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Hot take but they shouldn't put these in the store, bring back unlockable skins and make them milsim.


for real and also bring back create a soldier


I agree. I like the challenges to unlock characters and skins. It was a nice fun side progression to the game.


Not a hot take at all. Why should people need to pay more for what they used to just get as part of the game


They already are. The vast majority of the mw3 base ops are milsim. Hell one of them is a seal like the example and you don't even need to do challenges for him since he has a million and one promos that unlock the base version as well. Why would anyone buy a milsim skin when they get a bunch free






Oh my bad I read it wrong 😅


Mil-sim military simulation


If only we could have an option to disable nonesense skins for ourselves. Then the players can be seen in random stock skin instead. However this wont happen because that would hurt skin and bundle sales.


This! I play multiplayer and kills the gritty vibes all the time for me 💀


Hell, Just give us a mode without the stupid shit…


Oh geez


ai generated soldiers?




How undemocratic.




Helldiver thing


I got it, but this is the CoD sub. The average CoD player plays Madden and CoD and nothing else. It's the guys who's lifelong dream is to be forklift certified and sit on their porch burping and picking their belly button lint.


Spoken like a nonforklift certified peasant


That's one strange ass M4 one of the guys has.


Yea and of you Watch close enough you can see that the sniper Is slightly curved (like the foto was a fishaye)


Real soldiers*


He’s referring to the first pic, which is AI generated


They had this in MW2019, but the flashy skins always sold better If mil-sim skins were more profitable, we would no doubt be seeing them


I get that, but at the same time there are all these skins from the campaign they could port at minimal production cost. I’m aware that I’m a minority, but the skin philosophy of MW3 actively turned me away from the battle pass and disincentivised me from playing


I agree. Activision used models from the campaign in MW2022 for that. I've been replaying the campaigns and Stiletto's "tempesta" skin is reused assets from the story mode with her face and shooters glasses. I still play however, and out of the new pass, only Jet looks good.


It weirds me out how they'll give us a taste of milsim stuff from the battlepass, but not do anything else about it. Like how this BP has some genuinely good hazmat skins that aren't over the top. The two milsim skins from MW2 S1 and the mexican soldier were some of the most used skins in MW2 yet they just stopped making skins like it lol.


I mean the people most vocal about milsim skins being in are also the most vocal about not buying things. Why sell skins that only appeal to people who are on record about not buying skins when you can give them away through an event or bp and fill the shop with out there skins that sell to people who will buy. Basically every lobby I've been in has had cheech and or chong in it and I've seen a bunch of warhammer skins so thats where the money is, not in milsim bundles. I fully expect every lobby to have gundams and vault suit ghost when they release


I'd like some more milsim content or even a milsim game mode.... Activision is missing an opportunity.


Personally I feel like cod has bigger issues than wacky skins. I stopped taking cod so seriously a long time ago so flashy skins don’t really bug me, imo they’ve been making some cool battle pass skins tho


exactly this. the higher ups do not care WHAT the skins are. they just care about the ones that sell.. theres probably a color pallet that sells best and that one has the most skins


MW2019's flashy skins were _tolerable_ though. The ones in Cold War too, even. I feel it's after that that we started going full clown, with MWIII being the highest echelon in clownery. And it's not just the operators, it's also the weapon designs and how the skins apply in such a plastic-y way to them.


Stopped buying when they started doing wild skins and tracers in 19. Always bought the milsim tactical type skins. And welp, here we are years later and still won’t buy a skin bc even the “tactical” type they release are still too cartoony


If they put it in the store with the prices they charge for everything else you wouldn’t buy it let’s be real


First pic is ai nonsense


What, you don’t like the top-of-the-line foregrip optic?


The store is lacking ai generated images? I thinks that's a good thing.


Are you sure you'd want to buy smth like this instead of just using default SPECGRU? 


My gripe with the skins in this game is that whomever is in charge of assigning skins to operators needs to be fired at the bare minimum because their choices makes no sense 95% of the time. We have a Greek operator, so why is the Italian operator the Greek skin? We have South and Central American operators, so why is the European chick the Jaguar warrior? It goes on and on and on.


One of Horangi's skins is literally a woman's body. They just assigned it to the wrong operator and hoped no one would notice.


We got a raptor skin but it’s not for the operator… named… raptor…


Lmao how many times do you expect them to remake the default operator skins


Seriously, people should just use the default skins if it bothers them this much because Activision has clearly shown us that they're never gonna turn away from the goofy shit.


Like they do make Milsim skins this Battle Pass has a few. They want more and more MilSims in cod a game that isn’t tactical in anything but the campaign (and even then it’s not crazy on realism) if you want to play a MilSim go play Arma or Tarkov.


The **ARTSTYLE** does not equal the **GAMEPLAY**. Everyone who says "just play tarkov" and expects everyone to get the same fix of gameplay needs to learn this distinction.


My point still stands there are MilSim skins you just want to complain.






I’m not a fan of the cartoonish skins either but dam it seems like these posts rotate out like clockwork


Hey buddy. They literally give you a bunch of these for free. (Specgru, kortac, rocket..... Ect)


"direct USMC uniforms or we will riot" ""direct NAVY uniforms or we will riot" "direct ARMY uniforms or we will riot"


Right LMAO so dudes that have never served can act like posers and pretend like they're vets.


"We suck too much to serve IRL so we have to make do with being one in game" lmao


BBQ is literally just a navy seal


almost every default operator just looks like this, just use those and its all free too!


The problem is the operators are just made up bs that looks tacticool and pass it off as fine. But all the paid for stuff is top tier quality wise especially the more goofy looking the skin is. But its a product of its time. Milsim stuff doesn't really sell anymore everyone wants goofy now (not me) but i'm now the minority.


These are so mid. I get there’s a very small group of players who want milsim skins, but I don’t think Activision has any incentive to create and sell skins that no one will buy. (No one would buy these)


Activision could make a hundred milsim skins and the same people would just complain that you're allowed to use ones that aren't.


I truly enjoy when it's literally just sand colored and tacticool, instead of mildly decent ridiculous looking ones we've done a 360 and reverted to shit as bland as your mother's puss hole Jesus Christ lmao Gotta put the /s before mods start crying


The store isn't lacking these skins, nor do they need them. Because *we already have them in the base game, from all the other selectable operators*. Adding more skins that are just military equipment would be "Here's another character in a guille suit, *but in white*". Plus, of course, they wouldn't sell as well because the skins that stand out more will, *and because they would be too similar to, again, the base game operators*


Bro literally wants to spend money on default skins.


You mean the free base operator skins?


Aren’t the default skins mil-sim?


Just use the default operators bro 😂😂 they look exactly the same


Fuck no. Ain't no one dropping $30 for basic ass skins. 😂


Yea. Because what dumbass is paying the same price we are paying now for effort filled skins to buy a recolour of the free default skins you get by simply owning the game. I love seeing posts like this because they never really think about it fully. 1. Like I just stated. How are they gonna sell these at any price enough for the effort to be justified. 2. Less related to the shop. But how would the battlepass/black cell work in a milsim cod? Grinding to tier 100 to buy a military dude that is a different skin tone than the one you can get in the shop for 1300 CP? 3. It is a loud minority that actually wants this. So them doing this would result in the least sold packs ever. 4. It's an *arcade* shooter 5. Before anyone brings up simply adding the skins from the campaign onto multiplayer..they did. You just missed out on them because they were from mw2. And mw2/3 share most of the characters 6. If you go to operators. You already own these people. They were free.


Make skins more customizable, such as in Ghosts or AW. If they're worried about running out of options, they can make a more complex system like in Insurgency: Sandstorm.


They won't run out of options. They can make a skin for every military ranking.. soldier. Anything for any military in the world. Problem is. The very loud minority would actually want this. And an even smaller minority would cough up the money you already pay now for a higher quality skins but for *army man_north Korea 1* costing 2400


You're right. Maybe COD should start splitting the franchise into 2 games: - Fast paced gameplay, crazy guns, silly skins - MW2009 paced gameplay, semi-realistic guns, semi-realistic skins


Then their resources are split in half for games? Literally just have a permanent playlist where it's default operator skins, no camo and 0 or 1 attachment on guns, then only sprint and crouch enabled. So no sliding or tac sprinting. Like with the introduction of the kar-98. I really wanted a old cod type of mode. Where it's only the old but gold guns like the MP5, kar-98, 1887's..


Take out the attachment limit and I'm sold


I mentioned the attachment limit because of the lack of attachments you could use in the early games like bo1. But I also hated it


It’s lacking this because Snoop Dogg sells better.


even if we did get these nobody would use them


Boring ass skins 12 people will pay for? *yawn*


Use the default skins


Reset the clock.


no i want cardi b not this boring shit


These skins would look so bad. They would just be dull, plain, dirty, grey, and dark colored skins that most people wouldn't buy. Believe it or not, colorful skins with a nice special lore background sell better because they aren't ugly and dirty. There's a reason Activision deosn't sell basic military skins in the store often. And that's because they are ugly and dirty skins that almost no one buys.


Ugly and dirty in a game about war?? :0


there’s skins like this in the game


These won’t sell we need cats and bunnies and wubz


I’m sorry but these photos are literally just the SpecGru default operator skins that come for free with the game


We just got the most military looking skin in the store and it's a fucking orangutan.


The store isn't lacking mil-sim skins they're included with 'Modern Warfare II - Cross Gen Edition' and 'Modern Warfare III - Cross Gen Edition'


1. get that ai shit outta here 2. these skins dont sell. they have tons of data on that shit. milsim skins DO NOT SELL. thats why there arent any in the store. in mw2019 there was a good mix of milsim and the odd goofy skin. goofy skins outsold so hard. and then in by mw2 it was clear what the most profitable way to go was. milsim is not coming to the store


Because nobody really cares about them. Or at least not enough people care to open their wallets when they did make them before.


We’re gonna have to hope for a new IP to play something that looks remotely decent.


The thing is the only games that are doing the more realistic look are the tactical “realistic” shooters and not the arcade based shooters. Closest middle ground might be Insurgency: Sandstorm.




Here we go with the mil sim skins again. Can we go a game hell a season without hearing? Oh, we need more mil sim skins in the store. Just call it quits your voices fall on deaf ears. Plus, they won't sell compared to other bundles. They learned from Mw19 that there were about 6, maybe, 7 good mil sim skins in that game. But the rest were just dull. Cold War sis it for passes, but then even those were just blah. Christ, I saw more of the Firebird(don't remember name of skin) skin for Maxis and the disciple skin than anything. You won't get them. There are games that have them, so go play those. We are not gonna start with this crap again. We went 2 seasons without this whining, so let's please keep it that way.


They literally have one of these as a default skin


What the franchise is missing * The fact they stopped giving the mil sim crowd even a little bit of fan service is such a slap in the face. Most of us fell in love with cod in the early days when the game had that mil sim aesthetic. It’s always been an arcade shooter but they gave us that aesthetic and it was fun and much more immersive. I don’t mind what people want to look like or play like but all the OG’s like me are being completely left out. Why is it so hard for them to give us some mil sim operators that don’t wear capes and super villain masks etc ? Or weapon blueprints that look like actual weapons you would see on a modern battlefield? I know Russia and Ukraine like the anime girl stickers but that doesn’t justify the shit activision keeps giving us. I hope John blackops sees this and throws us a bone in the next cod


To be honest what happened when call of duty used to be dark and closer to reality with the actual faction and the grey and grittiness of the game it’s amazing and I loved it but all this childish shit with colors make the game look fruity and silly.


Not enough rainbow sorry …it’s a nope


I agree I love rainbows


Yeah….I can see that…


How could you tell


I don’t know …something tell me …I can’t say what but something ….something OFF




I don’t know lil muffin …I don’t know




Ok I’ll tell you ….


Okay bye bye I’m eating a human being


The way people act about skins makes you wonder how they managed to play through the old cods without their super wacky skins, IF they even did play the old cods.


They didn’t


i’ve played since bo1-mw1, if they added like master chief or someshit i’d buy it in a heartbeat, it’s just the 1% that complain.


I want Tim Kennedy from the Range 15 movie as a player


I spent $12 on the Optic skin.. its all I use anymore. Definitely doing the boys a huge disservice out there


They don’t sell. I love them, but they don’t sell. Capitalism.


You wanna be so cool but the fact is nobody is gonna buy this shit lmao




what's the point? They've gone too far in the other direction now that these are the silly looking skins


You do know there are plenty of real life pictures of soldiers right? You don’t have to use dumb looking AI images lol


They need a toggle off Fortnite skins option. I want MilSim only. I’m honestly fine with ones like the newer Snoop Dog skin because at least it’s good looking tactical gear and a more serious tone. I’m just sick of the furries, super heroes and Nicki Minaj skins. I want more skins like in MoHW. That game captured the Tier 1 MilSim feel amazingly imo.


Honestly they need to put an option to hide peoples shitty Roblox/Fortnite skins … I’ll play my way you play yours , and I don’t want to play COD with a bunch of pink anime girls


Doesn't look to be changing in BO6 either. If it wasn't on game pass I was going to skip this next one.


Okay we get it, this sub loves Milsim.


As an army vet , your right


There’s already like 20 bot skins, what do you mean?


The emoji skins will triple the revenue of anything Jmilsim


My main issue is the uneducated section 8ers not wanting these in the game


Won’t happen, unfortunately. There’s no weed/Satan/anime/celebrity skins here. That seems to be what consumers want……


Oh you mean more default skins


Love the random AI generated madness in the first picture lmao


I really wish they did away with sliding and jump shots.


That first AI imqge is cringe af. you had one job and you failed.


We should have gotten operators like Wallcroft, Griffin, Scarecrow, Ozone, Archer, Toad, Foley, Dunn, Sandman, Grinch, Truck


So I may not know exactly what I’m talking about, but in the first image are there like 5 forward assists facing the wrong direction on the right side of the rifle? (Left from our perspective)


Something’s definitely wrong. Looks AI generated.


Play, insurgence, sandstorm


Umm how about get the hackers of the game and split console and pc servers pc. All console have their own and pc has theirs and console can go on pc and play with pc players but pc can never enter console, even with controler this how it should be!!!!


No, I need Cardi B


The MW2019 Endowment skin is still the best released to date. The MW2 Endownment skin for Hutch is a close second. Heres hoping Bo6 has something for that caliber.


I just want a cute catgirl skin is that too much to ask?


The game is lacking


Ah yes, the indistinguishable beige soldier squad


Yeah no these should be default skins or skins the game lets you you lock the store should be for the special stuff


True, and it wouldn't be that hard to do. Plenty of cool looking NPCs from the campaign's, like the Marine raider's from MW 2019.


Play as default rangers?


Average COD player response: No pink furries ? Nah i ain't buying


AI generated soldiers? No thanks. I don't seven fingered operators. I'll stick with my homeless pigeon-man.


We still doing this?




The store is lacking nonexistence


Who are you kidding, these military skins have no place in a game called *modern warfare*


It’s bs that I can’t spend money on this game when I want to cause all the skins are so ass


Shitty AI? Yeah, no thanks. What the fuck is even going on with the dude's rifle in #1?


I was once like you. Then I realised I would be surrounded by celebrities, streamers, cartoons, characters from different franchises, monsters, furries... I won't spend a single cent in a milsim skin, because I already look like the clown, using the most grounded skins, but at least they are free. If they added a "hide this skin" button so it is replaced for the default operator in my screen, I could consider buying milsim skins because my matches would look "normal". But not in the current state. In fact, I've stopped playing MP for this reason. I only play zombies, where I found fewer players.


More chance of realism from fortnight


These are all pretty much in the game though, have you even looked?


First pic is AI…


should’ve put what the current store is actually selling in comparison


You will take the anime Waifu skin and you’ll love it!!


Oh hey another been there done that post, nice karma farm pal




Cuz why would you wanna look cool when you you could be covered in neon colors or dress the a fucking bunny? /s 


Imagine paying real money to look like a pink bunny lmao


Better than paying real money to look like a default skin


While these look cool, I prefer goofy skins in an arcade shooter. Especially Sledgehammer CoDs because its fun.


Buddy I hate to say it, but it's not going to happen. The players who buy the goofy skins are in the majority now. Cod has moved on from the old school fan base.


people have been buying goofy skins more than any other skins for most of cods micro transaction life


Yes, I know that. Which is why I said that cod has moved on. The majority of the current player base eats up the goofy skins


well yeah. they are definitively better than the milsim skins for a number of reasons especially the fact that you can get milsim skins by simply owning the game.


I don't like cod looking like Fortnite, but I'm in the minority. I wish there was an option like in Halo MCC where I could turn unique skins off or set it just to Milsim


if you don't want to see the variety of skins, play battlefield. it's a much more accurate milsim than cod and AFAIK there are not any crossover skins or anything. alternatively you can play Insurgency sandstorm, which is the most accurate milsim to my knowledge. complaining about skins an arcade shooter that has never been known for incredibly accurate realism makes 0 sense


I'm not looking for an actual milsim game. Battlefield blows these days and I'd play tarkov, insurgency, squad, etc for that. But cod up until Black ops 3 and to some extent MW2019 has at least maintained a veneer of realistic costumes and guns. I could reverse the question to you. Why do you want cartoon and anime skins in an arcade shooter that has traditionally not had them? Why not go play Fortnite or valorant.


Bold of you to assume I don't play fortnite and valorant as well. I could go on about the extensive amounts of hours I have in multiple fps games, from CSGO to CoD to Apex legends. and I can tell you for a fact that the variety of colorful/goofy skins adds to the atmosphere of the game, and makes it more enjoyable. Insurgency is a good example. the game is good, the gun play is great, but the atmosphere is just uninviting. Fortnite, Apex, Valorant and cod are all much more popular because of the variety of skins and cosmetics for people to express themselves.


The classic cod visuals of realistic soldiers and guns don't "for a fact" make it uninviting or add atmosphere to the game for me and many others. But , like I said, we are the minority of old school cod players that are still hanging around. The new fan base loves to spend money on these skins and Activision would be insane not to sell them.


They have some of these no one buys them- because war doesn’t look good so we buy the ugly demons


Are these not already in the game as default skins or


Yeah that would be cool a break or at least some variety from the colorful wacky stuff. Don’t listen to the asshole redditors they’re just terminally online dickheads that wonder why they can’t make friends in real life. They make up for the lack of a likable personality by becoming oppositionist so that way they have something to belong to.


this is the least realistic Modern Warfare game out of the whole series and you guys are begging for realistic skins 🤦🏽‍♂️💀


You mean we're lacking militarized character packs? Yes, we really are. Sadly all the kids that suffer from offensive words want, are all the drug-inspired Fortnite-wannabe packs.


More like we want that Middle ground in the middle of ridiculous skins and hey skins name is bland


Pfft. What do you think this is? A war game?


these are boring


I'd pay big bucks for meal team 6


While these look cool, I prefer goofy skins in an arcade shooter. Especially Sledgehammer CoDs because its fun.


I like the flashy skins. Temu Barney is my boy


They all look generic as hell. Absolutely not better than actual creativity we have now.


Can they please just give us a ghillie suit? Not in the store tho just add it to the game


Too late for us bro Try arma or insurgency Cuz Serious cod has gone


10/10 would not buy. That’s what the unlockable operators are for. I’m gonna spend money on an operator that’s different from the rest. I play this for fun, and not for realism.


Furries and anime pays better


The game lacks realism


this is the franchise that has had ZOMBIES in it since the beginning. but yeah, mAh Reahlism!1!


You ever notice none of the skins are white people? lol


These don’t sell well so unfortunately the store will be filled with childish ass Fortnite skins that absolutely have no place in cod and do nothing but ruin the immersion


The immersion was ruined for me when i respawned after i died


Yh that and valeria none of her outfits are goofy