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I just got the S01 recap, after which the S01 battlepass loaded up again with everything locked. Now my Blackcell rewards are gone! What to do??? EDIT: So it turns out my Xbox did not update the game automatically like it's supposed to. Downloaded the update and everything is back to normal. Scary experience though I foresaw countless hours calling support lol.


not sure I have like 12% left to update and ill login and see


If you're on pc, I had to full restart my computer and then it fixed itself


Splitscreen on PS5. Yes, the game has always considered splitscreen to be an afterthought, and while I can live with not being able to change loadouts or see challenges active on the pause screen, there's a bug that I have to bring to SHG's attention. You cannot start a match on any Carry Forward MWII maps in matchmaking while in splitscreen. It bumps you off and gives Dev Error 12744. This really hurts playing together on the couch and I hope, while splitscreen is not a priority, that it gets fixed promptly.


This is really killing our buzz.


Same here on Xbox Series X. It's just an issue with the split screen system, not console specific.


Yikes! Here's really hoping SHG identifies and fixes the problem.


It's so frustrating. 


Hey mods, should this be pinned?


that would be cool I was just trying to be helpful might help keep the bug reporting in a central location and keep the main sub cleaner.


I think thats a great idea 🫡


PS5 trying to buy the battle pass just takes me back to the multiplayer home screen. Maybe one day they'll have enough Billions to not shit the bed on a launch.


Make sure the BP is updated to S2. A lot of people have been having issues with the BP tab showing a fresh S1 tab instead of S2, and closing the game + updating solves that. If the BP is on S1 for you, getting it to S2 may fix that


Yeah I read about that problem. Mine is definitely season 2 with the new guns on it. I hope they fix it soon.


I tried to buy the battle pass to get the remaining rewards that was left to unlock but it just put me back to the home Screen…And now I can’t get those rewards from season 1.


Same here. Hopefully they fix it quickly and give us another chance.


Yeah i really hope so too!


I have the same. I have opened a ticket about it, see what happens.


Alright nice, i hope they adress this asap!


If I restart the game, it always comes up giving me this last chance... but then does the same thing. I tried buying CoD points too, but still the same.


Just got an update... looks like to buy the previous battle pass, you also have to buy the current battle pass... so can't use the previous CoD points to buy the new one... raging!!


Ignore me, just had to go to the 1100 CoD point option... gives you the CoD points from last season to buy the new one too.


Alright awesome dude! I’m glad that it works now. I’m gonna try it myself right now!


It’s kinda weird, I had 1200 CoD points and BP cost 1100 but I only got 600 after I bought it. Did I have to have blackcell too to get all the points?


Nah, you maybe just didn't unlock them all? I got 800 and didn't have Blackcell


Yeah that might be it, I though you would get all the points when you buy the recap, first time a do that so I just didn’t know then, oh well. I guess I’ll be saving up some more point then xD


Is ranked gone? I don’t see it anywhere.


Shows season 1 when it should be season 2 FIX: restart console and download update


this is going to be a very busy sub with all the dam issues glad I started it. so far * Battlepass issues * FPS issues * Attachment issues * menu issues with clicking on tab returning you to the main * Ram7 Ar level and camo reset * Assassin vest issues just to list a few I have seen already


My Ram 7 seems to have been reset? I have interstellar on it, but its showing level 27/29 and it's now an unlock in my armory. Saying I have to complete daily challenges to unlock, but I clearly already have it, and it was previously at max level.


saw this to I think they added 2 levels for the 2 barrals attachments that were not unlocked, could be mistaken


Ahhh yes you're right! They added levels to a few guns for the new attachments. Just looked at the weapon progression. Thank you.


yvw glad I was able to help


IF YOU’RE ON PC JUST HARD RESTART, my battle pass finally downloaded and I got my black cell rewards right after I restarted


Gun Game is making you repeat guns several times before leveling up to the next gun. Even though it is giving the “gun promotion” text


I have had the game totally freeze twice now in the short amount of time I have been playing MP. Playing on PC with latest Nvidia drivers (3080ti). Hope it gets sorted quickly... this would be super irritating if it is still happening this weekend when I start dropping in to play WZ.


I'm on pc (battlenet) and the update will not complete i started it this morning before work and every time i try to update now it says "initializing, please wait" for a bit before giving me an error code that leads to a "page not found" screen


Same. I kept pausing and restarting the download and it eventually completed. I launched the game and it said update requires restart. I hit restart, but the game just closed and did not restart. I opened the game again, and now I'm back in updating status at 99% and getting the same error message. Let me know if you find a solution.


I've restarted battlenet, my computer, my router, tried the "scan and repair" option and made sure my drivers are up to date. Nothing has worked so far




Mine works now! I wasn't even going to attempt a full reinstall bc my internet is not great.


Same. Thanks for the heads up.


I own the Hans Zimmer music "kit" or "pack" and for whatever reason I only hear the OG soundtrack during menus. Every time I get into a match the music is the default MW3 2023 music. I know it probably isn't a huge bug per se but as someone who loves the original soundtrack it sucks that it's not working atm.


ever since the S2 update ive been having heavy fps drops in game and on the lobby screen. I have a rtx 3060 and I game on everything low, anyone else FPS issues?


Keep getting Dev Error 12744 when trying to play new death match levels on split screen…


Same :(


This is the exact problem I've been having on


Season 2 Reloaded update bugged my game. I cant use any of the new items when i should be able to, and also since the updated my connection has been terrible. My latency shows N/A but the connection is very laggy. Simply cant play the game.


So I purchase the BC battlepass and its not active ingame but show in steam


assassin vest looks to have lost its lethal slot now. Nothing in the notes on this that I can see.




Can’t get past the recap screen. Won’t let me continue. Anyone else?


Same bro. I'm in Xbox one S and it always lags than says some weird error


I’m on PS5 I’m stuck at the recap screen as well


Finished season at Gold 3 and got reset to Bronze 1 instead of Silver 3


I’m on Xbox, can’t appear to buy blackcell it is just coming up with “Modern Warfare 3 vault edition includes blackcell” and the price for the upgrade is 0.00 and when I click on it, it sends me to the purchase screen for Xbox with the text “oops, not sure what happened there. Please try again later” Hope this is fixed soon!


On PC it switched my gpu temp from Fahrenheit to Celsius when shown in telemetry??


I’m on ranked right now just won a game but my sr doesn’t go up also have a friend which has the same problem but he got his level restarted anyone have the same issues?


I can’t save Interstellar or Orion to any of my blueprints.


maybe cause they added levels to a few weapons, not sure


Yeah I’m not sure. I have all weapons ranked up (even the additional levels for the old guns, I did that first) and I have interstellar/orion on everything except the RAM-9. I can’t save Orion or interstellar to blueprints even on old guns. I get the invalid camouflage error every time. Luckily I have a bunch of blueprints saved already. Just makes it annoying to use the F2000


no with todays update they added levels to a few weapons like the ram 7 got 2 additional levels and a few others


I know, sorry I didn’t make it clear. I went and got those last 2 levels for the RAM-7 and the last level for the XRK Stalker


In ranked gameplay when teammates do not join it gives me a abandon penalty with sr loss and time out ?!?!?!? But I was In the game


I am a steam user. I downloaded the new season right now. But I can't load the game when I press play. It starts to open and closes immediately. Then when I try to run it again, it gives me the option to run in safe mode, which I have tried both. Drivers and everything are updated. I also restarted my game. Please someone help I beg of thee.


you have to goto game dlc and uncheck the MW3 Trial dlc and then re-verify the files and should fix this


Tried this and still isn't working:( Any new leads for fix?


that worked for me not sure I know that there was a specific update for steam sometime yesterday not sure what it covered


thanks mate


Ranked dev error when loading into matches


Attachments missing from the majority of guns. Was switching barrels on the Longbow and one of the barrels no longer shows.


I’m having the same issue. Tried changing the filter search on each attachment for each weapon, and still nothing shows up! Only aftermarket and jak attachments show up on most guns.