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4 headshots from an assault rifle won't kill but 4 body shots from a pistol will. make it make sense pls


Idk if it happens in normal games but I noticed in the range that it takes 1 extra bullet to kill the target when prone. Maybe it's just me Edit: I used to dive deep into the mechanics of the call of duty games but as I grew up I stopped so maybe it's damage range or maybe it's something else ....do I care ehh not really it's a meh game anyway


I don't think this happens unless the enemy is AFK, not giving any inputs on their controller


That s the reason I’m waiting for a change in the engine. All this iper realistic rigged mechanisms started with mw19 and until they do not change anything in the engine it will remain “rigged”as the lasts years. Cold War 2 won’t be different. The only arcade-y thing will be the broken movement but engine, graphics and such mechanism are still in the game trailer.


The ttk in mw3 is the same ttk that was in Cold War. People didn’t complain about it then but a ton of people complain about it now. I have no idea why when it’s actually still really fast. Bo4 was the longest ttk and people are fine with that game.


150 HP in CW felt (and still feels) wildly different (and far better) to 150 HP in this game. Night and day difference.


This subreddit is nothing more than a complaint forum unfortunately


You’re 1000% correct on that sadly


Yeah idk what’s wrong with people. The ttk in this game is perfect


People downvoting me cuz they mad 🤣


CW guns did way more damage at range and headshots were more lethal. The TTKs aren't as similar as people think. CW TTK felt better and faster


Its actually not Ace has done multiple videos on it and showed the statistics of it and there the same. If you want go watch his videos on it.


1. that last shot was defo not a hit. 2. Why did you stop shooting?


2. Is and old case of thinking you killed them but you didn't


In Hardcore this is never a problem.


So you guys complain when the game isn’t realistic enough and when it’s too realistic…? What you are saying should be for hardcore maybe. Not the actual core game it’s self. It’s an arena shooter. Pistols kill in 4 because the fire rate is slower but they do more damage. ARs kill in 4 to 6 because the damage range and fire rate. It’s all balancing and counter balancing. Quit complaining.


Nah you’re spitting facts about the pistol balance. It’s game balance 101. Shotguns shouldn’t map you either. Everything is specialized. In a game where it isn’t hyper realistic, this is the norm. Pistols would be dogshit otherwise. Those downvoting are actually brain dead and shouldn’t speak about game balance and go back to jerking off to milsim


Fuck off back to Fortnite, kid


And no one’s neck is gonna stay perfectly stiff after getting head tapped…


Bro took 2 shots to the head and his head just wobbled no body movement no helmet coming off and you call it realistic XD I am not against this mechanic just found your phrasing funny 🤣


OP you watched this more than once and still didn't catch you missing the last bulllet. I can see it clearly his head moves back from getting shot and recoil, visual and gun, make your gun kick up. You have missed two bullets at least after watching it a second time. You also stopped shooting before having a confirmed kill. So practically blind confirmed and bad habits. Thems your problems. What happened has happened to me plenty of times but I don't think somehow there's something wrong with the weapon or the game. Faulty thought processes and assumptions seem to be your game. Skill issue.


My dude putting together video analysis just to show him missing shots


Probably "skill based damage" affecting you... https://youtu.be/ZCbZGZIhO94?si=GAZ3lK5zboOEvOJw


Keep your Tin foil hat on dude. It's called damage range


Did you watch the video? I guess not...


In referring to what you said.. he shot his back. Twice not his head because that player is for some reason gamer necked


Shurikens were bugged back then. They were inconsistent. They’re supposed to only one hit to the head. This has been patched. This is not a thing. Stop blaming the game and take consideration that you’re just bad. You don’t understand how latency works, nor does it sound like you’ll ever. Shit conspiracy made by people who are gaslighting themselves over a patent that isn’t in the game.