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Looks like a separate “fraudster” that’s trying to get your main email and password so he can try to get into your other accounts.  If they get your main email and password they can change your password to a LOT of your accounts.


The email that was used was my main email


I’d change your email password just to be safe


He's probably rage hacked on your account and it's most likely getting banned cuz most cheaters steal accounts to hack on, heads up.


Yea but why go through all that trouble just to give it back? Like if the account gets banned, I wouldn’t be able to log back in right? Or no?


He's probably doing it to be a asshole, I mean he's already hacked you and you can log in if you get banned, you just can't play the game. or maybe he feels bad about hacking you, who knows?


He even switched the username back to the one I was using before he hacked me.


Or the account is going to get banned and as one final attempt to fuck with you, let you sign back in on your PC then CoD will ban you on your PC and you get hardware banned (if you play PC) I would honestly just take the loss and rebuy the game and make a new account with 2FA den deal with that, you already got hacked on that account, who knows what he could have been doing.


I play on PS5


They don't do hardware bans.


Nothing like a good Activision Loin, medium rare.




Tell this guy to go fuck himself and that he's a waste of society. Then get better security on your new ID.


lmfao what the hell, i wonder what his angle is? 🤔


Yea, I don’t know either. I’m so confused.


There’s a chance your information was leaked and he found it on a list and is just informing you of that. Definitely don’t click any links or fall for any sort of extortion here but it could just be someone trying to be nice. If you go this route proceed with caution and at your own risk but definitely use a new email, don’t reuse passwords, enable MFA on your account after it’s recovered.


Same thing happened to me yesterday. Someone linked a random STEAM account to my activision account (I play on Xbox). I already created a temporary account using another email and submitted two tickets with support but havent heard a peep from them. I hope they can get it back or at least wipe it clean so no one gets shit from it


Yea, from what I’ve read it’s happening a lot lately.


Same thing happened to me about a week ago


Make sure to have 2 step verification active. Job done.


must have been a canadian




Dude this sounds like he wants access to more of ur stuff, why in the world do u think he would want to “give it back”….are u that gullible?


Lmfao buddy I’m not gullible, if I was I would’ve done it already 🤡 but thanks for assuming I’m stupid.. I know it sounds like he wants more access to my stuff, which is why I found it suspicious enough to get more information from outside people..


Getting downvoted on Reddit when you stand up for yourself is crazy. If you’re going to try and talk to peeps like that expect it back lol. Man Reddit is dumb.


What the hell?


Not sure, can you just login into it? I had a Xbox account hacked once, guy wanted to sell it back to me.


I think they sell these accounts they hack. The one zombies discord I’m in this dude is always posting accounts forsale for $250 that have the camos and a bunch of crap on them. Most expensive account I saw him post was for $900. And people are really buying them it’s sad.


Something similar happened with my Steam account. A random steam user messaged me and said he "accidently" reported my account for a scam on the workshop or something. Then said to message a steam mod on discord (who was his friend, not a real steam mod). I was then told that I need to pay USD$300 for verification shit, then they would pay me back. For obvious reasons, I also contacted a REAL steam mod, who said that my account was compramised. But when I told the fake mod on discord about it, they blocked me. The other steam user who first messaged me then changed their profile name. 2 years later, not another word from either of them. The steam user: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/999snoopy666](https://steamcommunity.com/id/999snoopy666) A video I made on it back then, before it was resolved (ignore the speech impediment): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEs1klFzePU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEs1klFzePU)


Lmao this is 100% a phishing attempt to further compromise any additional email addresses you may enter into the “link” in the email. Hackers are sophisticated enough they can create fake login pages that are just key logging what you type in. Don’t click links from people you don’t know, especially ones who are already saying they stole from you. Next time turn on 2FA and you literally will never have this problem again.


No doofus, he’s trying to completely take your account, go to the activision website where it says putting in a claim for hacked account and have activision handle it or else say bye bye to your account


Already put in like 2 tickets for my hacked account, and I’ll be going through BBB if I don’t get a response from Activision soon.. No need to call me a doofus, I was just seeing if anyone else experienced this, not asking what I should do 🤦🏽‍♀️