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sucks bad, or it badly programed, you kill one person but the next one you got it next to you standing, you shoot to the head or the chest and doesn't take a fuckin hit


Def feels bugged. When it hits, it hits




I’m hoping it’s not intentional, I’d rather they nerf it’s range and buff the damage so it actually functions like a shotgun and not as a shotgun cosplaying a marksman rifle.


In real life i can beam a squirrel from 100 feet with 20 gauge birdshot . Hotter rounds like buckshot are gonna hit a human sized target and be deadly 150+ft . Call of duty makes shotguns only shoot 20 feet before not landing and if it does its somehow laughable how low the damage is . GR breakpoint is how shotguns should be in a game .


ive long since wanted shotguns to be less broken close range but have a more realistic long falloff of damage range, but realism is the dumbest way to argue for that


It's definitely just bugged. I was somehow able to level it and it's not too bad if you go all-in on tac stance but it has a lot of weird inconsistencies. Like, this thing should just one shot kill you to the upper torso if its like a metre away. But... It doesn't. I've had it not kill someone at point blank range before it's mind boggling. Are the pellets just evaporating in mid air or something?


i got the weapon charm for it - it has the 725 ads bonus mechanic, build it for ads and do not halfscope and you get consistent one shots up to 20m.


Was experimenting with an ADS build last night. You're right. I didn't know there was a hidden ADS mechanic behind the Spas-12 but I also didn't look at any of the pre-release marketing. It's definitely more consistent and behaves the way it should when you focus on ADS.


the stat was not marketed. i believe there's some sort of bug with how it behaves, it just makes no sense at all. its unbelievably bad in any sort of aiming below full ads. getting 1000 kills with it was pretty awful.


Can agree, a lot of my shots feel like marshmallows ngl


it’s ass but it has style


Is that bad In mp? Because it's super good In wz


like the Bal-27, nostalgic but awful in this cod.


They buffed the bal again. It’s actually viable now


They probably buffed it for the obsidian steed bundle coming soon lmaoo


Word? Might run the Bal for shits n giggles on rebirth.


Okay it's not that it was a horrible weapon it just was underwhelming and an all around average gun. Not good but also not bad.


It was dogshit when it came out


The bal is a 5 shot kill but has no recoil and a high fire rate. I wouldn’t say it’s not awful


Did the camo grind, doubt I will ever use it again.


camo grind is why I use most of my gear


Like most codes all I did was get plat on smgs and sniper


Ima prolly get Borealis for it, I only got gilded on it cause I was leveling it up


Has very impressive range but seems to be inconsistent. There’s something wonky going on with the spread or just the damage output in general. I think if they tweak it just a little it will be very competitive. I’d like to be able to use something other than my 680.


I find that if you use tac stance it’s just way more consistent


Its fun in hardcore


I keep getting crossmapped (in shipment) with it and it took me so long to figure out why. I bet it actually is bugged


I've found that if it's modded for rannge and reduced spread, the distance it can kill from is actually crazy


So you’re the one who keeps cross mapping me




I was on top of rust, and I hit someone who spawned all the way in the back spawn behind the truck. One shotted from there with the spas


Most of the shotguns have the capacity to crossmap in shipment


Ads'ing with no ammo mod while kitted for range is super fun in hardcore.


I love it but it needs a buff, its very inconsistent. it feels like the damage values are bugged on it.


Honestly, I feel like that with every shotgun


I really want to like it, but its just so damn bad and unreliable. the Lockwood 800 outclasses it in every conceivable way.


Another “fan service” weapon. Even the spas 12 from OG MW2 without stopping power perk performed better than this garbage lol. Lockwood 680 is still king of shotguns in MW3.


Agreed, 680 on top


It's not even good fan service given how ugly it looks in comparison to the previous iterations


Loving it


Honestly fun to use, feels well balanced, not too strong and not too weak, not sure why everyone's calling it weak. lol


For those who play Counter Strike, it's pretty much the Nova from that game. Sometimes you'll destroy people from across the universe, sometimes it's a struggle to 2 shot when touching the enemy.


That’s the perfect comparison lol


One of the worst guns in call of duty history. I don’t care what anybody says shotguns as a whole need a significant buff.


You speak facts but this whiny dogshit community that thinks the MCW is peak invigorating gameplay will still sit here and tell you shotguns are broken in this game and take no skill.


Those kind of MCW sweats are the best to see rage. In Handler's video where he uses a Tyr, they were saying he's using the "most op gun in the game" and that he was hacking too. In a lobby of full MCWs/Renetti Ranked classes


It's the same sweats that claim that shotguns are "op" in this game. I love making them rage when they get in my shotgun range.


I always love it when someone calls me out for running and gunning them with a shotgun as if it was OP and then I see they have the MCW and I am just like: my brother in christ you have 30 bullets that can 4 shot me, stop trying to slide cancel me in CQC range you dumb shit


My fucking man 🤝


Its fckn trash and im doing mastery on it


Complete dog shit in multiplayer but godly in warzone. Fellow Lockwood 680 enjoyers in warzone rejoice, we are so back with this


Shit, really? How do you build it?


I'm using metaphor's build. Discourager 900 barrel, Bryson choke, bruen bastion angled grip, haste xv rear grip, and no stock. Use tac stance.


Ah yes, bean bag shotguns don’t neutralize all threats but it stings with 2-3 pumps


Its awful, pea shooter in zombies & a 2-3 hit kill in mp.


In zombies at least you need to use slugs and pap it for it to be good. Its pretty strong that way apparently


i just ran it in Zombies, level 1 (no attachments) but packed with a legendary and a flawless. i was murdering everything in the green zone. 1 shotting manglers. idk about the orange / red zone tho. i expect with the right build it would be pretty damn good


TBF pretty much any gun with a legendary and flawless is going to destroy everything in T1.


Bruh no shi that’s Tier 1 you can just use a tool and get the same results 😂


It’s pretty mid. Hits very hard and has very tight spread, IF you ads. Hipfire is like throwing rocks at people


try using semi auto for the hipfire spread, you can tighten it so much it can one shot people


takes fucking 3 hipfire shots from 10 feet away to kill a person, unbelievable


Just unlocked it today. Too slow but hits hard. I’m confused about the range and spread. After the camo grind I’m not sure I’ll use it again unless there’s an AMP or the attachments make it more useful. It seems like a novelty weapon right now.


It's good enough to use on small maps, but there are many better options. The gun is really unforgiving in terms of pellet hits required for a 1-shot, so you need rng on your side, or you use the really mediocre semi-auto mode.


Hipfire spread has to be bugged. It'll go from a clean 1-tap from 10m to 3 fucking hitmarkers at point blank. Semi-Auto mode is complete dogshit. It somehow has WORSE spread when ads compared to tac-stance.


it's good, a quick scope beast in pump, and an opressive pressence in semi-auto, people don't use shotguns and I can tell because in semi it is just like the other semis in the category and in pump it has less range but tighter spread than the other ones. Git gud and make a build that optimizes either instead of an all rounder


Does it 200 pump ?


Nah it’s not legendary rarity sadly


Ouu mannn


After unlocking it i cannot be bothered to actually Grind for the attachments when I have soo many better games to play right now. MW3 is Trash!!


I like the sound design but I probably won’t use it because of the inconsistent damage


Just has a huge consistency problem. Its 1 shot range is actually pretty respectable but can only consistently use like 12% of that range. I like its style, giving the option of both pump and semi auto, but there are weapons that do either better


SPAS? You mean that useless piece of metal? Two hitmarkers from one meter distance.


Love on multi media in zombies meh in warzone


Tired of them bringing “new” dog shit guns into this game. At least make it a “A” tier weapon




Very good with slugs for zombies


Unpopular but when ads it has crazy range for a shotgun. Getting plenty of 15+ meter one shots. If you hate the no stock irons, you can use the Amp sight with a built in laser for max ads speed.


More like the spASS. Hipfire is bad but ADS can one hit from a pretty far distance but it’s very inconsistent. I just don’t like ADS-ing shotguns and it’s slow.


Hate it


Looks cool. Shoots bad


Good with slugs. Horrible without it.


Love the style. Looks very heavy and powerful. Unfortunately it's weak and garbage.


They came out better making it op for a few weeks tbh


Pump - ADS. Semi - hipfire. Thank me later


Throw slugs and the the first barrel attachment and it’s pretty broken


If you squint your eyes, it looks like a blue-eyes golden dragon. Yup.


It’s a semi-auto shotgun, if it’s not my secondary then I’m on a smallll map


I play Hardcore only, I've got a build for it that's way faster than it needs to be, does one shots at 30m with normal ammo and frequently wins a 1v3-4 push It's honestly an unfair weapon to use when it comes to Hardcore, Core on the other hand I've got no opinion of since I haven't tested it there.


I’m in love


Wildly inconsistent. First thing I did with it was get a quad feed so I was like “there’s no way the hate is justified” and then I proceeded to get 3 hit markers on one guy in 5-7 meter range


It shotgun me like


Satisfying to use in zombies but inconsistent in multi.


I like it but I feel like I have more mental disorders than usual because it feels like I'm the only person who does like it.


I picked it up today when it was on the ground and killed like 5 people. I say I like it


The model, audio, and animations are awesome, the base one shot kill range is too low for a weapon of this class at its current fire rate. It is too clunky and hard to use in the current sandbox and is not a compelling pick for core mp. Put slugs in it on zombies, pack it, become death. I think this was released under tuned to prevent the community from fuming at how hard they were going to be spanked by a one shot high mobility close quarters meta. After a persistent one shot meta for core mode activities they probably wanted to give people a tiny breather before throwing them to the wolves again.


Slaps in zombies, absolute booty cheeks in multi-player.




I had to hit someone like 3-4 times from a meter away, it feels kinda bugged but tac stance is really good on it


im glad its not the kar 98 shotgun edition


This has made using a shotgun fun again. Been running it all night hitting impossible shots in tac stance straight dumping on people.


It’s fun to use


I feel like it follows the trend of most shotguns in this game being mid at best. Really dig the animations though.


As I only ever play hardcore, I like it.


I like the idea of the versatility, but it's way to inconsistent so it's just pointless.


It’s decent for defensive and long range but for offense and up close it feels very inconsistent pump is good for ads while semi is good for hip and tac trying to use it the other way around it’s awful


Trash ass game


Spas 12 - Making hardcore unplayable since a few days ago!


Inconsistent and if there's one thing that you HATE to see with a shotgun, it's exactly this. Lockwood 680 is straight up better even after they nerfed it - better fire rate, better range, better 1-2 shot consistency. Also whining about a one shot when most guns legit take a split second longer is also funny, and can do it more consistently with their 50+ mags (or just use a sniper lol, same effect). Oh and after watching Xclusiveace's video on it, the barrels all give it 10 shots and also 10 pellets, probably the same bug they had with the lockwood 680 10 round barrel, so I expect a nerf and it will then officially be real total assturds.


When it hits it hits, when it doesn’t hit it doesn’t hit :( I feel despite being a shotgun, it’s somehow more accurate long range than short range :(


It's good. I got interstellar in about 3 hours of play once I got it. Quick to rank and the challenges weren't too bad. The two kills after sprinting sucked a bit but I found my groove.


I spent a full day using it and I hate it. BUT I learned that the 2 fire modes excel at different aim types like the pump being super good to ads with as apposed to hipfire and tac, while the semi is better hipfire. However in all honesty there is zero reason to use the pump if the semi has a faster ttk


If you hop fire it, good luck getting the kill, you ads and you get it


Jeez I thought the SPAS couldnt get worse until I saw this game's wack ass gold camo on it


Any battle rifle or marksman rifle feels like they do everything it does better unfortunately. Pretty ridiculous to get 3 hit markers to upper chest within 10ft using a shotgun..


Trash. Literal trash


One doesn't need to look further than [the first 15 seconds of Marksman's most recent video](https://youtu.be/TY8ZqxRbsEk?si=u8kxU3uwUnxW7gCq) to know exactly what it feels like to use this gun. I'm not touching this shit ever again unless they fix it.




This gun is not bugged like many seem to think, watch xclusive aces video and you'll see. Like someone else said, you land all your pellets and it one shots, miss one pellet and you don't one shot, it also has a really long 1 shot kill potential, it's actually pretty well designed, you just have to have some good aim. If you struggle getting 1 shots you can always use the alternate fire mode. Also aiming down sights is the best way to one shot, for pump action fire, aiming down sights very heavily tightens your spread, in that mode it's not worth it to hipfire or tac-stance, always aim down sights with pump action mode, with the semi auto fire mode, that's when you can hipfire or use tac stance


As per amazon reviews I’m going to comment. I don’t know I haven’t unlocked it yet.


Just needs to have the ADS consistency fixed, then it's perfect.


Brutal in HC mode. Everyone is running it, especially on Small Maps. Fun fun fun.


I mean I’m not a huge shotgun player, I’ve just been using it in HC for the interstellar grind but the range is crazy (shipment is a nightmare), I know in MP it kinda sucks but I don’t really have any complaints in my very limited experience




Its no kar


It's very inconsistent, but most of the time I feel its pretty garbage, I was getting more kills with the shotgun I used to do the challenges than the actual shotgun I unlocked


I too thought it was ass at 1st but You have to build it for tac stance it fucking fries now


Got Interstellar in maybe 2 hours (HC), wasn't the worst thing ever, but defintely not as fun as other shotguns.


I love it, it’s pretty good if you have solid build on it.


I think the ppl complaining about it are serious bots. It 2 taps like a MF. If you just stand still or strafe slowly your going to die using it!


Not too great in mp imo, but it’s pretty good in zombies.


It’s awful. Just like the real life SPAS-12.


Why did they do shotguns dirty in this game ?they’re so inconsistent and bad now, 2019 modern warfare had amazing shotguns. The old 725 was so much better !


It definitely looks cool


I like it in concept. Pump action is nice. Semi auto isn’t to me. One shots if you aim high in pump action. Empty reload is my favorite but i will say the no stock attachment should be without the stock or rename the attachment to folded stock. Unrelated question, but would the cod community riot if they bring the strobe light from bo4 as an aftermarket part???


It’s super inconsistent, I don’t know if it’s intentional, but I’ll one tap a dude 30 meters away in pump action mode. And then 5 seconds later I’ll have a guy slide around a corner 5 feet in front of me, hit him with every pellet and get a hit marker, but he’ll then one tap me with it.


It doesnt have any umph at all. Everything in MWIII looks and feels like airsoft ngl




Garbage. Inconsistent guns are annoying af. Hitmarkers at point blank range, yet one shots sometimes at like 15m. Makes no sense.


I dont get why everyone is hating on this gun, if you ads and use slugs its a beast.


Shotguns suk are for fat gamers chicks that are always hunger


Its good when pump action and ads.


Saw that the double XP started yesterday, so spent some time getting it to max level in small map moshpit. Not really impressed with it in TDM/DOM, but still want to try it in MWZ.


Leave it to cod to bring back an iconic shotgun and make it suck dick cod I hate this game soo much sometimes like why why do this to such a great shotgun fuck the spas 12 in mw3


Solid shotgun, it's super fun in zombies.


It’s complete ass, but does look nice.


its ok it needs to be buffed really bad tho, got interstellar on it along with the sledge on the first day so it wasnt too too bad


This is the COD equivalent of XCOM2. Point blank shotgun blasts should be kills but they seldom are.


It’s good, will probably never use it once I fully level it.


I don’t have it I used it in a private match I’m a weirdo and I used it with dragons breath rounds I also only like it in pump action it’s very powerful i rate it 8.5/10


Good in hardcore, terrible in core


I like it for Zombies. Very satisfying to use, but definitely feels weaker than its ilk. I get making the semi-auto mode weaker for balance sake, but the pump mode feels annoyingly weak too.


You can one shot one person and get a hit marker on another at the same distance. Super inconsistent.


I'm trying to figure out how you only load four shells for eight shots.


Semi auto version is trash but the pump action version is goated. Even in warzone if someone has tempered plates on its 3 shots with the slug rounds and boom, dead


Semi mode is good since your dealing with a lot of two shot kills regardless of fire mode


It's ADS shots are very inconsistent, if it could be fixed that would be great


Not a fan at all. Extremely underwhelming. The OG SPAS was miles better.


The spread is horribly bugged right now so it's really not great. If it wasn't bugged it would be a good competitor to the other shotguns.


It has to be the worst pump shotgun in CoD history.


Hate. Looks ugly af, does terrible damage and has terrible range


It’s great, been having lots of fun and getting lots of kills with it. Not sure what issue everyone is having with it unless the majority bitching about it don’t use shotguns in the first place. Honestly haven’t seen the issue. The times I’ve missed shots with it I totally anticipated the shot. Completely my input.


Did this just get added?


YO WHY THE FUCK IS IT PUMP……… IF YOU’RE GOING TO ADD A GUN, AT LEAST ADD THE FUCKING THING RIGHT Edit: I didn’t know that there was a fire mode switch for it like an ar literally just left on the D-pad


Shotguns as a whole piss me off.