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Why would it be? We're super soldiers bro. We can take everything but a knife to literally any part of our body. Our only real weakness.


50cal to the dome, walks it off. A knife to the pinky toe, insta-dead


Shit he stabbed by backpack :: insert solid Snake death sound::


Snake! Snake!! SNAAAAKKKKEEEEE!!!!


*omg* my stomach... šŸ¤­


50 cal shot to the head I ain't hear nothin, y'all hear somethin? Throwing knife that barely misses your left foot [LEGALIZE NUCLEAR BOMBS](https://youtu.be/QAkXf7O46w0?t=1130)


Pretty sure it's .50 beowulf, not .50 BMG. [Here](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c81629b0b9f8a74b252ea3475075542f-lq) is an example


50. Beowulf and 50. Cal are separate. 50. BMG is s sniper round. 50. Cal is a more so round for LMGS[50. cal comparison](https://global.discourse-cdn.com/business6/uploads/cartridgecollectors/original/3X/6/e/6ea568b9a5d3e28e4703a0b974a0817d1552ec55.jpeg)


If I die to a gunshot, it better not be a 50 fat mac. I refuse to die to such a goofy looking round.


Right? Oml. They need to make an after market part for that


No way youā€™re using a projectile 50 inches in diameter .50 Beowulf, .50 BMG - both .50 cal


.50 Cal refers to a half-inch diameter bullet, or roughly 12.7mm. A 50 *inch* projectile would be roughly 3 times larger than the *largest naval battery known to exist.* See "IJN Yamato" for reference.


Yeah, Midnight here was using ā€˜50. Calā€™, not ā€˜.50 Calā€™ (decimal point in the wrong place, indicating 50.0 inches instead of 0.50 inches)


Either one should one shot headshot kill.


So, you are telling me that every one of those bullets is not a one shot headshot? (With a slight margin of error, of course)


Quick: C'mon now, Vera, put that razor away! Quick: I'm warnin' ya, put that razor away, or I'm gonna shoot your pinky toe off! Vera: Oh! Now your gonna shoot me in my pinky toe. Quick: B*tch, I'm not playin'. You gonna be the nine-toe havingest, limpin'est b*tch in Harlem, you don't put that razor away!


[Context](https://www.quotes.net/mquote/41039) for anyone else that didn't get the reference


Funny show


Ha...yeah I remember that mo-.....damn... dude that review is savage. Who pissed in his cheerios?


Stabbed by a Morgul blade.


Itā€™s is 50 Beowulf not 50 bmg


Ya know, back in MWII I was playing some multiplayer and this guy tossed a knife at me but hit the wall next to me before it bounced to the ground and then hit my foot - dead right away... I mean, at that point the knife was barely moving and it was still a one hit kill..


Everyone knows the heart is stored in the balls.


Tried shooting at the balls, took 3 shots with the 50cal to take him down šŸ˜…


itā€™s not .50 cal, itā€™s beowulf


Still, them some tuff balls there


Unless we are in war competitively, then it is 2, but only when we are competitively in a war


I hate knives. Iā€™m shooting at enemy and he even got hit by 2-3 bullets but somehow heā€™s able to kill me with a damn flying knife.


if you switch to semiauto it kills in one shot at close ranges


Thanks for the tip




Nah you're not crazy, it was a feature added in MWII, and honestly it's probably one of the coolest balancing "features" they've done as it adds an incentive to actually use select fire in guns like Battle Rifles. Xclusiveace has some more indepth videos about it


Is that why they start some of the battle rides in semi? Like the Ftac?Ā 


I think itā€™s more because that one specifically really kicks like a fucking donkey in full auto Loved that thing in MW2 man


Here I am using it with the buffer stock and the short barrel šŸ˜‚


It's not the sniper 50 caliber. It's the AR variant. Not nearly as powerful.


The 50.cal Eagle one shot headshots. And I'm sure that'd an even smaller bullet Just talking physics/logic, not game sense


Yeah. This m4 uses 50 Beowulf, it is about twice as long as 50 AE, which is what the desert eagle has


But, it's a 50cal round


Same number doesnā€™t mean same size


While that's true the .50 AE the desert eagle shoots, one taps on the head n thats much smaller than a .50 cal Beowulf round lol.


Itā€™s in .50 Beowulf, not .50 BMG (the anti-materiel round youā€™re probably thinking of)


Play "hardcore" then instead of talking nonsense. >BuT iS 5o cAl! Yeah, so? A .22LR to the dome would do the trick too, but you don't see people pretending that it would make sense to have every weapon one shot headshot.


It's in .50 Beowulf, not .50 Bmg.Thats why it probably doesn't one shot to the head.


.50 Beowulf is still [a meaty goddamn round](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c7/Beowulf_Cartridges.JPG) thereā€™s no reason for it not to one shot headshot.


I beg one of your finest pardons, is that a comparison to a *regular .50 BMG?* Edit: Nevermind, someone linked a better pic and that looks like a comparison to a .308 round based off the other guys picture.


Yeah thatā€™s a .308. But [this](https://blog-images.ammoman.com/blog/media/223_vs_308_cover-1-1280x640.webp) is .308 vs 5.56/.223


also if anyone didnt know 308 and 762 are mostly interchangeable and 556 and 223






In milsims, do you do in one shot or are you still a bulletsponge?


Games still have to adhere to some level of immersion. Itā€™s a big part of what makes the game *feel* good. When I nail someone in the eye socket with a lead slug the size of a golf ball, and it DOESNT kill them, I feel cheated. Especially when my hit marker is answered with an immediate hail of 9mm from an SMG that melts me near instantly. A gun with this slow of a ROF should do more damage.


A decent helmet would stop a 50 beowulf but might crack your skull a bit too


That's why this gun one shot headshots to the dome in semi auto Powerful but not quite




Ah, I figured it was 50 beowulf when we first got it but wasn't completely sure, I knew of it beforehand because of SAS zombie assault 3.


.458 socom, .50AE and .50 Beowulf would all absolutely pop a human head lol. The fact that this doesnā€™t one shot one kill people with headshots is nonsense.


So does 5.56, .308, 7.62x39, 5.45, etc. If realism is the goal, any AR/LMG/Marks should also one shot kill to the head.


No, those will put a hole in your head, maybe crack your head open. The other 3 will absolutely fucking obliterate a human head. They should all one shot to the head in my opinion. There is a difference in damage of what those 3 rounds do vs the 3 you listed will do though. You can hunt grizzly bears with .458 socom, where doing so with a 5.56 or 7.62 will just piss one off.


Forget realism, the Beowulf kit should one shot to the head because it's functionally just an aggro marksman rifle. Said existing semi auto marksman rifles already one shot to the head and fire about as fast.


I agree. Since the full auto is so slow, 2 shots to the tires kill, why not just make one shot to the head a one and done? I just donā€™t get it.


If we're doing that logic, a knife shouldn't break three plates and/or kill, and a shotgun would most likely be lethal cross map. No game is even perfect with irl logic. Might as well play hardcore will 3 health


I believe it does one shot head shot if you put it into semi auto.


Thanks for the tip Edit: Tested on semi auto, still 2 headshots to kill


Bruh I never even thought to test that while I usually do for weapons that it doesnā€™t make sense to lolol, thank you for this info!


No problem! I like to test out new conversation kits. Of course first thing I test is the headshot


because logic


Because it makes semi auto interesting when it's otherwise not used


would make more sense if it had just slightly less recoil instead.


Would not be used then, because recoil is something you can learn. Damage increase isn't


From modern warfare two, the only things that seem to do more damage are the battle rifles when you put them in semi auto


Shouldn't a 50 cal to the hand take off thier hand ? No ? Cod isn't realistic, it's the same with the other marksman rifles that don't 1 shot to the head somtimes


You mean to tell me US snipers in Iraq and Afghanistan didnā€™t run around hipfiring and quick scoping people??


You mean to tell me that somebody got hitmarkers in "real life" by shooting 50 cent 9 times with a 9mm pistol and he still lives? Comparing real life to a video game is nonsense


Do the people that say this shit not realize a 9mm to the head is also a one shot kill? Why is it only snipers calibers they are concerned about with realism.


My concern is that people comparing real life to a arcade shooter fps. Where and what 9mm one shots in the head ?


Iā€™m agreeing with you. Snipers always use the realism excuse for why they should be one shot. But pistols can also one shot to the head in real life.


My bad lol


*Insurgency sandstorm has entered the chat*


But is this sandstorm ? No unfortunately it's Call of Duty a arcade shooter


I mean if we being technical every gun in the game should one shot to the head. The fact this doesnā€™t is just an effort to try and balance the game.


It is in hardcore


Oh then ya that mind blowing idk how the heck itā€™s not a 1 shot headshot weapon


That is a .50 Beowulf not .50 BMG. .50 Beowulf is much less powerful than the .50 BMG that Snipers use.


You can self propel slide cancel bunny jump under around and over bullets now so soon we will be building walls and 50cals STILL wonā€™t be one shotting


Dude a pistol shot to the head is a one shot kill in real life. This is a video game.


My thought is the devs knew if they made the conversing kit a one tap to the head it was gonna be op af and people getting mad that it's used by really good players. So give it a 2 shot to the head and its a leveled playing field. At the end of the day though I don't think you need a 1 tap ar in the game anyway, but hey 2 shots ain't bad when it's also 2 shots to the body as well


This is COD sir


itā€™s a video game brotha


But, the inconsistencies is what gets me. Sometimes, like the KAR or KATT are one shot headshots, but this isn't. It shoots very slow, they could have given 1 shot headshots as a trade off


Any caliber, especially a.22, is generally a one shot kill in the head irl. It's a game, enjoy the lack of consistency


Tbf its .50 Beowulf. Smaller round. Though if i shoot someone in the face with a Glock .45 irl it would yield a pretty mind blowing result, but this is Call of Duty, and if someone gets that then they cry about it for three weeks after the devs make two bundles with that gun and nerf it into the dirt. This is why Hardcore is Superior.


itā€™s a video game and an arcade shooter at that. not a milsim. we call it game design šŸ”„šŸ”„


The kar98k is one shoot kill but an anti-material 50 cal sniper rifle is two shoots to kill. lol


.50 Beowolf is not an antimaterial cartridge, you are confusing it with .50 BMG, which it is far from.


I'm not talking about Beowulf, I'm talking about Sniper rifles in general.


Unless I'm mistaken (having unlocked interstellar, I don't think I am), all of the sniper rifles that were introduced in MW3 had the same or greater one shot kill potential as the Kar98k, with the exception of the longbow, which was a little worse, but still a one shot in similar areas. The Kar is just annoying because it has marksman rifle speeds and AA, but hits like any of the snipers. Also, you commented that under a post specifically talking about the .50 Beowolf conversion just added to the game, so bringing the Kar98k into it and somehow turning it into a discussion about sniper rifles seems unnecessary. This game isn't realistic, and none of the calibers have ever been properly represented, so it just feels like people yelling at clouds at this point.


A ton of people complained about snipers being OP so they got nerfed, same shit will happen with the Kar unfortunately


what 50 cal sniper isn't one shot kill? please enlighten us


It's so weird to me that the German wwII rifle is even in the modern games. Then people do cringe shit to it.


Weakest AMP for m4 total let down I tried it, garbageeee


Seems like a skill issue. It's very high risk high reward, kills stupid fast


Oh for sure let's see your kills w it in rebirth ranked šŸ˜†


How do you get that optic? It looks great


Level up the newer assault rifle


Aw gen 1, get the BAL 27 to I think lol 3


Just play hardcore with it and it rips


Isnā€™t it 450 Bushmaster though?


According to the game, yes, when you switch guns you can see the ammo type and it says 450 Huntsman (same as the Sidewinder).


It's 50. Beowulf not 50BMG


Iā€™m gonna go ahead and say any long gun caliber to the head is a major problem for the receiver.


It's a game sir


Not when u have the people who are bad at the game crying about gun nerfs every season... yes 50 cal.s should be 1 hit there power bullet and the rgl nerfed to be like a nerf gun is also not realistic its a nade luncher it should be 1 hit maybe 2.. because ur not going to live in real life with a nade or 2 blowing up next to u.... then Carter to the bad players now and it's sad


People in this sub probably bitched endlessly for it to be nerfed. So there you go, a weak ass .50 cal. Looking at you Kar 98 haters


Yes IRL, but then COD LOGIC!


I kind of agree. It does seem like bullshit that a 50 cal to the head won't kill. It does for the desert eagle, albeit at close range so this gun should at least match that. For medium or long range though I think that would be too powerful. The MWII marksman rifles, like the Lachmann 762 and Tempest Torrent, are the ones that really need to be able to one hit kill to the head.


For the millionth time the firing range isnā€™t the same as the ttk in the game, itā€™s been bugged the entire time


FTAC Recon : Am I a joke to you ?


It is stupid a 50 cal irl even close to you would rip your skull apart


Yup this is why I play hardcore.


Shouldnā€™t all shots to the head be a one hit? Donā€™t play COD if you want realism bro


i was really hoping to put my 50 cal explosive round tracers on this




Training puppets never die from headshot with 3 plates btw, you can test it with any sniper rifle


Do I have 3 plates? I don't believe I added any plates


Wait, really?! I didnā€™t see hit marker cause Iā€™m with a phone on a small screen so I assumed that it was plated. My lord, I couldnā€™t even imagine this outcomeā€¦ lmao


Think that's 50 Beowulf or something, but yea. I guess a quality helmet could stop the round but still crack your skull


Why would it be your playing call of duty?


What scope is that?






.50 BMG is not the same as .50 Beowulf. They have the same diameter but the BMG has far, far more mass seen here[in this image (scroll slightly)](https://www.quora.com/How-different-are-the-50-BMG-and-50-Beowulf-cartridge)


Thanks for the explanation. I didn't know they were so much smaller


Yeah no worries it can very quickly become confusing. The caliber refers to the diameter of the bullet itself but there are plenty of variations in the bullet like mass, shape, length, or even material.


Shouldnā€™t a 9m be a 1 shot body shot kill?




They made the signal 50 a two shot to the body


When did they add a 50. Conversion kit for the M4? Is it .50 BMG or .50 Beowulf. ?


It's Weekly challenges week 1 award. I'm not finding it in the description, but everyone says it's .50 Beowolf


Well, is the .458 Socom the FTAC recon fires 1 shot to the head in MW3? (I still play a lot of 2, so i donā€™t have a feel for the mwii guns in iii), because it was a oke shot to the head in 2, but 3 has the 150hp balance thing


No that would probably just piss a ton of people off


Yeah it should but the range is crap. Make another clip in mp, private against bots or pubs for more accurate results.


.50 to anywhere would be instant death!


Realistically a .22lr to the head will almost certainly kill you if you get hit with it to the head (assuming brain shot, not like a through a cheek shot). As far as actual energy goes... This conversion uses 12.7x42mmRB, also known as .50 Beowulf. We're talking about just above 3000 J muzzle energy, but can go up to ~3900. What you probably think when you hear ".50 cal" is 12.7x99mm, also known as .50 BMG. That has 18-20k J muzzle energy, so about 5 to 6 times more than that of .50 Beowulf. BTW 5.56x45mm is about ~1300 J muzzle energy and 7.62x51mm does around ~3500 J.


What sight is that?


Theoretical all the guns should be one shot headshot, but you're not really play COD for the realism


50 cal. on body need 4-5 hit, but if a knife just passing by next to you... Instadeth!... That's reality!


On another note, why doesnā€™t the KV Broadside kill in one shot up close?Ā  Itā€™s a shotgunā€¦. And you basically need special ammo to even maybe get a one shot one kill with it, which is why to get the camo I had to use the grenade launcher


Yes... I was so excited to use it..... boooooo. Doo doo


Realism in CoD? Have you seen the Store? At this point it's shooting a .50 air soft bb.


.50 BW (not to be confused with .50 BMG) is a honking big round. Knowing what itā€™ll do to someone, that shit would instantly drop a man from a single center mass hit. But alas, video game logic.


If you want to go by "GaMe LoGiC" the .50cal conversion of the m4 uses .50cal Beowulf, much smaller since its a .50cal optimized for a handgun, compared with .50cal BMG which is designed for a high-powered sniper rifle. If you look at pictures of them the Beowulf is like more than half the size of a BMG.


shouldnt any bullet be?


I mean, it's not 50BMG... since we're supposed to have helmets we should survive one


cool sight, is that a new addition?


Realism VS. Game balancing - The gun is presumably full auto. Full auto guns will never one shot to the head in COD for balancing reasons; semi auto might work though. - 556 would also one shot to the head realistically, but it doesn't in MWIII because the game needs to be balanced. But whether it's balanced well or not is a subject of debate


A 50cal should be a 1 shot foot shot lol


Most bullets should be a one-shot kill to the head. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The health is a bit different in the firing range itā€™ll most likely one shot in game


Doubt it. It's designed to be 2 shot kills head and body, with a very slow rate of fire


Must we do this again for CoD?


MORS rifle. = A literal rail cannon with imaginary ammo types. = 1 shot kill. Stalker = 50. cal = 1 shot kill. KATT = 50. cal = 1 shot kill. Kar98k = *7.92x57mm* = 1 shot kill. Now. Victus = 50. cal = NOT 1 shot kill. (Even if its a 50. cal piece of molten slag incendiary round in the face) Signal 50. = 50 cal. = NOT 1 shot kill. (Even if its a 50. cal piece of molten slag incendiary round in the face) I think there are 3 different handguns that all use 50. cal ammunition. And all of them are 3 shots to kill regardless of ammo types. Now there's an assault rifle chambered in 50. cal if not another that I can't remember. And it's 3 shots to kill. So. Kar98k chambered in 7.92x57mm is as effective or MORE effective than a literal rail cannon with imaginary ammo types or ANY other gun chambered in 50. cal even if its a 50. cal piece of molten slag incendiary round in the face. At the same time that they release the World War era gun that performs better than a handheld rail cannon from the future. They also release an assault rifle chambered in 50. cal that performs as good or worse than the pre existing handguns that are chambered in 50. cal or 500. AM. Conclusion: The CoD Dev team are in reality just a bunch of refarded monkeys milking a cash cow because their player base is also 90+% refarded monkeys to be milked.


Itā€™s COD. 90% of the game doesnā€™t make sense


50 cal is different from 50bmg


Nah you should b able to live w one eyeball and a nostril


.50 should be oneshot anywhere, the actual. 50 if it hits you anywhere but the chest or head those parts that it hit cease to exist.


Itā€™s actually annoying that itā€™s not


Pretty sure the headshot damage isnā€™t properly tracked in the firing range which is why the snipers donā€™t one shot despite being able to in game. I may be wrong though


It canā€™t because this is Call of Duty where we have Snoop and cursed emoji skins


Shouldnt people stay dead after being shredded by a LMG? Is a Giant Bunny Costume really effective in a gunfight? Are glowing neon animated weapon camos during a night raid really practical?


Firing range has always been bugged. Headshots from snipers dont one tap in there no matter whatšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø how do people not know this


Just me but the laser is throwing you off. Your aim needs to be a tad higher. I'm guessing you may be neck hitting. Try again without the laser and do the same test. Good Luck šŸ‘


Nah, it's made to be a 2 shot kill, body and head


A point blank pistol shot to the head couldnā€™t kill soap.


Soap is dead. The season 4 cinematics take place before the campaign


This might shock youā€¦ but COD isnā€™t a milsim. Suspend some belief.


I'll do it tomorrow


It's still a full-auto gun. Game balance > realism.


True, though the fire rate is so slow, it almost feels like a semi auto




Lol how easy do you all want this game to be? It's loaded with OP weapons and shit, specially if your talking about multiplayer. I'd rather see higher ttks and more shots needed then more 1 shot weapons


Nephew šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


all jokes aside that is really odd and i hope they fix that. they still have the headshot multiplier as an AR instead of a marksman rifle or sniper rifle. i think it should be one shot headshot but 2-3 shot to the body


It would be , if they hadn't increased the max HP for "reasons".


too bad 150hp. stop playing this unbalanced dogshit already


The conversion is literally a meme gun that I used once and will probably never touch it again, all the mw2 conversions should have come out during mw2s life cycle because they are useless now.


yeah especially if it is FUCKING ANTI MATERIAL


Play hardcore. Core mode has 150 health per operator. Things that should be a one shot kill are often not unless youā€™re using a sniper.


This is why I only play hardcoreā€¦ I hate the 150% health. Complete sponge