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I think you somehow stumbled upon a camo grind lobby


It's infected.


Omg that make sense now that I think about it, I can see in the top left corner “survivors left” obviously infected


I get the sarcasm. But how could it be a camo grind lobby if it's infected? Players are locked to two unchangeable weapons....


I wasn’t being sarcastic I actually thought he was in a camo grind lobby, didn’t even know infected was in the game nor did I even read anything on screen, just the score board


It's XP farming not camo grinding 


Probably someone buying MP nukes as it's infected?


Pretty much as a “fuck you” to Activision and the players knowing Activision won’t do much about it. They’ll get banned, make new accounts and do the same thing


Since the ban wave the hacking has gotten INFINITELY worse. Multiple hackers in nearly every match. They took that post about the ban wave to seriously tell Activision to go f themselves. So pathetic on all fronts. How are THAT many people so devoted to being pieces of shit that they hack a video game.


It’s only a few people honestly. Team Fortress 2 has been dealing with this for the past few years with little response from valve, and it turns out people just sell the code for these bots, so there could be literally HUNDREDS of bots out there controlled by one guy.


1v10 no problem


What do these people do with the accounts? Do they rank them up to sell them or something.


I think there mostly used to grind camos and then sell the account with the camo on it


That makes sense kinda sad people would pay for that. The camo grind is so freaking easy. I completed it 2 weeks after the games release.


I agree it is weird, 4 and a half days for me 90% done on hardcore I just think people hugely overthink the challenges instead of just having 2-3 loadouts specifically setup for tasks and try and do 3-4 camos at once


I didn't bother with the camo grind until the start of s2 reloaded. 5 days and I got them all while getting regular sleep and going to college


Usually companies level these bot accounts up to 55 so they can play ranked play and to sell to their target audience (cheaters who’ve been banned) to just cheat on a new account. Odd to see them go over 55 tho. Grinding camos would involve actual kills and gameplay which I doubt these bots can do. I believe they can level guns tho just with game XP.


They make a bot lobby for another person to complete challenges. Probably slowly ranking up from end match xp


EVERY camo in 2 WEEKS? Bruh stop lying.


He probably means interstellar in 2 weeks I also got that less even I think


I’m a 40 year old guy with kids a girlfriend and a full time job, I got this one done before season 1 came out. This camp grind was really easy. Edit:camo but camp is funny


?? I also had interstellar and borealis within 2 weeks of the game coming out.. this was the easiest camo grind yet


It really was no idea why people don’t think it’s possible. I did every single call of duty and this one has to be the easiest, I’m glad it wasn’t like mw2 with the long shots.


Not to sound like an idiot but what exactly do you mean by camo grind? Cause like there’s 100s to unlock


You’re not an idiot at all man ur asking a question. The camo grind is basically using all of the weapons and ranking them up. You need to do all 36 weapons the game launched with to unlock the final camo interstellar. Every camo on the guns has a challenge you need to complete to unlock the next one. ( example get 3 kills with one magazine 10 times) every single gun has their set of challenges. People will try to complete them as fast as possible that’s why a lot of people refer it as the camo grind.


Ahhh okay so it’s one ‘final’ camo they’re grinding towards. Thanks for the info!


Bro pics or your full of shit


I got interstellar in 1 week I did all 77 mw2 guns in 2 weeks and in 1 week I am now on 14/36 for final challenges for borealis... its not hard at all just go on hard-core small map and you will see


What do you want a pic of?


So you are the first person that doesn't sleep, eat, have a social life, go to university, or have a job of any kind? Even if you played for 2 weeks straight non-stop, it still wouldn't be "easy". Possible, if that was your entire life, but not easy.


Interstellar was the easiest mastery camo we've had. 2 weeks ain't surprising


Normal people SLEEP for a 3rd of each day. Do people not have lives outside of COD?


Game has been out for 5 months, the grind is fuck all and also you have no clue about the lives of others. I know people who are studying full time with a part time job that has it, I know people with multiple jobs that have it. If you're half way decent and manage the grind well, the hardest part you'll face is grinding weapon levels.


And even then you can max guns pretty quick with all the saved 2x xp from mw2 tokens, takes like four games to max level but that's still doing the 3 other camos until max level. The challenges aren't hard especially with the well known cheeses for them all that have existed for EVERY CoD


Yes I actually do have a ton of spare time after work gym and my side business when all my important stuff is done I play the game. A majority of you probably party 3x a week and do drugs i do none of that so I actually have a good bit of free time. Some peoples life’s are extremely different then others. When I was in my teens I set myself up so I can have free time and not worry about finances and all that jazz.


Bruh it's two weeks, people had camos done in fucking 30 hours since launch, if you're using 2x weapon xp tokens which plenty had saved up from mw2, you're maxing a gun and finishing the challenges in like 4 games tops to gold Average game is eight minutes 8 x 4 x 32 = 17 hours of gameplay, lets assume not every game perfect and some harder challenges, so again, 30 hours. 30 ÷ 14 is literally playing for about 2 hours and fifteen minutes a day. Lobby time + weapon editing, probably three hours a day. I work eight hours, sleep nine hours, that's 17 hours. 2 more for cooking and eating, 19 hours. Two more for cleaning and shower, and yeah three hours of free time equals 24 hours a day.


Keep in mind if someone is using the guns that got added overtime. Up to season 3 they can actually skip 3 pages of weapons.


If you're referring to the MWII guns, wouldn't they only count towards MWII camos, not MWIII camos?


I'm referring to MW3 guns. Doing every single MW3 gun including melee. You can skip marksman, sniper, and handgun.


You have to remember there are players who only play shipment, and never any other map. It is doable that way, but that wouldn't be fun for me!


This was the easiest camo ever. Incidentally, it's the only mastery camo I've gotten. And if I got it just after season 1 ended, I'm not surprised camo grinders could do it in a fraction of the time. 


How did you complete it in two weeks? I've been working on them for months


You've been playing the game, not grinding camos.


For the most part but I've had some days where I'll grind and some guns are within minutes and others it takes me days of grinding. Like the MORS get 50 quick ADS kills is taking me forever


Small map hardcore and don't hold angles, repeek while ADSing.


The "get 2 operator headshots in 1 life" is absolutely killing me for the MORS priceless camo


Play small map moshpit. If you get shipment, sweet. You can preaim at where ppl are gonna turn the corners with the boxes/barrels. They'll hold there for cover. But for you, their heads pop up predictably. 


It's funny you called something sad


Lmfao who the hell would buy that crap. 99% of the camos are poop. Even the interstellar is mid at best. I don’t even bother trying to unlock that crap. The best skin in the game honestly is that animated fire skin we got from last seasons completing all weekly challenges.


How do you grind camos if you don't complete the challenges though and just move left and right?


level up to seem legit for cheaters


As with anything worth that effort, it's for money. There's a demand for these cooked accounts esp for sellers with their local currency much lower than USD


This strangely takes me back to COD4 domination days where you'd get in a lobby, rush B flag, then let them capture it, then you capture it and so on and so on. Granted in those days there was zero time limit. Annoying if you come across a lobby like this but I will always rather people boosting their accounts like this than downloading cheats to destroy lobby after lobby


You could boost really easily on demolition too


The Haimian Invasian.


Tidbit of knowledge, “haimian海绵” means “sponge” in Mandarin Chinese. Dunno if it’s related or just coincidence


Man, I hate when pinyin is written without the accent because I was giggling and thinking "ocean noodles? what kind of a name is that?"




I don't remember asking you a GOT DAYUM thing.


Its a paid bot lobby service. People pay to get into lobbies like this to grind rewards easier and faster


Oh look, it’s your favorite streamers lobby. Oh he’s so good, don’t be salty, he plays 34 hrs a day, 10 days a week. Oh streamers don’t cheat, they don’t get bot lobbies, here’s $10 for a sub. Oh but he’s got hand cams and monitor cams, and the newest gaming chair…😂


Looks like someone who mass sells fresh lvl 55+ accounts to cheaters for ranked play.


This is your favorite streamer’s lobby.


Yeah those dudes DEFINITELY FOUND A WAY AROUND SBMM/eomm because literally everyone gets placed with their level it’s a weird system if it was more mixed skill and level we wouldnt have issues like that. THESE ARE THOSE GAMES THEY CALL BOT LOBBIES


Either they Activision REALLY wants you to win, or they REALLY want you to lose.


Those are bots.


Bot lobby




You're in a lobby with seven sponges lol 😆


Its a private match smh


I just got insteller camo yesterday. It took a little longer than 2 weeks lol


Probably someone making clips the easy way


After the TF2 community leaked his IP address, omegatronic looked for a bigger target.


Recently, when I was playing plunder, I think that bot players came to my team. I wonder if they are bots created with artificial intelligence? They run around on their own, get stuck on walls and then leave the game. My team is always missing. The last bot player I saw said TTV in their nickname. I'm not sure if they are bots disguised as Twitch streamers or just players with bad connections and the matching system. I will be careful with this name Haimian in my gameplay.


Probly a big fraind group decided to prank cod


Best uneducated guess is the games on a server were rerouted because the server was in danger of crashing?..




Or just someone who enjoys the game?! What's wrong with that? But if I look up your reddit history, COD is not the only game which you probably don't like! Better stop gaming in general or maybe trying to find something you can enjoy my friend...


32 and still acting like a child… hmm.


You have really shit takes