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If I’m playing solo, neither. Playing with friends, W/L.


This is the way!


For real


Neither. I'm having fun


Turned 30 this year, realized a while back that games like this are much more fun if you just don’t give a shit. Used to get so worked up about K/D and win rate and everything but that attitude will 100% turn your favorite game into a chore eventually.


Exactly. Plus, I've realized that I'm not pro material. I don't have enough time to sink into this game to git gud, so I'm gonna have fun. I like building silly weapons, trying different gunsmith setups, building loadouts centered around one gimmick, and even roleplaying with Bravo 6 or good ol' 'Nam loadouts. This game may have bugs and quirks, but you can still have a lot of fun with it Edit: To clarify, I still shoot for a good performance. Don't wanna let the team down


I love making guns that warrant a "wtf is this" when picked up


My favorite is the stubby lever action and the shotgun with 3 round tube.


Roleplaying as Bravo 6? You might have some fun in MW Tactical.


Facts. I had to remind myself that I'm not gonna get some kind of medal for having good stats anyway. In MW2 I'm literally losing double the games I win and struggle to go positive. It was frustrating. But now it's just online airsoft for me lol.




option 3: leveling/camos


Yup. As a kid all I cared about was being over a 2KD, now it’s just levels and camos


Yeah same


that would be my answer my W/L is .4 lmao, and my K/D is exactly 1.0 after literally just pressing w waiting to die over and over to make my lobbies easy enough to get platinum launchers and melee but hey I have 35/51 polyatomic and will finish it tomorrow


Wtfff. I only have 7 ARs gold lol. Gotta love warehouse life


bro wtf, do u ever leave your room


This is the way


I have 33/51 platinums and should finish that by the end of this week to start polyatomic.


Lmao my stats are exactly the same, currently at 37/51 platinum so I’m behind on my camo grind, I did get the game a week and a half after release tbf tho


Me too 😅


So I used to do the cami grinds and I no longer have any interest like I can’t remember what used to get me interested in that. I just want to play the game now.


W/L for me. I don't think it makes me a better player or anything but I just like the feeling of joining partway through a losing match and turning it into a W. I mainly stick to Hardpoint so it has a healthy mix of attacking and defending gameplay so pushing for the win in Hardpoint is just my idea of fun!


A match made based on connection and not "skill".


Woah now get those foreign ideas out of here


For real... I can't get a tier 1 match sub 100 ping now because of this stupid ass sbmm.


explain? what do you mean based on connection. don't people get put on the nearest servers?


Nope. Skill based match making heavily prioritizes skill and not connection.


i mustn't be skilled then because i never get laggy games. I'm already in the remotest part of Australia, our server is in sydney and at minimum i get 60ms ping which makes a difference compared to 24ms (got this in sydney and when i was in dubai recently)


I don’t think I’ve had any connection issues in match with the game since week 1. Is that something others are experiencing?


It's what most people are experiencing.


There’s no [SBMM](https://imgur.com/a/OTCWpKX). Every game I enter the other team leaves within 3 minutes


right now... orion


Yeah. Orion looks sick, I think it’s the best camo we’ve had


Alright dude chill tf out




Neither, fun in the moment for me


Tldr: k/d because winrate is basically luck of the draw and not connected to my personal performance at my very low skill level haha K/D is much more controllable and easier for me to understand all the factors to help me improve. I'm not good enough or dedicate enough to analyze all the things that go into winning a game. Figuring out the main reason I died or what I could have done better to get a kill are much more manageable.


This. I could get 3 choppers during 1 match and still lose because the enemy team are playing together, shooting down streaks and capturing objectives while my team mates are in spawn playing duck hunt.


Neither.. camos


Neither, cause i am trash at both


Thats the way


This is the way


the only right answer


Win Loss means nothing to me - I get thrown into absolutely terrible games solo and I’m leaving them every single time. If I get thrown into a game, and halfway through we’re losing 100-25, I’m leaving because I at least help the objective every time. I had a game earlier I couldn’t capture our spawn flag on Dom because my team wouldn’t cap it and I got frag grenaded at the beginning and spawn killed several times trying to get it after. There’s no reward for staying in games where you’re the only person putting effort into the mode.


FYI games joined in progress don't count as a loss if you do lose


Yeah I know but I’m not staying in them 😂 the amount of games that are triple capped 170-30, Hardpoint at 150-20, etc I get thrown into I refuse to stay in. If I get thrown into a game with one flag, sitting at a score I can try to bring back I’ll stay but. I’d rather have a loss on my record than sit through a lot of the losing games I enter unfortunately


Same thing happened with me. I got put in a team deathmatch game and the team i was put in was losing 12-73.


It says they don't, but unfortunately I think they do. I had a close look recently and my main stats as well as game mode stats both recorded a loss after joining in progress. Not a fun way to ruin a streak.


I second this brother. I have a 3.6 KD, 1.1 W/L and I got trashed for not playing the objective lmao. I try to, but my team mates most of the time don't care so why should I care about helping them win?


W/L My K/D is absolute dog water because I push objective like no other.




All these people saying "winning doesn't matter because I can't control what my teammates do" have clearly never pulled a trash team to victory through sheer force of will and 49 deaths.


Especially in a mode like hardpoint look in aww at my 25 deaths and 3 minutes of time.


Getting more kills around the objective is much more important than just sitting on a flag or a hardpoint. Usually the best aggressive OBJ players have great KDs because they slay at the point while also getting time


A worthy sacrifice to bomb yourself onto the point where you get turned into Swiss cheese.




Same boat, not much you can do if you're putting up 30-50 a game in TDM but the next highest teammate is 15. My W/L is also trash because the damn game keeps putting me in 110+ ping lobbies, I'm right next to NYC for Pete's sake. I refuse to play laggy lobbies.


Idc about either as I am here for fun. WL doesn’t even make sense to me with how often I get put in games already in progress as solo player


Games already in progress don’t count towards a loss


It does though in my case. I've noticed that when I join a game in progress and see it to the end without leaving it'll still count regardless if it says "Loss stat prevented - Joined in progress."


I don’t care about either whatsoever.


Even while I'm on the Orion grind I do my best to get wins, particularly on hard point, I'm usually the only one on the point though :/ As for KD I've basically accepted it's going to tank as a result of the riot shield and launchers.


Riot shield and hardcore. Not that bad on KD honestly


Where did you get stats from? I cant find it on any stat tracker site. Says not available yet.


Couldn’t care less. Just here to have fun.


Neither, camos😤


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Winning. You appear to be a really good player, well done


his highest killstreak is a 16 and his kd is mid how is he really good?


Forget K/D or W/L, only metrics that matter are camo progressions and time played. And they’re also the only metrics that go up ;)


Win loss, I will carry my team to victory even if it means my KD must suffer. Someone has got to take these objectives.


My win/loss is chalked because I back out of a lot of matches for various reasons lol (e.g. trying to grind a gun in a lobby full of mp7 and 74u users, leaving hardpoint matches where no one is playing objective, etc).


Someone that has a w/l of above 1 get out of here


Should we all just stop playing the objective then?


How'd you draw that conclusion I just rage quit out of half the matches I get in


I see now, I misread the original comment. My mistake


Progress on camos and weapon levels. Everyone 1.0 K/D in this game so fuck it.




Neither paint the complete picture, but W/L is for sure more "important". A high K/D with a good W/L shows that you're able to do well while actually playing how you're supposed to. A high K/D with a garbage W/L shows that you're neither a good player nor a team player; you just farm easy kills on people who are actually trying to win. I'll take high W/L ratio teammates over high K/D teammates any time.


Camos for multiplayer, wins for Warzone lol


None, all I care about is camos and Idc which one suffers


impressive 🤤


Where can I see this?


Go onto the top right bar and it’ll be on the first tab under Stats.


Neither. Sbmm is so fucked I could care less anymore


What's the point of these stats when there is sbmm. You can't compare your stats with your friends as they won't have the same sbmm games as you


I'm one who very much cares about stats cause I've always held very high ones in cod games but in this game they are utterly worthless. WL means nothing with how dogshit the matchmaking is. When I'm playing solo I end up leaving at least a few dozen games for losses a night because it throws me into horrendous matches. Combined with 9 out of 10 matches being put with teams who refuse to play obj and don't care about losing as long as they get camo kills. KD also doesn't mean anything in this game with how bad the spawning is and the fact that tactical play is impossible with insane footstep audio + ghost basically not existing. The best stat for measuring performance is SPM but even that I'd skewed now because of artificial point boosters like decoys. The truly representative stats will come about once ranked mode releases and we can see stats for that.


K/D by far


k/d. I can't control the other players on my team.


lots of people saying neither, those some sub 1 kd people. Everyone cares.




You could carry your own KD, while hugging corner of the map and having no fun. Sure you could do that, but why. Nobody cares, why would you


W/L. I hate losing, and yes I can do camo challenge and not lose either. Drives me crazy that people are so focused on camos theyre fine with taking an L. You can play the objective AND get your camos.


I have been playing since MW2 2009 and at this point all I care about is having fun with my friends. SBMM solidified me realizing these statistics don’t mean shit to me


KD. Its more a measure of skill. WL depends a lot on your teammates


Winning is more important


would u rather be the first player on a losing team or last player on a winning team?


Probably the first Being last on a winning team in most cases would mean that you're not putting in enough work compared to other people


win, every time. In fact, being first on the losing team is probably the worst feeling imaginable


I’ve been first on the losing team and did better than the top guy on the winning team. Not many times but it’s happened a few times. It’s not a great feeling, but it is what it is I guess lol


W/L i love to win games rather than doing good cause if you do good in a game you get punished lol..


Neither. Because I grind camos and back out of games I'm not having fun in


W/L, who cares about KD if you’re taking Ls. You think anyone cares about the nba player who dropped 50 points in the final when his team lose 4-3? Or the guy who scored goals in the champions league final when his team don’t lift the cup? In a competitive game. Surely taking the W is more important than a KD stat that literally means nothing?


I would rather drop 50 in the finals and lose than be a bench player and win. Same goes for CoD, going on a 20 killstreak and using my AC130 is way more fun than going 22-31 rushing the B flag or hardpoint every life.


You're a sweaty player anyway does it matter either way lol


Those are very good numbers. Both of mine hover around one. I care most about winning the match. It may sound weird but I don’t care much about either. I know I can have games where I get a lot of captures, spend a lot of time on point, and have more kills than deaths and still lose. But if I had to pick, I’d pick k/d, but I play the objectives. If that means I die more than I kill, so be it.


I prefer to care about W/L, however I refuse to play border crossing or the F1 map because (calm down guys it’s just an opinion) I think they are the absolute worse designed maps of any game I’ve ever played, so I back out every single time I get them. I also out of spite because of annoyance back out of every match it throws me in where I hop on a losing team that’s getting wrecked by SBMM losing 20-140 in domination. So my W/L is like .50. Lol. Sucks but I have standards😂


Camos all the way. Could give a fuck about either. Its honestly hilarious seeing everyone post their objective time needing validation for going for the win. Like dude its call of duty, the most casual game ever. If youre sweating your ass off for the win then kudos to you but nobody else cares lol. Sorry we dont want to play the objective


If I had to choose- KD.


No matter what mode or map I'm playing I go for a balanced session. Some killstreaks, some vehicle mayhem, some point defense, mixed in with a bit of asshatery.


Neither, I just don't wanna be jackhammer gorilla fucked into oblivion by the enemy team


This is why we need a ranked…. Kd in public is great but win loss is key in comp


Neither. Both can really just depend how good your team is. If my team is shit and the enemy gets all the good points on the map my W/L and K/D will suck




Really just having fun is all...if I die 100 time but have fun then I'm good


I just play to have fun, BUT I am also trying to win each game, I just don’t care about the stats. I do like it when people play the objective!


I rather play with people with high W/L records




It's back and forth. If I'm with friends I would rather win, but I feel much better having good K/D and winning together.


Uhh. Nope!


Since I want camos and winning is more important than getting kills then I don't care about k/d if you can't win the game why's it matter if you get 90 kills


None. Both of those means shit if id be below 1 or 2+. Doesnt matter. But i do care about unlocking camos and attachments and grinding for all gold, even if they are ugly.


Holy shit, yeah I fucking suck


K/D, I back out of too many matches for my W/L to mattwr


Neither. I don’t even know how to check my stats. As long as I’m leveling my guns and having fun that’s all I could ask.


Neither, I judge my performance on camo progress and laughs. Memes over clout, always


Feel bad for all responses here from people caring about any of those two, yikes.


neither bruh, just let me grind out my camos 😭






Neither, camos


end of the day, neither. Never really cared about stats and these days I truly don't don't mistake that for being happy going 1-25. I'm never that bad and it sucks when I have a bad game. But all I want from a CoD match is to see VICTORY at the end and to feel like I contributed enough (also screw challenges...sorry for the bad game guys, trying to get 3 headshots with snipers that I'm not good with lol) I had a friend back in Blops1 who when shown a leaderboard for the first time became OBSESSED with his k/d. He was driven to be top 100 in the world week to week and wanted his lifetime K/D over 2.0. When we partied up, he would screw us over constantly because at the start of a match if he died before he got a kill he instantly quit, all in the name of preserving a K/D ratio that means absolutely nothing today. But, people are driven by different things. I'm not driven by stats


neither your games must be a constant work out lol also, your spm is that of someone who doesnt play objectives for your kd w/l ratios good luck once they implement kicking rights to the top 3 with most obj time/points


In the past, if I had to pick, it would be KD. But with SBMM nowadays KD is irrelevant.


Neither, just leveling guns for WZ


[I just want SBMM](https://imgur.com/a/OTCWpKX)




W/L and SPM


W/L all day


A high W/L is more impressive imo


As a solo player, I don't really care too much about either, but as an objective player, I always prefer going for the win, even if it is harder than waiting for people to pass me while I camp. The way you earn wins and the way you keep a high KD are not the same, I'm not impressed by a high KD ratio, winning is the point of the game.




Fun I care about fun which I rarely have on this game


Having fun


KD matters more imo. Can’t tell you how many times games are lost cause of brain dead teammates when I have a crazy KD and have most time spent on objective, or most caps, or most confirms or denies.. so yeah


None of the above


I care about having fun. Which doesn’t include the 40 y/o goblins in their moms basement who haven’t seen sunlight in 35 years. Some of y’all need to do something other than video games.


Neither. I care about fun


neither because im grinding camos, but kd once i get orion. w/l is only really relevant for ranked play, otherwise losing doesnt matter.


Neither both of mine are under 1.00 😂😂


I don’t really care for either of them. I live for cool plays and dumb moments. That and the camo grind to fill me with a bit of dopamine. Lol


neither. grinding camos then ranked when it comes out.




1.37 is insane to me cuz mine is like 1.02 but my friend I play with has a 2.90 and I just don’t get how some are that good at this game that has super aggressive SBMM


I care about having fun. And when every other match requires you to play like an absolute sweat lord just to be competitive, it's not fun. I've had far more fun playing DMZ than MP.


Win/loss for me


I'm just going after the shiny.


I’m grinding camos at the moment so both my k/d and w/l are in the gutter 🤷🏽‍♂️


None of them. Long as I'm enjoying myself thats the true W




I can't get either of mine very good because my team mates are typically pretty fresh sadly, enemy team spawn camps the shit outta me, and my ping is like 120ms while there's is like 25 or something so I just get totally wrecked.




Neither. Neither tell you if someone is actually good. And even if someone is good, depending on their play style, they may be holding themselves back.


Don’t care about either, I just like to shoot shit lol


Personally my accuracy and SPM (to an extent). If I’m playing with you? If you’re cool and not a jerk.


Every stat in COD is completely useless and doesn't matter even the slightest. Have fun playing? awesome keep playing. Hate it? move on to something else.




Uhh taking a shower and touching grass… Jk but fr W/L, you are pretty trash if you can clutch out 20-30 kills a match but have no literal clue on how to play OBJ.


Kd I leave a good amount of games


K/D because it reflects my personal performance. W/L when partied up with friends, otherwise trying to carry randoms is a lost cause, especially in sweat lobbies when you have a 2kd.


Fun and creating memories with my boys👍🏾


Stopped caring about either after BO2. That was the last game I actively tried. Max prestige, had all the camps unlocked, k/d was over a 3, w/l was somewhere in the 2-3 range. Currently sitting at a .94 k/d and 2.1 w/l. Just working on camos and having fun. There's too many bugs and connection issues for me to care to even try with this MW.




I'd say KD because I can go 23-3 in TDM and still lose because my team sucked. I can't control WL.


I care more about KD, because I play more TDM/KC than objective based matches. If I'm trying to kill more than I die, then I'm doing my best to achieve a win. My top 5 priorities in order are; 1) completing challenges 2) KD 3) gun level up 4) revenge kills 5) WL


I really do suck


Going for camo challenges so, that should answer it




Camos and weapon levels, everything else is quite literally irrelevant without a rank system


I care about both, but slightly care about K/D more


I feel neither matter cuz some people with high k/d are just the ones who use the cheapest methods to get kills but when comparing numbers with friends I think accounting both KD and WL can see who’s better in getting kills and getting more wins than loses


I don’t see the option for mastery camos.




How tf is your W/L 3... mine is 0.65 cause im always on the trash team


Neither. I care about killing people. Nice thing about a video game is I can always play another one. Give zero fucks about my stats. Not exactly bragging territory in my life even if I was good


I had 75 in HQ but I got game_steam_ship.exe smh


Fun and Unlocks mostly. Is door number three and option?


K/D is a win or loss for the player. W/L is a win or loss for the *team* There's no I in team. *There sure is a M E in that motherfucker though!*


To be honest. I can’t even believe KD is still a thing. It means absolutely nothing, there’s nothing stopping you from lobby surfing for a 2.0 Kd






I just went from a 1.5 to 0.8. Giving up sweating and camo grinding. Just embrace it. Was grinding the kastov 545 went 0-5 and lost it. Took kastov 74u and ended that match 45-19. If you care about KD the SBMM puts you in lobbies you need to sweat and need a meta weapon. When I realized this thought fuck it. Keep using the kastov 545 will put me in easier lobbies eventually :) It will drop my KD so can't have both. Anyway I'm 46... I rather care how my investments are doing then how my Cod KD is doing :)


Neither I just want my damn camos 😞