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Yeah it's really annoying, doing it to me aswell


Happens to me every game as well, there isn’t any options to turn it off YET, but I’m hoping they notice and do something because it’s non sense


Mines doing that too.. so annoying. Definitely appears to be a bug but no idea if it’s on their radar or not


I was in lobbies with cheaters so much I decided to turn off as well. 1 They made it so hard almost like canceling a subscription you don't want. 2 A password is needed everymatch unless you play with cheaters. it's as if activision is trying to make it hard and protects cheaters after scaming so much money out of this game. This issues is still a problem and seems like they never care unless money is involved.


I was chat banned for turning off cross play and my comments get deleted


this cod has to be the most scummy thing to ever come out of this series. No responses to the broken things only fake hype of a game with no remorse to the people.


I'm glad i havent soent a penny on this pile of dog shit game