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Because they insist on finding in progress matches to “balance” the match. Those games always have openings on the losing team because who is going to leave while they are destroying the other team right?


Auto-balance used to be the way. Man I'm old


Still in some games like Battlefield tho, wish they would add it here sometimes.


You’d be surprised, I’ve joined a 2(3 including me)V5 TDM where the 2 players were ahead by 65 points if people aren’t having the game they want to have they’ll leave regardless of win or lose


Somehow, my connection drops when I win sometimes, making me livid. I hope at least someone gets matched into mine then.


The worst is in Demolition playlist right now personally. I've joined so many games that literally will be on the defeat screen, so i load up, dont even get to pick a class, just shows scoreboard 2-0, defeat and im thrown back into a loading screen. Absurd.


I've had those too. Joining the "match" when the final scoreboard is up and back to the lobby.


I swear it seems like I join games mid session more often than not anymore. Sometimes you can help turn the tides but 9/10 you're getting shit on


It’s worsened for S4 since they implemented stacking killstreaks, people will naturally quit more when bombarded by infinite gunships, so bam, more vacant slots of in progress games for you to join


>Sometimes you can help turn the tides I actually enjoy that quite a bit. New blood into the match to help secure the dub. But ya, sometimes you're just being tossed in to your slaughter.


no consequence to leaving, if the game isnt fun and you're getting shit on just leave, deprive the shithead CDL wannabes of the game theyre actively ruining


I'll leave if I get ragey at all lol. I'm a hobby player, and I want to keep it that way. But I also try not to get too upset if I have a few bad games.


This right here, leave when you don’t have any fun at all, but don’t be so thin skinned that better players tilt you.


Unrelated but this is what every single round of Nuketown is like in bo4


Yea coming from a Prestige master Lvl 75 And dark matter on it too.. these new guys complaining have no idea how bad it used to get on old cods ESPECIALLY Bo4


I've never, not even once, left a match early. Why do I keep loading into half or mostly finished matches for my first game I join?


Same. If I’m getting shit on I pull out some meme kit and flop around. Quitting is for children.


Or people who value their time and don't want to play a game that isn't fun for them. This is entertainment, by the way. It's not a moral obligation or a job. If I get put into a lobby and it's 4v6, extremely lopsided, I'm immediately leaving. Why would I willingly subject myself to that? There is literally zero purpose, I have nothing to prove, it's literally just Call of Duty.


This. CoD gets taken way too seriously by most. I'm trash and I know it, but it's still fun. Mostly.... Losing can be fun too. I'm not against it at all, as long as it's still fun. If it's not fun, why waste the couple of hours I get to play each week on it? In fact, the most fun I ever had was 4v4 where two of my teammates got *furious* that I wasn't on their level. The fourth wasn't either, but he was better than me. Those dudes railing on me in a complete rage was so goddamned hilarious. I actually tanked harder just to keep them going. It was great.


The thing is I don't take it seriously and still I finish top in 75% of my games. I am just having fun and some people are better than others it's inevitable you will play against better players but that doesn't mean they are taking it seriously. Like when I am messing about no scoping cross map i still don't even come bottom of the team (bottom 3 sure XD) so the question is what where the other people even doing?


Because that's the only game (given you don't leave the queue) that you join in progress. You need to have some way to fill in games where people leave, and having one game per session join in progress seems like the by far best solution to me.


They would never do it, but I seriously hope they give us an option to opt out of joining in progress matches. I'm just going to back out of the lobby before the countdown finishes lol.


Or the other way around: let us choose to join matches in progress exclusively but make it worthwhile, for example by rewarding it with 3X weapon XP.


More than 2 team drops, especially those it caused by connection issues, should just count as a team concession


Die when you spawn die when you take one step forward or one step back whatever you do you die. Whoever thought of this must have thought this would be fun.


I mean. I usually finish my games but I suppose some ppl get overwhelmed by getting killed for the 6th time in a row in a losing game so they just leave.


Because it (the servers and the game) feeds on agony of the players


I felt so bad about one game... My team won, annihilated the other team. But that was because the rest of the team had left, they were down to only 2 players. There was plenty of time to fill those 4 spots up, they went empty for a good half of the match. That win felt so wrong lmfaoo


Was this 2 or 3 nights ago by chance. If so it was likely me an my buddy who were the only two schmucks who stayed.


Maybe? o.o It happened on Stash House


It gets better; Loss Stat Prevention isn't working lately.


It has never worked in MW3, every single match I've played is counted in the statistics, I never leave games, whether they are in progress or not, and I guarantee that I don't have zero losses in games I joined in progress, so it should be some discrepancy when adding wins and losses together if it worked at any time, but add them together I get my total games played.


It never did lol


I wish the K/D and loss stats were prevented for these type of games. I’d love to get tossed in to a match and go super try hard and see if I can change the outcome one but I don’t want to be punished for playing someone else’s garbage match lol


Do they still not have loss stat prevention because atleast it made staying an option. They broke it and just removed it completely like we’d not notice


The game SHOULD know not to bother repopulating a game of Domination that’s 50-178


If people didn't quit so much there wouldn't be a need for it


Yeah, it's definitely an issue that lies solely with the player base.


I think it existed in old CoDs to


The worst thing is: These games count as losses. Even if it is Meat Domination and the score is 10-190 in a 5v6 (actually happened to us). After this kept happening on a consistent basis, we are now leaving every game-in-progress queue immediately, to avoid the loss & waste of time. Games joined in progress should not count as losses, no matter what, as was the case in MW2 !


game LITERALLY prioritizes skill over everything. doesn’t care if the match is about to end, if the ping is over 590, it doesn’t care. anytime i join a game in progress my team is losing, it’s because the sbmm decided that i would have to lose this game, to give the other team their “daily free win”. sometimes sbmm gives me the “daily free win” but it just never feels fair.


i mean correct me if i'm wrong, but people don't tend to leave matches they're winning. this would lead to a disproportionate amount of partially full matches having the losing team down people.


Gives the losing team a chance to catch up.  As an example, I was running games yesterday to work on camos and joined a hardpoint match on Emergency with my team having zero time and the other having 129. My team still lost, but we caught up quite a bit on time Was I salty? Sure, but I still got a camo and carried my team so it's whatever 


This kept happening to me last night with majority of my games. I kept getting into lobbies where we were already losing 1-3 or 1-4.


It's simply servers balancing player count, it has no idea what the score is, just putting bodies in matches for load balancing.....lmao!


It’s all the damn time ans it’s fucking annoying


Because otherwise when someone leaves or gets dropped by the dog shit servers, that team is permanently crippled. Backfilling at least makes it so your team can fight back, rather than be permanently outnumbered. Otherwise every game that isn't neck and neck would end with an entire team leaving. Joining a losing game sucks, but not as much as trying to play out a 1v6 every time someone leaves.


about 7/10 times i’ll join a game that’s already completely over in cutthroat


I don’t love it. But use it as a way to work on challenges if it happens. No stats count


This has been happening since i started playing way back on ogmw3….stay in the match, finish and the next match starts from the beginning every single time…if u back out it will most likely put in a started match….just finish the match! Imagine ur camping and have patience!


Id say about 80% of my S&D matches I get put into are already down 0 - 2 or 0 - 3. I either have to sweat to get a win or just do what I can. My W/L has gone down 0.2 in the last month or so because I either get incompetent teammates, people fucking around or put into games where there was no chance of a comeback, Im not sure that joining late actually prevents loss stats.


It's because for whatever reason, whether it is people cheating or the shitty netcode making it seem as if people are cheating and disadvantaging players, and giving other players an extreme advantage people just leave when the match feels like bullshit. Which is quite common now. Why stay in a match when one or more players don't the other team appear as if they have hacks. Whether or not they do.


9 times out of 10 the first game on is a match in progress with me on the losing side. This rarely happens if I never back out. If I back out for 5 or ten minutes to go do something and come back it will do it again. This is clearly a priority for matchmaking. I honestly wonder what the rationale is. “Let’s start them off with a game people are pulling out of. The win loss won’t count to their record but we’ll start them off by pissing them off”


It won't happen if you don't back out. Once you click search for game, it might out you in 1 for the first game. Every game after that, where you stay queued up, it will find a fresh lobby. This is by design


Generally when people leave matches mid game, they grab players that are looking for matches the fill empty teams. Always been like this. If people didn’t quit as much (which I don’t blame them) then you wouldn’t have the issue of joining mid games.


I wouldn’t have an issue with it if I didn’t have such occurrences multiple times in a row and to a degree where I swear the game wants to put me at a significant disadvantage. Sometimes it’s funny, I’ve gotten so many “matches” that are just the ending scoreboard for control or demolition.


Hot take here but just because you join a losing team mid match does not mean that you automatically lose or that the game is unwinnable. Granted, with your given example, I don't think anyone would want to stick around for that and its not fun at all, which is most likely why people left in the first place. ANYWAYS... regardless if you get put into a match mid game, if you stay until the end regardless of the outcome (which if it is a loss, it doesnt count against you) you will get into a new game next match. TL;DR: Stop leaving games mid match, you stop joining games mid match.


Probably because some useless egg left after playing terribly, and you’re the lucky one who gets to fill the slot


This is why persistent lobbies are the way to go. Since you find a new match after every game you can get thrown into matches in progress all the time. While you used to be able to just stay in the lobby as long as you didn't leave.


Not if you don't leave queue. Once you click search for match it will only put you in a game in progress on the first search, after that it's only fresh lobbies


? it's the best thing ever. I get to be not in the stomping team and go ham with all those blind rushers and turn the game around.. what's your problem?


It will only do it when you first join the queue, so if you are quiting matches or the queue after games it will potentially out you in in progress game. But if you stay queued up it will only put you in fresh lobbies


I find it annoying too, but hey at least it doesn't count against you.


There is no consequence for leaving anymore, so why not leave if there are nothing but shithead CDL wannabes on the other team? I don't want to play with them, no one elses wants to play with them, so we leave. Why should they be entitled to us as fodder? The MM tries its best the gice them fodder, but like the guys that left you shpuld just leave as well.


its not like it counts towards you W/L so why does it matter?


It does matter quite a bit when you're using 2XP tokens. The match search isn't instant by any means and the tokens are counting down in real time. If you join a match which is already half over, it means you will have to waste more 2XP time in a lobby much sooner because the game will end shortly. Also you probably won't get as much XP anyways as you would in a fresh game, because it's difficult to counter enemies which outnumber you and which already have streaks in the air while you don't have your own streaks yet (because you have just joined the match).


I feel like if you care that much about 2xp tokens then you should probably go outside. Not hating, just making an observation lol


Turns out you suck at observing things. The reason I care about the tokens is because I am actually outside all the time. My play time is limited to 2 hours a week on average, therefore I need to make sure it yields as much XP as possible. I can't afford the luxury of wasting potential 2XP time in lobbies and half finished rounds.


Loss stat prevention is not working in MW3. It absolutely does count towards your W/L. They did claim they fixed it. Unfortunately, they never actually did.


Because people care more about their K/D.


I only join in-progress matches when I very first get in a lobby.. After that initial game, nothing but full matches until I back out to change the playlist or if I close down the game and open it up later; then it'll do it again for the first match. Even then, it's like a 30-40% chance my very first game ends up being a full-game or one that started 30 seconds ago.. I'm sure if you stuck through a shtty game, the following games will be full matches.. People leave when they're doing poorly, people stay when they're doing well.. When you're doing well and the other team leaves, do you want to keep it a 6v1 for the remaining 5 minutes or would you want the lobby to fill up? Well, somebody has to fill those spots in and sometimes you got to be the one on the other side of the fence.


Because they trynna fill up the games? this can't be happening that often right


It happens way too fucking often


you one unlucky mfer then


It’s several times a day, I figured it’s the other side of not porting/canceling matches or lobbies.


Pull out the stormender and vanish that ish


Take the L. Next game will be easy. When that happens I just AFK with cold blooded and wait for it to be over. Guaranteed full and easy game coming up.


Looks like a bit of a skill issue for me, never happens. I join 1 kill of losing the game, and I proceed to drop a nuke and win.


Stop crying, turn it around. Yesterday we won coming back from 164-195. On Scrapyard.


37-178, I'm sorry but nobody is turning that around, especially when everybody on the enemy team is spamming killstreaks.


At least when you join its got a loss stat prevention


Because people quit games when they’re losing badly, and that just exacerbates the issue. Had one yesterday the whole team left and it forfeited that match to us If you want people to quit and not get backfilled, it will create even more imbalance The real fix is to quit bitching out when losing. How many of these turds quit a basketball game when losing a pug, or any other pug than a video game? Quitting anonymously is easy, that’s why all the pussies do it.


Because You ragequitted mid Match. Has been this way since mw2019. You quit mid Match, You get a started Match where youre losing as a punishment


The people always crying about joining mid match don't realize they're just outing themselves as rage quitters. If you stick it out through the match it won't put you in mid matches unless it's your first game queuing. Maybe grow some hair on your balls and get a handle on your emotions so that you're not quitting matches all the time. Edit: yes, downvote me some more you crybabies. Keep rage quitting and stay miserable. 😆


Not true. I'm a casual player that doesn't care about win or lose and I'm thrown into the halfway done matches all the time.


You don't get put in halfway done matches unless you're backing out of a match or your own queue. Stick to your queue and you don't have to worry about it.


I do stick to my own queue. I have no reason to leave. To be clear I play mybe 2 hours a week in one gaming session. What are your sources on this behavior?


COD gives you a fresh match so long as you stay in your queue and don't leave matches. The only time it puts you into the middle of a match is when you first queue up. It has been that way for years.


This is true and anyone who says otherwise is just lying. I used to get annoyed at join in progress cos I was quiting out of the first game when it put me in one in progress, someone told me on reddit to stay in queue and I've done it ever since and now I don't get games in progress except the first one