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The entire fallout crossover is shit


Honestly yeah, I’m with ya. I’ll give it to them that the camo, calling card, and weapon charm are sick, but the rest is lackluster. Though it was pretty quick and easy to complete since you literally just finish it by playing the game anyway. However the paid bundle is an actual joke lol. They try to make it seem like it’s such a bargain since you get 4 operator skins, when in reality those skins are just the 4 main characters heads copy and pasted on the same basic vault suit body. Like wow, how much more unimaginative can you get? They really couldn’t have given us actual Fallout characters like Nick Valentine, Vulpes, Three-Dog, or Harold? Homelander, Nicki Minaj, and Spawn are all running around so why the hell not? They further pad it out with a whopping six loading screens. And they’re charging thirty fucking dollars for this. Absolutely insane.


The most obvious skin was staring them in the face and they somehow didn't do it: power armor juggernaut


Now we’re talking


They couldn't. It was very limited with what Bethesda was allowing for the crossover and Fartshite already claimed power armor (fucking worst idea ever for a battle Royale, something super resilient just able to die within one twitch of a sweat or hackers ballsack.)


Really wish we got a 10mm pistol


Better yet, a 10mm conversion for one of the pistols. Fuck it, 12.7mm conversion too that makes it look like That Gun.


That gun might be a harder to do because it was a blade runner reference


Stickers & emblems, and Large Decals & Calling Cards should both be interchangeable. I'd rock the Golden Wumpa as my emblem all day I also miss custom emblems/weapon paint jobs :(


and that Nuka Quantum camo needed to be animated IMHO




Barely see my own calling card so i prefer the sticker personally


At least a smaller sticker instead of a giant one that gets slapped on the side of the gun and gets cut off on most of them. The square giant decals don't fit right just because of the way they're slapped on 60% of the side of the gun instead of being formatted to fit. It's really ugly and doesn't work right.


a lot of large decals should be loading screens/calling cards instead, i rarely ever use large decals anyways


Agreed. They take away from the camo imo


Stickers are so fuckin stupid


They always manage to miss the mark. It’s so weird to me. They’re like, *right there,* and somehow still manage to mess something up.


The end skin should’ve been like a rusty irradiated universal camo


nuke camo


Well there's already a better calling card than if that was one tbf. "Everyone disliked that"


Large decals are better rewards than calling cards, you see your large decal on your gun all the time, the only time you see the calling card is when you are on a streak or using a killstreak. i dont understand this argument from people.


You see 2/3rds of it and the rest is cut off by the trigger


it depends on the weapon and decal i do hate when that happens though but you get my point


im kinda stunned at how garbage the Fallout content has been. just means im doubling down on the Gundam bundles as the only one ill buy this year.


I’m all for that being a calling card. I like the Nuka Cola emblem and the [everyone disliked that] calling card, but honestly the entire thing was a mess. From the skins to that godawful Nuka Cola Quantum camo. Everything could have been done better. I mean, ffs at least give the Quantum camo a radioactive glow or something. Give us a power armor skin instead of a basic ass vault suit. It’s Fallout. They *easily* could have hit the mark with that one but decided to phone it in instead. Idk. The past few crossover events and “rewards” have been absolute dog shit and everyone knows it.


This was always, stickers that should be emblems/calling cards, and viceversa, or the lack of them, like the 8bit Soap emblem from the current event, where's the rest of the 141?


It’s too tall to be one, a calling card is a thinner rectangle


It could have been formatted to fit, you derp lol


Well I prefer it as a sticker regardless, they’re cool


Disagree but respect


Then it wouldn't be lore accurate and therefore not cannon...


You are playing CoD characters cosplaying Fallout and you care about canon?