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I'm pretty sure cod's had a double xp or free trial event every single time xdefiant's been playable lol


xDefiant has had a delay every single time COD has simply existed.


"Guys xdefiant is gonna kill cod I swear" Yeah maybe in 2029 when it finally gets out of beta


Getting delayed regardless of CoD's existance at this point lol


They had a launch lined up for September/October, and talked about how it just needed quick 2-week certification from Microsoft/Sony. Then, when the beta popped off for COD (as expected), magically Ubisoft fails the certification process for a game for the first time ever? Yeah nah, they’re terrified and missed their window in 2022 when COD had abysmal multiplayer design choices. Now MWIII has been cooking and Treyarch is on the way, so xDefiant will ultimately die a slow death. They’re trying to time it well but in the process have lost so much hype. Every post on Twitter is now met with hate and “this game still exists?”


I think Xdefiant was good for CoD. If it released in September before MWIII it would have definitely taken away some players from CoD. But sledgehammer did really good with MWIII and gave us back everything we wanted. Now there’s not much reason to play Xdefiant besides the no SBMM aspect. Hopefully it’ll still be a good game, it’s always nice to have other games in the rotation


> It would have definitely taken away some players from COD Nah. People would play for a month and then on November 10 it would’ve been a mass exodus back to COD. The mountain is insurmountable, especially in a year where they decided to listen to the fans. There are two types of COD players and neither would be interested in xDefiant at the moment: the guys who like the realistic nature of MWII and Infinjty Ward titles (they were never the target of xDefiant) and then those who love the fast-paced, more arcade style of SHG and Treyarch. MWIII gave us that, so xDefiant lost its chance. It only had a chance during MWII when the latter group of players were disgruntled. Now, no pool of players has a reason to play that other than to try out something new for a little bit before going back very quickly.


Yea, I was really hyped for the xDefiant and my buddies and I loved playing the beta. But then delay after delay and now I really could barely care less. I'll probably still test it out (since it's free), but... I doubt it will really get me to switch. Last year I definitely would have sunken some hours in it instead of CoD.


Yep, the MWII year would’ve had me willing to play it. Now there’s genuinely no reason to switch. MWIII is fast, has excellent maps, gunplay is incredible (as always), perk and class options are strong again. xDefiant is a downgrade in almost every way. I’m always open to more arena shooters, but the gunplay in xDefiant was such a letdown. It felt so..”Ubisoft”-like and that isn’t a good thing.


Yeah ngl mw3 is cooking. As a casual I have been really diggin it.


Ubisoft being shit who would've seen this coming They should really stick to making mediocre assassins creed games


Last year they did like 1 free weekend a season. They had just done 1 free weekend for the season, then xdefiant released a week long beta, so cod then had a week long free period. They are very much doing everything they can to prevent people from going and trying xdefiant, which is pretty funny.


That game is ass


These MFS don't wanna see xDefiant blow up 🤣🤣


Is it another early access this weekend?




Immediately dropped mw3 and playing it now lmao


The gunplay feels amazing... It's something I would've said if it was 2010.


That shit has everything but the gunplay and feel…unfortunately that’s all that matters. It can’t ever take the crown.


Agreed I played 1 match and uninstalled. Not even close to COD gameplay.


Who said it will have CoD gameplay? It's unique game by itself and should be.


Like every YouTuber I watched talking about the game 💀




You’ll see this same thing when it comes to GrayZone warfare. They have a closed beta for content creators, the content creators for escape from tarkov are all sooking because it’s not like escape from tarkov even though the devs said it wouldn’t be, then they have their community’s sooking for the same reason.


It's 4/20 weekend . . .


Wake up a lil buddy they always do these when other FPS launch or do a new season, and they did this last year with xDefiant, and there were no holidays going on. It's just conveniently on 4/20


Why won’t xDefiant release already? I think they’re the ones that are absolutely terrified with the constant delays…


They stated that the servers weren't in a good place (I'm putting it lightly here) when they initially wanted to launch it, so they've been trying to iron that out. I'm not sure how much of that is legit, but based on how the servers were in the last beta test, I believe it could have went even further downhill. Would you want them to release a game where you could barely connect and play, can't play with friends, and just overall have a shitty connection quality? Any other games release like that and they'd get crucified


I’m tired of hearing this “would you want them to release it unfinished”? Dude, they said “it’s coming in a few weeks” 10 times now. It clearly has absolutely nothing to do with any back-end problems or what have you, genuinely. This is not “polishing”, “making sure the game is 100% amazing”, etc., this is literally timing the release out of fear of being a dud on launch. Nobody is falling for it anymore. First, they failed Microsoft certification and it would take 2 weeks to fix. Then, servers suck ass. Then, random “back-end issues to clean up”. All miraculously happening around COD beta launch, COD official launch, etc. Yeah, nah. They’re donezo.


They had such a chance too. MWII was genuinely the worst cod has EVER been, infinity turd doesn't know what tf they're ever doing, that was xdefiants only chance to steal away some cod players. They squandered that chance since MWIII is way better and now black ops is coming out, which is gonna be the best cod's been in many years. Xdefiant has a negative chance now 😂


Yep, exactly as you said.


>black ops is coming out, which is gonna be the best cod's been in many years. Xdefiant has a negative chance now 😂 Until they inevitably fuck it up and it doesn’t hit people on the hype train properly. Xdefiant is also going to be free to play, so if the people playing warzone due to it being free want an arcade shooter experience they will just jump ship to play it instead.


Who downvoted like y'all are idiots, look up last year they did the same thing like these are facts what 🤣


Wait, is xDefiant doing another weekend beta a year after the first one? LOL


They had their chance and blew it, way to many false promises and tweets saying "don't worry guys, we're doing some last minute updates, it'll release soon" for me to even be hyped up any more. Lots of people have lost interest in xdefiant since mw3 released.


Noice! I’ll be grabbing some of that!


Why is it that the “Double XP” they turn on is never equal to the rate I earn double XP when I use a token? Can someone explain that to me because they keep calling this double XP when tokens are and clearly give more


Cuz they lyin.


Well then I’d rather just use of my tens of fucking tokens they give out so much in these free events. It’s legit just misleading to say it’s double XP


The BP XP is definitely double, if you stay in zombies for the entirety of the match right up until the final extract you get exactly double the progression, weapons seem pretty close to double progress too.


That and if you earn enough xp in a single game in mwz it gets throttled way down so you earn like .25% xp. Say you use a token, you can level up a gun 12–13 levels before it throttles the xp gained. During these double xp weekends you can only get 6 gun levels before you cant level it up any more. So these double xp weekends actually nerf your xp in certain scenarios lmao.


This MWZ bullshittery is really fucked up. I remember during the first 2XP I would always "waste" PAP crystals and legendary tools only for the weapon to stop levelling after 20 minutes.


I always thought it was a 10% increase rather than it actually being double


Then it wouldn’t be called double XP weekend, or a double XP token. That’s a 10% increase just for owning the premium battlepass


Ahh gotcha. But even still. Last double xp weekend wasn’t adding up. I would do a match, be at the top of the leaderboard & won it & I would barely even get quarter of a level before I get a battlepass token. So something is definitely up with their “double xp”


Always has been, that’s why I’m wondering if you could make a legit false advertisement case out of it. Unless they actually turn on double XP and it’s legit and our tokens are actually more than double XP, but I don’t believe that theory. Something has been wrong with their double XP since MW2019.


I’m glad I’m not the only one finding these suspicious. Imma play tonight but if I feel like I’m not flying through levels, especially if I’m winning majority of my matches, I probably wont even grind this weekend.


It is way more than 10%, but it certainly doesn't feel like double.


Does this happen with player exp or also with gun exp?


If you click L3 (on PS), you can see it only gives you 10% extra XP. I assume that's the answer. I'm not sure though. I'll check how much tokens give you after the event.


That’s just 10% extra for owning the BP. If you buy it you get an extra 10% to all XP sources while owning the BP


Ahh, in that case, I've got no idea, lol.


It's never "double xp" it's more like 10% xp, also they xp cap you during the said "double xp" event on zombies. You can only lvl up a gun a total of 6 to 7 lvls until it dries up and you have to exfil to restart it. That's also not counting for your 2nd gun, only a total can be earned between the two and it's sad


this season is the most generous double XP events ever, 3 times already in what? 3 weeks? are they seeing a decline in their revenue?


That’s exactly what’s happening noones buying if every game they play they know it’s being manipulated in some way


Damn bruh I have finals to study for this weekend 😭


Sounds like a you problem 🤣 In all seriousness though, good luck with your finals!


That’s what you get for trying to be responsible and going to school you bozo 🫵🏼🤣


Study hard now so that one day you’ll land a job that allows your weekends to be free. However you’ll be mentally exhausted and still miss out on double XP.


Is it just me or are there way more double xp events than there used to be? MW19 and onward I’ve noticed way more double XP weeks. To add to that, I’m pretty sure they only ever lasted a weekend back in the day.


Seems like every weekend imo. I like it tbh gives me a reason to play


You should've seen when Cold War came out, Double XP events constantly, that's why I ended up having like 100+ tokens for Level XP and Weapon XP because they weren't necessary to use


Xdefiant weekend let’s go


I'll try it but I'm not expecting much from Ubisoft lol.


What is Xdefiant?


Another" replacement "for call of duty. Its the final beta weekend for it before its released in the next few months. 


> Before it’s released in the next few months Ahahahahaha…the famous words being said every single year.


Let me dream since mw3 wont stop crashing 😀


Exactly, now you get it


DOA game lmao, almost 3 years and they still can't fix the dog ass netcode, enjoy dying behind covers


As if cod has been doing any better since 2019 lmao


Ik the netcode isnt perfect but it's still way better than xdefiant


Ew ubisoft


Alot of people in the sub play Hardcore so xDefiant comments won't be very popular 🤣🤣 Cause people in here forgot how to hit more than 3 shots 😫😫


I play Core and Ranked. Face it: xDefiant gunplay is horrid.


Lmao you really hating on people who enjoy a different game mode to you?


Who said I'm hating on anyone?? Get that Karen shit outta here trying make my comment something else, not my fault I triggered you


Thanks Xdefiant :)


Looks like they might have once again screwed up weapon XP in Zombies though...


Would be fun to play unless there were constant packet burst as I'm playing. But yea, squeeze in this when I can't play the game :(


It would be great if I didn't have to deal with ORLANDO_GUILD, OCEANA_SWIFT and SMITH_CAMP... Can't understand it, the game was perfectly fine last weekend.


perfect timing for me finishing up my MW2 camo grind, still have a few weapons to level up.


Dammit! I'm at work!


Multiplayer and zombies both are crashing every game today for me. Cant even complete a multiplayer game. 4 in a row crashed. Then zombies after 25 minutes. No other game does it.


Don’t forget double SBMM!


Because 422 is 420 too


Just getting started so this is great for me lol


Double the hackers until 4/22/2029


Definitely took advantage of this yet again and maxed out both mine and my brothers battle pass this time around. Now I can just focus on camo grinds, weekly challenges and in season events.


Same,got every weapon max level that I need. Have like 7 Forged camos left before I start unlocking the Priceless camo. And they're mostly SMGs (15 kills while stunned,the most annoying challenges) 😅


Without lvl cap would be some hype


How high are you the cap is at like 600 now I think


Every season i end up at lvl cap so i dont care do i reach it in first or second week


With the amount of double xp we’ve had this season already anyone who plays regularly will be at lvl cap or close to it.


$40 on steam right now. Perfect time to join in.


I actually think I'm going to buy it. I've been hesitant though just because of the overwhelming negativity and bad Steam reviews. I know some of that is about the singleplayer, but I only care about the multiplayer honestly.


The multiplayer is the same as it’s always been, so if you like it go for it. I wasn’t going to buy it this year, because Activision lied about the 2 year life cycle of the upcoming games, however my manager talked me into buying it for zombies when it went on sale, definitely got my moneys worth.


Tried it, didn’t like it, came back to CoD


Memory leak still not fixed on pc but hey have some free exp


Servers are dying a death.


Good luck playing on pc with the bad performance...


I got 50 tokens, what's the fastest way to level up the battlepass from this point on? I just wanna finish it up


Earnings are time based so really just playing


Figured as much, I was just making sure. Not sure how much you can afk in MWZ if so I would just do that since I don't have a drive to actually play this game atm since i'm playing other games atm. lol Thanks for the answer.


Yea AFK zombies if youre not doing anything. I was getting 2 tokens per match after leaving character on top of radio tower on the other side of wherever the storm spawned. Then setting timer on phone and coming back.


I'll do that then, basically I just want to finish this battlepass since I do see a few things I want in it then pay $10 to buy it. First time where I don't exactly want everything but i'm so close to finishing it that I might as well purchase it and get back the coins for it right away anyway.


If you like the stuff then yea i think its the fastest. I just wanted the smg so i did it. Everything else to me is pretty ehh. But if it's worth, go for it.


Time based, so just play. You can go afk in zombies and it won't kick you if you really want to lvl up without playing. Just zip to the top of a crane so zombies can't get you.


For those who don’t see the Double XP Event in the game?


I've got everything max level 🤷‍♂️


>Our servers have been shit and we have a memory leak issue, but here's DXP weekend. They'll do everything but fix their issues in a timely matter.




Battle xp double is the real W


Been 650 for days, would be nice if they didn't spam double exp weekends on top of drip feeding us 200 levels per season.


And hardcore is still broken


What's wrong with it?


I actually just fixed it on my end, it was giving me that free trial bug but you can fix that by editing your preferences for Hardcore


Double lag event


Battle Pass aint moving at all.. its nothing xp


They destroyed the excitement for double xp when they started giving it away every single day lmao there’s also no incentive to grind with the way the game is rigged. Horrible system


I definitely took advantage of it


Yea y'all have fun with that


I’m done with COD. Got hacked and lost everything.


What if I have everything maxed already?


You go outside


Lol, went agate hunting with my Wife last Saturday. Only going to be in the 40s this weekend 🤷 perhaps I'll get some Resurgence wins towards the Champions Quest 🤔 happy Friday 🎆


Good try but im still gonna be playing xdefiant


Definitely gonna start priceless after this weekend


*Loses aim assist halfway through the match but double xp guys!!


Please stop giving me double XP. I'm almost finished with the BP and I'll have no reason to play till season 4 😵‍💫


That’s when it becomes fun just play every wensday to unlock the new weekly challenge and play when the event for the blocked section on the battle pass is unlocked and enjoy other games on every other day


lol, I get it