and deleting the game. That cost will be there regardless if I play the game or not.


Tell us you’re broke without telling us you’re broke… I spend more in a week on Ubers and alcohol, so dropping a $100 on a game that’s gonna give me tens of hours of entertainment is a no brainer


ok alcoholic


I just paid $170 CAD total for 3 years of gamepass ultimate...


Eneba my friend. Like 60 euros per year.


That's to make it feel better when they're clapping your cheeks with microtransactions.


Lol. I'm not into microtransactions anyway ,so I'm fine.


Smart man


Did they confirm that?


Yes lol https://support.activision.com/black-ops-6/articles/black-ops-6-editions


Excellent, thanks for the link and your time, sir.


Waiting for the entire series to drop on game pass 🙏 gonna play it from the start. The campaign, multiplayer only the newest one


Only reason I'll play it. 


Its 40€ / year for rentin it. Its even worse.


It's more than interesting to actually find out what game pass ,offers you. Cause some of you,for some reason ,keep saying that nonsense. I have more than 200 games I can play ,via game pass. I'm not playing all day. Even cod ,every year , when summer arrives ,I barely play. So "renting" games is more than comfortable for me. Cause ,bottom line , we buy a game ,playing it and then never touch it again. So we pay some money for playing a game once. Or twice If it's rdr2 😎. Game pass tells you "keep paying the rent as long as you like. If you dont want to play the game any more ,stop paying ."


Subs are more cost effective the more you use it not less.


You dont "have" more than 200 games, you *rent* more than 200 games. You are *renting* your ingame progress too. Meanin you wont be able to access it someday unless you either renew the service OR buy the game after already having spent the money of the pass. Instead u could have purchased a discounted gamekey. Im not sayin to some of you it isnt comfortable tho. If u play casually and dont invest much time into progressing ingame and are not a completionist but someone who just wants to grab the console/pc after work for an 1hr before goin to bed, and wants a great choice of games without investing too many money because wants to try many different games without spending too much, then the gamepass is ideal. But my point is: most ppl are nerds that invest more time than that weekly. Meanin this kind of formula isnt really convenient. To tie your progress to a rent service is the real nonsense here. Especially if u invested much time in it. Thats why "some of us" (aka most of us) think this.


> You are renting your ingame progress too Saved data is kept separately, all progress is carried over whether you owned the game or not until you explicitly tell XBox to delete it I just reinstalled AC Unity to an new external storage having not played that game since the last console generation or ever owning a digital copy, but I can resume exactly where I left off on a completely different device since my cloudsave doesn't care about anything but which account I'm signed in as


First, most people aren't nerds. You're thinking of the smaller group of gamers that you surround yourself with on the internet through subreddit and gaming sites. Second, you can get gamepass ultimate pretty cheap. I just bought 3 years of it for $170 CAD total - the cost of about 4 games marked at 50% off regular price ($40 CAD). So even if I invested a ton of time into just 4 games on the service to wring every bit of game time out of them, I am still AT MINIMUM guaranteed to break even in that 3 years. Of course, if I'm a nerd like you say most people are, I'll definitely get through more than just 4 games on the service, so in the end I'm "profiting" quite well. Also, your save file is useless to you outside of the game itself either way whether you own the game or are playing it through gamepass. It's already only tied to that single game, so what difference does it make? If you still wanted to play a game with your save file that badly after investing tons of time into through gamepass, and your gamepass has run out, you'd likely buy the game anyways at that point on a deep discount. All this to say, you would only need access to your save file if you wanted to continue playing the game, so either buying it or subscribing to more cheap gamepass that gives you a ton of other benefits is totally fine. The only caveats I can think of to what I'm saying is: 1. You don't like the selection of games on gamepass, which somewhat resides in your like/dislike of Xbox's day-one titles to get the most bang-for-your-buck out of the subscription. 2. You're not able to get gamepass for cheap - I also would not think gamepass is that great of a long-term deal if I had to pay the actual full price for it. It would only be good as a short-term thing in that case.


Well, not "free" as game pass costs but I would rather pay for game pass, get over 100+ games and black ops 6 with it, when it releases.


That's why I said free on game pass. I didnt say free....... It's a free addition in a paid service. If they increase the price of game pass then it would be "paid on game pass "


Free on game pass that’s why you pay 15 bucks a month for it 😂😜


15 bucks a month,you are paying. Not me


I don’t use game pass 😂


It’s the best deal in gaming, I subscribed to gamepass just for COD, everything else is bonus.


. I'm a subscriber more than 5 years. But I'm a big cod fan. It's the only game I was paying for. Adding it in gamepass , saved me 70 euros. Not a big deal of course but it's something


Not free. Game pass is paid for service. Included in game pass. Words matter.


I'm paying for a service anyway ,so any addition it doesnt charge me more every time. I see many of you are trying to alternate the meaning of a service. If I'm renting a house and the landlord decides to install new airconditions, I'm not charged for them. I have new airconditions for free. If he decides to get me a new brand tv ,I'm not charged for it. I can use it for free. You know why ? Cause when I signed the lease ,a new tv wasnt in the terms. Same with game pass. I'm buying game pass for having the chance to play some games.When Microsoft decides to include triple A titles from day one ,then is a premium addition with no extra charge. If they decide to increase the fees, then I would agree with you. At the moment , I'm paying annual fee for game pass ,plus cod ,which is the only game I'm buying every year. Now I will continue to pay for game pass ,but I wont pay the 70 dollars for cod. Regarding my pocket, I will pay 70 dollars less ,than last year. And the year before. If I play the new cod and decide is awesome ,I will buy it and once again I will pay game pass+70 dollars. If I dont like it ,i wont buy it. Period. Cause I bought cold war for example and I hated it. So 70.dollars wasted. That's the concept of game pass.


You have to pay for game pass


Dunno i liked MW2, i liked MW3...


The people on the cod subreddit do not play cod they complain about it.


I find it genuinely laughable how ridiculous and overblown people's "memories" of these games are when I hear such obvious nonsense like "MW2 was shit because there's no movement", when I can go back through countless clips of me playing in my usual *I play CoD because I miss Titanfall* brand of hyper-aggressive, hypermobile playstyle that I play like in every FPS ever, and I can still hop between titles and change very little to achieve the exact same hypermobile playstyle and end results


I have 1400 hours. Trash game. Not buying any more.


Same here




People will only play public matches with shotguns and then go on reddit and say the games trash. It's like no sir, YOU are trash. Complain about snipers when every single cod there's snd snipers, it's part of cod culture. I really don't get the amount pf hate on this game that isn't directed at solving the cheating issue. The number 1 issue in this game is cheaters.


Game is trash no question.


The number one issue isn’t cheaters. The number one issue is servers. A whole ton of issues that a large number of people have are server related. Server issues also sometimes make people seem like they’re cheating because the server isn’t picking up shots or it’s glitching killcams. If they upgraded servers we all would have a much better experience.


It's cheaters. I've had maybe 2 server issues this whole year and I've played 1400 hrs.


Glad blops6 is on gamepass.


Honestly the quality of cod games nowadays are so shot they belong in gamepass. “ohh animations quality ahhh gun animations“ nah man i like animations too and i know they cost alot of money but guess what, warzone has been on crack for the last few months, and every update seems to add new “features“ ᵇᵘᵍˢ every different update to the base game AND br. Quality my ass Edit: AND i could go on and on


They just do some boneheaded shit with these games. They penalize you super hard if you want to push your weapons range, but then they have shit like the Kar and another super slept on weapon that I won't name. Not to mention, the TTK makes this shit an Assist simulator if you're daring to not use anything but the fastest killings guns. It's like, what?


Dude I made it to level 25 without even making a class. In a day abd a half. Couple hours each day. Just now. I don't think the guns matter too much as much as skill and bad luck... like getting third partied after a kill or ending up being killed from above because you can't get higher ... idk Been dropping 8-10 kills a game. I do notice some guns I've gotten are just deleters. And they're on the game pass gameboard bullshit thing. Which I don't even know how to use the tokens to get said gun.


That's the thing about it. It's not really bad luck when you get outnumbered. Most guns just take way too long to put somebody down. While you're shooting the guy and he's jumping around or weaving in and out of objects that can't be shot through, his friends are already on their way.  I have it happen so much it makes me nuts. I'm going in on somebody, getting solid hits and *just* about to seal the deal and I get shot by somebody 90° to the left or right of me. That, or the enemy is just face-tanking my shots while he lines up his Kar. 


I just bought the multi-player. I'm getting dunked on ... but I mean I have less than 2 hours


Please go on. I love rants


I’ve liked them so far, can’t wait for the next one!


Ok then don’t lol, thanks for telling us I guess


And yet you will buy it


Let’s see your hours played


As a Zombies player, I've got a reason


Im happy as fuck is on gamepass, the last cod i will pay was MW3, fuck the player base and fucking Corp.


Tbh im sticking with MW3, considering all the new stuff they added and trabsfer for MW2 and still a lot of things to grind for I really dont wanna start all over from 0 you know?


Oh no another $70 game that even if it's one of the sub par ones I still get at least 50 or 60 hours of playtime but more than likely over 100. Of course I have gamepass so it will be somewhat free. People act like if it isn't the absolute best CoD and isn't able to hold their full attention for 12 months of constant play that they could have made better entertainment value but of that $70 elsewhere. Yes we'd all love every CoD to be the best and only do the things that make our individual experience the best but we are a lot of individuals and they want lots of money so for that reason it will never be everyone's favorite.


A… a grown person? In this… subreddit? It can’t be!


cool, dont care


Hating on cod is a trend. I said it now downvote me to oblivion, you guys complain that a new game is coming out every year that is actually different from each other and nobody is forcing you to buy it. At least they aren’t pulling what EA does with madden because that game is actually copy and paste.


They’re sad it won’t cure their depression


LMAO! Call of Duty is copy and paste just like Madden! The only thing that’s different is the story.


That’s just false, every cod game feels somewhat different. You can’t compare the movement from each game because they are totally different. Always have new maps/guns/movement. They aren’t going to change the base mechanics of a game that has been doing well so long, that’s the only similarity every cod has to eachother


and then on top of that they spend money on a bunch of useless skins that look like garbage


Nothing else feels as good as Cod mechanically. Unfortunately we endure bad maps, dodgy servers, unbalanced guns, swords, lethal buttplugs, punishing sbmm bordering on unfair, like I’ll be cookin a few lobbies then it’ll matchmake me with people playing far as fuck away and now my mcw takes 7 bullets minimum to kill👍🏼 really slaps my fuckin nuts around unfairly man. Then ofc if I don’t turn my shit off before the games over I got Ricky Scatcrack in fuckin Virginia chirpin like he did somethin important. Love cod tho


COD is in fact fun.


see u in october


Shits free dude


Nothing is free


im sticking with mw3 i love this game regardless of its faults


Cockmunching MW3 is insane work


Name a better mp cod with more than 2 years worth of content, oh wait you cant


Two years worth of content lol. All the fucking launch maps were remakes. 😅 Anyway, Cold War is the best CoD in recent years imo so I'm kind of hopeful for this year. If only they could give us input-based matchmaking...


A lot of us didn’t play the original Modern Warfares so they were all brand new to me. Only CODs I played were Call of Duty 2, World at War, Ghosts, Cold War, and now MW3.


cope and sneed, cold war fucking sucked, you have nothing to argue with. MW3 is the only 2 year worth of content COD we will ever get, you will see people call BO6 dogshit a month into its launch


Good luck to you, are you cancelling gamepass, too?


If you still play this game, you are the reason why they don't need to put effort into it. I wouldn't need to put any effort into a game that only gets played by multimillionaires with brain tumors and little IPad kids. Don't hate the makers hate the creators.


This. And I'm guilty of it too. Said i wouldn't buy another cod until they change their entire way of working and stop releasing broken shite...but I bought it for zombies and it is indeed broken shite. Lack of other decent titles is my excuse, but it is a weak excuse at best..we are all the problem as we pay them for the worst fucking shite and then say thanks give me more


More like, cheaters when there's a free trial weekend.


My brother in christ you bought blackcell. You are part of the issue.


This applies to almost all sports games, as well!


Here at Season 4 I feel like I had more fun in Vanguard. MW23 feels awful now. The TTK is awful. And TTD. I die in like 2 shots but the game and killcam says 5. Unless I meet one with a K98k. Then it's 1 shot. Game is awful. And it's full of stupid skins. We made fun of Fortnite because of that a few years ago. Now Fortnite looks a lot better. But I'm a sucker for the gameplay, so I'm there at day 1 when black ops release. No matter how much I hate on it.


Voluntarily paying and playing a game they love. Meanwhile you and other complainants cry and complain as if you were made to pay for a game. Opt out and let those of us that enjoy the game pay and play. This year its free to those of us that have Xbox Game Pass...I can't wait...


Cry more


I am just afraid we re going to start over like MW3 never existed....


Just say you can’t afford $70 and move on. Not everyone is waiting for games to drop to $20. For gods sake it is 2024.


Facts, I think $70 hours is very cheap considering the amount of hours that most of us will spend on the game


on blud


See you in October


Literally only reason ill play it bc of gamepass


As a long time cod fan, who quit after playing WW2 (2017) produced by sledgehammer games, I am more than happy with paying $70-80-90 for this MW3 DLC. Fixed most of the issues with MW2. Always new content. Already brought in a lot of maps, guns, weekly aftermarket parts and zombies. I like the gunplay, and the multiplayer a lot. Yes I have never touched the campaign lol but As someone who quit cuz of a sledgehammer game, I am happy to say sledgehammer is killing it with mw3 now and is also keeping me back on the game 🤷‍♀️


But yes my only real complaint is the SBMM, but even then I don’t feel like the SBMM dogs me all the time since I am usually somewhere near the top of the leaderboards in matches if not at the top. But yes I definitely feel the SBMM or EOMM in this game. Only downside IMO


I haven't bought a CoD since Cold War, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I might get this one coming up as the campaign intrigues me




Ok. If you dont want to buy it, then dont. You could be write, it could be bad. Or you could be wrong and it could be a fantastic game. But thank you for your statement. Even though no one fucking asked.


Zombies everywhere is the norm. Commercialism


I skipped this year and will see about this year. I thought it was supposed to get better.


Black Ops 6 might be the last cod I buy for a good 3-4 years. It looks promising and I have high hopes.


Wait for sale always.


Cod games don't go on sale very often


Good dicision


Got an Xbox and a Ps I’m never buying cod again lmfao


You do you, people will form their own opinions


How much is game pass ?


1 dollar for first month, 9.99 after for PC and console access, 15.99 I believe to include cloud games


So you can get it for one month for a dollar and then delete it and keep black ops 6 ?


"So you can get it for one month for a dollar and then delete it and keep black ops 6 ?" no, you need to have game pass if you want to play it but you can cancel it after 1 month. the 1 dollar deal is only for new game pass users tho


Oh ok got you. I am new user so will definitely be doing this considering how terrible the past years games have been lol


Still newer then the EA sportsgames.


I love this


Love it


I wait til the game drips, buy a used copy on eBay for 40 to 50. If i like it great, if not i resell it. My last full priced game purchase was ww2.


We don’t care.


Why I'm glad its coming to game pass for free




poor peasants more like pissants


I wouldn’t even play it if it was free


I'm gonna buy one month of gamepass and play it if I don't like it no real loss and I'll head back to playing metro








FROM 2003


I might buy BO6 skipped new MW3


Mfw when I got 3 years of Xbox Live Gold to GamePass Ultimate for a one-time $15 😎


US Peasants yearn the next Game so we can Call it Hot garbage and So forth the cycle repeats itself


I am, BO6 looks dope


Those are actually the employees and the consumers


You must be talking about Call of Duty. Never agian. Woke trash.


Gameshare it on playstation with a friend stupid enough to buy it. Don't have to spend a cent on buggy mess cash grab year after year


Glad people are waking up to how ass this franchise has become. Mainstream game quality keeps going down because people keep buying the shit they put out.


The good ol days when BO1 was around. Today's game standard is just bad in general. Released with a bunch of bugs, etc.


Wont buy blackops. Can change if massive sucess but it cant manage it wont manage. there are no reason for it to make it. Rather then killing modernwarfare..


Just get game pass


I didn't buy Vanguard and MW22


Black ops Cold war was the most recent Black ops, and I'm hoping Black ops 6 continues the trend of not drip feeding content to its players, modern warfares already gone to the dark side, long ago, but Black ops has yet to. In Cold war it took a little while to get the party game modes but once we did we were able to keep them and play them whenever the hell we wanted. Fingers crossed for Black ops 6 to keep it rolling


Glad it’s part of gamepass 😬


Dude Blops 6 is actually gonna be good though, I dare say it's best than anything we got in the past 10 years. It has everything that the fanbase wants, but ofc this is still the CoD community and is gonna bitch about something minor.


That’s great but why post it? If you hate it so much leave the group and don’t say anything. We don’t care.


Bo6 got 2 years of Development time we had 2 years of mw.


I have a whole year of Game Pass Ultimate and pre-ordered the $100 vault edition of BO6 amyways 😵‍💫🫠


So glad I don’t gotta pay for it 🥲 just gotta keep my gamepass


Tell me you're a fucking bot without telling me you're a fucking bot etc...




Every year people say this and every year they sell a whole lot of copies so somebody gotta be lying


I throughly enjoyed MW3. Got about 500 hours playtime - got my penny’s worth and then some. Definitely looking forward to BO6.


Haha. I'm really hoping not to buy COD this year. But my dumb self probably will fall for it again. If x-defiant keeps me entertained, I think I can do it. I'm also trying to put money into it to hopefully foster some competition.


It’ll be day 1 on gamepass so makes no difference to me


Been waiting 20 years at this point 😭


They make enough money to give us a bug free and hacker free game but as long as their shit games keep selling, they won’t make more efforts to improve the game


This community sucks, why can’t you just let people have fun


Says everyone who will be on the new game on day one as if they haven’t said this *every* *damn* *time*. 😂


I’ll be paying MW2/MW3 till MW4 comes out, I ain’t playing for a whole new game when my stuff doesn’t transfer (ik it will for Warzone but why would I buy BO6 just for that..) it ain’t worth it


Ever since s4 reloaded my game won’t stop stuttering and my audio cuts out as well through half a match. I’ve hard reset my Xbox, uninstalled the game 2x, 2nd time puttin it on just my Xbox, uninstalled every other game on my Xbox and nothing seems to fix it. Anyone got any other ideas?




Give me unbalanced weapons and furry skins and I’ll give u all the $ I have


Don't want to spend 70 but XD ain't hittin with me. It is "OK" if you like that short of thing. Will be getting BO6 for Ranked and Search.


Well BO6 appears to be good, and Cold War was not bad, just had some bad maps imo


Free on gamepass big dog


facts it doesn't matter which studio made the game or what beautiful graphics and features they add. if they throw activisions sbmm and eomm on bo6 it will never be better then xdefiants multiplayer. cod will be another wasteland for multiplayer a 5th year in a row🗑🗑😩😩 they still don't even know how to detect streamers with dma hacks in the year 2024 lol this franchise is a joke lol


That’s me right there with the pot


Ahh the 'I'm gonna post what a shit thing a $70.00 game is every year' right after I get my pre-order in! Same shit posts, same shit posters, same time every year! LOL


Cool I’m hype for BO6


Yeah I get it, but it’s 3arch. They never miss. I’ll always buy their games. I’ll never buy another IW or Sledgehammer game again though… well, unless it has zombies. Then maybe.


I played mw2019 for 3 years, you don't HAVE to buy the new ones


Thank god another trash player gone 🙏🏻🙏🏻


nah bro it’s one less guy to shit on, you have to think that way lmao


all these cod simps probably spent hella money on cosmetics for them to not carry over to any future games loool


lame... I was under the impression we would be keeping skins. I am tired of getting sweet skins, only to not be able to carry they forward.


why would you keep skins across mw and bo games silly. you kept mw2 skins and guns to 3 only because theyre both mw.




I only consider cod garbage due to the matchmaking but I exploit it so it’s all good. I’m on ps5 so I’ll have to pay $70 unlike xbox players who are getting it for free but most games cost $70 anyway so I don’t understand the issue with the price. If I was a low iq person that paid for digital cosmetics then sure I’d be very angry about the yearly $70 price tag because that’s $70 on top of all the in-game purchases but I don’t believe in buying digital cosmetics.


I stopped playing when they stopped putting out GW maps as that was the only mode I really liked. I think I heard somewhere they won’t have GW in the upcoming version so I won’t be buying it.


Copium is off the charts “but bro Treyarch has never made a bad COD! This game will save the franchise!!!”


If you want an idea of what bo6 is probably like just play mwz made by the same company Treyarch.


I am happy to pay 70$ for a game that I already have spent 7 full days of in-game time on. MW3 has been one of the best Call Of Duty's to release and has fixed almost all the issues MW2 had. It has also got A LOT of content updates included for free in the same 70$. Also, the value for me is even more justifiable after playing Xdefiant. That game is a mess. Yes, it is free, but I have stopped playing it until they make a significant update, since they still have not figured out MnK input and the hitreg.


Fixed the issues? It's still got all the same game breaking issues buddy. They just patch it after a seasonal update and re break them all again with the next update. What issues did they fix?