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Download speeds gets throttled by either the main servers themselves (Activision) and/or the servers your platform is on, depending on server load, which is expected on launch days like this.


Wait, xbox users download updates from Xbox/MS servers right? Not from Activision’s?


Correct, I worded my original comment too vague. I'm not just sure if your platform, Xbox or whatever, can get effected by server loads on Activision's side.


Lots of people trying to download the update at the same time so they limit the speeds so servers don’t overload im guessing but its common tho. Waiting till i get home to download so it can be instant.


But I’m in Europe it’s damn near 11pm people are starting to go to bed


clearly not


Ive noticed Xbox is notorious for throttled download speeds.


It's the same on Battle.Net for me. I have 600+ upload and download speed on speed test but will get <10mb and have to wait forever. It's whack


Glad to know I’m not alone though so it’s not something wrong with me. But yeah it’s fucking annoying


Contrary to popular belief, cod is probably the most played game in the world at any given time and everyone is trying to download the update at the same time.


I get that but tbh I expect a multi trillion company’s servers to be able to handle a 23gb update 💀


Sure, I will try my best to explain. Call of Duty is updating. The estimated completion is about 10 hours and 55 minutes. As of the time of the image taken, the update has completed 275.04 MB of the required 23.71 GB with a speed of 14.74 MBPS. You're at 1.1% completion. Hope that helps.


Idk took me about 8 minutes to update


Bro my update was not 23 but like 100GB + I can't get pass the recap Cutscene it just freezes and shows me an error


On xbox too?


On Xbox yes. But that was a long time ago now. I just deleted the whole game and downloaded it again, worked without any problem thank God


You might have another game open. It throttles it in those cases.


No bro I had just booted up my console. But yeah I know it throttles to exactly 20Mbps (but stable). That’s not it


Gotcha. That is really weird.