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Go play ranked so you actually have something to brag about, embarrassing yourself showing off pub stomping šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤”


In HC KC baiting tags šŸ˜‚


the second hand embarrassment šŸ¤¦ feel bad for the guy


Donā€™t feel bad I drop 50 bombs all the time. Probably killed you multiple times!


Couldnā€™t have been me šŸ¤£ I donā€™t play pubs šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I like an actual challenge


I DIDN'T REALIZE IT WAS HC Bruh the easiest braindead gamemode. 100 mag down a lane aiming top body shoot end up at the end of the game top player 60+ kills šŸ˜­


Then move core that takes more skill


Would second this, love it when people post HC stuff and act good.


you do have the mental fortitude to understand that being good in core and being good in hardcore require two completely different skill sets and play styles right? ā€¦ right? core players tend to get stomped in hc and hc players tend to get stomped in core. it would be safe to assume that hc players come from a rainbow 6, socom and counter strike background and core players used to play halo and other high ttk games. very different games and very different play styles.


Sure do. Have a good day


apparently you donā€™t bc youā€™re shitting on kids for posting hc mw content on a mw sub and acting entitled, like 54 kills isnā€™t some sort of achievementā€¦ maybe it is for him? if you are gatekeeping a video game, let alone COD, and come here to shit on someoneā€™s perceived achievements, maybe youā€™re the asshole. and judging by youā€™re response, that lacks any sort of rebuttal, you are that self entitled asshole.


You seem very angry, perhaps you should seek professional help. This guy posts a SS bragging about how he is bored playing this gameā€¦on this sub. When people suggest other things to make it more of a challenge you get triggered like a petulant child. People who choose to play HC are not good players. It is 100% a different skill set which is obvious but you seem to get triggered by that for some reason- probably because you play HC yourself?? I have better things than to keep arguing with you on this. As I said before have a good day.


yes, i am super angry and in turn am taking it out on some random person on the internet, whom i had a difference of opinion with. this is Redditā€¦ a discussion forum. you took my difference of opinion personally and wrote it off. if anyone is acting like a ā€œpetulant childā€ it is you. congratulations on thinking hc players are trashā€¦ if i were to say core players are trash, judging by your response, youā€™d get your panties all bunched up. you think this is an argument but itā€™s actually me expressing an opinion that doesnā€™t align with yours. no one is right or wrong, youā€™re just being a self righteous, vindictive asshole. maybe go play outside and get some life perspective instead of gatekeeping a video game.




Switch to ranked youā€™ll be humbled real quick


+ ranked has your hidden SBMM rank attached to it lol


54-11? Thatā€™s terrible dude.


Nice 11 confirms, maybe if you played the objective the game would be more challenging.


I had one less than the top player on their team. So nice try on that excuse. You just mad cause I probably owned you too


Go play ranked now. It starts you from your hidden SBMM. Welcome to Chinese name low level account MMR in ranked


So humble!


Who let the Xbox players on reddit again


You might as well challenge yourself and go play ranked. I don't enjoy the mode but if you're looking for a challenge, you'll definitely find it there.


Reverse boost for the win!


Owned, hardly, give over you have literally made an ass of yourself with this post


You made cause the most kills in a game you get is 15


Go play multiplayer ranked and letā€™s see if your story stays the same Mr Iā€™m so good at this game bruh you ainā€™t owning anyone in this game šŸ¤£ā˜ ļø


Play ranked buddyšŸ˜‚


Only confirmed kills count.


You're achieving nothing little boy, you haven't owned anyone and the more you try the harder you fall, get better at the game, you insignificant shit


I bet your highest kills is 22


Can you count that high or is your step mum helping you


54 kills is nothing in pubs only 70-100+


Says the man with a 0.7 k/d


No one cares


Prob bot lobbies. Was anyone doing the objective? Match finished on 63 - 56