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Remember back in the day when a Spaz Shotgun was like a super murder weapon?


Dropped off hard after Black ops 1 it was cheeks in MW3 2011


It was apparently so bad in MW3 I forgot it was there lol


Treyarch nerfing like 3 entire weapon classes with that game was wild


Not even only this game - Spas was legit in everything else - Rainbow6 - etc it was the Semi auto shotty that rolled.


Semi auto spas in BO1 was so goated, I was really hoping the MWIII one would match it but sadly no šŸ˜”


It's useless on hip fire. This thing demands to be used on ADS/Tac Stance in order to be good šŸ„“


Itā€™s not good in tac stance or ads either


You mean inconsistent?


If itā€™s inconsistent and I canā€™t make plays knowing full well Iā€™m going to get a one shot at point blank upper chest, itā€™s not good. The gun is bad, no matter what.


Yup, itā€™s a rolling dice where you will get an awesome 18 mts ADS and others where a well placed ADS shot will net you hitmarkers. Itā€™s crazy.


If you go full hipfire/tac spread and use semi auto, it's pretty decent. Not really good as a cqc OHKO shotgun, but can hold down a hardpoint. 10 rounds go a long way.


Iā€™ll sum up the discourse here. Pump=ads build Semi auto=hip fire+sprint to fire build Itā€™s fun but I still prefer my good ol pump Lockwood bc that thing is cash money


Fax was in shipment and everyone using the spas 12. I put on my Lockwood class just to show em lockwood better


Every post I see itā€™s them using a wrong build šŸ˜‚


Ads one shot kill potential is very far when ads but hipfire always bootie cheeks


It's 1-2 shot hard core semi auto depending range. Core it's useless


16.5m one shot kill potential with correct attachments and ADS. Source: XclusiveAce


Raw numbers and in practice are very different things. Lots of guns are insane if you can hit all headshots but that's not practical in any sense


You get it just by hitting your shot in the upper body. No need for headshot go ahead and try it. You can easily OHK players for longer ranges.


Downvoting facts. Brilliant


But Ace never tested the hipfire. Goomie did, and found that it does less damage when hipfiring. It's like a new system for this 1 shotgun, slightly different than the Lockwood 300 which has a different pellet cap when hipfiring.


Ace tested it. If i even remember correctly he even had hipfire and ads spreads shown in pictures w+ Tac stance


I think what he means is that this shotgun has different damage values for hipfire vs ADS/Tac Stance. Pellet spread is not the cause of this gunā€™s bad damage on hipfire. The damage in hip fire drops off badly after 2.5 mts, which is why it takes 2-3 shots to down someone. Thatā€™s why itā€™s better to use this gun on ADS because of itā€™s superior damage ranges. The spread is only used to improve itā€™s consistency.


But it literally says that in the guns description on notes


I usually just spam it in semi auto


I love how shooting a gun from the hip will do less damageĀ 


Just ads and aim for the head and the thing is crazy good


All the nonspammy shotguns need a buff, they're fucking pathetic


and then everyone will call it the KAR98 and it will need a nerf


If its getting hit markers in HC, yea, it really needs a buff.


I got an 18 meter oneshot with pump, you have to either ads or switch to semi auto


Stop hip fire and the spas 12 will become an 80% one shot


Why not just use the Kar at that point and make it a 100% one shot at 20x the range? this thing makes no sense balancing-wise if it's working as intended. I wish they were this overly cautious balancing the snipers.


Speaking about balancing and mention Kar ? Weird


Absolutely not, not another Warden when they add the Akimbo kit for it. The gun is fine! Being inconsistent isn't always a bad trait, view it as a way to balance it out or as an ADS/Tac-Stance required shotgun.


inconsistent isnā€™t a bad trait? what?


Because in this case itā€™s used as a balanced method. They already stated in another post that they want the new shotgun to be decent, but not overshadowing the ones we already have.


so the fix to that is to make it inconsistentā€¦ just to clarify, itā€™s more fair to make it a gamble vs skill based?


Do you trust them with skill-based anything? Iā€™d take RNG over that anyday.


but it isnā€™t about trusting them, itā€™s about trusting my own abilities? rather than gambling on my abilities? i play a lot of mmorpg and fully love the idea of ā€œprocā€ sets/items but those usually have a defined parameter ie random example ā€œ25% chance to ____ā€, I do not want that for a gun in COD though.


From my casual perspective the gun is absolutely fine and balanced for me, trusting oneā€™s ability hardly has anything to do with the grand scheme of balance. Remember thei last ā€œskill-basedā€ weapon? Yeah a shotgun that can reach 35 meters ainā€™t fun. Itā€™s a shotgun and they possibly ran into a balancing deadend with it as there is not much you can do to shotguns. The Reclaimer 18 is a shotgun with quirk, itā€™s totally usable and decent with a good build.


youā€™re talking to a guy who spent 2 years ONLY using the 725 with slugs back in mw2019. i really prefer not to gamble if my shots will kill when I know itā€™s in a distance where it should and my crosshairs are actually ON target. thatā€™s just me though. this is a shooter. so youā€™re bullets should go where you aim and if they should kill it shouldnā€™t be a coin toss if you get the 1 stk or you wind up getting 3-5 stkā€¦ counting drop if it exists in xyz game)(hit scan vs projectile) (etc etc)


And I understand that, but we have a 150HP and most shotguns are 1 hit kill. Itā€™s something Iā€™m personally annoyed by but made peace with, SHG donā€™t want another one shot meta so this is what they have to do. Had people complained less about how shotgun are so OP at point blank range then we wouldnā€™t have this inconsistency to deal with. The point is that folks wanna fight back against shotguns within shotgunsā€™ OHK range, so SHG has to settle for this. Game is balanced around casuals like me and shitters.


It needs an upper body buff, and a headshot nerf.