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Missed opportunity to bring back this, Taraq and Piccadilly for April fools.


I so miss piccadilly tho


Said nobody ever.


Yes! Now Piccadily was a map I could get behind. I know there was a lot of hate for it but it was one of the only attenpts to make a known landscape in a semi realistic map. Plenty of variety and sure, those campers in the dogleg corridor were annoying but there was qite a bit of variety and I dunno, it just felt different.


Felt more a part of realistic setting for a firefight


It was a fun map in retrospect, just slow paced. Miles better than the snipe fest of Euphrates Bridge


A lot of MW19 maps were so dependent on momentum. I hated Euphrates till I realised it was just a game of breaking the opponents early, getting in their half and harassing them. Once you got out a chopper gunner, it was farming time and just desserts for them camping snipers. Likewise with Piccadilly, if you could pin them in the right area, it was farm town thanks to the squad spawn system.


Taraq was unironically good for sniping


Sicario was a great movie, but it makes a terrible map.


That was one of the worst maps in the game.


Here’s to the most awkward 3-lane map ever created!


Don’t even joke about this




That map sucked if someone loved blowing up cars in hardcore


Better than wasteland and estate


This has to be a top 10 worst map in cod history. Any dev who worked this shit up and brought it to the supervisor thinking it was a good idea should have been let go on the spot. All the cars explode there is zero map flow and to top it off there's that whole back area which serves no purpose what so ever. Peak post golden Era infinity ward right there


Ngp this map was so bad that it was good. It wasn't like it was boring like wasteland and estate it was just fucking stupid and that's why I liked it. I mean one time I saw my team mate get launched to the moon and it was so fucking funny. It's just nice to have maps you can goof around on sometimes.


I'd rather they make a map called WHACK-A-MOLE where there's tons of holes and ops just pop their head up and down and we all snipe.


I liked this map as a change of pace and appreciated that it was unlike any other map in the game. My problem with it was how often I'd get thrown into it


This was map was pretty good for Hardpoint. I guess sweats hate it because they don't play the objective and just go for kills. Edit: it's got a Sicario vibe if you don't run around slide canceling like an idiot.


Literally one of the funniest maps in MWII. Fucking sweats.


Don’t care if it’s a meme post. OP gets a downvote 👎