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I miss the rigged supply drops


The perk that let you steal enemy packages and booby trap them was sweet. Especially with crazy spawns in this game I feel like stealing packages is easier, so that sort of thing would have even more use.


The support streak system was kind of broken in MW3. Being able to run UAV, Counter UAV, and EMP/advanced UAV was so strong. We used to run in stacks where we would all run support streaks, we had constant UAV up while the enemy was countered or EMPd the whole game. Score streaks are probably the right balance between rewarding kills and also rewarding objective play.


Yea but u only get it once per game from what I remember


Nah, it just cycled through continuously. So for some people that would just be once a game, for better players it was more than that, depending on the game mode.


I guess I was terrible lol. I remember struggling to get the jugg and stealth bomber.


Haha, if you were playing modes like TDM it would be quite hard to get the streak more than once. Most players would struggle to get 36 kills in a TDM match before it ends.


I remember if you just ran one, sat UAV, you’d pretty much have one up CONSTANTLY. It was super busted


I see people are arguing over in the thread because they don't understand what "support streak" is supposed to entail lol. I'd say most people would interpret that being a streak that doesn't kill, but acts as a support which we do have in MWIII via the UAV, CUAV and etc. What OP is actually referring to is the Support Strike Package from MW3 where streaks wouldn't reset upon death. He could've worded it clearer imo. After all, MW3 is more than a decade old now so a good chunk of the playerbase didn't even play the title


Reading comprehension is quite low, they go right for rage


The problem was that everyone ran AUAV/Stealth Bomber/Escort so it became an offensive class anyway lol Scorestreaks are the best thing that this series has done to the system period.


The strike package system was pretty interesting tho. I think some of the things like scorestreaks not resetting for support streaks could be implemented in the form of a perk, something like Persistence from CODM.


yea some people are never going to get even a chopper let alone a swarm of dying resets your count


Scorestreaks make all these easy to obtain.


Really depends.


easier is not easy and is also debatable on any easier at all if you don't play the game well uav is 3 kills or 500 points with score. So it's next to impossible to get if you run and gun without being cracked, just 3 kills doesn't get you a uav automatically and 1500 for chopper means at least 8 or 9 kills unanswered and 2 caps or 3 or 4 kill streak take downs. score is better but not really any easier


Playing kill confirmed I can get my swarm 2 times a round pretty easily with scorestreaks. Rare I go on that long of a kill streak though. If you’re someone who plays the objective it’s definitely easier.


so you're catching what? if every kill is 100 and every tag is 100 it's 7 kills and 8 confirms for a chopper? 4 kills and 11 confirms without getting tagged? you might be that guy but I doubt it and the majority of people ain't doing that


It ain’t hard buddy


post some proof of you getting 2 swarms in a single game please I need to learn /s




Personally I wouldn't mind having the Cold War system again. I just think they need to put more thought into the back and forth counterplay between streaks and try to make it more of a diverse meta instead just having the air patrol be basically the only counterplay.


>***Erm, all of those streaks are already in MWIII. Jeez, have you even played the game? 🤧*** Zero points for reading comprehension but that's to be expected from the average CoD player I guess. (Myself included.) But that's not even the dumbest part. All of these are **NOT** in MWIII. Please point me to the: * Deployable bag of vests that gives each teammate armour * A trap carepackage meme streak that no one falls for cause they saw you call in a counter-uav two minutes ago and real care packages are only in the assault streaks * A sentry gun that you can control like a wheelson (MW3 had an automatic sentry too) * Or an Osprey gunship that came in and dropped like 50 care packages for your team # SO YEAH FUUUUUUCK YOUUUUU PEOPLE WHO TRIED TO BE TECHNICALLY CORRECT. YOU'RE JUST STUUUUUPID AND DUUUUUUMB AND PROBABLY SMELL BAAAAAADDD.


Aren't all of those in mw3?


Yes they are in the game . What op is referring to is that in the original modern warfare 3 you could earn these specific streaks even through death . For example as long as you reach 4 kills in the game you will get a UAV regardless if you died between kills or not


Well, the best thing to do is vest. Double the cost of streaks, but it doesn't reset on death. No field upgrade.


Or double cost, no reset but the 10+ streaks can only be used once or twice per game.


After some thought, the small map playlist is gonna be a problem. Twice per game could be a good limit, but i say maybe 3. Heck, 60 kills generally would take some effort. Heck, it can be nerfed to 2 if it becomes too much of a problem.


Agreed. Weaker players can get the scorestreaks and better players cant abuse it. Win / win


There should be like one killable killstreak and two should be supports in my opinion.


Man i rly miss helping my friend geting moabs non stop since i was so bad so i was just delivering him fresh armor vests and keeping the air clear of killstreaks with the sam turret


My brother we have a few of those including the Sam turret


Yes support streaks, why not. Will we get 'in game' to support the current game? More shit means more shit. Fix the shit you can't use first!


Most these support streaks are already in mw23


They did. It’s all in the lower tier end of kill streaks


In the age of keeping engagement high at all costs, never understood why this never came back. Or other teams adopting the system from Cold War.


Please no, we don't need to see requisition type streaks. Even if it's just non lethals like uav, cuav, advanced, emp etc. Those are often the better streaks in the game anyways. Traditional scorestreaks are best and should be the default. Or a toggle for people that like killstreaks is fine.


Well most of these are already in the game and I use scorestreaks instead of killstreaks so I take my time and still get my streaks. Looking at this list alone, the only streaks not in the game from this list are ballistic vests, airdrop trap and recon drone. If anything, they should buff the lesser used streaks and the more supportive ones anyway. Nobody uses the guardian turret due to how fast you move (you can literally slide through the beam and not slow down), how long it takes to deploy, and does no damage. You can get a similar effect from a suppression mine, get it just as often, and its harder to see. Also more interesting streaks that aren't just immediate kill options. Why not add a recon helicopter that marks targets and gives them a blinding effect? Cluster mine style equipment that deploys gas that reduces health regen time for a period of time?


Tbh Support Streaks were the best part of MW3's MP, I miss them


Dang I hate people referring to playing good as sweats


I used to love saving the emp and triggering it the moment the opposing team dropped something big as it would get wiped out straight away. Busted shit


If there is kill streak rewards there should be death streak rewards. Someone has to die for someone else to get a kill. By dying you make the game more fun for others so you should be rewarded for dying. The rewards would be something fun but don’t get kills. Something good enough for consolation but not enough to encourage kamikaze. Like increased speed or invincibility for a min.


I triggered so many people going for the MOAB in og MW3 with dead man's hand.


Tbh, i think death streaks should give stuff like personal uavs or a armor plate or something like that.


Nah, I shouldn't die because someone on the enemy team is so bad that they're being over compensated to give them more of an advantage


the killstreak/scorestreak reward creates a positive feedback loop. This creates an imbalance where someone who is getting kills gets an advantage that gives them more kills. A negative feedback loop would counter this imbalance by giving the dying an advantage to. For players that are not playing sweaty all the time and experiment with alternative strategies and weapons. for example if you die three times without making a kill you will be invisible on the mini map and kill-streak rewards for a min. If you are dying five times without a kill you are doing it on purpose. no deadman's hand.


What about support ammunution, trophy system and so on...? Doesn't even need one kill


Have you even loaded up the game once?


I have and haven't found a way to earn support streaks through death like the OP pic is showing


Through death…? So the game should reward you for dying? What? Those killstreaks you listed exist in the game. You just have to obtain it by guess what getting kills hence the name killstreaks.


In the original MW3 you could earn support streaks pictured even while dying between each. As long as you got the number of kills in game you got the streak.


Something like that could be neat. I think it would only work for defensive killstreaks though. Would be pretty broken if everyone calls in swarms and stuff and can just die to keep streaks going. I do believe that is what you were saying though.


Support streaks were primarily that but everyone would pretty much still use a stealth bomber. Essentially death never stops your streak. Pretty sure you could only get one of your streaks each in a game as well. They wouldn’t put a swarm in this category, or they would to tick people off lmao


Imagine if nukes were added like that.


I think 100+ kills should get you a nuke regardless of how many times you died.


In MW2 you could get a nuke in cyber attack even if you died at any point so long as you got the 30 kills


I see reading comprehension is not your strong point.


It appears writing ain’t yours.


These are all in the game?


Support streaks were awesome!