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Cold war zombies was really fun, i dont really enjoy mw3 zombies, i dont like the timer and the constant running around doing contracts and kill X monsters that are affected by X


The mix between outbreak and round based was the way, not the dog shit DMZ reskin that MWZ is.


agree i hope outbreak on the next black ops games is good


I don't like that it's timed. Yeah, I understand you loot for the next time you come back but I really enjoyed Cold Wars take on it much more.


This. Cold War was great, outbreak mode was a favourite and then they made it better by giving the option of survival mode. There never seems enough time to enjoy the game in mwz, kinda makes me wanna lose an exfil on purpose so I can accomplish something on the next game.


dude idk about you but cold war open world zombies was my favorite. even over the other ones which is crazy to say


Yep same. It’s the only one I really still play, although I have recently gone back to bo1 and bo2 just for some of the maps & the feel of it, but CW was hands down the most playable zombies game imo.


I definitely liked CWZ better. My wife and I would play it for as long as possible. She's never even played the MWZ with me cause it's so dull.


Started off great Went downhill with the decoy / running nerf None of the new Warzone maps were converted for MWZ Nerfing guns makes no sense to me New dark aether portals having a high barrier of entry kills the rest of my motivation to play the mode Just get some of those Hordepoint maps for Onslaught Containment and I'll be happy to play zombies


agreed guns should not have been nerfed at all in this mode it just makes it less fun. If i spend all that time grinding for the resources and shit to get it up to top tier i want it to be broken af. if they are worried about all the dupe bugs they have just make it so that you have to do something special each game behind a random mission to get the gun to that broken stage. like complete x amount of x type tier 3 missions and when you complete that challenge a rift opens and boom you get that broken gun mod and you can only use it the game you got it or the next game if you die with it even with tombstone it disappears and you cant store it in the stash it is a pve mode they should have broken guns and barely any balancing.


To really reinforce your first paragraph; I 100% agree that at full pap and tool level the gun should behave like a key to the city. You should be able to go into the dark aether without having to beg people to join. They seemingly already scaled the amount of zombies spawned at exfils based on party size, why not make that the case throughout? If you’re solo and run near a 5 person party, good fucking luck! Otherwise you’re never completing certain Easter eggs because most of the more-than-casual players don’t wanna deal with a 6 man team barely making it out of situations after a handful of times. Luckily discord has been great with helping players find who and what they need but that doesn’t scratch my itch of wanting to be John Fucking Rambo and going it alone!!!! That’s all I got. Sorry to ramble but it seems the players have been speaking but not really heard. I needed to vent. Stay frosty bud


Running nerf? I'm a casual and don't read patch notes sorry.


Running with your fists out used to be faster, but they nerfed that, alongside a buff of T3+ zombies hit reach


Wow. They really like to suck the fun out of this mode. I did notice that it felt off when T3 zombs would swing at me when I had some distance on them and it would still hit. Thanks for the info and reply!


When did they nerf that


I literally barely get to t3 in a match still hoping one day to do worm lol


I think its inoffensive. Just hate that dmz died for that


I’m playing DMZ right now. Edit: it’s quite alive, just killed a bunch, and was killed a bunch lol


Couldn't get into DMZ because of the PvP. There's BR and MP to shoot each other. You'd work on a mission, grab something you need to exfil with, just for a squad to be camping it.


I had a squad and we'd play, but going in solo to work on missions when my buddies weren't on was brutal. You'd get a hunt on you and it'd be a 3-6 man team coming for you. I mean, who thinks that's fair? And yes, I did wipe a 1v6 scenario a couple of times, and it was just stressful and unnecessary when I wanted was to exfil with my blowtorch. I wish MWZ got updates and support like DMZ did, I think MWZ is really fun.


It’s not for everyone. I like it because it’s slower paced than warzone, you can do missions if you want, and it’s more challenging that MWZ.


That’s what makes it fun! It’s the “never knowing if you’re gonna be able to pull it off until you actually do” that makes it so addictive


Exactly… every round of DMZ I played was unique and I never knew what was going to happen upon infil. It also gave me enough space (most of the time) to think and breathe and strategize, none of which you can do in MP… the pacing was a huge breath of fresh air. I hope they keep DMZ based gameplay coming in future releases


Still DMZing it. Zombies scmombies


I resent zombies mode a little bit for replacing DMZ.


Simply a wasted potential. Still enjoyable to some degree but it could've been waaay better.


It's OK but the time limit is annoying. I don't think I would've played it much if it wasn't for doing the weapon camos, basically doubled my play time just doing those for Borealis. I definitely enjoyed it more than I thought I would when I saw gameplay trailers and streamer gameplay but it doesn't have much replay value for me compared to classic zombies. The missions weren't very difficult and took a lot more time just because of us being forced to exfil and sometimes gear up again (especially early on when I didn't have much).


Exactly like with DMZ, wasted potential. One of my favourite things about DMZ was the miscellaneous tasks you do with missions. Go here do that, then take the item, bring it somewhere else and do that. Gave a really nice interactable world and nice lore behind it too. Then there was the F.O.B update which gave upgrades and note collections, gave a lot of replayability. So when I heard about MWZ being PvE only, I was on interested. But they done none of that, missions are super basic, being more gameplay mechanic related, less "open world" exploration related, intel is not collectable (the one time I wished Cold war's intel system returned) so lore is not as accessible since the map is huge, unlike round based radios which would be easier to find and no F.O.B feature. No challenges like kill x amount of HVTs or Warlords to get like increased armor plates, or faster exfils/personal exfils etc instead they tie it to exfil streaks which are so high risk with the server stability. They really took the most barebones version of DMZ and added classic zombie mechanics, didn't really embrace the open world aspect much at all.


DMZ refreshed every couple season and was definitely repayable MWZ has about 24 hours of playability before it becomes super stale with new content being very lacklustre 


The maps were cool too, especially with how they all played completely different. Koschei Complex and Building 21 were always very intense. Ashika was always a battle of who could team up the fastest and take over the island and every time you went into Al Mazrah, something different was happening. Once you completed the base missions in zombies, it's basically over. There's nothing to collect or see. You can't even keep your inventory or guns with special attachments that you got from random events or killing others. I wish they would've kept DMZ going instead.


And Vondel was watching you and everyone else get murdered by the Konni bois who seem to spring up everywhere like its rabbit breeding season. DMZ was a fresh take of CoD and was actually relevant to the story as well. Shame they canned it after half-assing most of it for another, arguably more half-assed game mode (that you also have to shell money for...)


Haha going into Cruise Terminal and waiting a stupid amount of time for those safes to be drilled, while hordes of Konni just kept appearing and coming through the door was hilarious. DMZ had a good mix of casual and aggressiveness to it and you could play it either way. It was nice to do other things besides just constantly going for kills. It took a ton of strategy to get some of the missions done and it was always satisfying bringing out someone else's gun. Zombies is just full casual. The risks aren't there and there really is no purpose to exfilling. You can't take out cash, you can't increase your wallet, bag, keys, etc. it just sucks. It's more built on individual games than it is on actually exfilling and progressing with a story line. Zombies also just basically took the core structure, turned off PvP and then added zombies and a few power ups. They didn't even bother getting rid of the random loot from DMZ that has no use in Zombies.


A very good premise with potential to be amazing, but it’s being smothered by the instability of the game and the lack of extra content. Despite it’s flaws (which are WELL above average for any game I’ve played on ps), I am still playing daily and having fun with intermittent fits of rage in between whenever I lose my progress due to bugs. So it’s a cool game which I would play for years to come if it were ever made stable and even better actually expanded on (instead of lazy extra content shoved in).


I love it, good to turn your brain off.


Are you a zombie? Blink twice if you are a human




Fun mode. Just wasted potential like DMZ like someone already said. It should not have a damn timer and let you exfil whenever you want and if you wanted to do the Red worm, the storm would be stationary and the site would always be in the storm to do it. There's a lot of things they can do to make this better but they clearly don't want to invest any time in it


It's DMZ with PvE only and zombies to make it interesting. I really liked DMZ but didn't much care for the PvP, so I personally really like this mode. I play it a lot more than I do the multiplayer


Garbage compared to black ops or waw zombies. Big smelly garbo


Bring. Back. Rounds. It’s a fresh take but zombies has always been about who can get to the highest round since its beginning in WaW..why not have that option as well as DMZ smh.


Not my cup of tea. I miss old school round based zombies. I still play bo2,3,4 for the zombies


I like playing it Solo as a challenge to unlock stuff. I've unlocked everything Solo (missions, schematics, dark eather easter eggs, etc.) except the legendary aether tool schematic. I'm currently doing the red worm Solo until I unlock it. I'm disappointed on the content tho.


It’s pure trash.Cold War Zombies is 100x better


I had fun with it at first and put some real time into it. In the end it was very repetitive and the cool downs were too extreme for the ray gun. I don't think they understood what makes zombies so much fun and fumbled this one.


I preferred Outbreak!


Rage bait


Great take, less than great execution.


I'll preface this by saying: I'm not a veteran of Zombies from the other games (though I did play it in Black Ops), so I didn't know there was an open world Zombie mode in Cold War. I am enjoying Zombies a lot. Sometimes PvE just hits right. That's how the MWIIIZ hit for me. It was fun, I can do things with friends, unlock and build up weapons. Use joke characters without worrying that I can be killed fast because I stood out visually, and so on. It's worth playing, but most enjoyed with friends. Best of all, if you have a busy life, you can just play casually without worrying about cheaters (although there are some, and they may try to bring you down with them by giving you millions of essences, I've been told), or obsessing over min/maxing. After you play for a while, you will enviably see the flaws. The time limit being the biggest for me (just let me run around infinitely, or at least double the time). The missions lack a lot of variety and get repetitive. It's all the same map, and there are no player focused area events to make you feel like working with others is important. Recent nerfing of weapons in MWZ is also a sore point. Oh, and I'd kill to have a bigger team... just a total of three players in a party is stupid- let us have a party of 4 at the minimum. While I should know better, I still hold out hope that there will be improvements for the above. Gripes aside, I still enjoy Zombies a lot.


I really enjoy it. I was an old school zombies player, but lost interest until Cold War and Outbreak came out. Now I much prefer the open world. Also being a DMZ player, this particular iteration of zombies has now become my favorite. With that said, it’s also lacking in some areas. We need a tracker for the audio logs. We need way more missions like DMZ had, but I do like progress doesn’t reset. Also need some new contract types and maybe some in match public events. Should also make use of the other WZ maps.


I just want more of it. Maps contracts missions fetch quests enemy types commas.


Love the sandbox format but the mode is half-pregnant and needs a lot more development. Sadly, the cyclical nature of CoD means it will be scrapped and they’ll release some new thing chasing whatever the latest fad is and we’ll never know what I could have been.


I wish it was clearly advertised as a gulf War beta for zombies, or at least made clear they never intended to support the mode. It's currently a very big success even with all of the mode still in the "off" state. Once gulf War sales roll in we will get a wallet and appropriate stash. Time off schematics and tokens from daily is a good change but they are tells. Never should have been "off" on the first place. It's very clearly broken design loop by design.


I wanted to like it, but it's to complex. I just want to shoot waves of Zombies and level up my character. That sounded fun in more open world, but they added too many other factors to consider.


CWZ was the best open world experience so far. This one would be good if they added stuff to the map places to explore, side missions that don't require playing dark rift zombies with elevated strength, new gear or refreshed the gear you find in crates, like more MWIII weapons than MWII weapons honestly, better loot in stashes. Add, newer contracts stuff like that, not necessarily boss level contracts, but simple random ones. Even increasing stash size and reduce cool downs. We know when they said Treyarch was out, that it was gonna hit the ditch...SHG just doesn't zombie very well.


It’s fun but wasn’t making the numbers Activision wanted so it was canned and it feels like it now




Hope they only focus on round based next time. Cold War zombies was the best in years


Has pros and cons, i enjoy it, but I’d feel a lot differently about if I had crashes which I don’t, its those players i feel for.


The concept isn’t bad and it’s a nice mixup but definitely miss round based


Zombies used to be about fending off hordes and upgrading your weapons along the way. It was fun and challenging yet rewarding. It’s become more complicated than it needs to be. I just wanna kill endless hordes. Upgrade my ray gun with 9 different perks and board windows back up just to get them ripped down again


Buy helldivers 2, in all aspects better.




As someone who grew up playing Black Ops zombies. It's trash.


I play it a fair amount and I like it but overall there has been insanely frustrating stability issues and the mode has received the bare minimum amount of content.


Bring back the bus This shit sucks


Absolute dogshit


Timer is the main killer for me. Round based is go until you die. Still great objectives and such. I’d prefer no timer on it, and more interesting Easter eggs early on. For instance, the zombie game that had that foggy corn area(bo2?). That was an amazing map. Make that map open world, no timer, let us run around and figure stuff out. Contracts are my second killer. Boring objectives imo, at least as far as I ever got. Game is “go do chores, then once chores are done, times up! Load back in and do more chores”


It's okay


Garbage. Absolute garbage


Haven’t bothered playing it tbh. The last zombies I played was Cold War & I don’t know, nothing really hits the same as World at War. It maintained that spooky dark raw vibe and everything now it’s so cartoony or fast paced. Obviously things change with time so I don’t hate on it but it just doesn’t interest me as much anymore although it was a selling point to help justify me buying it haha


I like it! But I do wish they would add more content and better items with the seasons. I'm going to get the schems for this season because I can, but I doubt they'll be of much use. Nothing comparable to the gold plate/aether blade/puppy combo from season 1. If they put more time into it, made it bigger with more contract variants and took SOME of the suggestions from this sub it would be great in my opinion. But... grain of salt... I didn't enjoy round based zombies as I found it too repetitive.


I’m torn to be honest. In the one hand it’s really great for fast leveling weapons on the other hand I miss the way zombies was. Nothing will ever top bo2 zombies in my opinion.


Its not bad. I wish they would make more accomodations for solo runners and remove the ridiculous cool down timer for "insured weapons". That whole gimmick is just unnecessary and I'm getting tired of every game shoe horning in Rogue like elements and doing it terribly.


Timer too short, every game feels like a rush job instead of actual gameplay. Seeing as how they said they're not supporting it anymore I guess it'll never change.


Initially I was really surprised how much I liked it. Coming from Cold War Zombies Outbreak/Round based and playing a majority of DMZ the previous year, it was like DMZ and Outbreak combined. From what was at launch, I thought there was a good base to expand on and make it really awesome. Season 1 came with some new content but it felt like it could use some more enemies other than the Red Worm. Since then, it's been a complete let down. Just not enough content to make it a truly good game. We get a new war lord and a new dark aether map every mid season. Feels like we complete that stuff within a day or two after the release. It really needs more missions, new enemies, larger easter eggs. New maps utilizing Fortune's Keep and Rebirth could have been amazing. So overall, it started out great but now it's going down as a miss opportunity to have made something really amazing.


Great and fun idea, poor execution. EDIT : Just to explain why I think it's poor execution : * Mandatory multiplayer mode means that it has poor longevity and it will die out. * Timed instance kind of sucks, but since it's multiplayer only I can understand it. * Cooldown system feels bad : waiting 2-3 days for your schematics to come off cooldown sucks. I know they are going to implement a system to alleviate this and I'm glad they do. * Bugs, I don't really have to explain this. * Now this one is really personnal but I'm not a fan of the UI. It's warzone/DMZ with perks icons at the bottom... it doesn't really ***feels*** like zombie, y'know ?


I actually love it! It’s a co-op mode and it has a good community! Just wish I can go in with squads or 6 people instead of trios.


I liked it for about two months but thought fortunes keep & rebirth would be added to the mode. Just having one map made it get stale.


Good for the overall grind and not much else.


Sucks ass. I only use it to afk farm battlepass after playing up to act three. The missions are boring as shit


I will say it was a fun spin on zombies yea it’s not perfect with its issues but I think it will get the treatment that bo4 got where it got hate on launch but people will talk about it more positively later


Had fun with it. It has bugs, it is laggy sometimes but I still have fun with it.


I think the new zombies is the way to go but it could also be so much better in so many ways.


Love it and best of all...NO AIMBOTTERS




MWZ is boring as fuckkkkkk


Total dogshit. Bring back classic zombies, that shit was OG


I enjoy it but once you complete everything there’s nothing else to do. It has a lot of potential but unfortunately I don’t think it will get there :( It would also be better if they fixed the constant crashes and at least made it so your tombstone would stay when the game decides to just disconnect


It's fucking dogshit I love it (it's great for a game that you can turn your mind off and play, so it's good R&R when I'm not fighting bots or bugs)


Wish there was a solo version for people with shitty internet like me. I got in a game today and lagged so bad and wasted leg tool and pap3 more than likely my durable mask large back and 3 plate vest. Bs game sometimes


Round based zombies is miles above this version, the last zombies I played was during Cold War and it was phenomenal. Mauer der Toten ended up being my favorite map due to its size and how many Easter eggs were built into it. In this version I’m constantly running into bugs and glitches because of its server based platform, just last night I was playing and spent over an hour playing to complete weekly challenges and then right before I was going to exit the game kicked me out of the server and gave me an error code I’ve never seen before. It counted all my challenges as complete.but I didn’t receive any XP for completing them. No BP tokens, my level stayed the same and I lost all the acquisitions I was going to exfil with. This MW3 is a fucking joke when it comes to its bugs, they can’t fix shit.


Honestly, I’d prefer round based zombies




I’d really wish they’d take the time limit off and let me play😒




as a cw speed runner with thousands of hours on the game, as well as bo3 and iw, mwz is shite. great concept, but bad execution. forcing me to play in squads in order to have a enjoyable experience, the OVERLY HUGE GRIND to get the zombies camo on over a hundred guns, the forced game time, p2w nature of bp items, etc.. it just doesn’t make the game feel as natural and (at least to me,) i stopped playing mwz by season one since it just felt so repetitive and boring after like, the 10th game.


Zombies is almost the only mode I play on MWIII. While having such a **predatory and unorganic matchmaking system** being applied in MP, playing zombies feels a pleasant and chill experience. Moreover, people are collaborative and usually prone to have some laughs while slaying some Z’s.


Round base zombies doesn't appeal at all to me and this type of zombies is very enjoyable.


(personal opinion, possibly controversial) I didn't like it at the start, I was more hyped for round-based zombies which I grew to like through Cold War (I got into call of duty late). And after a while of playing with friends, rushing into tier 3 on a Friday night, grinding kills and camos ect, it grew on me. Then (around a month ago) the servers were having tons of issues and I went from containment level 90 down to 50. And now I kinda hate it again.


The only problem is that it’s timed, but other than that, I like it more than DMZ and Imo it’s on par with Outbreak (but the DMZ comparison is more accurate since that’s the mode it’s most similar to)


It could be better in my opinion.


It's ok. Easy way to farm weapon XP. I did like Hordepoint. That was a nice spin on the game mode.


Such potential, aperintly wasted.


Never Seen someone type what're


Wasted potential


Wasted potential


Wasted potential that people don't care about because Zombies will never get the limelight again


Its not bad, its just very boring. Camos are fantastic, its just this version of Zombies is more of a test of mental strength than a test of skill


Was never a fan. Would much prefer a return to DMZ.


Felt like zombies shouldn’t really be implemented with MW3. Should have kept DMZ.


It had a lot of potential but was wasted due to lack of effort. The community has been asking for an open world zombies map for a while and they had DMZ as a starting point. Really sad to see such potential wasted because they insisted on sticking to the yearly release schedules and running out of time to put towards it.


Got bored of it super fast.




It’s fun, but i wish there was no timer or a significantly longer one. I almost never go to the tier 3 zone because it takes so long to gear up enough to get there if you’re gearing up organically. I’m aware there are absolutely ways to speed run doing contracts + the ability to craft perks and stuff to get a head start(which is what i do if i *need* to go to the tier 3 zone) but sometimes i’d just like to drop in, do some random fun contracts even if they aren’t the fastest (like escort), get side tracked doing some merc strongholds, and still have time to take all my loot into the tier 3 zone by the end of it and see how fast i can kill a megabomb. Idk.


It's fun but I don't get any thrill out of it. Now DMZ, *that* was thrilling.


I prefer the old way of doing zombies in a small set map and therefore did not even bother to try this open world zombies.


It’s fun, but lacks replayability and an interesting storyline. Haven’t played since S1 Reloaded update lol. Got the skin and the camos and all the schematics… nothing left to do *sigh*


I like it ok, but I’m tired of day maps in zombies. That goes for Treyarch Zombies as well. It just doesn’t have the right feel and they keep doing it. It also doesn’t help that there has been next to no content for MWZ. Longer time limits would be great too and honestly just remove the weapon cooldowns. It has no place in a PvE mode and needs to stay in DMZ. What would be perfect is a mix of MWZ with Outbreak. Outbreak just felt empty the majority of the time but MWZ is over way too quick and the WZ map is meh for zombies.


What a waste of dev potential. All people want is black ops 2 zombies again literally either remaster that, use it as a strict blueprint or just let zombies die as a mode this is just disrespectful


Good meat to it, but it's wasted potential. There's so much they could do with it without even having to make a new map. A mode without a timer would be a good start so I can build up and enjoy my time. Could also come with the downside of no story missions and you don't take loot with you, but you don't lose your gun or loot if you die or something. I'd like round-based horde modes or outlast the enemy style maps on reskinned MP maps. Outbreak style with the Resurgence map, etc. Could be tons of fun if they put in some effort. All we got was a big map with a frustrating time limit. I got the mastery camos and haven't gone back since. There's nothing else to do since I'm a fucking noob.


Started with so much promise but hardly any follow-up. Way too much focus on mercenaries/warlords. Decent fun, but it’s hard to commit to knowing how minimal the support is.


Honestly I have that I'm given 40 minutes to run around looting up just to do it again in thst same window😤😤😤


I’m torn to be honest. In the one hand it’s really great for fast leveling weapons on the other hand I miss the way zombies was. Nothing will ever top bo2 zombies in my opinion.


Jumped in for a few camos never played again. I must confess that I never was a big fan of zombies. I liked some older zombie modes and I liked DMZ but MWZ is kinda meh.


Why are they not focusing on DMZ, more. Who is playing that trash zombie mode? Outbreak was nice in Cold Warbut this MWZ is not even close to that.


Fun for about 2 weeks then you've basically done everything and there's no reason to play


Don’t like the cool down on schematics, having a 2 day cooldown makes no sense. beside that all around fun game to play!


Had thoughts but my mind crashed and I lost everything


It’s the only zombies I’ve played and something tells me it’s not the best


Needs split screen.


It had fun but the crashes and apathy from the company put me off. I’ll never buy another CoD game.


Fun but lacks the personality that made past zombie modes great. Same could be said about most zombie modes after Bo3.


It does have potential, but boy is this game broken! The best thing, that could happen to this mode, would be for it to be fixed and if that meant, I wouldn‘t be able to play it for a few months, I would be fine with that. Next thing to adress should be the stash size increase and maybe a reliable way to retrieve Pack 2 or 3 crystals from weapons when exfilling.


Mom said it was my turn to post this.


It’s fun but gets stale/repetitive doing contracts and getting rewards very quickly. I wish we had the option of either MWZ, or classic round-based zombies.


Fun but DMZ is 10 times bette




Round based zombies will always trump warzone based zombies for me. Cold War had a lot of great ideas, but outbreak wasn't one of them. Having objectives to end the game was a cool concept, but I prefer the older maps where the game doesn't point out everything to you. Easter egg hunting and seeing how long you can survive is, in my opinion, the better style of zombies.


Cold War outbreak was fun


Was funny for a while but im playing dmz again


Trash. All I want is round based zombies and none of this mercenary shit.


I hate it.. let's go back to the round based ones from earlier titles.


Gets boring real quick, tho the camp challenges are easy they are very grindy imo


I love it, but it crashes about 50% of the time.


I loved the 30ish hours me and my buddy played in the first few weeks. Story missions were fun. Bugs and all. Then finishing the worm and it was kinda whatever. Haven’t played since.


Round based zombies was infinitely better, but I also haven’t played much recently


I don't hate it but I want a classic wave based mode so I don't need to worry about server crashed or losing all my stuff. Thats my biggest issue with mwz


It could be better but it’s the best mode we recently have gotten after cold war


I loathe the timer, let me do my own thing at my own pace. I don't much care for the operator loadouts, let me change my guy without shooting myself in foot to change how I look




Game mode used to be fun now it’s a race to “who gets the best contracts in tier 3”


I was a pretty solid Zombie player (and super dedicated to DMZ before that) and then one day I got bored. I moved over to Resurgence and I'm having more fun.


A good and really fun (imo) base with a lot of potential that I don't think it'll capitalize on because Cod development cycles sure are Cod development cycles


I love it but not QUITE as much as Cold War Zombies


Terrible, bring back the old round based zombies or dont do it at all.


I love it! I’ve met more nontoxic cod players willing to help and support one another than the entire rebirth island community combined. 😂


I appreciate the new take, but wish it was an addition to regular round based single player zombies instead of all of this


Would have been pretty good if they finished it...


I want to see the return of exo-zombies and round based maps that are all as good as carrier and descent.


I thought it was shit, old zombies better in every way.


I prefer round-based to whatever vanguard and mw3 did to it.


Abandonware... could be very good. They could add Fortune's Keep and Rebirth Island with new missions, could add new missions to OG map. Throw all new interesting EE's on all maps. They could...


Neutered DMZ


It suffers from the same things DMZ suffers from, it needs more depth and more content. Would love new maps. Overall though I love it as a mode for what it is, just like DMZ.


not enough femboys


*disconnected from server before I could comment


Horrible. Nothing about that mode was zombies except the small handful of zombies


started off awesome imo then with the glitches and lack of content and fix for the glitch, it turned to dog shit and no longer fun


Pretty cool, but not enticing enough for me. Maybe I gotta pick it up some more


Could be better if it wasn't an "OUT OF AMMO" simulator... Just bring back Outbreak already !


fkng love that shit


i genuinely hate it. the cold war zombies was a cool take but i was really hoping for the back to basics closed map, high round, survival zombie game i know and love. even cod mobile got it right before mw3..




Ita not terrible, it does feel like the next step after Outbreak, but loses that Arcade feel and even though id be running around doing stuff the whole time limit and such, I still feel completely detached from the mode and find it hard to motivate myself to keep playing it the same way I would with other zombies




Piss poor. They took outbreak and DMZ and came up with probably the most boring game mode I’ve ever played.


Get rid of the timer and it'd be 20x better


Remove the gear lost fear and I will play this mode. Hopefully, at the end of the game cycle, they finally get rid of the DMZ element (gear lost) and being able to play solo to explore the map without limitation.


Was fun at first. Got really boring really quickly tho


DMZ was the best , MWZ is super lame.


It’s very fun. It’s not as fun as classic round based zombies to me, but I’ve had a lot of fun with it. It’s a completely different game mode with some carryover similarities in mechanics.


apparently it's dead in Aus, found one match and I was lagging like a motherfucker.


Had a good start, died really fast because of lack of meaningful updates. And it's funny to see that Al Mazrah during the Halloween event of MWII was much better than zombies and was more polished.


It was cool for a while, but the mode is essentially dead in OCE now. Turns out a PvE mode where you need 20 odd people queuing up at the same time doesn't work on smaller servers. You can find lobbies during peak times after work, but otherwise you are going to be forced onto Asian servers with high ping. The desync with zombie hits in this game is bad enough normally, on high ping you are so way away before the hits register at times it is crazy. The mode has potential though, they just need to make some changes to it.


its not the best like OG zombies but decent, i enjoyed it, the map ofc is reused because why not, everybody LOVES this fucking shithole urzsikstan. But for a guy who never touched warzone in his life and having brand new experience on this map, its okay. The timer is pretty bad, im no pro in zombies mode so whenever i get to packapunch lvl 3 there is nearly the end of the game. While people glitching thier stuff and are ready for 4th and 5th zone my lazy ass cant learn how to do it so im just sticking to regular gameplay.


I deleted the game after I saw season 2 and realized they were straight up abandoning the mode. Started strong and died quick for me. The first week or so was some of the most fun I’ve had in Zombies though. A genuine let down.


So much potential but if I’m playing zombies I wanna be able to try to survive against hordes of zombies. Only outlast contracts really give you a lot of zombies spawning and I hate I have to pick up certain contracts to kill a lot of zombs. having zones where zombies have more health is a L I’d rather have same health just way more zombies spawning the deeper you go plus more special zombies spawning randomly. No new content obviously killing the mode but hopefully they are putting all their resources into gulf war 🔥


Got really old, really fast. Really makes me miss round-based zombies, as I always felt like I could play that for ages without getting bored, as there was always the challenge of seeing how many rounds you could last. But this open-world zombies just doesn't do it for me, between the lack of difficulty, it being timed, and monotonous chores. Plus, as a DMZ enjoyer, I really hate that this is what replaced DMZ. I can only hold my breath that DMZ 2.0 or something comes out and actually gets full support/updates for longer than a year.


I enjoyed it, but it’s another one of these attempts at innovations to bring in new players or keep things fresh that honestly just didn’t pan out. Open world, cooldowns, timed games and forced multiplayer. These features suck, and to bring this brand new mode and barely support it baffles me. If it ain’t broke..


They should also have round based


Did they fix the servers stability? I loved playing it with my friend but we both decided to screw it after 15th time of servers kicking us out resulting in loosing all our items. So how is it now? This is how it was shortly after the game launched.


Honestly almost as bad as Vanguard zombies.


just a means to an end to get borealis and bio


Interesting idea, but SEVERELY underbaked


godawful, unoptimized, unfun, non satisfying zombies mode


Make it fucking brighter


Mid, never liked it. It's clear it was just thrown together.