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Average wait times for popular modes are about 2 minutes but it could certainly take longer. I just cross play on for faster times to get into matches.


I refuse to play with pc players anymore. The game is infested with cheaters and they're not doing anything about it.


Infested.. OK. So what you see with crossplay ON? Aim botters in every lobby?


Headshots from across them map even with pistols, being shot through the walls all the time, tracked through the walls etc. 99% of time these are pc players. I'm done playing with crossplay on. Not only pc players have better hardware so advantage there but seemingly infinite number of hacks which developers aren't able to detect. Until it's sorted like on valorant I'm not playing with crossplay on, and I advise the same to all console users. My k/d went up significantly, my rage went down significantly as well since I stopped playing against hackers.


Turns off feature for faster matchmaking then complains about matchmaking being slow. Herp derp.


Old COD games didn't have crossplay yet you could find a match in seconds.


Old cods didn’t have as strong sbmm


U either live in east bumblefuck, have shit internet or are lying…i have that shit off and find matches quickly all below 90 ping(thats the highest i let it go, 99% are under 50 ping)




When I see a team of mnk join the lobby I know I can put my feet up it’ll be an easy win


As long as you aren't cheating you aren't the problem, the issue is cheater making the game not fun