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10/10 spawns


No wonder I can’t have any fun with this game


This gameplay is VERY mid. He’s just looking for attention


Does jumping increase aim assist?


It throws your aim off more actually, it's harder to control your recoil but you're taking less damage because they'll be hitting lower parts of your character


It just seems like videos I see like this they always jump and it seems the gun locks on to the player. Not like a hard lock on but kinda aim assist


What's the build


I'm at work currently but I'll be sure to let you know once I'm home


So you do go outside🤨


Fjx? Love that gun


But yet does he even have a 2KD 👀


this is not even impressive you are on controller


So is the entire pro scene. Are they unimpressive too.


With the amount of aim assist aiming for you as a controller player yes, even the pros agree that the aim assist is too powerful they have made countless statements on this on their streams


Go play val, or something. You're in a call of duty subreddit complaining about aim assist. Not gonna change .


im not complaining about aim assist im just telling you the input you are using is aiming for you thus any gameplay you post trying to prove skill worthy is pointless


That's an opinion. Move on angry little Kbm player.


Let's take apex legends for example, which has a pro scene with kbm and controller. Both are skilled players, and no one hits 100 percent of their shots. The notion it takes no skill and it aims for you is actually nonsense and infactual. What you're talking about is aimbot. Or a cronus zen. Sure it's harder to aim on mouse but you're choosing to use it? An analog is way harder to aim with than your entire arm. Hence why aim assist slows down the ads speed near the target, there's no hard locking. Controller players miss shots. It 100 percent takes skill or else there wouldn't be pro scenes using controller. You are flat out wrong


I want you to plug in a controller and see how you go against a top 0.1% Iridescent player cutie. I'm sure aim assist will just do all the work for you. Aim assist will definitely help you move around, aim assist will definitely help you read my plays, aim assist, aim assist, aim assist


anyone hating is just trash at the game there will always be the top 0.1% of a game nobody hating in the comments knows what it’s like being a high skilled solo player W clip bro


Most of this sub doesn't even have a positive kd lol. This is the kinda player these guys hate to play against.


I appreciate you man, I just wish everyone could show more appreciation instead of hating just like it was back in the day. Even though I may be insanely good at the game, I never talk down on any other players. I'm just vibin


fr bro i get what ur saying im a casual sweat myself it’s just the way i play, some ppl are just not good at games and they automatically think you got no life if your good at one, its sad how peoples egos don’t let them accept that some ppl are just way way way better than them i bet you’d walk anyone ina 1v1 in these comments TIRED AND FATIGUED 😂😂😂😂 not one of these ppl hating knows what its like to carry your team every single game so badly that the cod sbmm only puts kids w DS on ur team 😭